Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 38 Vampire Touch and Sword Technique to Repel Evil

The dark book of demonic inheritance is still suspended in the darkness. In the altar below, more than 20 black air lines of different lengths are constantly wandering.

After Uchiha Feiyu entered this space, he directly asked a question, can he guarantee that the inheritance given by the Book of Magic will be useful to him?

The book of demonic inheritance in the sky emitted bursts of black light, forming twisted and strange words:

If there is a clear goal when making a sacrifice, ten times the lives of the living beings will be needed.

Uchiha Feiyu was stunned for a moment and touched his chin:

"In other words, if I really want some magic knowledge, I have to spend ten times the sacrifice to get it?"

"And if it is an ordinary sacrifice, it is difficult to say whether the knowledge obtained is useful... just like the method of cultivating silver-scaled vipers at the beginning."

Although it is called the Encyclopedia of Demonic Path Inheritance, based on the experience of Uchiha Feiyu's two inheritances, it seems that any dangerous and vicious technique can be included in this big book.

For example, the methods of cultivating the Spiritual Punishment General and the Silver-Scale Viper. In theory, these two inheritances cannot be called orthodox magic. They can only be regarded as evil kung fu. However, they are still included in this book. This shows that this big book The internal content is probably really all-encompassing and countless.

In this case, most of the knowledge and inheritance obtained by Uchiha Feiyu's sacrifice may not meet his requirements.

"Anyway, let's give it a try first! First sacrifice directly with ten strands of black energy, and then try the explicit sacrifice method."

Ten wisps of black energy disappeared in a flash, the book of demon inheritance shook slightly, and a black light shot into Uchiha Feiyu.

"Vampire's Touch?! Isn't this the necromancy spell in Dungeons and Dragons? Is this even considered a magic spell?"

"Will there be finger of death, lich reincarnation, summoning undead and other spells in the future? Or just change your profession to become a necromancer?"

"But... a spell like Vampire Touch might not be adaptable to the world of Naruto, right? Chakra and mana in the DND world are not the same thing."

The effect of Vampire Touch in the DND world is to cause huge damage to the enemy and convert half of the damage received by the enemy into healing energy to heal yourself. The disadvantage is that it must be in physical contact before it can be used.

Although it is only a third-level spell in the DND world, in the Naruto world, it can be rated as an S-level ninjutsu at least. It cannot be said to be useless. is still a bit difficult to convert this kind of magic into ninjutsu. At least with Uchiha Feiyu's background, it will definitely be impossible in a short time.

Moreover, the vampire touch requires physical contact, and cutting with a knife will definitely not count. Although it is completely different from Uchiha Feiyu's own fighting system, it is slightly difficult to integrate.

"Let's just think of it as a foundation first... you can always use it in the future."

"For now, let's try a sacrifice method with a clear goal!"

With a thought in Uchiha Feiyu's mind, the remaining dozen or so black energy evaporated completely in an instant. The black book of demonic inheritance trembled slightly, and another message was conveyed.

When Uchiha Feiyu made the sacrifice just now, what came to mind was that he hoped to gain a swordsmanship - mainly because the effect of precise sacrifice was only one-tenth, which was equivalent to sacrificing a chuunin-level black energy of death. , and it’s impossible to get anything too good.

And what the Book of Demonic Heritage sent to Uchiha Feiyu was indeed not a good thing - only the move version of the evil-repelling sword technique.

The sword technique to ward off evil comes from the Sunflower Book. It is an evil martial art that requires a lot of effort to practice. After practicing it, the body will look like a ghost, and it is extremely fast. As long as you pass the first level and swing your sword from the palace, you can be in the palace. Learn a lot in a very short time.

It's just that what Uchiha Feiyu got was only the version of the move, which was the kind of showmanship that Lin Zhennan and Lin Ping in Swordsman began to practice.

"Tsk... If you say it's useless... it's not that bad. If you say it's useful... it doesn't seem to be of much use."

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the evil-proofing sword technique with some disgust, and finally decided to let Hatake Sakumo come and see this sword technique, which might inspire him a lot.

After all, Sakumo's White Fang sword technique can be called a high-speed style. Maybe it can be linked with the evil-proof sword technique?

After getting two gains, Uchiha Feiyu directly exited this space and made up his mind:

"I have to cut more people... If I cut more than 200 people this time, I can directly get a more accurate inheritance at the same level as Vampire Touch!"

Vampire touch combines killing and healing. It is also the top S-level ninjutsu in the world of Naruto. Any S-level ninjutsu can create an elite jounin, even in shadow-level battles. All the ninjutsu can be said to be the best moves in the box.

If he really gets some supporting inheritance, Uchiha Feiyu's strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds again in a short period of time, and he will truly enter the quasi-kage level.

In fact, after this period of training, Uchiha Feiha is now in the possessed state of Hatake Sakumo, and can be regarded as a Kage-level ninja, but the weakest kind.

Even without Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Hiba's strength can already be regarded as an elite jounin. Of course, just as the possessed state belongs to the Kage level floor, Uchiha Hiba in the blank state has just entered the entry level. Elite Jonin.

With a good expectation for the future, Uchiha Feiyu left the magic space directly. After more than a month of cultivation, he felt that his strength had reached the peak at this moment, and he was ready to go to Orochimaru for some tasks.

"This time I can be a little more radical. After all, almost no one can threaten my life on the battlefield now. Unless the Fourth Kazekage is crazy and comes to kill me personally, even Chiyo, the puppeteer, has no ability to kill me."

Thinking in his heart, Uchiha Feiyu walked out of the hidden training ground he opened up and walked towards the camp of Konoha. However, halfway through, his expression changed slightly.

"What's going on? Why are there so many strange soul auras nearby?"

Uchiha Feiyu, who has the ability to bind souls and condemn generals, can sense the soul auras at close range. In this sense, he can also be regarded as a perception ninja, but the perception range is very narrow, and the original range that can be perceived is even less than 20 meters.

However, after killing many Sand Ninjas and combining the perception abilities of one of the Perception Ninjas, his perception range suddenly expanded by more than ten times, and he could now sense the soul aura of life within a range of 200 meters.

Now he discovered that some strange soul auras seemed to appear within this range.

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