Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 35: Become a mountain

Having just arrived at the camp, he has obtained the contract of Longdi Cave. For Uchiha Feiyu, this is a good start.

After leaving the command room, Uchiha Feiyu found an open space and began to summon snakes. He first summoned snakes as thick as wrists, then those as thick as buckets, and finally summoned giant pythons that were 20 to 30 meters long and 2 to 3 meters in diameter.

In the end, Uchiha Feiyu found that the intelligence of these snakes, including those 20 to 30 meters long pythons, was not too high. They were a little stronger than ordinary chakra beasts, but the strongest would not exceed a ten-year-old child.

Obviously, this kind of giant snake with low intelligence should be a complete cannon fodder in Longdi Cave. As long as there is no large-scale death in a short period of time, it is estimated that it will not attract the attention of the intelligent giant snakes in Longdi Cave.

Afterwards, Uchiha Feiyu summoned ordinary venomous snakes and large giant pythons one after another, killing them and absorbing their souls.

Despite the huge difference in body size, the soul of a large python is only about one or two times stronger than that of a venomous snake as thick as a wrist. Considering that large pythons should also be at a higher position in the ecological chain in Longdi Cave, the number of them cannot be countless. Uchiha Feiyu finally decided to absorb the souls of ordinary pythons every day.

The soul-controlling ability of the soul-binding general also has a certain limit. After each soul-swallowing, some resentment will be entangled in itself. Uchiha Feiyu can use the power of the Sharingan to dissipate and transform these resentments, but that also requires a process.

This is because the resentment of the absorbed animal souls is far less powerful than that of real humans. Otherwise, the resentment may rush to the brain and become a pure lunatic.

Uchiha Feiyu tried it. He can digest the souls of hundreds of pythons at most every day. This number is a drop in the bucket for Longdi Cave. The number of these pythons devouring each other alone is probably dozens of times higher than the number he digests every day.

And although the soul was absorbed, the body of the python would return to the Longdi Cave and become food for the snakes in the Longdi Cave. In the final analysis, the Longdi Cave did not suffer any loss.

The souls of hundreds of Longdi Cave pythons are enough to significantly improve Uchiha Feiyu's physique and spirit.

As long as he insists on absorbing these souls every day, Uchiha Feiyu is confident that his chakra will increase several times in two or three months. He will definitely have shadow-level chakra in a year and close to tailed beast-level chakra in ten years.

In fact, the improvement of chakra is secondary. The improvement of physical strength and spirit may have a greater bonus to Uchiha Feiyu in the later stage. This essential improvement is enough to make Uchiha Feiyu's life level gradually surpass ordinary ninjas.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Feiyu did not have time to kill and absorb the souls of these pythons, because he had to go on a mission the next day.

"Captain Feiyu, I brought the warrant from Lord Orochimaru. From today on, I am your subordinate."

The door of the tent was opened, and the one who spoke was a ninja in his 20s with blond hair and looked quite calm.

Uchiha Feiyu took the warrant handed over by the ninja, which contained a topographic map. Uchiha Feiyu's task was to conduct guerrilla warfare at the location on the map and kill the four-member team of Sand Ninja.

This is also the norm for fighting in major ninja villages. The flexibility and lethality of ninjas are strong, but their defense is still at the level where they can be stabbed to death by kunai, which is not suitable for large-scale army operations at all.

As for the positional warfare where hundreds of ninjas gather, because the casualties are too heavy, it will only happen at the beginning and end of the war.

At other times, all ninjas are divided into teams, and they fight each other flexibly such as raids, infiltration, intelligence, and guerrilla warfare, constantly removing the enemy's strongholds and killing the enemy's team members until one side can't hold on, and then they will launch the final decisive battle.

The White Fang of Konoha was famous in the entire ninja world because of its extremely high lethality against these teams. The Golden Flash will be better than it in the future. High-speed ninjas can be said to have taken advantage in team battles.

"Tell me your name, your abilities and ninjutsu."

Uchiha Feiyu walked out of the tent with the blond youth behind him and asked as he walked. The blond youth had a calm face and did not look down on the young Feiyu at all:

"My name is Yamanaka Chengyi, a Chunin of the Yamanaka clan. I am good at perception ninjutsu and have a certain ability to telepathize at a long distance. However, my level of mental ninjutsu is not good and I don't have much combat power."

Perception ninjas and contact ninjas are extremely rare talents among ninjas. If it weren't for the fact that Yamanaka Chengyi's own combat power was not even as good as that of ordinary Chunin, he should have become a special Jonin now.

The psychic ninjutsu that this Yamanaka clan ninja is good at is almost all auxiliary, and even the most basic attack ninjutsu of the Yamanaka clan, the Heart Turning Technique, is not well practiced. However, when working with Uchiha Feiyu, it can be said to be just right.

After leaving the camp, Uchiha Feiyu directly led Yamanaka Chengyi into the jungle of the River Country and slowly moved to the location of the Sand Ninja Camp on the map.

Of course, he did not have the courage to attack the Sand Ninja Camp directly, but the closer he got to the Sand Ninja, the greater the possibility of encountering a hostile team. If he stayed near the Konoha Ninja Village camp, he would not encounter the Sand Ninja.

As the two of them moved forward, Uchiha Feiyu was also talking to Yamanaka Seiichi. This ninja from the Yamanaka clan had a calm and calm personality. He did not care about Uchiha Feiyu's age and answered all his questions.

"The current offensive in Sand Ninja Village has calmed down a lot. In the first two months when the war started, hundreds of ninjas would fight almost every few days. In two months, nearly two thousand ninjas were killed and injured on both sides. ”

After listening to Yamanaka Seiichi's introduction to the battlefield, Uchiha Feiyu thought thoughtfully:

"It seems that the Sand Ninja can't hold it anymore now. The so-called one-stop attack will weaken again, and then it will be exhausted. As the attacker did not have an advantage at the beginning, I am afraid the casualties will be more heavy on the other side."

"The captain is right. In the beginning, the Suna Ninja put the blame for the disappearance of the Third Kazekage on our Konoha heads. The offensive was extremely fierce, so the casualties were also very heavy. In those two months, more than 2,000 ninjas were killed or injured, including Sixty percent of it belongs to Sand Ninja.”

Yamanaka Cheng nodded and confirmed Uchiha Feiyu's guess:

"However... because the war happened suddenly, the country of Sichuan has not gone through a solid wall to clear the country, so the Suna Ninja can still hold on for a while."

"It seems... the Sand Ninja Village relied on looting the current Kawa Country to maintain morale and logistics."

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the map in his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face.

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