As a desert-type country, the Country of Wind is not only lacking in products, but its combat supply lines are enough to make any army despair. Thanks to the difference between ninjas and ordinary armies, the Sand Ninjas have some room to take the initiative to attack.

But even if ninjas rely on various ninjutsu and storage scrolls to make logistics and transportation much easier and reduce part of their dependence on logistics, they still cannot change the objective situation that the Kingdom of Wind's logistics materials are insufficient and transportation is extremely difficult. .

However, the country of Kawakawa, which is relatively rich in materials, has greatly alleviated the dilemma of Suna Ninja Village. By directly plundering the country of Kawakawa, Suna Ninja Village's thousands of troops finally did not end up eating grass roots and chewing tree bark.

"In other words, those villages and towns in the Kingdom of Kawa that are rich in materials should be the targets of Suna Ninja Village!"

"That's right, Captain Feiyu. In addition to conducting guerrilla warfare, the team sent by Sand Ninja Village has a more important goal of plundering the entire Kawa Country."

"In that case, let's just sit back and wait! Find the key place for grain production in the country of Sichuan. I believe that Sand Ninja Village will never give up there."

Country of Sichuan, River Valley Town.

The reason why the country of Sichuan is called this is because the rivers in the entire country are developed and the water system is rich. Water is the source of life. The country of Sichuan, which has many rivers, has also very developed agriculture.

As for the most fertile land in the entire Kawa Country, the Valley Town will definitely occupy one of them. There happens to be a river passing through the center of the valley between the two mountains, which brings a large amount of water vapor. Silt also makes the land extremely nutritious.

On weekdays, relying on the fertile land, the villagers in the villages near Hehe Town live a relatively prosperous life. As long as they grow some food, they will almost get a bumper harvest in the coming year. Unfortunately, with the war, the villages and towns with wealth but no force will face Here comes the plunder of the Wind Country ninjas.

These ninjas rushed into the villages around Hehe Town and plundered all the food stored by the villagers. If there were warriors who dared to resist, they were not stingy in rewarding them. In just over half a month, several villages around Hehe Town were destroyed. , they were all looted.

"Sure enough, Sand Ninja Village has many teams here. If Konoha hadn't sent many ninjas here, even River Valley Town would have been broken and looted."

As soon as he arrived in this area, Yamanaka Seiichi had already discovered a lot of chakra reactions. After hearing the reports from his subordinates, Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but sigh.

Konoha ninjas are not idiots. They naturally try to destroy what Suna Ninja Village tries to accomplish. The forces of both sides are intertwined here. There are at least hundreds of ninjas gathered around this river valley town.

"Captain, what should we do? Should we first find the team from our Ninja Village..."

Only halfway through what Yamanaka Seiichi said, Uchiha Feiyu shook his head:

"You don't have to do such troublesome point out the direction and leave the rest to me!"

Yamanaka Seiichi stopped talking for a moment, but used his ability to speak to transmit the chakra direction he sensed through the sensory ninjutsu to Uchiha Feiyu's brain.

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled and drew out his short sword. The lightning on his body flashed and disappeared instantly.

In a dense forest, several Sand Ninjas had set up traps. It looked like several Konoha Ninjas were coming here, with proud smiles on their lips.

The sizzling sound of lightning striking the air sounded, and the Konoha ninjas who were rushing here immediately stopped and looked around.

The several sand ninjas who were ambushing were shocked. One of the ninjas with the ability to sense directly shouted:

"Be careful, an enemy is coming..."

Before he could finish his words, a figure like thunder split the jungle in an instant, and the sword of light, which was as electric as lightning, struck down on the head, and the sand ninja blocking the front was instantly cut in half.

Among the remaining three sand ninjas, one raised his hand directly and released a large number of poisonous needles, but only scratched the afterimage of Uchiha Feiyu. The other sand ninja slapped the ground with both hands:

"Earth Escape...Huang Quanze's technique."

The ground turned into mud and spread. This Yomizawa ninjutsu was the best choice to deal with high-speed ninjas. However, Hatake Sakumo, who is now possessed by Uchiha Feiha, has experienced many battles and is not able to deal with this kind of ninjutsu. The situation had already been dealt with.

A faint electric light spurted out from Uchiha Feiyu's feet. After the original underworld mud came into contact with the electric light, it directly turned into dry land - this is exactly the principle of ninjutsu mutual restraint applied to Lei Ketu.

The underworld swamp only blocked Uchiha Feiyu for a moment and was already broken. Before the ninja who performed the ninjutsu could complete the seal, a sword light had already cut through his throat, blood spurted out, and the ninja's head fell off immediately. down.

Among the remaining two ninjas, the ninja who used the poisonous needle rushed over with his hands open, trying to take the opportunity to hug Uchiha Feiyu. With a clicking sound, the clothes on this ninja's body were torn and stabbed out. Lots of sharp thorns.

There has never been a corpse ninja from the Kaguya clan in the Sand Ninja Village. Obviously, this "ninja" with long thorns all over his body should be a puppet himself.

As for the other sensory ninja, he was retreating to the jungle behind like a gust of wind, trying to escape.

The white light of the short sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand surged and turned into a nearly three to four meter lightsaber. With a single stroke, the puppet that rushed towards him was split into eight pieces.

Then Uchiha Feiyu exerted force on his feet and rushed out from the large pieces of puppet debris. The lightsaber swept across, and with a scream, the fleeing perception ninja was directly cut in half.

At this moment, the puppeteer hiding in the tree trunk was already pale and trembling. Uchiha Feiyu turned his head and saw that the big tree next to him was shaking and making a dongdong sound. He sneered and stretched out his hand to make a seal, and sprayed out a huge fireball.

Amid the shrill screams, a figure covered in fire rushed out from the burning wreckage of the tree trunk. The poor puppeteer ran a few steps and finally died completely. He fell to the ground and left only a pile of charcoal.

"Tsk, he actually killed his opponent with the Great Fireball Technique. I think my Great Fireball Technique must be ranked first among Naruto ninjas."

While joking, Uchiha Feiyu frowned and took two steps back. The smell of burnt protein still emanating from the bodies of the ninjas burned to death by the Fire Release made Uchiha Feiyu, who was killing for the second time, feel a little sick.

He stretched out his hand, and took back the soul light balls that could only be seen by Uchiha Feiyu. At this time, there were bursts of noises from the jungle behind him, and Yamanaka Chengyi came out with several Konoha ninjas.

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