Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 34 Dragon Cave Contract

When Uchiha Feiyu walked into the headquarters, he saw Orochimaru with a serious look on his face, dealing with a mountain of scroll documents.

Most of the thousands of people on the ninja front line were divided into teams of four to more than a dozen people to carry out various interspersed operations. The actual work was far more cumbersome than that of an ordinary army.

Compared with Jiraiya and Tsunade, regardless of personality factors, Orochimaru is definitely more serious and responsible on the front line than those two. It is no wonder that this guy has always been considered to be the best choice for Hokage even if his image is not good.

Hearing the sound of Uchiha Feiyu walking in, Orochimaru raised his head. His pale face, long hair, purple eye shadow, and snake-like pupils instantly reminded people of some kind of cold-blooded animal. Staring at myself.

Fortunately, ninjas in the ninja world are well-informed, so this cold aura is not surprising. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been frightened to the point of weakening his legs.

"Lord Orochimaru, I'm here to report!"

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu didn't care about Orochimaru's gaze, so he spoke naturally. Orochimaru nodded slightly, his voice hoarse:

"I welcome experts like Feiyu-kun to come and support the front line. It just so happens that the front line is most in need of sharp-edged ninjas like you right now."

Uchiha Feiyu blinked, feeling something bad in his heart:

"Lord Orochimaru looks up to me too much. I'm just a young chuunin. At most I have some special skills..."

"Feiyu-kun, there is no need to be modest. The teacher has already written to me and told me that even among the elite jounin, Feiyu-kun is considered the best. Apart from me, Feiyu-kun is probably the strongest on the front line today." "

The third-generation old man sold me out really thoroughly. Does this mean he wants me to use my chuunin salary to fight against elite jounin?

Uchiha Feiyu cursed secretly in his heart, but he had already prepared for it. The relationship between him and the top management of Konoha was not close, but he was also very strong. If he came to the front line, he would definitely be used to death.

I probably wouldn't let myself carry out an important task that was too difficult and looked extremely dangerous at first sight - I was afraid I would just run away, but the firefighters were absolutely determined.

"Lord Orochimaru thinks highly of me. I am only a 14-year-old ninja. I still lack a lot of experience..."

"It doesn't matter. Experience cannot restrain genius. I believe you will adapt to the battlefield soon."

"Well... the key is that I am a chuunin and I always perform tasks that are beyond my level. I shouldn't be very good at that!"

"If you want to become a special jounin, I can directly promote you now. As a theater commander, I still have this small right!"

Orochimaru said with a smile, looked at Uchiha Feiyu's speechless expression, and then spoke:

"Don't worry, the Sand Ninja is not that strong. The only one who can threaten a ninja of your level is the Fourth Kazekage."

"The Fourth Kazekage will be stationed in the camp, so it will be difficult to take action personally. Your safety is absolutely guaranteed."

"Lord Orochimaru understands me quite well."

"The teacher said in the letter to me that your characteristic is that cherishing life is not an incomprehensible behavior."

When Orochimaru talked about cherishing life, the expression on his face was slightly serious. If he was afraid of death, Orochimaru, who was madly pursuing immortality, was no better than Uchiha Feiyu.

"I have read your information and know that you have learned the White Fang sword technique. If this is the case, then your mission is the same as that of the Konoha White Fang, as a sharp knife to harass and kill the combat teams in the Sand Ninja Village. This mission should be very suitable for you. Bar?"

"Give me another reconnaissance ninja, preferably one with large-scale detection capabilities."

"No problem. I can send a ninja from the mountain clan to join your team. Not only can it make up for your weakness in investigation, but the psychic ninjutsu can also help you ask for information and contact the base camp."

"Then thank you, Lord Orochimaru. By the way, Lord Orochimaru, I have a method of breeding venomous snakes. Are you interested?!"

Uchiha Feiyu reached out and took out a scroll, which was exactly the method of cultivating silver-scaled poisonous snakes that he obtained from the Book of Demonic Heritage.

"How to breed venomous snakes?"

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth curled up slightly. As a contractor of Ryuji Cave, he didn't think there was any way to cultivate venomous snakes that was beyond his knowledge. However, out of politeness, he still reached out and took the gift from Uchiha Feiyu. Gift.

After just opening the scroll and looking at it for a moment, Orochimaru was slightly startled, and soon became fascinated. Compared with the chakra pythons he cultivated, the Silver Scale Viper took a completely different path.

More poisonous, faster, more flexible and more deadly!

Not only that, this kind of poisonous king snake that requires many poisonous things to eat each other to finally become a poisonous king snake actually does not involve chakra interference at all. It takes a completely different path. Just by looking at it twice, Orochimaru becomes... I feel like there are a lot of ideas popping up in my head.

However, Uchiha Feiyu certainly did not give Orochimaru a free gift. The entire scroll was only one-third of the method of cultivating a silver-scale snake. After reading the scroll, Orochimaru felt that he was still unsatisfied and looked up at Uchiha Feiyu:

"Well, this gift is indeed very good. What is Mr. Feiyu going to exchange for this gift?"

"I want the contract in Ryūchi Cave!"

Uchiha Feiyu spoke with a slightly excited face. Orochimaru frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, he nodded:

"I can help you make a contract with Longdidong, but your contract level cannot be equal to mine."

"Oh!? What will happen if the contract level is low? Is it possible that the contract will be sealed?"

"That won't happen. As long as you satisfy the desires of those venomous snakes, it won't be a problem even if you call those venomous snakes out to deal with me."

"However, ordinary contract levels cannot summon Longdidong's contract scroll. In other words, except for you, you can't let others make a contract with Longdidong."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded. This restriction was dispensable to him. He didn't want to spread Longdidong's contract. Even he himself only regarded Longdidong as a buffet restaurant.

The deal was reached. Uchiha Feiyu handed over the second half of the Silver Scale Snake cultivation method without hesitation. He believed that Orochimaru would not do such a low thing as refusing to pay.

This is indeed the case. After Orochimaru received the scroll from Uchiha Hiha, he summoned a white venomous snake without even looking at it. The venomous snake opened its mouth and spit out a huge scroll, which was the contract scroll of Ryuchido.

It was in this headquarters that Uchiha Hiha signed the contract with Ryuchido.

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