Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 33 Heading to the battlefield

"You're here, Feiyu."

The Third Hokage smiled amiably, looking at Uchiha Feiyu, the troublemaker, with a kind look.

The Third Hokage had long known that Uchiha Feiyu had injured an Anbu ninja, but the old man obviously didn't care about it.

What surprised the Third Hokage was that Uchiha Feiyu, who was never motivated on weekdays, actually looked a little better this time, and his seriousness was different from usual.

"Hokage, do you have any mission?"

Uchiha Feiyu asked, which made the Third Hokage a little dazed. If the Third Hokage remembered correctly, this should be the first time that the fearful Uchiha asked for a mission.

"Uh... Actually, it's nothing... I just want to ask you if you have any idea of ​​upgrading your ninja level?"

"I heard that when you were on a mission this time, you ran into a team from the Sand Village, Feiyu, and you directly killed their team leader and two team members. According to later investigations, you directly killed a special jonin and two senior chunins."

"With your current strength, it would be a waste to continue to be a gennin, so I plan to upgrade your ninja level. What do you think?"

"After upgrading your ninja level, you can't stay in the team, right?"

Uchiha Feiyu said calmly, and the Third Hokage nodded helplessly. It was impossible to hide this kind of thing from the other party.

"In other words, the Third Hokage wants me to go to the battlefield?"

"Well, the battle between Konoha and Sand Ninja is not as fierce as it was in the early days. If you are interested, you can go there to train."

"With your current elite jonin strength, it is basically unlikely that you will encounter any major danger."

Uchiha Feiyu ignored the Third Hokage's persuasion, but asked directly:

"Now, the leader of the ninja army against Sand Ninja should be Lord Orochimaru!"

"Yes, it is Orochimaru."

The Third Hokage was a little surprised by Uchiha Feiyu's question. After getting the answer, Uchiha Feiyu nodded and said:

"In this case, there is no problem in participating in the war. When will we set off?"

Uchiha Feiyu's straightforwardness caught the Third Hokage off guard and made him hesitate.

This kid is so active, does he have any ideas? What if the Uchiha in front of him made great contributions on the battlefield? Will it have an impact on the current power distribution in Konoha?

Although Uchiha Feiyu has no roots in the Uchiha clan or in Konoha, after all, he is also surnamed Uchiha. If he really shows unparalleled strength and earns great reputation, the possibility of the Uchiha clan joining him is not small.

After all, Uchiha Feiyu is young and full of talent, plus his surname, all of which are on the attention of the Third Hokage, so it is not surprising to have such an idea.

But just because of this suspicion, it is undoubtedly irrational to hide the combat power of an elite jonin in the war. Not to mention that according to Uchiha Feiyu's previous personality, if he really has the idea of ​​hiding, the other party will probably go with the flow and will not be able to contribute in the entire war.

Thinking of this, the Third Hokage nodded:

"I didn't expect that Feiyu, you are quite active this time. After you rest for two more days, set off with the team supporting the front line the day after tomorrow."

"In addition..."

The Third Hokage smiled and took out a Chunin vest:

"From now on, you are a Chunin!"

After saying goodbye to his team leader and two companions, he had a farewell dinner. Three days later, Uchiha Feiyu, wearing a Chunin vest, joined the Konoha team supporting the front line.

The whole team is not large, with only more than a hundred people in total, and the ninja itself does not advocate large-scale combat.

The leader is a Jonin, and there are two special Jonin as the team's deputies. The Chunin is already a middle management level, with a total of ten people. As for the Genin team of nearly a hundred people, they are all experienced adult ninjas.

Until the time of desperation, Konoha will obviously not send young ninjas to the battlefield. Everyone understands the principle of killing the chicken to get the eggs.

Generally, unless they are extremely talented, ninjas under the age of fourteen at the beginning of the war will mostly do some logistical work and will not enter the front battlefield.

Everyone is a ninja, a team of more than a hundred people, began to advance silently, and it took almost a day to reach the front line of Konoha.

The place where Konoha and Sand Ninja are fighting now is not in their own country, but in the River Country. The small countries between the big countries are originally buffer zones, and they will inevitably become battlefields during the battle.

So it seems that the hatred of small countries like the Rain Country against big countries is justified. After all, every time a war breaks out, the big countries lose their ninja reserves, and the small countries are almost directly destroyed.

The front-line position has a very familiar name-Kikyo Mountain. Uchiha Feiyu vaguely remembers that there was such a battle of Kikyo Mountain in the previous life of Naruto, and the victory was also on the Konoha side. At least there is no need to worry about the tragic battle with the Rock Ninja.

In the war with the Iwagakure ninja, Konoha was really exhausted. If it weren't for Minato Namikaze's Flying Thunder God to save the situation, all the ninjas on the front battlefield would have been wiped out. Even if they won in the end, only one ninja would have survived. It was extremely tragic.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu is now very short of lives to sacrifice and wants to collect some souls, he will not be crazy enough to participate in such a battle.

After arriving at the front camp, the leader of the jonin and two special jonin went to report to the front-line commander Orochimaru, and the ordinary chunin and genin were simply dispersed and assigned.

Uchiha Feiyu was still thinking about how to meet Orochimaru, and the jonin who came out of the front-line command center called him directly:

"Feiyu Chunin, Lord Orochimaru asks you to go to the command room!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu's eyes lit up and he went directly to the command center.

He found that he seemed to underestimate the weight of the elite jonin level. After all, in the original work, the strength of most of the fighting parties would not be lower than that of the elite jonin, but in fact, there are very few ninjas of this level in the entire ninja village.

Uchiha Feiyu didn't know that even on the front line of such a battlefield, there were only four ninjas of the level of elite jonin, and this was because the war had just begun and there was more manpower.

In another two or three years, when the other ninja villages take action at the same time and the battle becomes more intense, each front will have at most two or three elite jonins to assist, in addition to the Kage-level commander.

Therefore, even though Uchiha Feiyu is only a 14-year-old boy with only a Chunin title, Orochimaru will personally summon him.

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