Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 238 The Arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates

However, this transfer also gave Uchiha Feiyu some inspiration, and he vaguely understood the cause of the sequelae.

The Devil Fruit abilities taken from Devil Fruit users are not native Devil Fruits, but abilities that have been developed to a certain extent.

After being directly transferred into another person's body, the other person is equivalent to inheriting the development progress of the original Devil Fruit ability user, but his own body and spirit have not kept up with the development progress, so he will suffer from hair loss and his head will be on fire. Weird things like sand secreting in the hair.

In the final analysis, it is similar to the Jailermon who failed to awaken from the animal Devil Fruit. The power of the Devil Fruit overwhelms the physical and mental strength of the person, causing the power to go berserk.

Fortunately, none of the Devil Fruit users transferred by Uchiha Feiyu have developed to the point of awakening, otherwise the consequences will probably be very serious.

At worst, the ability can go berserk and uncontrollable, at worst, the mind and body are directly distorted by the power of the devil fruit, turning into a complete monster.

It is also very simple to eliminate this kind of sequelae. As long as you continue to exercise your own abilities and make your body and mind worthy of the level of devil fruit development, the sequelae will naturally disappear by then.

For example, Usopp's abilities match those of the Wax Fruit. In addition, he has certain scientific literacy and manual skills, and has enough imagination. He has made rapid progress in developing the Superman Devil Fruit, and the flames on his head have become more powerful than before. Much smaller.

There is also the lion niche. What he got is the animal type vulture fruit ability. As niche is a ferocious animal, it is relatively easy to develop the ability of this kind of raptor. In addition, he likes to look like a griffin. Fei Fei also gradually began to master the power of Devil Fruit, and a little fine hair had grown on his neck.

Uchiha Feiyu also discovered this change after carefully observing the two of them after estimating the specific cause.

However, it may be a bit difficult for Ikarem to control the sequelae of his Devil Fruit ability. Shakrok Farr is not a vulture fruit user who can compete with Mr3. The Shasha Fruit is in his hands and has been developed to It’s just one step away from awakening.

It is very difficult to develop natural Devil Fruits, and Shakrok Farr's talent and ambition far exceed that of Ikarem. With Ikarem's ability, this sequelae will probably last a lifetime.

After getting this research result, Uchiha Feiyu was relieved. There was no problem with the transfer of his Devil Fruit ability. After he was ready, he began to study how to get rid of the sequelae of Devil Fruit.

If the sequelae of Devil Fruit could be completely eliminated, then Uchiha Feiyu wouldn't mind eating a Devil Fruit. After all, the similarity between Haki and the magic skills he practices is too low, and the abilities of some Devil Fruits can better bring out magic. The power of gong.

In the following period, although the Sand Crocodile was killed, King Kobra announced his conspiracy, and even the Navy and the World Government revoked this guy's status as a Shichibukai, the uprising in Alabasta did not subside. .

Just as Uchiha Feiyu had expected, without the coincidence in the original work, the Alabasta uprising would not have ended in such an anticlimactic manner, and the battle between the two sides was still in a tug-of-war.

In fact, this is also the royal family of Alabasta, or directly Princess Vivi and her daughter cannot bear to commit massacre. Otherwise, with Ikarem's current strength, coupled with the weapons that Baroque Studio has already prepared to accumulate, , coupled with those elite agents, the rebel army has long been bloody suppressed.

Nature-type Devil Fruits are so buggy. If there are no domineering masters, no matter how many ordinary soldiers there are, there is nothing they can do to defeat the opponent. Not to mention that the rebel army is so poor that they don’t even have a sea tower stone weapon. Facing a strong natural-type devil fruit Only those who were slaughtered.

"But it's good to be in chaos...otherwise, where would I collect the materials for progress?"

Accompanied by a scream, the body of the strong man in front of him quickly withered, and strands of blood energy seeped into the third generation Kitetsu in Uchiha Feiyu's hand. At the same time, a trace of blood nerve mana was generated in his body again, and he began to transform his body.

Although there was no massacre of the rebels, Princess Vivi and Kobra could not watch the rebels attack the city at will. Therefore, Uchiha Feiyu became a firefighter. Wherever there was a war, he would run there. Direct "self-defense counterattack".

In just over half a month, Uchiha Feiyu has already gained a reputation throughout Alabasta, as a massacrer, a feather of destruction, a cold-blooded murderer...

A lot of horrible names have been placed on Uchiha Feiyu's head. There is no way, compared to the kindness of Princess Vivi and Cobra, Uchiha Feiyu wants to improve his own skills and collect more Sacrifice, killing people without any mercy.

As long as there are rebel troops who dare to attack the city, Uchiha Feiyu will kill them all. In more than half a month, he has killed tens of thousands of people. With a lot of blood and lives, His strength has improved significantly, and even the third-generation ghost in his hand is about to evolve into a black sword.

It was precisely because of the massacre of Uchiha Feiha that the uprising activities that were originally in full swing were poured cold water on them, and finally they gradually moved towards peace negotiations.

There is no way, I really can’t beat him! It's not that the rebels never thought of setting a trap to deal with Uchiha Feiyu, but unfortunately the result was that Uchiha Feiyu was killed in a river of blood, adding thousands more dead souls to the progress of the third generation of ghosts.

At the beginning, Princess Vivi and King Kobra were quite critical of Uchiha Feiyu's actions, but every time Uchiha Feiyu acted could be called a "defensive counterattack" defensive battle, they had nothing to say. .

However, as Uchiha Feiyu brutally killed people and the rebels began to have the intention of peace talks, these people understood Uchiha Feiyu's "good intentions" and believed that the long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain, which reduced the situation. Casualties of unrest.

Uchiha Feiyu:? ? ? ...Ah, yes, yes, that’s what I thought! hateful! How come these unscrupulous people are so knowledgeable? Doesn’t this cut off my shortcut to continue practicing?

Alabasta, Rapeseed Port, a shabby-looking naval warship sailed over. What was strange was that the naval warship was flying a pirate flag.

In addition to the popular skull pattern on the pirate flag, there is also a weird straw hat on the skull's head.

"Why is that guy Yan Man always chasing us? If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be lost..."

On the deck of the ship, a long head drooped on the ground, and a rubber boy wearing a straw hat was talking with a bored expression.

"Hmph, I said at the beginning that we shouldn't go in this direction. Otherwise, we should have..."

"It should have sunk to the bottom of the sea a long time ago. You must be aware of your level of idiot! Damn the green algae head!"

Before a certain three-sword swordsman finished speaking, the blond chef couldn't help but complain. The blond chef with curly eyebrows looked exhausted at the moment. God knows whether the idiot captain accompanying him and this idiot went out to sea. What a cheating thing.

These three people are naturally the three main members of the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy the idiot, Zoro the idiot, and Sanji the idiot.

Although the main force is still there, the navigator Nami was poached by Uchiha Hiba in advance, and the all-purpose substitute Usopp, who did almost all the chores on the ship, was also directly captured by Uchiha Hiba, leaving these three people on the entire ship. As a troubled child, you can imagine how "colorful" their journey has been.

Sanji is a little better. As long as he doesn't see beautiful women, there will be no chance of getting sick. However, Luffy's lack of brains and Zoro's ignorance of the road will really kill him in the sea. No. Nami, the invisible captain of the Straw Hats, took care of the overall situation, and there was no Usopp to fill in the gaps. This group of people almost disappeared directly on the Grand Line.

If they hadn't been lucky and met a "noble person" later, they would have been feeding fish on the seabed by now.

"Finally arrived!! Straw hat kid!! Green algae head kid!! Curly eyebrow kid!! I never want to see you guys again!"

A somewhat manic voice sounded, and then a pirate dressed as a clown with a red nose walked out of the cabin with a happy face, turned his head to look at the three Straw Hat Pirates, and shouted loudly :

"Let's go our separate ways from now on!! From here, I will reorganize my Bucky Pirates..."

Yes, the so-called noble person met on the Grand Line is naturally Bucky the Clown.

As a pirate who was also hunted by Smoker, Bucky also suffered heavy losses in Rogue Town. He finally managed to get a boat to escape, but on the way he happened to meet Smoker the Smoker who was chasing the Straw Hat Pirates. The ship was easily sunk, and in the end, he was rescued by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Although Bucky the Clown was a pirate with a greedy, cruel and cunning character, he had sailed with the Roger Pirates at least, so at least he could not be called despicable and shameless, so naturally he would not be able to repay kindness with enmity.

In addition, there was a smoker chasing after him at the time. In the end, the clown Bucky unilaterally reached a settlement with Straw Hat Luffy, saying that when everyone was on the same boat, they could help each other and he would help them enter the Grand Line. After getting rid of Smoker, he can then settle the score between the two of them.

Although Straw Hat Luffy didn't understand it at all, he just thought it was cool to have a circus clown join the pirate group...

Of course, Bucky the Clown is actually doing well in the Straw Hat Pirates. Apart from having to wipe Luffy's butt as a nanny on the voyage, which is a bit tiring, he also vaguely feels like he was above the Roger Pirates before.

After all, Luffy's personality charm is still good. After staying on the same boat for such a long time, the clown Bucky no longer hates Luffy, but he still wants to find the treasure and is unwilling to sail on the same boat with Luffy.

"Eh!? Zoro, look, look at that ship, is that our Golden Merry?!"

Before Bucky the Clown finished speaking, Luffy had already shifted his attention, stretched out a finger, pointed at a sheep-head sailboat, and spoke with a surprised expression on his face.

"It's really the Golden Merrie...which means those people are here too!"

Sauron reached out and touched his three knives, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face:

"They tricked us so badly and even captured Long Nose... We must not let those guys go this time!"

"Let's go! Go get our ship back first!"

The current Straw Hats are much worse than the original ones in other aspects, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the three main forces are all intact. Each of the three is bolder than the other, and they attack Golden Meili aggressively without saying a word. Number.

"What do you guys want to do? You want to kill yourself! Did you know this is the ship of the royal family of Alabasta?!"

Just when the three of them came to the Golden Meili and were about to board the ship, a group of port guards rushed out and surrounded them. They all looked at the three of them with angry faces, and the swords, guns, swords and halberds in their hands were all pointed at them. indivual.

"Oh!? A ship of the royal family of Alabasta? Could it be that we got the wrong ship?"

Luffy scratched his head and asked a little naively. Sanji took a puff of his cigarette and frowned:

"How do I know? I have never been on this ship... but judging from its appearance, it should be the same ship you sailed to the restaurant on the sea."

"This is the Golden Merrie! I won't admit it!"

Zoro looked at the Golden Merli up and down and nodded:

"Look at the deck on the left side of the ship. I made some footprints there when I was exercising."

Among the Straw Hat Pirates, Zoro is the hardest working one. Compared to Luffy, a captain who only improves in battle, and Sanji, who loves cooking more than fighting, Zoro has never He never gave up the opportunity to train himself, and had to carry out thousands of sword swing training with giant barbells every day.

Over time, some footprints were dug out in the place where he often exercised, which became evidence for him to identify the ship.

"What? It's obviously our Golden Meri. Could it be that guy Uchiha Feiha sold this ship to Alabasta?"

Luffy scratched his head, and finally decided not to think anymore. He looked at the guard in front of him and shouted loudly:

"Get out of my way quickly, otherwise, I'll beat you away!"

"This guy actually dares to call Mr. Wang that..."

"Catch them! They must be part of the rebel army! They must be pirates called by the rebel army!"

Luffy's words had quite a violent effect. Soldiers came over with guns and knives to support, and soon surrounded the entire Straw Hat Pirates. Luffy shook his fist and was about to take action, when Zoro suddenly slapped his shoulder.

"Calm down... I have nothing to say to these soldiers. Let's go get some information first!"

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