Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 239 Solving Alabasta’s Problems

In the end, the three Straw Hats did not go directly to snatch back their pirate ship. On the one hand, it was protected by guards, and the Straw Hat Pirates did not want to have a dispute with them. On the other hand, they had no chance to go to sea now that they had snatched the ship.

After all, in addition to the ship, Luffy will not forget that his companion Usopp was also captured. Compared with the Golden Merry, it is more important to rescue his companion.

And Zoro and Sanji were also a little concerned about what those guards said, such as prince husbands and the like... It sounds like Uchiha Feiha is doing well in Alabasta? Should I marry a princess or a queen?

After getting rid of the entanglement of the guards, before the Straw Hat trio could inquire about the news, someone had already come to the door.

"Are the three of you enemies of Uchiha Feiyu? If you want to cause trouble for him, maybe we can help!"

Several sneaky figures wearing cloaks appeared in front of Luffy and came directly to cooperate with them.

"Who are you? Why did you come to us?"

Sauron frowned and asked a little suspiciously, and the cloaked men immediately answered their questions:

"We are the resistance forces of Alabasta. As for why we are looking for you? Of course it is because we all have a common enemy!"

Uchiha Feiyu was not aware of the contact between the rebels and the Straw Hat Pirates. After Alabasta gradually entered a state of negotiation, he had already changed the target of killing.

He has targeted the nobles and officials of Alabasta for murder!

As mentioned above, it is not just the Sand Crocodile that Alabasta is in its current state. It can even be said that the Shichibukai dancing fan plan has always been just a trigger. Alabasta is in its current predicament because of its decadent aristocracy.

Princess Weiwei's father, Kobra, was a very kind king, but that was all about kindness. It cannot be said that he had no tricks, tactics, and state-governing strategies. It could only be said that he was a complete mess.

Although in the poor world of One Piece, Kobra has been called a "wise warrior" and is much stronger than Valpo and humanoid planets such as the Celestial Dragons, it is obvious that Alabasta's problems also go beyond this. Guys handle the power.

After all, Alabasta has a huge land area and can be called the largest country in the Grand Line. Its standing army alone has a full 600,000 people - in comparison, for example, Valpo's Drum Country has less than 600,000 citizens combined. 60,000 people, or at most a few hundred thousand people in Dressrosa occupied by Doflamingo.

It can be said that Alabasta is one of the most difficult countries to manage in the entire Grand Line. The country's harsh desert environment, large land area, large population, and solidified classes have made Cobra helpless even when his hair turned gray.

But for Tobi Uchiha, this is not difficult. He has no political level and no ability to solve the Alabasta problem through political means - but he can directly solve the people who caused the problem!

In an extraordinary world like One Piece, if an individual is strong enough to a certain extent, it can completely make up for his own wisdom and political ability.

After all, the so-called ultimate political method is naked violence. In the ordinary world, people must gather to form a more powerful violent group, so rulers must have certain tactics.

However, in this extraordinary world, Uchiha Feiha alone is equivalent to the most powerful violent gang in Alabasta. In addition, with Princess Vivi's fiancé and the great righteousness of Alabasta's successor, flipping the table is simply easy.

Since most of the country is desert and only the oasis areas can be inhabited, Alabasta adopts a system that is close to enfeoffment.

For example, Rainland can be said to be Shakrok Farr's personal city, and the money and taxes collected have never been handed over to the Kingdom of Alabasta. In fact, there are many oasis cities like this that are close to separatism. Alabasta The oases that the royal family can directly control are less than one-fifth of the entire country.

However, when the rulers of these oasis cities plundered the people, they would all use the name of the Alabasta royal family, so in the end the people's grievances were concentrated on the Alabasta royal family.

In addition, the problem of officials in Alabasta is not small. After hundreds of years of inheritance, almost all officials here have become family inheritance systems. The resulting corruption and official protection have formed a large network, which is constantly spreading. This country sucks blood.

Uchiha Feiyu first carried out a general purge among the officials in Alabasta. The method was also very simple. He led Golden Week to hypnotize the officials one by one. Facing Golden Week's paint brush, these officials had no clue at all. The power of resistance is to reveal everything I have done.

Then there was the unscrupulous slashing and killing. Anyway, he was a gun himself and didn't care about the resistance of these pens.

As for the problems such as the collapse of order after killing the officials - a kingdom like Alabasta, which has been peaceful for many years, doesn't have much else, except that there are many people who can serve as officials! A large number of officials can be selected at will.

During this period, officials who were executed could be seen here in Albana every day. Uchiha Feiyu strictly followed the laws of the Kingdom of Alabasta and dealt with all issues strictly.

Although Cobra is a kind king, it does not mean that the laws of the Kingdom of Alabasta are kind. In fact, the laws of any country in the pirate world are inhumane, but they are very lenient.

What is lenient law? That is the result of the handling, which all depends on the mood and thoughts of the person who enforces the law.

It can be severe or make a big deal out of a small matter, and once it is severe, the result is basically beheading.

Almost every day, Albana has to push out the bodies of more than a dozen officials. Although Cobra and Vivi are kind, under the hypnosis of the Golden Week, the charges written by those officials also make the two have nothing to say about Uchiha Feiyu's actions.

Although this method of massacre is rough, it is also the fastest way to solve problems such as class solidification and official corruption. According to Uchiha Feiyu's standards, he killed about 70% of the officials in Alabasta, as many as thousands of people.

But at the same time, the money obtained from the confiscation of property is almost equivalent to Alabasta's tax revenue for more than ten years, not to mention the many fixed assets that occupy a larger share. To be honest, when seeing the results, even Cobra and Princess Vivi wanted to drag those officials out and chop them again.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu's reputation in Alabasta is even more terrible now. In the past, only the rebels shouted what slaughterer and the feather of destruction, but now even the nobles of Alabasta know that this is an out-and-out killing god!

"Well... the problem of officials has been solved. With a lot of money to fill the treasury, plus a lot of state-owned assets that have been recovered, Alabasta can breathe a sigh of relief."

"The next problem should be those separatist nobles. At that time, I will bring a few members of the Baroque Works to send some warmth to the door and check the work of these nobles. I believe that power will be centralized soon."

Uchiha Feiyu, sitting on a chair, looked at the information in his hand and was slowly analyzing it. Opposite him were Princess Vivi and her father King Cobra.

The king, who was known for his kindness in the original work, had a complicated look on his face at this moment, and whispered:

"Do you want to continue killing people? The situation in Alabasta has improved a lot now, right?"

"If you are willing to wait until Vivi reaches your age, and then launch a large-scale rebellion and repeat what you did today, then you can indeed stop now."

Uchiha Feiyu said lightly. In fact, these separatist nobles are much more harmful than corrupt officials. Even among the Alabasta rebels, there are shadows of these separatist nobles.

After all, even if the rebels can kill the Alabasta royal family, it is almost impossible to defend this country. You must know that this world has a world government.

At that time, those separatist nobles will naturally jump out, directly expel the rebels, and receive the fruits of victory...Anyway, in this extraordinary world, as long as the bottom line is released, it is too easy to deal with pure rebels.

The root cause of the rebellion is that the people in the country can't survive. In the final analysis, it is the problem of insufficient resources and unfair distribution in Alabasta.

Uchiha Feiyu's killing spree certainly solved part of the resource allocation problem, but at the same time, there are still a lot of resources in the hands of those separatist nobles, and they have not been distributed to ordinary people.

With the resources and population that Alabasta now has, the uprising will be quelled and peace will come. In a few decades, there will definitely be new uprisings due to population explosion, resource reduction and other issues. In the final analysis, these separatist nobles occupy too many resources.

Hearing this, King Cobra's face changed and he gritted his teeth:

"Then I'll leave it to you, Feiyu!"

"I'm really sorry, it's because of my incompetent king that you and Vivi have been under too much pressure, and even your reputation..."

"Reputation is meaningless. When we grasp the righteousness, the navy will not want me because of my reputation anyway. It's better to be able to deter nobles and officials."

Since ancient times, most of the wise and powerful emperors in feudal dynasties were tyrants in the eyes of ministers, and they killed people without mercy. In the eyes of these true wise kings, deterrence is the most important thing.

Moreover... these separatist nobles are not like ordinary officials. They have many armies under their command. Now that the rebels have the idea of ​​peace talks, they cannot kill them at will. Uchiha Feiyu can only focus on these separatist nobles and their armies.

"Well... maybe you are right! Blind kindness does not seem to be able to govern the country well."

"Perhaps your iron-blooded methods will be more helpful in governing the country. With Weiwei, you two can complement each other. In this case, I have no regrets in handing the country to you."

Cobra smiled bitterly. It was not until Uchiha Feiyu tortured all the information of those officials that he knew how rotten his country was.

Before that, although he had a vague understanding in his heart, because of his blind kindness, he did not pursue the behavior of officials, which led to the officials and nobles becoming bigger.

"Whether it is kindness or iron-bloodedness, the most important thing is to hold on to your strength! Father-in-law, if you really learned from me before, you would have "fallen into the water" long ago."

Although the people in One Piece are not very smart, they have a lot of martial virtues. To survive here, you just need to have enough brains, not too smart, but you must be strong, otherwise you might die into scum at any time.

"Haha, you are right, Alabasta... is indeed too weak."

"Okay, don't waste time, Princess Vivi and King Cobra, you should just negotiate with the rebels and try to appease them first. As for me, I should go and continue to chop people!"

King Cobra and Princess Vivi are obviously the royal family of this country, but the real decision maker is Uchiha Feiyu, and from the expressions of the two, they are willing to do so.

This is not only because of Uchiha Feiyu's strength and kindness, but more because Uchiha Feiyu's approach has indeed solved Alabasta's long-standing problems.

After assigning the tasks, Uchiha Feiyu did not waste time and went directly to the oasis of the mission target. There are now more than a dozen noble separatist forces in Alabasta, large and small. At the same time, these noble forces have formed gangs and formed three leaders.

Since he was ready to take action, Uchiha Feiyu started directly from the strongest noble separatist force. There is nothing to say about this - there are basically no strong people in Alabasta, even the strength of the royal family is just that, only two animal-type devil fruit ability users can show off, let alone these nobles.

Anyway, just capture the nobles, hypnotize them during the Golden Week to get the crime, and then kill them indiscriminately. In just over a week, those nobles and their loyal subordinates were all dead, and Uchiha Feiyu had tens of thousands more dead souls in his hands.

These dead souls are basically well-trained soldiers or guards, which brought Uchiha Feiyu more blood and energy, and also made his body evolve more towards Shura. Both his physical fitness and the armed color domineering in his body have been greatly improved.

Even the Sandai Kitetsu in Uchiha Feiyu's hand was completely turned into a black sword in the constant killing. However, unlike ordinary black swords, the final color of this sword was pure dark red, as if it was a ball of solidified blood.

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