Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 237 Transfer of the Sand-Sand Fruit

The capital of Alabasta, Albana.

Uchiha Feiyu carried a huge package on his back and walked into this city. As the capital of a country, it looked quite prosperous. Although it was not as good as Yudi, it was much better than the other cities he saw along the way. .

However, people here came and went in a hurry, with a bit of fear on their faces - although the Sand Crocodile was defeated, the problem in Alabasta was not solved.

The so-called rainwater problem caused by dancing fans and the oasis city flooded by sandstorms caused by Shakrok Farr are indeed major problems faced by Alabasta today, but they are not the fundamental problem of Alabasta.

The solidification of classes, corrupt bureaucracy, and numerous ills in the 800 years since the founding of the country are the most fundamental reasons why Alabasta is in the current situation, and these cannot be completely solved by killing a sand crocodile.

If nothing else, there are still a lot of rebels here in Alabasta! Cobra can't pull out the Sand Crocodile and tell the rebels that these are actually the Sand Crocodile's conspiracy. There will be no more incidents of dancing fans in the future. Everyone should go back to their homes and find their respective mothers!

Even if he said this, the rebels wouldn't believe it! As for the weather becoming normal again and normal rainfall starting again?

Even without dancing fans, many people in Alabasta would be unhappy. The dancing fans incident was just the straw that broke the camel's back!

What's more, everyone has revolted. If you tell me to go home again, isn't that a joke? What if this king is trying to settle the score? By then, these people will really have no power to resist.

In the original work, it was because the sand crocodile itself jumped out and became the target of the rebel army and the king's army, attracting all the hatred, so in the end the war did not completely break out. This condition is not available now.

So today's capital of Alabasta is still under the threat of the rebels. It's no wonder that the civilians here can feel at ease.

"Stop, who are you? What is that thing on your back?"

At the gate of the palace, two guards looked at Uchiha Feiyu who was walking over, showing alert expressions, and their eyes were still staring at the big package behind Uchiha Feiyu from time to time.

Although Alabasta's royal family is relatively close to the people, they will definitely not let down their security at this juncture. These soldiers are now highly nervous and looking at Uchiha Feiha up and down, they almost think of him as a terrorist.

"Wait a moment, I called Mr. Feiyu here, let him come in!"

Just then a crisp voice sounded, and Princess Weiwei, who received the news, hurried over.

"Hey, you changed your outfit and you look really good, Weiwei."

Uchiha Feiyu looked at Weiwei, who was finally dressed like a princess, with a smile on his face:

"I brought you a nice gift. By the way, how are the guys at Baroque Studio doing now? Are they obedient? Do you need me to give them a beating?"

"Don't worry. Sister Robin easily controlled the members of the Baroque Working Group. I think she can conquer the Baroque Working Group by herself even without my help."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded, not surprised by the news.

In fact, the real work of Baroque Co., Ltd. is basically done by Robin. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the real boss of Baroque Co., Ltd. In addition, whether it is killing crocodiles or Mr. 1, both have been taken away by Uchiha. After Yu is killed and there is no obstacle, Robin will conquer Baroque Studio, which is the normal development.

"In that case, that's fine. Although there are no strong people in Baroque Studio, the devil fruits of those people can still have some effect if used properly."

Excluding Sand Crocodile, the only person in Baroque Co., Ltd. who can be called a strong person is Mr. 1, who was chopped down by Uchiha Feiha. Among the remaining people, there is only the imitation of the ladyboy Xiao Feng. The fruit works well and can play a big role in certain situations.

As for the remaining agents, their strength is only the same. It cannot be said that they are useless, it can only be said that they are of little use. On the frontal battlefield, even if they face the rabble like the rebels, they will have no effect. Not much good effect.

"Very well... let's go inside first. I can't take out the gift in public."

Uchiha Feiyu gestured to the package behind him and looked at the huge package. Princess Weiwei clearly thought of something, her face changed slightly and she looked happy.

Then she took Uchiha Feiyu into the palace. The two guards looking at the door looked at each other and went back to look at the door honestly.

The royal palace in Alabasta has been repaired for 800 years and covers a large area. Princess Weiwei took Uchiha Feiyu for a walk before coming to a palace, opened the door and walked in.

In the room, there were several members of the Golden Merry, Usopp who was studying some messy items, Nami who was watching the chart drawing, and Robin who was reading a book.

When they heard the door open, these people raised their heads and saw Uchiha Feiyu walking in. Robin and Nami both had smiles on their faces. Robin was the first to speak:

"Captain, it seems you have completed your mission? How is Shakrok Farr's situation now?"

Uchiha Feiyu directly placed the package behind him on the ground, opened it, and a bloody figure suddenly appeared in front of Robin.

"This is……"

"It's Shaklockfar! Feiyu, you actually captured him alive!"

Princess Vivi couldn't help but scream, with a mixed expression of surprise and joy on her face. Robin sighed softly and looked at his former boss with a complicated look in his eyes.

Robin had a relatively happy life under Shaklockfar. Although the two had different values ​​and would definitely go their separate ways in the future, Shaklockfar did not treat Robin badly at all when they were in the Baroque Studio, which made Robin feel a little guilty.

Of course, this guilt was only a little bit. Robin knew in his heart that Shaklockfar and himself were just using each other, and the guilt would be over after that.

Princess Vivi looked at Shaklockfar, who was unconscious on the ground and looked embarrassed. She gritted her teeth and picked up her peacock feather. She pulled Shaklockfar's shoulder. With a bang, a large cloud of sand mist burst out from Shaklockfar's shoulder, and it returned to its original state after a moment.

"It's Crocodile... Feiyu, how did you beat him like this? Isn't he a natural devil fruit user?"

"This is about the system of Haki, which is a power that can counter devil fruits. If the natural system is really invincible, Crocodile wouldn't have to escape from the new world in such a mess."

Princess Vivi nodded gently. She didn't really care about Haki, but she was just curious and asked a question.

"Okay, the reason why I brought this guy here alive instead of just taking a head is for this guy's devil fruit. Vivi, do you want the ability of the Sand-Sand Fruit?"

Hearing this, Princess Vivi was stunned. She said with a surprised look:

"The ability of the Sand-Sand Fruit? Give it to me?"

After such a long time of hanging out, Princess Vivi naturally knew that Uchiha Feiyu had the ability to extract devil fruits. She even saw Uchiha Feiyu extract Mr. 3's candle fruit ability and gave it to Usopp.

But whether it is Nami's Slippery Fruit, the lion's Vulture Fruit, or Usopp's Candle Fruit, none of them can be called a powerful fruit.

However, the Sand-Sand Fruit is different. Even among the natural series, the Sand-Sand Fruit is considered a very powerful devil fruit. Whether it is the ability to stir up a sandstorm or the power to drain the enemy's body, it is much stronger than ordinary devil fruits.

It can be said that this devil fruit is second only to the powerful fruits such as the Blue Dragon Fruit, Magma Fruit, and Tremor Fruit in the first echelon in the entire ocean, and it can be ranked at the top in the second echelon.

This devil fruit can be sold at least 20 to 30 billion Baileys in any auction house, and it can even be said to be in short supply.

The upper limit of the natural devil fruit may not be as good as the fantasy and superhuman series of the same level, but the lower limit is much stronger than those two devil fruits. Just an elementalized and increased range attack is enough to ignore ordinary miscellaneous soldiers.

For most of the noobs with little potential, it is better to eat a natural devil fruit, at least there is a guarantee, rather than betting on getting a powerful fantasy type and superhuman type to reach the top of the world.

Princess Weiwei did not even think about such a precious item at the beginning. In her opinion, even if Uchiha Feiyu did not use the Sand-Sand Fruit, he could find a way to use this devil fruit to create a powerful subordinate, instead of giving it to a vase princess with limited potential.

Looking at Princess Vivi's expression, Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin:

"Wait, speaking of which, when I transfer the power of the devil fruit, it seems that there will be some sequelae. The bald neck of Lion Liki and the torch on Usopp's head are all manifestations of this sequelae."

"If this Sand-Sand Fruit also has some sequelae, it will be bad. It's better for you to find a trustworthy person in Alabasta, and I will give the power of the devil fruit to him. Anyway, this devil fruit can only exert its greatest power in this country."

In the eyes of Princess Vivi, the extremely valuable devil fruit is just that in the eyes of Uchiha Feiyu. After all, it is too easy to find a devil fruit ability user compared to finding a devil fruit.

Don't say that before the sequelae of the devil fruit are solved, Uchiha Feiyu will never eat the devil fruit. Even if the sequelae of the devil fruit are solved, Uchiha Feiyu's goal cannot be the Sand-Sand Fruit.

At least it must be a Dark-Dark Fruit, Soul-Soul Fruit, or Vampire Fruit to match Uchiha Feiyu's identity!


When it comes to aftereffects, Princess Vivi finally reacts. Thinking of the bald neck of Lion Liki and the flame on Usopp's head, she quickly shakes her head:

"Forget it, I'd better not eat it!"

To put it bluntly, Vivi is a beautiful princess, not a pirate who is crazy about power. Unless there is an imminent crisis, beauty is more important to her than strength.

She dare not imagine what it would be like if her blue hair turned into sand, or her skin turned into sand-like roughness.

But she wanted to find someone she trusted to use the Sand-Sand Fruit. Princess Vivi blinked her eyes and immediately thought of a certain curly-headed minister who was undercover with her at Baroque Works, Ikarem.

With an idea in mind, Princess Weiwei immediately made a request. Uchiha Feiyu nodded after hearing the words:

"Okay...that guy from Ikarem is willing to accompany you undercover at the Baroque Works. At least he has absolutely no shortage of loyalty."

To be the captain of the Alabasta Palace Guards, one must have some strength, at least he can fight more than ordinary people.

The royal family of Alabasta doesn't have many cards that they can play. Some of them are loyal but not strong enough, some are strong but not loyal, and some have both loyalty and strength, but they have already suffered. Devil fruit.

If you have to choose, Ikarem is indeed the best choice. Although with this guy's strength, he did ruin a powerful devil fruit like the Shasha Fruit, but this is the only choice among the dwarfs. .

Princess Vivi called Ikarem, and Uchiha Feiyu stabbed the unlucky Sand Crocodile to death. The ability to extract the Sand Crocodile was directly transferred to Ikarem. After a while, the ability was completely integrated into his body. in vivo.

" doesn't look like there are any side effects."

Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin and said. Ikarem felt his body and nodded happily:

"Yeah, I really didn't feel any changes on my body..."

However, just as he nodded, there was a swishing sound, and countless grains of sand were exposed from his hair, which immediately stunned Ikarem.

The curly-haired minister quickly took out a comb from his arms and gently combed his curly hair. With a clattering sound, a large amount of sand was combed out of his hair.

After a while, after a while of testing, the group finally came up with the specifics of the sequelae.

Good news - Ikarem's hair didn't turn to sand, so he won't have sand hair, or be bald.

Bad news - Ikarem's hair will constantly secrete impurity quartz particles, that is, it will constantly secrete sand, causing a lot of trouble to his personal life.

But other than that, there are no other side effects of this transfer of Devil Fruit abilities. Moreover, Ikarem also inherited the development progress of Shakrok Darr's Shake Fruit, which directly gave him 60-70% of Shakrok Darr's power. Strength.

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