When Nami got off the dog-head ship and came to the ruined Arlong Paradise, she was still a little confused.

The shadow of her childhood, the monster she had been worried about for so long, the mountain that oppressed the Cocoa West Village, the Arlong who colluded with the navy and claimed to be a high-level species to enslave humans, and the fishmen under him... Just finished like that?

From beginning to end, all this was just a matter of Garp's punch. He easily dealt with the Arlong Pirates. For a moment, Nami felt as if she was dreaming.

It was not until a large group of navy dragged Arlong out of the ruins that Nami came back to her senses and clearly understood that the Arlong Pirates had been completely destroyed.

"Mom... everyone... the Arlong Pirates are finally finished! Everyone finally doesn't have to be oppressed by the Arlong Pirates anymore!"

After shouting excitedly twice, Uchiha Feiyu coughed behind Nami:

"Don't you want to search Arlong Paradise? I remember there should be a lot of Arlong's property there!"

The treasures left by Arlong? !

Nami, who was still excitedly expressing her feelings, heard this and her eyes turned into Bailey's. She didn't care that she was still expressing her feelings just now, and rushed directly to the ruins of Arlong Paradise:

"Get out of the way, let me come! I already know where the treasure room of that guy Arlong is!"

Some navy soldiers who were carefully exploring the ruins were pushed away by the excited Nami, and this little thief cat lived up to his name. He easily found several treasure rooms and turned out a lot of Bailey and treasures.

Looking at Nami rolling around in Bailey and treasure, Uchiha Feiyu shook his head and came to her side:

"Don't be crazy here, this is the navy's spoils of war, not your treasure, why are you so happy?"

Nami, who was rolling in the treasure pile, suddenly stiffened, raised her head, looked at Uchiha Feiyu... and the navy next to him who was staring at her, and showed a sad expression on her face:

"Ah?! This... Can't you give me any of it? After all, I am also a whistleblower!!"

"Don't be silly, give all the money to the navy! I believe Vice Admiral Garp will give the money to the people who were harmed by Arlong."

Uchiha Feiyu persuaded, and after hearing this, Nami stood up listlessly.

Although even if Arlong's treasure was left to Nami, it is estimated that Nami would give most of the money to the villagers of Kokoyasi Village in the end, but seeing a large amount of treasure being moved away by the navy, Nami felt extremely heartbroken and could not breathe.

As for Uchiha Feiyu, he didn't care much about these treasures. With Garp present, he couldn't just drain the fishmen directly, so he could only watch the fun from the side. Especially when he saw Nami's tearful look, he found it even more funny.

The ending happened very quickly. Under Garp's pair of iron fists, even those fishmen with minor injuries and still able to move, none of them dared to stab, and they were all scared by Garp.

After all, one punch wiped out the entire fishman pirate group, and the fist wind directly destroyed Arlong Paradise. In front of such a monster-level strongman, these fishmen who had never seen the world had already been scared out of their wits, how dare they provoke the navy again?

Even Arlong, who was knocked unconscious by Arlong Paradise before he started, didn't dare to say a word when he saw Garp. He wanted to be a heavyweight figure who appeared at the end of Arlong Paradise, but he didn't expect that Garp would blow himself and his base camp away with one punch, and directly pretended to be a clown.

When fighting with Kizaru, Arlong could still convince himself that the opponent was just powerful with his devil fruit, but after seeing this punch from Garp, Arlong felt a little hopeless. Whether it was himself, or that Jinbei, or their former big brother Tiger, what difference would there be in facing this punch from Garp?

With such a powerful monster in the human world, the fishmen will never be able to turn over in this life.

A group of fishmen were handcuffed and stuffed into the bottom of the dog-headed ship like dried salted fish, and were sent to the 16th branch of the Navy, and went to jail directly with Colonel Mouse.

For Garp, killing the Arlong Pirates was just a matter of one punch, but the subsequent finishing took several days.

First, the 16th branch of the Navy was completely combed from top to bottom, and those who should be arrested were arrested, and those who should be warned were warned. After that, the entire 16th branch of the Navy was left with only ordinary marines at the bottom.

Afterwards, these navy officers immediately distributed the treasures looted from the Arlong Pirates to the residents of nearby islands who were oppressed by the Arlong Pirates.

This should have been the work of the 16th branch of the navy, but unfortunately the 16th branch of the navy is now no different from paralyzed, and it is definitely impossible to complete this task.

When everything was done, seven or eight days had passed.

In the early morning of this day, Uchiha Feiyu fought with Garp again, and then after half an hour, he ran out of energy and was pressed to the ground by Garp.

"Kid, you should have awakened your domineering, right?"

Garp shook his fist, feeling that this warm-up exercise was not bad. With a curious expression on his face, he looked at Uchiha Feiyu lying on the ground and asked.

"I felt that when I hit you, the feeling was a little wrong, as if it became a little harder."

Uchiha Feiyu, who was lying on the ground, rolled his eyes. He was now bruised and swollen, sweating all over, and had several bumps on his head. He said helplessly:

"I have been beaten by you with Haki so many times. If I still don't understand anything, then I will become an idiot, right?"

"Who said that? My stupid grandson has been beaten by me since he was a child, but he still hasn't learned Haki."

Garp took out a bag of donuts from his clothes, put them in his mouth, and complained while eating them.

"That's because you didn't tell him about the concept of Haki. Otherwise, with your grandson's talent, he should have learned Haki a long time ago."

Garp shook his head when he heard this:

"Haki is not something that the earlier it awakens, the better. When you are young, physical fitness is the most important foundation. It is more effective to practice Haki when you are an adult."

"Haki is something that hard work will never improve as fast as fighting. When you are young, you are obsessed with Haki and ignore the development of physical fitness. It is actually a very short-sighted behavior."

"After all, even if you have been practicing Haki since childhood, it is not as fast as finding a strong enemy to fight after awakening Haki. And it is impossible to polish your physical strength as easy as Haki. Instead, you must start to hone it from a young age to develop all your physical potential in adulthood."

Garp's words are wise words, and they also explain why he did not teach his grandson Haki since childhood. Naturally, he hopes that his two grandsons will not be distracted when they are young.

In fact, there is obviously nothing wrong with Garp's teaching. Luffy can defeat strong enemies with sit-ups, largely because Garp has honed his physique since he was a child.

Luffy's growth path in the later period is exactly the same as Garp expected. Except for the devil fruit, other training such as domineering is indeed casually practiced, and then a few fights can catch up with those old strong men.

"Tsk, so if you want to practice domineering well, you have to fight a life-and-death battle?"

Uchiha Feiyu raised his hand and clenched his fist. The dark domineering wrapped around his hand, making his entire arm glow like black metal.

"This is nonsense. All domineering strong men have almost experienced many life-and-death battles with strong men of the same level. Otherwise, their strength will not be improved to this level."


Uchiha Feiyu looked at his arm and said lightly, with an inexplicable color flashing in his eyes.

"By the way, kid, I'm leaving tomorrow. I hope I don't see your name on the wanted list."

Garp said, and Uchiha Feiyu glanced at him:

"Don't worry, people like me won't do such low things like Aaron."

Anyway, in this world, Uchiha Feiyu can't absorb blood and souls on a large scale like in the Naruto world. After all, illusions can't be used in this world, and every absorption has to be done by himself. If there are millions of people, he will be exhausted to death.

Since there is no way to go the route of quantity, then we can only go the route of quality, so Uchiha Feiyu is expected to fight with many strong people in the future.

As for the black gas sacrifice...the pirate world is a completely evil and chaotic camp. Even if there is a large-scale killing, as long as there is a name, the navy will turn a blind eye.

But no matter what, with a large number of pirates to practice, Uchiha Feiyu will not target the member countries of the World Government. As long as he doesn't attack the member countries of the World Government, he will not be identified as a pirate.

But whether he will attack the navy in the future is another matter.

After the training was over, Garp did not stay for long and left the East China Sea with his dog-headed battleship. After resting for two days and digesting all the gains from the battle with Garp, Uchiha Feiyu found Nami.

In the orange grove behind the village of Kokoa West, Nami was picking oranges with her sister Nokiko.

In fact, after learning the news of the destruction of the Arlong Pirates, Kokoa West Village had already held a grand banquet, and at the banquet, Nami had already untied her knot and disguise, and was regarded as a hero by the villagers of Kokoa West Village.

This period of time was probably the happiest time Nami had in Kokoa West Village since she became an adult.

"Nami, are you really ready to go to sea?"

Nokiko, who has healthy wheat-colored skin and blue hair with a slight white tint, looked at his sister with a cheerful expression and a bit of teasing.

It was just that her eyes revealed a hint of uneasiness, which showed that the elder sister was not without worries for her younger sister.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to be a pirate. I've even made it to the Arlong Pirates. What else can be difficult for me?"

"Besides, sister, you can see that I'm now a Devil Fruit user. With the Devil Fruit ability, I'm not weak even in the entire East China Sea, okay?"

Nojigo thought of Nami's sudden invisibility ability, strange fast movement, and even the ability to glide on the sea. He had to admit that Nami, who had this ability, was definitely more capable of saving her life than ordinary people.

Moreover... she also knew the process of Nami obtaining the Slippery Fruit, and she was vaguely aware of the value of the Slippery Fruit. Just through observation in the past few days, Nami's incredibly smooth and delicate skin that had been transformed by the Devil Fruit, It was enough to make Noki know the value of this devil fruit.

In terms of strength, Nokigao didn't know much. Being immune to bullets was already magical in Nokigao's eyes. However, Nokigao knew very well about women's pursuit of beauty. If this Devil Fruit, In front of those nobles who are not short of money, it is easy to sell for hundreds of millions of beli.

Uchiha Feiyu directly gave this Devil Fruit, which could be sold for at least hundreds of millions of Baileys and allowed ordinary people to live without worries for a lifetime, to his sister. If his sister suddenly changed her mind and said she would not go on the ship, then It is estimated that the young man who seems to be very talkative has to take a knife to cut from the east end of Kekeyasi Village to the west end!

"Nami, you are here!"

Speaking of Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, Nokigao was still thinking about Nami's partner, the hero who also saved Cocoa Nishi Village, Uchiha Feiyu had already appeared in the orange grove.

"Feiyu, do you want to eat an orange? This orange is very sweet!"

Nami picked a big golden-red orange and threw it directly to Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu reached out to catch it, tore off the orange peel and took a bite. As expected, it was sour and sweet.

"Old Man Garp has left with his men, it's almost time for us to set off."

While eating oranges, Uchiha Feiyu spoke to Nami. Nami blinked slightly and nodded slightly:

"Has Lieutenant General Garp left already? Then we really should go."

"But Feiyu, we don't seem to have any ships... Do we still need to use the small sailboat I had before?"

"Okay, let's use the small sailboat to hold it up for now. Let's go to Rogge Town and take a look. If we see something like a pirate ship, we can just grab it!"

"For the time being, let's be bounty hunters first! In fact, an adventure group can also be used, but the number of people is still a little small and we can't sail a big ship."

Nami crossed her arms, looked at Uchiha Feiyu, and frowned slightly:

"It's so casual. I always feel like your overseas plan was just a random thought."

"Speaking of which, Feiyu, why are you trying so hard to go to sea? Judging from your appearance, you don't want to be the pirate king."

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