Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 215: Sudden Flying Slash

"Dreams don't matter, I just think the sea is so big, I want to see it, and by the way, I can do some heroic deeds, rob the rich and give to the poor."

"Besides... I also want to fight against the masters of the Grand Line to exercise my strength."

It is impossible for Uchiha Feiyu to tell Nami that he actually wants to stir up trouble at sea and kill people to practice. Nami's moral bottom line is only slightly lower, not none. Even this slightly lower level is only compared with modern people. In other words, In the era of great pirates, even if Nami couldn't be called a saint, she could definitely be considered a good person.

But just like money, power and women can be exchanged for career, dreams and love, in other words, Uchiha Fei is also very skillful in using it.

Practicing killing people can be turned into exercising strength, and stirring up trouble can also be said to be a chivalrous act. As for robbing the rich and giving to the poor - this does not mean much to Uchiha Feiyu, but to Nami, a little thief cat, it is enough. Her eyes shone.

Tell me a joke, why does Nami, a little thief cat, like to steal things?

Because when facing the pirate group, it is difficult for Nami to fight alone, so it is not easy to grab it...

If it can be snatched, there is no need for Uchiha Feiyu to take action, Nami will rob the rich and give to the poor!

Anyway, it is recognized that pirates on the sea have no human rights. Regardless of whether Nami is stealing or robbing, there is no way those pirates can go to the naval base to report the crime, right?

"Okay... Anyway, if I want to become the best navigator in the future, I will have to go to the Grand Route. There is no problem in following Feiyu!"

"But you should take it easy. Although you have good strength, there are too many monsters in this sea. Don't provoke any monsters that you can't deal with. I won't be buried with you."

Ever since she saw a certain naval hero's heroic punch of Superman, Nami had already understood the world's top strength. She didn't want the captain she recognized to have a hot head and fight against that completely unbeatable monster. .

"Don't worry, I won't fight those monsters in a short time. I'm not tired of living yet!"

Uchiha Feiyu seemed to agree easily, but there was a hint of greed in his eyes.

The more top-notch ninjas, the greater the temptation for Uchiha Feiyu, whether it is their incredibly huge energy and blood, their souls that are so tough that they are almost substantial, or their destiny in this pirate world. Potentials are absolute treasures.

To put it bluntly, if Uchiha Feiyu can catch Whitebeard like Blackbeard, he will directly gain the top power in the entire pirate world!

All Blackbeard can get is Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, but Uchiha Feiyu can get all the powers of Whitebeard except the Shock Fruit!

Regardless of his own strength, original potential, and his own luck, it is enough to support Uchiha Feiyu to reach the sky in one step and transform into a younger version of the strongest man at the peak.

Even with Uchiha Feiyu's knowledge from the Book of Demonic Inheritance, he can exert even greater strength than Whitebeard who had the Shock Fruit when he was young.

So when Uchiha Feiyu is strong enough, he will definitely conflict with the strongest combat power in these seas, but it will definitely not be now.

Nami could also hear what Uchiha Feiyu meant, and her face suddenly fell:

"I really don't understand you men...why do you have to compete with those monsters?"

"Okay... that will have to be at least two years later. We haven't gone to the Grand Line yet. Who knows what the outcome will be?"

"If I don't have any confidence, I can't go directly to those monsters to seek death. Unless I have reached the level of cultivation and feel that I am at the same level as Old Man Garp, I will not provoke those big pirates."

"hope so……"

After hearing this, Nami breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking back to Uchiha Feiyu's performance, no matter how you look at it, this guy belongs to that kind of insidious and cunning character, not the kind of stupid pirate.

Thinking of this, she felt slightly relieved.

The small sailboat floats on the sea. Although the ship is small, it travels steadily and fast on the sea, as if it is walking on flat ground.

On the deck of the boat, Nami, who had finished adjusting the direction of the sail, wiped the sweat from her forehead and turned to look at Uchiha Feiyu who was exercising.

"Is it an illusion? Why does this guy's skin feel like scales to me?"

In fact, Nami was not wrong. Uchiha Feiyu's body did undergo some subtle changes, and the source of these changes came from his own domineering power.

Before he developed Haki, Uchiha Feiyu could only use some of the most basic techniques among the blood nerves. By changing his own blood flow rate, controlling his own muscle tissue, he could quickly learn the Sixth Marine Style and the return of life, and even perform a certain range of exercises. Optimization.

But after cultivating Haki, Uchiha Feiyu finally had the so-called energy attribute in his body.

Although there is a huge difference in the mana between Haki and Blood Nerve, they both belong to the same kind of energy after all. With this commonality, Uchiha Feiyu can slightly change the nature of some Haki and transform his body.

After the completion of the Blood Nerve, one can cultivate into the form of the Blood God Son, but this does not mean that there is only one killing move like the Blood God Son. In fact, the Blood God Son is ever-changing and has many different forms.

It can even be said that every time the Blood God Child absorbs a life, he can absorb the form of this life, which is quite similar to the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art to some extent.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu has no way to practice the Blood God Child in this world, so he practices the most basic Ashura Transformation in the Blood God, that is, transforming into the most basic Blood Sea Ashura - of course, he certainly can't do this with domineering alone, but he can still do it by absorbing some of the advantages and making his body structure evolve like the Blood Sea Ashura.

Asura has appeared in many different worlds, some of which have various different origins, and this kind of Asura in the Blood God Child naturally originated from the endless blood sea in the prehistoric world.

Compared with ordinary humans, Asura is happy to hear about war, has a very high fighting will and strong physical fitness. In the advanced world of the prehistoric world, even the lowest level Asura is an existence that has stepped into the immortal way.

Although Uchiha Feiyu referred to the body structure of Asura, it is obviously impossible to compare with the real Asura.

However, even if he only got a little bit of the fur of Asura's flesh, it was enough to greatly evolve his physical strength. He couldn't compare to those freaks like the steel balloon immortal body, but without using domineering, it was not a problem to defend against ordinary sword slashes.


After a long breath, Uchiha Feiyu wiped the sweat after the exercise and turned his head to look at Nami:

"Hey, Miss Navigator, when can we reach Rogue Town?"

"It will probably take three days! But we still have to find some supplies on the way. Our ship is too small and there is not much space to store fresh water and food. The orange seedlings I brought from Kokoa West Village are a little wilted."

"Leave the navigation to you. Anyway, I can't understand those sea charts."

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand and spoke directly. Nami frowned slightly and sat down. At his side:

"Captain, when we get a big ship, we can't just let the two of us drive the ship!"

"In addition, the ship is still short of a lot of necessary staff, such as chefs and doctors, which are required on almost every ship."

"It's okay in a small place like the East China Sea, but if you go to the Grand Line, not to mention that the ocean environment there is even worse, it's hard for a small boat to withstand it, and it's an ocean voyage. The distance between islands is less than ten days or half a month. It's not possible for just the two of us."

Uchiha Feiyu was a little distressed when he heard this.

In the world of One Piece, of course, there are those who sail on the sea in a small boat, but basically these people are either at the top of the world or have their own unique skills.

For example, Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman is the undisputed number one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and has personal strength comparable to the three admirals of the Four Emperors. Naturally, he can sit in a small boat and drift around at will.

Then there are Ace and Blackbeard, both of whom were alone in the pursuit, but their strength was originally in the forefront of the second tier, and Blackbeard had a peculiar physique. The single-person boat driven by Ace could be quickly driven by the Flame-Flame Fruit, so he could achieve the feat of sailing alone on the sea.

Uchiha Feiyu did not meet any of these two conditions, and even people like Hawkeye, Ace, and Blackbeard sailed alone on the sea. If they were asked to drag a burden that was no different from ordinary people, they would definitely not be able to be cool.

Uchiha Feiyu remembered that Nami fell ill when she just entered the Grand Line. Although Nami, who now has the Slippery Fruit, may not be bitten by poisonous insects again, no matter what, with Nami's strength, without sufficient medical conditions and rest conditions, it would be dangerous to go to the Grand Line.

"Tsk, first find a cook, then find a doctor, what a hassle... where can I find people?"

Just as Uchiha Feiyu sighed, a sharp flying slash suddenly came from the distant sea and sky, and rushed straight towards their boat.

"Be careful!!"

Nami, who was observing the sea conditions, saw the flying slash coming from afar at the first time. She didn't have much experience yet, so she didn't recognize that it was a flying slash.

However, looking at the momentum of the flying slash that split the sky and the sea, Nami also knew what the consequences would be if her ship collided with it, and immediately reminded Uchiha Feiyu loudly.

Uchiha Feiyu naturally saw the flying slash flying from the sea and sky, and almost without hesitation, the powerful domineering aura wrapped around the long sword in his hand, and then the knife flashed, and it was also a flying slash.

Compared to the extremely powerful Flying Slash on the opposite side, the Flying Slash performed by Uchiha Feiyu was much smaller. The two blade lights collided with each other, causing a huge wave. After a moment, Uchiha Feiyu's Flying Slash was completely defeated, but the remaining Flying Slash also lost its power, deviated from the direction, and flew away by the boat.

"What... is that?"

Looking at the Flying Slash flying away, Nami asked Uchiha Feiyu in a somewhat panic.

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged, waved the long sword in his hand, and said lightly:

"Can't you see it? That's a Flying Slash!"

"Flying... Flying Slash!? That's too big! It looks like it can... it can... it can cut the island!"

"Don't be so surprised. You have already seen old man Garp's fist. Compared with the power of that old man's fist, this flying slash is not a big deal, right?"

Uchiha Feiyu said with a smile on his face and a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The flying slash just now was already at the end of its strength when it came here. Otherwise, it would not have been blocked by Uchiha Feiyu's flying slash for a while.

Being able to easily annihilate the flying slash with all his strength even when the crossbow is at its end, a great swordsman with such strength, coupled with the fact that it is the East China Sea, Uchiha Feiyu immediately thought of a name.

Is the person who took action, Hawkeye Mihawk?

"Let's go, Nami! Turn around and let's go see the fun too!"

Uchiha Feiyu spoke, but received no response for a long time. He turned his head and saw Nami's face with a fearful expression, and her eyes were filled with tears:

"You, you...why are you crazy? Faced with a monster that can perform such a flying slash, you still want to get close to have a look. Do you still want to challenge him?"

"It doesn't matter if you die, but don't involve me!!"

"Who said I was going to challenge?"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes, his face full of helplessness:

"I just want to check out the situation. Since the opponent has used Flying Slash, he must be fighting. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe!"

"Then it's agreed, you can't get too excited and fight this mysterious swordsman!"

"Do you think I'm a hot-blooded person?"

"That's maybe true. The training you had with Old Man Garp some time ago made it feel like you were dying..."

"Tsk...Old Man Garp's actions were indeed a bit ignorant...didn't I see it at first?"

Uchiha Feiyu muttered. When he was training with old man Garp, he was almost beaten to death several times. At that time, he really thought that Garp's training was extreme training. Later, he heard some discussions from the navy and found out that Garp That's really neither light nor heavy.

Garp's men did train a lot of geniuses, but in fact... there were actually quite a lot of marines who died and became crippled after being trained by him, so whether they could withstand Garp's training was already a question in the navy. As a criterion for classifying genius.

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