"Listen everyone, please don't expose yourself in front of Lieutenant General Karp this time... This should only be a small probability thing. Some time ago, Lieutenant General Karp went to Naval Base No. 153 and was responsible for escorting the naval base commander who made mistakes there. I should just stop by this way this time.”

"But if the matter is exposed...then we all may have to be arrested by Lieutenant General Garp and go to Impel Down City with that Marine Colonel Mengka!"

"Nowadays, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope. I hope you will cheer up and never reveal any flaws or let Lieutenant General Garp discover any problems. Do you understand?!"

A group of naval officers standing next to Colonel Mouse glanced at each other, and then a lieutenant colonel stood up bravely and said:

"Colonel, we all understand the seriousness of the matter... so can you stand up from the ground?"

Colonel Mouse, whose legs were weak and already slumped on the ground, glared at the lieutenant colonel fiercely, then glanced at his wet pants, and then gritted his teeth and said:

"Help me... my legs are still a little uncomfortable, and... bring me some pants, these pants can't be worn!"

The memories of half an hour ago ended here. Looking at the dog-headed warship that had arrived at the dock, the mouse felt that his bladder had some urge to urinate even though he had already defecated completely.

'It's okay, it's okay! Garp is not a god, how could he possibly know about Branch 16?

'Everyone in the Navy branch has been silenced by me, and they have all benefited more or less from me. If things break out, everyone will definitely be unlucky by then, so it is absolutely impossible for them to attack Garp. Report! '

'Aaron Pirates, I have also told them that these fishmen will not go to sea at all during this period. As long as they hide honestly, they are unlikely to run into the evil star Garp... '

As he slowly cheered himself up, the mouse's face finally looked better, his legs finally stopped shaking, and he looked at the stopped dog-headed battleship.

A ladder was lowered on the battleship deck, and then an old man wearing a dog-head hat walked down in a swaggering manner.

Behind this extraordinary old man, there was also an ordinary-looking young man, and a beautiful girl with orange hair. The girl looked at these marines with very excited eyes, but the excitement in her eyes was not excitement. Instead, it feels vaguely like...anger?

Wait, who is this girl? Not only is she not wearing navy clothes, but the tattoo on her shoulder looks a bit like the tattoo of the Arlong Pirates?

When he saw this, the cold sweat on the mouse's forehead suddenly flowed out again, his heart was beating loudly, and he felt a black shadow slowly covering his head.

He raised his head slightly, just in time to see the tall Garp with his arms crossed and looking at him with an indifferent expression:

"Colonel Mouse, right? Can you explain to me what happened to the Arlong Pirates?"

"Aba...Aba Aba...Aba..."

The mouse stammered twice, rolled his eyes, and fainted from fright.

"It seems there is no need to explain...Bolt, arrest them all! Interrogate them one by one first!"

No matter how funny Garp was, he could tell that the matter with the mouse was not a small matter. He was too lazy to worry about such a small character, and waved his hand to let his adjutant handle the affairs of Base 16.

Although Bolt is only one of Garp's lieutenants, his strength is definitely at the level of a swordsman. He is also proficient in two-color Haki. He is comparable to an ordinary vice admiral. He can suppress a mere naval branch base with one hand. .

"Let's go, you two brats, I really want to see what kind of murlocs are they who dare to come to the East China Sea to act arrogantly?!!"

After waving his hand, Garp took Nami and Feiyu back onto the dog-headed battleship and drove directly in the direction of the Aaron Pirates.

In any case, the East China Sea is Garp's territory. A group of fishmen dare to stir up trouble in the East China Sea. The most important thing is that Garp has not discovered it for so many years. Garp doesn't seem to be doing anything on the surface, but in fact he is right in his heart. These fishmen were very unhappy.

The dog-headed battleship set off again, and in less than half an hour, it had arrived at Aaron's base camp.

Looking at Aaron's Paradise in the distance, even Garp, who was still angry in his heart, couldn't help but feel a little happy:

"Hehe, this fish-man is so funny. He actually copied Shampoo Paradise here and created such a weird thing, hahahaha!"

But Garp's laughter stopped soon. Looking at Nami standing on the edge of the deck, looking at Aaron's Paradise with an angry and sad expression, he suddenly felt a little guilty.

After all, he already knew that this so-called Aaron's Paradise was all made of the blood and tears of the villagers in Cocoyasi Village and several other villages.

Although compared to the real Xiangbo Paradise, this is just a copycat, but for the villagers in the nearby villages, building this paradise almost cost them their lives.

Under this seemingly ridiculous Aaron's Paradise, many corpses of civilians from nearby islands were probably buried.

At this moment, Aaron's paradise saw the dog-headed warship approaching in the distance, and a cold sweat ran down Aaron's head:

"Damn rat, it's useless!! He also told me that as long as I hide here, nothing will happen. Could this guy have sold us out?"

"Boss Along, what should we do? The one coming from the opposite side is the Navy hero Garp!"

Several fishmen looked at Along with panic on their faces and asked:

"Otherwise, let's just run away! As long as we escape to the sea, even the navy can't do anything to us..."

"Asshole, we are noble fishmen, how can we run away when we see these humans!!"

Along gritted his teeth, with a cruel look in his eyes:

"Everyone go to the sea. On the shore, we may not be the opponent of so many navy, but as long as we are in the sea, it will be our world!"

"In addition, call out the manatee Moo and find a way to penetrate the navy's big ship! As long as there is no ship, even that navy hero is not the opponent of us fishmen...right!?"

Thinking back to the Navy Admiral Kizaru who once killed him in one move, Along was not sure. When the Navy Admiral caught him, he seemed to have the rank of Vice Admiral!

And I heard that among the three admirals, Admiral Kizaru is the weakest (actually the least active), while the navy hero Garp has been famous in the sea for decades. It is said that he has already had the strength of an admiral, but he just doesn't want to be promoted.

Even if the opponent falls into the sea, can he and others really fight against such a monster?

Aaron doesn't know the result, but in any case, he is unwilling to escape from here like a stray dog ​​without even fighting a battle, otherwise his bullshit theory that fishmen are powerful and noble and humans are weak and unbearable over the years will collapse completely in an instant.

Whether it is to boost the morale of the fishmen or to deceive himself, the propaganda over the years has made Aaron have no capital to flee at the sight of the wind.

Otherwise, the younger brother asked: Brother, aren't we fishmen nobler and stronger than humans? Why do we have to flee at the sight of an old man vice admiral? How should Aaron answer?

Several fishmen following Arlong hurriedly ran to give orders. These fishmen cadres were old members brought by Arlong from the Sun Pirates. They also knew the top combat power of the navy, so they were so panicked.

But for those ordinary fishmen, they were just newcomers brought by Arlong from the Fishmen Street. They were brainwashed by Arlong's propaganda for a long time and trapped in the East China Sea, so they had no fear of the navy at all.

Amid the ghost cry of Ola Ola, a group of fishmen swam towards the dog-headed battleship like dumplings, and at the front, the huge manatee, with a fierce look on his face, rushed towards the dog-headed battleship.

"Ha, what are these fishmen doing?"

Garp pinched his nose, looking at these fishmen who were so weak under his observation Haki, and a puzzled look appeared on his face:

"That guy named Arlong has also been to the Grand Line! I heard that he was once a cadre in the Sun Pirates... Does he think that he can deal with the Navy Vice Admiral with these small dried fish?"

Let alone a Navy Vice Admiral with the strength of an admiral like Garp, even the weakest giant vice admiral would have an easy time to wipe out these fishmen, right?

Although the giants can only be regarded as cannon fodder in the top-level battles, they are more than enough to deal with these fishmen even in the sea.

But no matter how strange Garp thought it was, the Arlong Pirates still rushed up, and the manatee swimming in the front lowered its head and directly crashed into the dog-headed battleship.

"Hahaha, I've really been underestimated..."

Garp rolled up his sleeves, and a group of navy soldiers hurried over with some shells, but he waved his hand:

"No need, let me open the eyes of these fishmen today and tell them that if they want to be pirates, they have to be prepared to be punched!"

As soon as Garp finished speaking, his dark and domineering fist swung out, turning into a terrifying energy cannon, spreading wildly and directly evaporating the sea in front of him.

"That's too much! They're just some fishmen, do you need to make such a big fuss?!"

Looking at the huge waves caused by Garp's punch, Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but complain, and the ordinary navy and Nami next to him were so scared that they turned pale and began to perform facial expressions:

"What is this?!"

"I'm not dreaming! A fist can fire this kind of energy cannon... Could it be that Vice Admiral Garp is actually a super robot?"

"Don't say so much! Prepare for collision prevention! The waves are coming soon!"

After reacting, a group of navy immediately started to stabilize the warship, but before they could lower the sails, the huge waves had already surged to the bow deck.

At this moment, Garp punched back again, and the original huge wave was directly blasted through, and the warship just passed through the middle, which made all the navy breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally, we escaped without any danger... Is this the strength of a vice admiral?"

Nami wiped the sweat from her forehead, and her eyes had completely changed when she looked at Garp. She only knew about the vice admirals before, and the strength of the navy heroes was definitely very strong, but she had no idea how strong they were.

After all, in Nami's eyes, ordinary fishmen were already very strong, and Arlong was the strongest person she had ever seen. In Nami's imagination, no matter how strong the vice admiral was, he would only be one or two times stronger than Arlong, right?

Then Garp's punch told Nami that even if there were hundreds or thousands of people like Arlong, the top combat power of the navy could still deal with them with one punch!

The sea water dripped down from the sky, soaking everyone on the boat like a light rain. The waves on the sea were turbulent, and it was barely calm after about a few minutes.

Uchiha Feiyu looked down and saw a large number of fishmen floating on the sea, floating up from the water like dumplings.

The largest one was the huge manatee, but at this moment, the two horns of this manatee had been hammered flat, and it rolled its eyes like a stranded whale.

Looking into the distance, you can still see the so-called Arlong Paradise, which has long been blasted into a pile of ruins by Garp's fists. The fishmen hiding on the shore are probably buried in the ruins.

However... the people in the pirate world are really tenacious!

Uchiha Feiyu looked down. Maybe it was because Garp didn't hit him too hard, or maybe the sea water slightly reduced the power of the attack, but no matter what, at least half of the fishmen floating on the sea were still alive. This vitality was a bit too tenacious.

Think about it, it is true. There are countless guys with tenacious lives in the pirate world. Not to mention Luffy often does sit-ups, those villains defeated by Luffy are generally just unconscious, and their vitality is also extremely tenacious.

There is even a plot where a bomb that can blow up a palace can't kill a birdman, and that birdman is not a powerful character, but just an ordinary animal-type extra.

Not to mention that he was not killed, he didn't even get disabled, just a little scar...

From this point of view, Garp's punch killed a small number of fishmen, which is much more powerful than his grandson.

"Let's go... pull out all the fish in the sea, give first aid to those who are not dead, and pull out this sea beast as well! Just in time for a snack tonight! I've been away from the Marine Headquarters for so long that I almost forgot the taste of these sea beasts."

After punching, Garp turned back into his old naughty boy self, picking his nose with his little finger, looking carefree.

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the poor manatee. In the original work, although the manatee was beaten up by the Straw Hat Pirates, it was not in danger of death. This time, it might become a sea beast steak.

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