Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 207 Nami's Thoughts

"The devil fruit's combat power is not strong, so why is it sold at such a high price?"

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Nami showed a puzzled look on her face and asked.

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged slightly after hearing this:

"The name of this devil fruit is called the slippery fruit. The effect is to make the skin extremely smooth, even the shells can slide away, and you can also skate directly on the ground like skating."

"It does have some effects when used in combat, and can greatly reduce damage. If it can be developed to a high level, it is not inferior to some extremely powerful fruits, but in terms of practicality, it is still much worse than those devil fruits that can exert powerful power as soon as they are obtained."

"But the slippery fruit has a very special special effect, that is, even if the fat pirate just ate this slippery fruit, she can directly become a beautiful woman with perfect body curves, convex front and back, smooth skin and no flaws!"

"Now, you know why this devil fruit is so expensive!"

Nami showed helplessness on her face and sighed:

"I understand... It turns out that this is a devil fruit used for beauty!"

To say that becoming more beautiful is the common pursuit of almost all women, Nami can also understand why this devil fruit can be sold at such a high price.

Although Nami is a little beauty and hopes to become more beautiful, she has already been tortured by reality and does not think that becoming beautiful can solve all problems.

In her opinion, the only function of the slippery fruit is to sell it at a high price so that she can redeem her hometown, Cocoa Village, from the hands of the Arlong Pirates.

"Yes, this is indeed a devil fruit that is more useful for beauty than for fighting. Why, you don't seem to care much?"

"Ha... I'm already beautiful enough, I don't need any more beauty treatments. It would be best if I could sell this devil fruit for a high price..."

Nami sighed and said a few words. After hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu slightly raised his eyebrows:

"Since you want money so much, then let's go to the Grand Line and sell this devil fruit! According to my estimation, the slippery fruit can be sold for at least 1 billion Baileys in the hands of those Celestial Dragons, and the actual price will only be higher."

Based on the fact that those Celestial Dragons spend hundreds of millions of Baileys to buy a fishman, Uchiha Feiyu estimates that this thing can be sold for at least 20 to 30 billion Baileys. Don't underestimate women's pursuit of beauty, let alone wealthy Celestial Dragon women.

However, after hearing this, Nami, who was originally the most greedy, also had a stiff face:

"Forget about that... Going to the Grand Line is really too dangerous!"

"Hehe... You know, this devil fruit can only be sold for 500 million or 600 million Baileys in our East China Sea, and it can be doubled in the Grand Line!"

"I don't want to leave the East China Sea, let's sell it here in the East China Sea!"

"Really? I thought all pirates yearned for the Grand Line!"

Uchiha Feiyu crossed his arms and looked at Nami, and said lightly.

Nami's body stiffened, and the expression on her face was very ugly:

"What do you mean by this? I'm not a pirate!"

"But this tattoo on your shoulder should be the logo of the Arlong Pirates! I have also seen those fishman pirates!"

Uchiha Feiyu's eyes pierced the tattoo on Nami's shoulder and said lightly.

Nami was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that when she was fighting with Arital just now, her clothes on her shoulders had been scraped into tatters, revealing the shark man tattoo inside.

Seeing that this shameful tattoo had been exposed, Nami gritted her teeth, raised her head, and looked at Uchiha Feiyu's somewhat cold eyes:

"I... I am not a fishman... If you have seen those fishmen from the Arlong Pirates, you should know that they are very contemptuous of humans!"

"But you must have a relationship with the Arlong Pirates. I heard that Arlong controlled the village in the sea area near the 16th Navy Branch. Could it be that you are the traitor there?"

"Asshole, who are you calling a traitor! I wish all the fishmen from the Arlong Pirates would die! Cough cough cough puff..."

Nami's expression suddenly became excited, but it seemed that because the shouting was too loud, it affected the injury of her body. She opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then her head became dizzy and she fainted.

"Tsk... It seems that the stimulation is a bit too much..."

Looking at the unconscious Nami, Uchiha Feiyu scratched his head, a little helpless.


When Nami opened her eyes again, she found herself lying in a room, and the wounds on her body had been wrapped with bandages.

"This is..."

"This is the village chief's house. Because we killed Aritar, the village chief specially gave up his room for us to live in."

Hearing the voice coming from beside her, Nami was slightly startled, and turned her head to see Uchiha Feiyu sitting next to her.

Uchiha Feiyu sat on the stool next to her, holding a fine long knife in his hand, slowly peeling an apple.

On the table next to him, the pink devil fruit was placed there carelessly, looking quite conspicuous.

"What? We are now in the village on the island?!!"

Nami was shocked, with an anxious look on her face:

"Then why are you still here? Wait, didn't the village chief ask you for a Devil Fruit?"

After putting the peeled apple peel into the trash can next to him, Uchiha Feiyu bit into the apple and said while chewing:

"You want a Devil Fruit from me? Haha, that's the trophy I got from the pirates. Why should I give it back to those villagers?"

"Look at how much of the loot the navy and bounty hunters got from killing pirates was returned to the people?"

Nami was stunned for a moment, opened her mouth, and said weakly:

"This...this is different..."

"What's the difference? After all, if it weren't for me, not only would the old village chief have lost his Devil Fruit, but Alitar might also go on a killing spree here!"

"If you think about it this way, he has to thank us for saving the lives of all the people in his village! You see, he gave this knife to me out of gratitude to us for saving them!"

Looking at the "best sword in the village" in the hand of Uchiha Feiyu, Nami's mouth twitched... To be honest, she felt that her moral bottom line was low enough. After all, she was just a little thief cat, robbing other people's wealth. My own poverty is simply a matter of course.

But at least, although she has a little habit of robbing the rich and giving to the poor, she has not developed to such an open and just level of robbery!

" these villagers really think so?"

"Of course, although their reaction was a bit fierce at first, after my argument, they quickly admitted my statement, otherwise they wouldn't have given me weapons!"

Seeing Uchiha Feiyu's somewhat leisurely and contented expression, Nami swallowed her saliva and stopped asking how the so-called "struggle" was done.

"Sir, dinner is ready!"

At this moment, a trembling sound came from the door, and then the door opened and a young man from the village walked in.

It's just that this young man walked with a limp, his face was bruised and swollen, and his forehead was wrapped in a bandage, with blood oozing faintly. It was obvious that he had been beaten badly.

Nami remembered clearly that when Alitar ran to find the devil fruit, the young villager was still very normal. Obviously, he must have been beaten by someone later and became like this.

As for who was beaten... Miss Nami wisely decided not to think about this issue.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Uchiha Feiyu said lightly and took the rather sumptuous dinner from the young man's hands. After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, the young man's body trembled and he hurriedly exited the room with some fear.

"Tsk... These guys won't poison their food!"

Nami glanced at the young man's performance and asked a little worriedly. Uchiha Feiyu shook his head:

"No, I'm a doctor myself, so you can't hide poisoning from me!"

As a ninja, the knowledge of identifying poisons and battlefield first aid is also taught in ninja schools. In addition, Uchiha Feiyu has the memory of many medical ninjas in his later period. Even if he can no longer use chakra, basic pharmacology He also has certain attainments in medicine and human body science. It is difficult to say that he is a regular doctor, but he is still qualified for the position of field doctor.

If the poison was poisoned by World Government agents, Uchiha Hiba might not be able to identify it, but this is just a small village, and even if it was poisoned, it would only be the common types, and he would just keep it closed The eyes can also distinguish it.

"Okay, let's eat! Change the bandage after eating. I think you'll be able to get out of bed and walk around tomorrow! In two days, by the time you fully recover, our ship will be almost repaired."

If Nami's injuries were normal, she would have to stay in the ICU for three days even if she survived. It would be impossible to fully recover within three to five months. However, in the pirate world, this kind of injury only needs to be treated. Well, it can be restored in three to five days.

Nami, who had just been seriously injured, did feel hungry now. Since Uchiha Feiyu had confirmed that there was no poison in the food, he naturally ate it.

After finishing the meal, Uchiha Feiyu took out a packet of paste made from crushed herbs, applied it on the new bandage, and said:

"Since you are awake, I won't change your bandages. I have already applied ointment on these bandages. You can change them yourself!"

"Oh...wait!? You put these bandages on me in the first place!!"

Nami reacted and screamed immediately, and then Uchiha Feiyu just calmly blocked his ears, and then said:

"Apart from me, there are only other villagers in this village. Do you think you can safely let those female villagers change your medicine?"

"I just beat up the entire village and took away their Devil Fruit worth at least 100 million. They can't do anything to me, but they may not think of ways to threaten me with you. "

"Of course, I will definitely not be threatened by them, but in this case, you will only waste your life."

Nami blushed with embarrassment and said angrily:

"Do you think everyone is as despicable as you? I think you are just a simple pervert!"

" said I'm despicable, then I think about it more, isn't it normal? As for the pervert...I have to say, you have a pretty good figure, and I feel like you still have a lot of room for development. ”

"Get out of here! Wait, after seeing my body, shouldn't you give me some compensation?!"

Uchiha Feiyu sneered, walked to the door and opened it, then turned around and said:

"I saw it based on my ability, why should I compensate you? And I treated your injuries and didn't ask you to pay for the medical expenses, you should be happy!"

With the sound of the door closing, Nami, who was originally angry to death, suddenly calmed down, picked up the bandage with ointment and smelled it, and a relaxed expression appeared on her face:

"Fortunately... this guy didn't kill me to silence me, but it seems that he is He doesn't look like a good guy!"

"Tsk... I feel so troubled! He is obviously just a young master of a chamber of commerce, why is he so good at fighting and so cruel!"

"Speaking of this guy who is so good at fighting, how could he end up being robbed by pirates and die alone? How powerful is that pirate group?"

Nami's eyes rolled around, and she didn't really care about Uchiha Feiyu helping her change the medicine. As a woman in the world of One Piece, the welfare distribution princess in the original work, although this little thief cat can't be called very open, she is also not particular about trivial matters, at least she doesn't care about this matter.

Compared to such trivial matters, Uchiha Feiyu's various performances and the dangerous aura on him are what really concern Nami.

It stands to reason that if she met such a dangerous person under normal circumstances, Nami would have tried every means to leave long ago, but this time, as long as she thought of the priceless slippery fruit, this little thief cat simply couldn't make up her mind to leave.

But after watching Uchiha Feiyu's various performances, Nami didn't think that the other party would really share her money, not to mention that with this little thief's character, she definitely didn't want to share anything, but I want it all.

"Maybe... I can just steal this devil fruit and use this devil fruit to exchange for Coco Yaxi Village?"

"When this guy reacts, let those fishmen deal with him! Anyway, the devil fruit will be given to Aaron by then. Can he still take the devil fruit money back from those fishmen?"

Aaron's group of fishmen left Nami with such a big psychological shadow that Nami infinitely overestimated their strength and didn't think Uchiha Feiyu could fight against this group of fishmen.

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