Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 206 The Painted Skin of the Yin Corpse

Nami was knocked flying by a mace, and crashed into a big tree with a bang, directly knocking cracks out of the trunk of the big tree. She also fell to the ground, and felt a splitting headache, dizzy and paralyzed all over. She crawled several times but couldn't get up.

"Hahahaha, with such little strength, you dare to meddle in the affairs of me, the most beautiful woman in the sea?!"

Aritar laughed and walked towards Nami with a mace. Looking at Aritar approaching, Nami's face turned pale and showed a forced smile:

"Well, now I say it's a misunderstanding... Can we reconcile?"

"What do you think!!"

Amid the whistling wind, the huge mace fell again. Nami rolled and crawled to avoid the mace, but was pushed to roll twice by the gravel stirred up by the storm caused by the mace.

Before she could react, Aritar's mace swept through the enemy again, causing her to spit blood and fly out, smashing another tombstone.

"Woo wow!"

Nami, who spit out a mouthful of blood, felt pain all over her body, and at least four or five ribs were broken. She barely raised her head and saw the ugly female pirate coming over again, raising her mace.

'Damn... There is no chance of winning at all, where is that Uchiha Feiyu? I can't feel any breath, he must have escaped. '

"I didn't expect that being too smart would backfire... In the end, I ended up like this, this is probably retribution. '

"Kitty, the game is over, this is the end of your greed for treasures that don't belong to you!"

The mace whistled at Nami's head with the sound of the wind, and Nami closed her eyes in despair, but heard a scream in a trance.

The mace that was originally smashed down deviated from the target and hit Nami's shoulder. The force was greatly weakened, and she only groaned and felt that her collarbone had cracked, instead of a comminuted fracture of the head.

Nami opened her eyes, raised her head, and looked at Arital in surprise. Arital opened her mouth, and some blood foam came out of her mouth, making a hoarse sound.

Behind her, Uchiha Feiyu was like a shadow, holding a long knife in his hand, stabbing into the gap between her ribs behind her, and piercing her heart.

At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu's skin was emitting a red color, and white smoke was coming out of his body. He let out a long breath, and pulled the long knife out casually. A large amount of blood was squeezed out of Arital's heart and gushed out from her back.

If you look closely, you can see that the long sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand has revealed its curled tip. It is better to say that he stabbed it into Arital's heart than to say that he stabbed it into her heart.

It has to be said that the vitality of people in the pirate world is strong. Uchiha Feiyu first opened the boiling blood, then controlled his body muscles, used the modified version of the instant body technique adapted to the pirate world, which was almost like shaving, and then used the white tooth knife technique to penetrate the gap without touching any bones. Following the texture of the muscle, it can be said that he stabbed into Arital's heart at the lowest cost.

Even so, the knife in his hand was squeezed and deformed by Arital's fat. If he hadn't opened the boiling blood, Uchiha Feiyu was sure that his knife could only penetrate the muscles at most, and couldn't stab the opponent's heart at all.

"Ugh... Ugh ah ah ah! Damn it..."

As the blood flowed, Aritar felt cold all over, and her strength seemed to be drained away bit by bit. She gritted her teeth and turned her head, her eyes red like a bull.

But who is Uchiha Feiyu? When he was weak, he was a famous rolling knife meat on the battlefield of the Ninja World War. The moment he pulled out the knife, the whole person retreated more than ten meters with the instant body technique, giving Aritar no chance to fight back.

"You bastard... Don't run away!"

Aritar, who was a little dizzy due to excessive blood loss, waved the iron rod in her hand randomly, but even if Uchiha Feiyu had no chakra, he was still a ninja, with full dodging ability and breath shielding. The seriously injured Aritar had no chance to hit him.

After swinging the iron rod randomly for more than a dozen times, even with the powerful vitality of humans in the pirate world, they could not hold on for long when their hearts were pierced and blood was lost in large quantities, let alone fighting.

Only half a minute later, Aritar, who had lost a lot of blood, felt cold all over, her eyes turned black, and she fell directly to the ground, and the blood gradually stained the ground behind her.

Until he was about to die, this guy was still holding the devil fruit tightly in his hand-thank this woman for being stupid, otherwise if she stuffed the devil fruit in one mouthful, Uchiha Feiyu's harvest would be discounted.

After waiting for another two minutes, seeing that Aritar's blood had gradually dried up, Uchiha Feiyu slowly walked away from her, stretched out a hand and pressed on the wound on her back.

In Uchiha Feiyu's body, the blood nerves slowly operated, absorbing a trace of blood and qi, and soon regenerated mana.

At the same time, Arital's body gradually shrank, and the muscles, blood, and even bones in her body began to melt and turned into a supplement for Uchiha Feiyu's mana.

At the same time, Uchiha Feiyu could also feel the strange sense of oppression transmitted from the entire world. Even with Arital's body as a continuous supply of mana, his own mana could not last long.

However, this little time was enough. Uchiha Feiyu activated the Infernal Corpse Painting Skin Sutra without hesitation and began to absorb Arital's destiny.

The Yin Corpse Painted Skin Sutra was initially just a path to skin transformation, but with the deepening of practice, it gradually began to transform into the terrifying ability to steal the sky and change the sun, and change the person's personality.

Moreover, when the Infernal Corpse Painted Skin Meridian is activated, it is calculated based on the original body. The clone is not strong enough, but if it is the original body, it can barely devour Arital.

After Uchiha Feiyu replaced Ariel's personality, he could selectively inherit everything from Ariel. Even if he wanted to, Uchiha Feiyu could completely become Ariel. With his appearance, he possesses the power, memory, potential, and luck of Aritar. No matter who looks at him, no one will doubt his identity.

But obviously, for Uchiha Feiyu, Aritar's identity, appearance, and memory have no meaning, and even power is of little significance to Uchiha Feiyu.

The only thing that can really help Uchiha Feiyu is Aritar's luck and potential.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about luck. Although Aritar is only a minor supporting character, but he can get the slippery fruit and can hang out with Bucky, the luckiest king in the pirate world, his own luck is not bad.

As for talent, Arital is far behind the famous pirates in the Grand Line, but he is much stronger than Uchiha Feiyu's current body.

If Uchiha Feiyu's body can only be evaluated as mediocre, then Aritar's potential is at least good or above, close to excellent, which is completely enough to make Uchiha Feiyu's training speed increase by leaps and bounds.

After running the Infernal Corpse Painted Skin Sutra, Aritar's original corpse seemed to turn into a strange node in Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, which gave him endless insights in an instant.

(I see, does something like the Infernal Corpse Painted Skin Sutra work better in another world? Maybe it’s because in this world, my true identity is an extraterrestrial devil, and there is no personality at all, so it’s more effective. Easy to steal bits)

(Before others can steal the identity, they must first get their own identity, but I don’t have such a thing myself, so I can naturally use other people’s identities easily)

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu had to wonder whether it was for this reason that the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance had passed down the Book of Infernal Corpse Painted Skin to him.

After a while, Aritar had been completely absorbed by Uchiha Feiyu. Only a pile of her clothes, iron rods and the devil fruit were left on the ground. The mana absorbed into Uchiha Feiyu's body was absorbed by him. Passed back to his own body.

In addition to being distracted and wandering around the world, the secret technique of Tianmo can also easily accept the power passed back by the clone. After all, it is not easy for the demon outside the territory to transfer power to other worlds, but the transfer Returning to the original body is absolutely instinctive.

As for the reaction of the body - the blood of humans in the pirate world is much stronger than that of ninjas in the Naruto world. They are simply the ultimate treasure for cultivating blood nerves. You should get more of them.

"It's a pity that I can't directly cultivate blood nerves in this world. Otherwise, if you give me three months, the three navy generals, the four emperors, and the world government can be swept directly into the garbage heap of history."

The magic skill practiced by Uchiha Feiyu is a typical kind of skill that gets stronger the more you kill. In the world of Naruto, because order still existed, unless there was some war, it would be difficult to exert its power. But in the world of pirates, In a world that is completely chaotic and fragmented, it would be too easy to complete the initial accumulation.

It's just a pity that there is no way to practice directly now, and you have to slowly adapt to the rules of the pirate world.

Shaking his hands, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the pile of things on the ground and picked up the Devil Fruit that fell on the ground. Although he had no intention of eating the Devil Fruit, it was obvious that he would not let go of this trophy.

" dare you trick me!"

A female voice mixed with several painful moans rang out. Nami's head and face were covered with blood, and she limped over with scars. Although she was complaining, her eyes were fixed on the Devil Fruit in Uchiha Feiyu's hand. above.

However, this girl seemed to be focusing all her attention on the Devil Fruit, but she was actually far away from the set of clothes and iron rods left by Alitar. Occasionally, her eyes wandered slightly, and she glanced at Ali. Tal's relics had a somewhat obvious look of fear.

There is no way, Uchiha Feiyu's magic power is enough to frighten people even in a world like One Piece. Nami is not blind, so she naturally saw what Uchiha Feiyu did just now.

And Uchiha Hiba's behavior just now also shows that he is definitely not a good person - a good person would not push her out directly to attract the attention of the fat pig female pirate, when she was almost beaten to death. Killed in a sneak attack.

Uchiha Feiyu's ruthless decisiveness when he struck, the coldness with which he could kill with one strike, and the indifference when he lurked and evaded, all gave Nami a great shock. In addition, he had just completely defeated Arital. After seeing the ashes, if Nami still thinks he is a good person, she is definitely mentally ill.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't run because she was seriously injured, she would have disappeared by now. The guy in front of her was cunning and cruel. Even if she was eager for the devil fruit, she still had to think long term!

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, looked Nami up and down, and said calmly:

"I remember it seemed like someone wanted to trick me at first! I was just trying to treat others the way they were treated."

"Isn't it? Miss Nami backed down after calling for action."

Nami blinked, her expression slightly embarrassed:

"Okay, okay, I'm unlucky this time, but I was beaten so badly and attracted so much attention from that guy. Should I share half of the price of this devil fruit?"

At first, Nami thought that it was the whole Devil Fruit, but now...she felt a little drumming in her heart, not to mention that it was half the price of the Devil Fruit. As long as Uchiha Feiyu didn't chop her off, Nami would Just thank God.

What I said now was just to guide the other party's thinking, so as to prevent Uchiha Feiyu from thinking about killing and silencing him.


Uchiha Feiyu laughed, glanced at Nami, and then straightened his face:

"This devil fruit can't be sold for much here in the East China Sea. If you really want to make a lot of money, you have to go to the Grand Line to sell it, or even go to the Shampoo Islands!"

This is true. In fact, the best buyers of slippery fruits are the Celestial Dragons. If you meet those female Celestial Dragons, this thing can fetch a sky-high price that is close to the natural type or fantasy type!

After all, although the combat power bonus of the slippery fruit is not bad, it is definitely far behind its plastic surgery ability. There are countless Devil Fruits with stronger combat power than the Slippery Fruit, but there is only one Devil Fruit with this kind of plastic surgery ability.

" this a natural devil fruit?"

Nami swallowed, looking at the Devil Fruit in surprise and a bit of covetousness.

If this is really a natural devil fruit, then Nami will have to find a way to eat it no matter what - with the natural devil fruit ability, Aaron? Murloc? Where did all those stinky fish and shrimps come from? I will stew you all into seafood soup!

She loves money, but Nami clearly knows what is the best choice for her now.

"I'm sorry... the value of this Devil Fruit may not be any worse than the average natural type, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it can't be compared to its own price."

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