Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 208 Communication with Nami

As the night grew darker, the door to Nami's room was gently pushed open, and the little thief cat with orange hair quietly ran out.

"I don't know where that guy lives...Slippery Fruit, here I come!"

It has to be said that Nami is worthy of the title of little thief cat. She is already a numbered thief in the East China Sea. Even though she is still injured, she is still nimble and agile, landing silently and easily. He pried open one door after another.

"It's strange... Why can't I find him? Doesn't this guy live in the village?"

After searching around, she couldn't find Uchiha Feiyu. Nami couldn't help but feel a little confused. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked a little depressed.

"If you can't find it now, there will be no chance in the future..."

After stealing the Devil Fruit on the island, Nami can sail directly to the sea. With her sailing skills, I really don't believe that anyone can catch up with her.

But if she goes out to sea with Uchiha Feiyu, even if she gets the devil fruit at sea, there will be no place to escape!

"No matter... let's find a solution tomorrow. It will probably take two days for my injury to heal. In addition, the merchant ship has not been repaired yet."

Nami, who found nothing, turned her head and went back to rest. At this moment, on the big tree outside the village, as the leaves trembled, Uchiha Feiyu's figure was revealed.

"Speaking of which, this thief cat is too impatient. He is planning to steal things and run away on the first day. Fortunately, I haven't returned all the things I learned at the ninja school to those Chuunin teachers, otherwise she would find her now. ——That wouldn’t be fun!”

The things taught in the Ninja School are too basic and are not very useful in the world of Naruto. After all, everyone is a super ninja with chakra. Things like concealing aura, making camouflage, and picking locks without ropes have no chakra at all. The ever-changing ninjutsu are easy to use and can only be used to enrich the genin's methods.

However, in the world of pirates, these skills shine. Before mastering Haki, this skill is already the pinnacle of ordinary people. It is naturally easy to hide Nami, a little thief cat.

Of course, this is also related to the personality of people in the pirate world. If you pick a ninja from the world of Naruto, he will be considered smart, cautious and cunning among these pirates.

In the next two days, Nami tried her best to find out the whereabouts of Uchiha Feiyu during the day, and secretly searched for Devil Fruit at night. Unfortunately, in the face of Uchiha Feiyu, who was well prepared, she found nothing in the end.

So much so that on the third day, when she was recovering from her injuries, she looked listless and even had dark circles under her eyes.

"Nami, your spirit doesn't look good?"

Uchiha Feiyu, who had a slight smile on his lips, leaned against the door frame, looked at Nami who looked tired, and asked as if sarcastically.

"Ahahaha... I'm probably a little happy because I think that I will become a rich man soon!"

Nami said with a smile, and her eyes were fixed on Uchiha Feiyu's waist. There was a small square box there, which was obviously the location of the Devil Fruit.

Uchiha Feiyu shook the box on his waist slightly, and Nami's eyes stared at the box and turned around. When she came back to her senses, she saw Uchiha Feiyu, looking at her with a half-smile, and holding something in her hand. Holding the snatched "Village Sword".

"Hehehe... I'm going to see how our ship is doing..."

Looking at Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, Nami shrank her neck, turned around and ran away.

Seeing that Nami, who was treacherous but not courageous, was scared away, Uchiha Feiyu shook his head, carried a large bag of supplies "gifted" by the villagers, and walked out of the village in a big way.

After he left, the villagers in the village looked like they were surviving the disaster, and some of them cried out of excitement.

I had no choice but to be beaten up by the female pirate at the beginning, and many people were killed. Later, because she wanted to take back the Devil Fruit, many people had their legs broken by Uchiha Feiyu, and they were beaten again by Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu forced them to repair the boat and prepare food. The island residents had been in dire straits these past few days.

Now that Uchiha Feiyu is finally leaving, it would be strange for these people to be unhappy.

After checking the ship and making sure that it had been completely repaired, Nami and Uchiha Feiyu went out to sea directly. After adjusting the sails, she looked at Uchiha Feiyu who was exercising on the deck and asked:

"Next, shall we go to Rogge Town? It's more prosperous there, and there should be many people willing to buy this Devil Fruit!"

"Although Rogge Town is the starting point of the East China Sea to the Grand Route, the most people there are just pirates. Selling ordinary Devil Fruits to pirates who pursue strength is naturally the best choice."

"However, things like slippery fruit are still most attractive to women from nobles and royal families, and they can also afford them."

Uchiha Feiyu answered while doing push-ups:

"If you don't want to go to the Chambord Islands, then you can only sell it to those princes and nobles. By the way, you have been hanging around in the East China Sea for so long. Do you know of any underground auctions or the like?"

"Well, how could I know that kind of place? After all, I am just a little thief cat. Stealing a few pirate treasures is the limit. If I provoke big forces like the underground auction house, I will be hunted down. It’s so miserable!”

"And I haven't heard of any underground auction houses in the East China Sea..."


After hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu was not surprised and nodded slightly:

"Maybe it's because the East China Sea is a peaceful sea! Only in chaotic places can underground auction houses flourish."

"Isn't the East China Sea chaotic enough?!"

Nami snorted coldly, as if she thought of something:

"Pirates are rampant, the navy is not only useless, but even the same as pirates..."

"You should be talking about Colonel Mouse and the Arlong Pirates!"

Uchiha Feiyu stood up and took down He lifted up the weight of several dozen kilograms and said calmly:

"You are just unlucky. As far as I know, there are indeed many unruly people in the East China Sea Navy, but there is only one person like Colonel Mouse."

"In addition, Aaron has the background of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. In many cases, the upper echelons of the Navy also want to make a big deal out of a small matter. Therefore, there are really few people in the entire East China Sea who are as unlucky as you."

", do you know what the evil dragon has done?"

Nami widened her eyes and looked at Uchiha Feiyu. Why does it feel like this guy knows a lot about the things in Kokoa Nishi Village?

"Please, even the so-called fishmen also need to trade! The ordinary people in A'long's domain can't go out to sea, but it doesn't mean that the fishmen have no communication with the outside world!"

"In the East China Sea, although there are not many people who know about A'long's evildoers, there are definitely many people - but they are either indifferent or they don't have the strength to take care of this business."

"From your appearance, it seems that you don't seem to be willing to work for A'long. Is there any story behind this?"

Nami was silent for a moment and snorted coldly:

"Even if I tell you, do you have the strength to take care of this business?"

"I probably can't do it, but at least I know where the people who have the ability and willingness to take care of other people's business are..."

Nami heard this and After a pause, he turned his head to look at Uchiha Feiyu, and then gritted his teeth and said:

"It's easy to say, that's the fishman A'long, didn't you say he has some background in the Seven Warlords of the Sea? Who would care about such things for a few villages?"

"How can you guarantee that someone will lend a hand, and how can you guarantee that they will definitely be A'long's opponent?"


Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Nami and sneered:

"If you don't believe it, forget it. I finally saw you and felt sorry for you and wanted to do something good. But looking at you like this, you have some symptoms of Stockholm syndrome. Have you gradually integrated into the position of the perpetrator because of fear?"

Nami's body shook, and she lowered her head slightly, as if she had suffered a great blow. She slowly sat on the deck and curled up.

"You don't know... the horror of A'long's group... you don't know anything at all..."

After a long time, Nami felt that her mood had calmed down. At this moment, she was able to calm down and think calmly, and suddenly found that this was definitely an excellent opportunity.

It is true that Arlong is very powerful, and the natural qualities of fishmen are indeed far superior to those of humans, but to say that the Arlong Pirates can fight against the navy is a complete joke.

Not to mention the strength of the navy's high-level forces that Nami has never seen, but only occasionally heard of, the millions of navy troops alone, with a mouthful of spit from each person, can drown the Arlong Pirates alive!

'Just asking for information and finding external aid... it should be no problem! At that time, as long as you report anonymously, no matter what, the matter will not involve me, nor will it involve everyone in Kokoa West Village! '

Thinking of this, Nami raised her head and asked:

"Feiyu, where is the person you are talking about!?"

The deck was empty, and Uchiha Feiyu had already walked into the captain's room and disappeared without a trace.

Damn, doesn't this guy know to give me some time to adjust my mentality?

Nami came to the captain's room angrily, pushed open the door, and looked at Uchiha Feiyu, who was eating and drinking with his upper body naked, and her breath couldn't help but choked.

‘Has this guy’s muscles grown a little more? It feels like his body shape has changed in just these few days, and his muscle lines are fuller...’

‘Speaking of which, he seems to be exercising every day during this period. Is it because of the robbery by pirates that he has the fighting spirit to exercise and become stronger? ’

Uchiha Feiyu, who was eating, saw Nami suddenly walk in, picked up the plate directly, ate all the food in big mouthfuls, and then put the plate on the table.

“Why, what do you want to talk to me about?”

“That, who is the person you just mentioned… who is capable and willing to meddle in other people’s business?”

“Hehe… Sorry, I don’t want to tell you now!”

“No, I was wrong just now, just tell me! At most… At most, I’ll touch you!”

Nami walked directly to Uchiha Feiyu’s side, and lifted her collar, revealing the looming ravines, and began to seduce with a charming face.

“Sorry, not interested!”

Uchiha Feiyu snorted. He was not a novice who had never eaten meat. He had no feelings for Nami’s rough seduction.

After all, the pirates in this world are all thick-skinned. When seducing these pirates, Nami doesn't need any skills at all. Without training, she is naturally far inferior to the ninjas in the Naruto world.

"Damn it, what do you want? ! ! Do you want me to sell myself?"

"Well... if your idea can really kill the Arlong Pirates, and you are willing to give me the Slippery Fruit, then I don't mind letting you take advantage of it..."

Looking at Nami's expression that you have taken advantage of her, Uchiha Feiyu snorted and said:

"It's a nice thought. Do you think you are made of gold? Can you still be worth a Slippery Fruit?"

"You are so anxious to collect money, is it because of the Arlong Pirates' mission? Let me guess, is it because the Arlong Pirates have grasped your weakness, so you have to work for them? Is it your relatives, or your hometown?"

As Uchiha Feiyu analyzed one by one, Nami's face became a little bit He collapsed, and in the end, he exuded a feeling of discouragement:

"Has anyone ever told you that you are very annoying?! Do you feel very happy to do this kind of questioning?"

Uchiha Feiyu leaned on the seat behind him, crossed his hands, and looked at Nami with a smile:

"I have to know you a little bit before I can decide whether to help you!"

Nami was silent for a moment, and finally let out a long breath:

"I'm really scared of you... Didn't you ask me if I had any stories during the day? Since you want to hear it, I'll tell you about mine!"

While talking, Nami found a sofa in the captain's room and sat down. She also took a bottle of rum on the table, opened the bottle directly, and gulped down a bottle.

The predecessor of Uchiha Feiyu's body was a bit of a drinker, but Uchiha Feiyu himself didn't drink, so there was a lot of wine in the captain's room that hadn't been drunk, and now it was a bargain for Nami, a female alcoholic.


After drinking a bottle of wine, Nami wiped the corners of her mouth, her face was slightly rosy, and then she looked at Uchiha Feiyu and told her story.

The story is not complicated.

The originally happy family suddenly became fragmented one day because of the invasion of Arlong's group.

And for the sake of her hometown, Nami had to draw sea charts for the Arlong Pirates while trying to cheat and deceive in order to get 100 million berries and redeem Cocoa Village from Arlong.

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