"Hahahaha, old man, hand over the legendary treasure quickly!!"

In the village, a stout, pockmarked woman who looked at least 800 pounds, holding a mace in her hand, shouted loudly at an old man kneeling in front of her.

The old man was so scared by the roar of the fat woman in front of him that he trembled all over and begged bitterly:

"This pirate sir..."

"Don't call me a pirate!"

The freckled, fat, and ugly female pirate raised her head with a proud look on her face:

"You should call me the most beautiful lady in the world, Alrita!"


The old man was just old, not blind. He glanced at the meat mountain devil in front of him and opened his mouth. He really couldn't understand where this fat pig got such great confidence.

However, after seeing Alrita's unfriendly eyes and the iron rod in his hand, he still lowered his head wisely:

"That... the most beautiful lady in the world, Alrita, we don't have any legendary secret treasures of the sea here..."

With a loud bang, the old man let out a shrill scream, and the black mace hit his hand that was supporting the ground, smashing the hand into a pile of blood mud.

"My hand... my hand!!"

Looking at the old man rolling on the ground with his hands in front of him, Alrita showed a very hideous smile on his face and said:

"If you don't have it, then die!"

"Damn... Village Chief, let's fight her!"

Behind the old man, there were dozens of villagers kneeling. Seeing Alrita being so tyrannical, some younger villagers couldn't bear it and stood up.

"Hahaha, do you want to fight me to death? Haven't you realized the truth yet? I have killed all the guards in your village. Do you still want to turn the tables?"

Hearing this, the villagers couldn't help but show despair in their eyes. Alrita was not big or small, and was also a famous pirate in the East China Sea. When she first landed on this island, she was recognized by the island's sheriff. Then there was a fight between the villagers' guards and this female pirate.

Needless to say, the result of the fight, although Alrita's strength was not ranked at all in the sea, even converted to the Grand Line, she was just the bottom of the bottom among the pirates, but that was not something that a dozen village guards with spears could deal with.

The average strength of the East China Sea is the weakest among the four seas. This refers not only to the pirates in the East China Sea, but also to the countries and villages in the East China Sea. A pirate with a bounty of 5 million Baileys is already a "big pirate" that can destroy villages and small islands in the East China Sea.

The young villager who had just stood up with a passion for life was immediately chilled by Alrita's words, and his body could not help but tremble, as if he remembered the guards who were smashed into bloody mud.

Seeing this cruel female pirate, the fierce light in her eyes became more and more intense. At this moment, the village chief lying on the ground seemed to have a slight breath of relief from the pain, and gritted his teeth and said:

"Wait, wait, the most beautiful lady in the world, Alrita! We do have the secret treasure of the sea here! I will give it to you immediately!"

Hearing this, Alrita's face suddenly showed great joy, but the villagers behind the village chief widened their eyes:

"Village chief... our village really has the secret treasure of the sea?"

"Is it true? That kind of treasure will appear in our village? I thought it was just a rumor?"

The old village chief, who was sweating, covered his wrist and gritted his teeth and said:

"There is indeed such a treasure... About seven or eight days ago, a member of the guard team found that devil fruit on the beach and reported the news to me... Originally, I wanted to sell this devil fruit and share the money with everyone."

"But because I didn't know the type of devil fruit, I asked a friend to help me find a devil fruit illustration. Unexpectedly... it ended up attracting pirates."

Different types of devil fruits have completely different prices. The worst ordinary animal species and useless superhuman types can only be sold for 100 million Baileys, but if you are lucky and get fantasy species, ancient species, natural types and other devil fruits, it is not impossible to sell them for tens of billions of Baileys!

In order to avoid the situation of not knowing the goods, the old village chief naturally wanted to collect the devil fruit illustrations. As a result, the devil fruit illustrations were not collected in the end, but instead provoked such a pirate.

In the dense forest next to the village, Uchiha Feiyu and Nami hid in it, watching the development of things quietly.

Just when Alita smashed the old village chief's palm, Nami wanted to rush out, but Uchiha Feiyu pressed the acupuncture points on her waist, and half of her body was numb.

When she came back to her senses, the old village chief had already started to explain the devil fruit. At this time, Nami could only glare at Uchiha Feiyu fiercely, and then she became quiet again.

After all, the devil fruit is worth at least 100 million Baileys!

Although Nami is kind-hearted, she is also a complete money-grubber. Now that she has heard the news about the devil fruit, even if she wants to stop Alita and help these villagers, she has to get the devil fruit first.

"Old man, you really won't cry until you see the coffin! You have to force me to do it, now hurry up and hand over the devil fruit to me!"

Aritar waved the mace and said proudly to the old village chief. The old and frail village chief smiled bitterly and sighed:

"The Devil Fruit is in the cemetery at the east entrance of the village. The Devil Fruit is buried under the third tombstone from the right."

After finishing speaking, the old village chief sighed and remained silent. Aritar could no longer hold it in any longer. He ignored the villagers who were kneeling on the ground and ran directly towards the cemetery at the east entrance of the village.

In the woods on the other side, Nami, who heard the news, also had a look of joy on her face:

"Devil Fruit, I didn't expect it to be this legendary secret treasure of the sea! Let's go, we must protect my Devil Fruit from that fat woman!"

Tsk, this Devil Fruit has become yours before it even starts? Uchiha Feiyu curled his lips slightly, didn't say much, and set off after Nami.

However, although Nami wanted the Devil Fruit very much, she did not get carried away. She never showed up. Instead, she followed Arial from a distance, preparing to wait until Arial dug out the Devil Fruit. Just start a sneak attack.

Although Nami is a little bit powerful now, she is obviously still far behind Arital. This female pirate is also considered to be born with supernatural powers. She is a representative of rough skin and thick flesh, which is much stronger than Nami's small body. .

Uchiha Feiyu, who was following Nami, also touched his chin and began to think:

The Devil Fruit Arital found must be that one, the slippery fruit known as the beauty fruit.

This superhuman Devil Fruit is of a very precious type and is very similar to the Split Fruit. As long as it is eaten, it can provide the holder with certain powerful characteristics and can be directly immune to many types of impact damage.

And the potential is also very powerful. If the developer of this regular Devil Fruit has enough talent and imagination, it is not impossible to develop some abnormal functions.

Of course, the biggest impression of the Slippery Fruit is obviously not its special ability, but its almost unparalleled beauty ability!

Although Aritar claims that she is the most beautiful woman in the world every day, it is obvious that she is no longer far behind Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the sea. She is simply a fingertip away. universe.

In other words, unless he is among the troll group, Arital has nothing to do with beauty.

But such a strange female creature who was born as a troll, with an ugly appearance, a bad temper, and a loud voice, after eating the Slippery Fruit, she directly transformed into a beautiful woman with all kinds of charms, and even her personality changed. Charming and passionate, it can be said to be the most transformative Devil Fruit in the entire One Piece world.

‘But... Devil Fruit seems to be of no use to me. Unless the flaws can be eliminated, I don’t want to eat any Devil Fruit. ’

'But Arital, this guy, should be of some use to me...for example, to experiment with the method of person substitution in the Infernal Corpse Painted Skin Sutra...'

The two of them followed Arital and quietly walked to the cemetery in the east of the village. Uchiha Feiyu also saw the village guard members who were crushed by Arital. A long knife was found on the member's body.

Weapons can also be regarded as one of the valuable items on the sea, so all the weapons on the merchant ship that was looted had been taken away by the group of pirates. Only now did Uchiha Feiha get a knife. .

After waving twice to get a feel for it, Uchiha Feiyu curled his lips slightly.

This knife has an unstable center of gravity and uneven thickness. The iron material used to make it is too rigid, so that it has no toughness and becomes a bit thin and brittle. However, considering that it is only a weapon of a member of the village guard, it is impossible to expect too much. .

Anyway, this weapon now has much more lethality than his fists. In the pirate world, everyone has a blood cow. Although Uchiha Fei feels that he is better than Rital, he doesn't want to try to beat that fat pig with his fists. The feeling of lying down.

Hearing the sound of wind behind her, Nami looked back at Uchiha Feiha, who was wielding a weapon, and then didn't pay much attention.

Even in a peaceful sea like the East China Sea, the people who can run a boat on the sea are not ordinary people. It is normal for Nami that Uchiha Feiyu had a few moments.

"It seems that you are quite capable of fighting. That's great. Listen to my instructions later. When I call for action, you will join me in a sneak attack!"

Nami gave a few casual instructions, and Uchiha Feiyu nodded perfunctorily. Unfortunately, Nami was focused on the Devil Fruit and didn't notice Uchiha Feiyu's expression at all.

Fortunately, Arital was not very sharp, and her huge body left clear traces, so Nami's tracking with two knives was not noticed.

"I found it, right here, in the village cemetery... Hahahaha, after I eat the devil fruit, Straw Hat boy, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

After arriving at the cemetery, Aritar laughed twice, raised the mace in his hand high, aimed it at the tombstone and the ground, and smashed it. Soon the tombstone was smashed into pieces, and the ground was also smashed. A huge crack formed.

Under the tomb, what was exposed was not a coffin, but a 30 cm square treasure box. After seeing the treasure box, the female pirate's eyes shone, she stretched out her hand and pulled the treasure box out.

"I don't know what kind of devil fruit it is..., but it must be a powerful and beautiful devil fruit that can match such a beautiful me!"

The woman was going crazy and smashed the treasure chest with force. This ordinary small treasure chest could not withstand Aritar's strange power and broke with a click.

A pink peach-like devil fruit appeared in the treasure chest. In addition to the strange pattern, it was different from the peach and had a smooth mirror-like skin.

"Hmm... What kind of devil fruit is this?"

Just at the moment when the devil fruit was just revealed, Nami, who also came here in hiding, shouted:

"Feiyu, hurry up!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cunning little thief took a step back instead of advancing, and looked at Uchiha Feiyu beside him with hope, hoping that his partner (cannon fodder) would rush out to attract the other party's attention, but was surprised to find that Uchiha Feiyu had disappeared long ago.


Just before Nami came to her senses, she suddenly felt a strong push from behind her, and then she rushed towards Arital involuntarily.

"Ahhhhhhhh!! Feiyu, you damn bastard!!"

She hunted geese every year, but she didn't expect to be pecked in the eye by a goose today. Nami really didn't expect that she usually teased those pirates and pushed them out as cannon fodder, but this time she became cannon fodder.

"Little girl, do you dare to compete with me for the secret treasure of the sea?!"

Arital's fierce fat face full of freckles showed a ferocious expression, opened her bloody mouth, raised the huge mace, and then smashed Nami with the whistling wind.

Nami, who had already rushed out, showed an expression of wanting to cry on her face. Under the push of Uchiha Feiyu, she couldn't turn at all at this moment, and couldn't play the advantage of her agile body. She could only hold the stick and fight with Arital holding the mace.

With a crack, the wooden stick was smashed in half. The remaining force of the mace hit Nami's face. Nami's pupils widened and she raised her arm to block the mace.

Then there was another tooth-grinding sound of fracture. The mace hit Nami's face with the broken arm and knocked her out.

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