On the small sailboat, Nami shook the oar with a smile on her face, and she was in a beautiful mood.

After all, he deceived a few unlucky pirates and got a lot of treasures from them. For this money-obsessed kitten, having money will certainly make him feel better.

"Eh!? Is that... a ghost ship in front of you?"

With the shaking of the oars, Nami, who was humming a song, suddenly saw a scarred and empty merchant ship in front of her, and was a little surprised.

This so-called ghost ship does not refer to the evil ships created in the terrifying triangle area where Moonlight Moria is located, or the underworld things in Pirates of the Caribbean, but to the unmanned ships drifting on the sea.

Most of these unmanned ships were attacked by pirates. After being killed by pirates, the empty ships were left behind. Some of them were due to infectious diseases or other reasons. All the crew on board died, leaving only The ship is adrift on the sea.

If the ghost ship of the underworld is a horror legend on the sea, then this more common type of ghost ship is a treasure chest on the sea - of course, after opening the box, you will encounter a virus that can kill a whole ship of people. Whether you still get a boatload of gold and silver treasures depends on your own luck.

And it just so happened that Nami, a little thieving cat, always felt that she was lucky. Otherwise, she would not have been able to tease so many pirates without falling over.

After seeing the ghost ship in the distance, Nami, who was already quite happy, felt that her body seemed to be full of strength again. She lowered her head and paddled fiercely, and soon came to the ghost ship. below.

Nami took out a hook from the small sailboat and threw it directly onto the deck of the ghost ship. She pulled it a few times and it felt quite strong, so she followed the rope and prepared to climb onto the deck.

Deng Deng Deng was a small merchant ship with more than a dozen people. To be honest, it was not very high. Nami was very agile and was able to flip over in two seconds.

But as soon as she turned it up and looked up, the little thieving cat saw a young man in his 20s looking at her with a smile on his face.

Seeing the young man on the boat, Nami suddenly took a breath of air and looked around, fearing that seven or eight big men with knives would emerge from the deck and put knives on her neck - there is also a type in the ghost ship. In fact, they were disguised as pirates, specifically to deceive some greedy passing merchant ships into dying.

Some pirate groups don't have a fast enough pirate ship, so they play this wait-and-wait game. When Nami saw the people on the deck, she thought she was being cheated!

"Don't look, I'm the only one on the boat!"

Uchiha Feiyu saw Nami's trembling expression and knew what she was thinking. He shook his head and explained.

"I am a serious merchant ship. It's just bad luck that I ran into a group of pirates. Everyone was hacked to death by the pirates. I was the only one who managed to earn a life."

As he spoke, Uchiha Feiyu took off his shirt and jacket, revealing a scar across his entire abdomen. Judging from the wound alone, the injury at that time was probably no different from seppuku.

Only humans in the pirate world can survive such injuries and survive. If it were a normal human being, the time it would take to send him to the hospital for rescue would be a few minutes later, and it would be a matter of going directly to the crematorium. .

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, Nami patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief:

"You guys scared me to death. Why don't you shout a few times on the deck?"

"Haha... I see that you are also an ordinary girl. If you are afraid of calling someone on the deck, you will just run away!"

Uchiha Feiyu had a smile on his face and directly expressed his worries. Nami suddenly choked and said in a very loud voice:

"How is it possible? How could I do something like that and risk death!"

"Yes, yes, I think of people too badly."

Uchiha Feiyu didn't argue with Nami, but just said yes to her, which made Nami speechless.

In fact, Nami knew very well in her heart: To be honest, if Uchiha Feiyu really called people on the deck, she might not dare to come over.

Although this little thief cat is not a real villain, she does have sympathy for the victims of real shipwrecks or pirates, and does not mind saving their lives, but at the same time, she is also very defensive.

Since she had just harvested a lot of treasures, she might have really suspected that the ship was a trap set by other pirates, or at least she didn't dare to come over so easily.

The reason why she spoke so loudly was to cover up her guilty conscience.

However, seeing Uchiha Feiyu's face at ease, this expression and these words were a bit strange, which made Nami feel more and more angry. She rolled her eyes and asked:

"By the way, what kind of cargo are you carrying on this ship?"

Uchiha Feiyu saw Nami's expression and knew what she was thinking. He shrugged his shoulders, chuckled and said:

"No matter what was originally carried on this ship, it has no meaning now anyway - you don't think those pirates would leave any valuables on the ship, do you?"

"Now the most expensive thing on the whole ship is the ship itself. If you can control it, then I can give this ship to you directly. Anyway, I don't plan to be a maritime merchant anymore."

Give me this ship? Nami's eyes turned around twice, looking at the merchant ship in front of her. Nowadays, the price of a seagoing ship will not be low no matter how bad it is. Although it suffered a lot of damage in the battle and the masts on the ship were broken, as long as the keel was not damaged, it would not be too difficult to repair this kind of damage.

'Well, there are only some knife marks and traces of muskets on the ship, and it has not been hit by shells. Only the masts on the ship are a bit troublesome. This ship should be able to sell for tens of millions of Baileys! '

When Nami thought of the figure of tens of millions of Baileys, she immediately became energetic, raised her head and said excitedly:

"Really? It's a deal! You give me this ship!"

"Really, really, it's more real than gold... But you have to find a way to start it. Originally, this ship needs five or six people to start it."

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just driving a boat? A piece of cake!"

Nami said this not bragging. Although this girl's strength is not very good, she is definitely a first-class navigator.

In fact, in addition to combat power, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates are basically close to the maximum level in other side jobs. Whether it is Nami's navigation, Sanji's cooking, Brook's music, or Robin's archaeology, Franky's mechanical manufacturing, they were already the best in the world before they joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

With Nami's navigation skills, it is obviously more than enough for one person to replace the original five or six sailors on the ship. She first tied her small sailboat to the side of the big ship, pulled up two treasure chests, and then directed Uchiha Feiyu to repair the ship with a clang, barely repaired the mast, got a sail, and then directly controlled the ship to set sail.

Although the broken ship was barely moving, under Nami's superb navigation skills, it soon caught a current and began to move at a completely unscientific speed.

On the ship, Uchiha Feiyu, who was exercising, also talked to Nami.

"By the way, beautiful lady, what's your name?"

"Ah!? Let me make it clear in advance that even if you flatter me, I will not return you a single berry of the money from selling the boat."

While speaking, Nami also slightly moved the two treasure chests she brought with her and hid them behind her, although given the size of the treasure chests, it was basically useless.

Uchiha Feiyu twitched his lips slightly and waved his hand:

"Don't worry, I don't want your money! I just want to ask your name, I can't just call you hello!"

"So that's how it is..."

Perhaps the words "your money" touched Nami's heart, making her smile:

"My name is Nami, and my dream is to become the best navigator in the entire ocean. What about you? Unlucky young master of the Chamber of Commerce, what's your name?"

"Call me Uchiha Feiyu."

Uchiha Feiyu said, then took a look at the surrounding sea, and asked:

"So where should we go next? You can drive a small boat around and call yourself a navigator. You should know where the nearby islands are."

Uchiha Feiyu certainly knew Nami's sailing level, but he couldn't explain the source of his information, so he asked this question.

"Of course, there is nothing I don't know about the ocean currents and weather in the entire East China Sea. According to the current wind direction and ocean currents, we will encounter the first island in the afternoon."

"It's just a small island, but there are still some residents. There is a small village on the island. We can use it to repair the mast of your ship, and then we can use the sail."

"After the sail is repaired, it only takes two days for us to go to the next bustling island country."

"When we get there, this ship can be sold... By the way, where is your home? If you don't have a ship, I will take you all the way."

"Thank you so much... My home is in Rogue Town, but I am the only one at home."

Uchiha Feiyu said casually that the young man he inherited was also a person whose parents had both passed away. In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is also normal.

After all, the pirates did not subside after Roger's death, but instead set off a great pirate era. The East China Sea also went through a period of turmoil. At that time, the sea merchants suffered heavy casualties. The parents of this young man died at that time.

As for why Uchiha Feiyu wanted to go back, it was also to get more funds under stable conditions.

Although the merchant ships and goods had been robbed, as a sea merchant, his family still had quite a bit of savings. Even if only one-tenth or one-twelve of them were left, it was enough for Uchiha Feiyu to use.

When the fist is big enough, money is just a string of meaningless numbers - but Uchiha Feiyu's fist is not big enough now, so for him now, Bailey still has some use.

At least he can buy a good sword. His original body in the ninja world has surpassed any famous swords and swords with just his physical strength and energy creation, so he can play his swordsmanship without weapons.

But for Uchiha Feiyu's clone in the pirate world, whether he has a good weapon or not has at least three levels of influence on his strength.

If Uchiha Feiyu is unarmed now, facing those "big pirates" in the East China Sea, he may not be able to beat them without some special skills.

Nami is indeed the woman with the most talent as a navigator in the original novel. When night falls, the island can already be seen.

However, on the island in front of him, there were some places where thick smoke was rising, which made him frown slightly:

"Are there any enemies on this island?"

Nami's eyesight was a little worse than that of Uchiha Feiha, but the thick smoke rising from the island was quite conspicuous. After listening to Uchiha Feiha's reminder, she could see clearly after taking a closer look.

"There is only one small village on this small island. If there are enemies... they must be foreign pirates!"

As she spoke, Nami took out her self-defense stick from behind. Although Nami was classified as one of the timid trio among the Straw Hats, this did not mean that she really had no fighting ability.

Even Nami, who has not experienced any big scenes now, can be regarded as a little master in Donghai. At least it is much stronger than her own physical body, which can only fight a few navy soldiers at the beginning.

In the original work, the reason why he appears to be very weak and loses his temper after being bullied by the fish-man pirates is because Aaron and his group were completely engaged in dimensionality reduction attacks in the East China Sea.

Even though the murlocs in the Grand Line are just slaves, in fact, compared to ordinary people, the physical fitness of the murlocs is already terrifying.

Apart from anything else, after a month of training, Uchiha Feiyu's physical fitness has improved several times. Coupled with the little foundation he originally had, he is only equal to the average fishman now.

If it were an ordinary person, even if he had no talent and practiced for seven or eight years, he would not be able to match the physical fitness of an ordinary fishman. And the vast majority of civilians do not have the material foundation to support their cultivation.

Nami's strength is at least stronger than ordinary fishmen. In the East China Sea, this strength can be said to be enough to get around.

"Are you going to do some heroic deeds?"

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Nami and said:

"Right now, we have absolutely no information about the pirates on the other side. If we encounter those powerful pirates, we won't be able to rescue them by then, and we will suffer disaster instead."

"But there is not enough food on the ship. If we miss this island, we will have to abandon this merchant ship and use a small boat to go to the next island!"

Nami said with a firm face:

"Compared with the danger, I think the merchant ship under my feet is more important!"

Twitching the corner of his mouth, Uchiha Feiyu finally saw: Nami is not afraid, she wants money rather than her life!

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