The next morning, when Uchiha Feiyu opened his eyes in the cabin, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"The injury recovered so quickly... It's out of danger so quickly, and the scar has begun to heal!"

"The people in this world have a strong physique!"

Touching the bandage that no longer bleeds, Uchiha Feiyu's expression was a little strange, and he began to search for the remaining memories in this brain again.

Originally, when Uchiha Feiyu took over the body, the body in front of him was already on the verge of death, and the memory was fragmented and had already dissipated to a certain extent. In addition, Uchiha Feiyu was thinking about how to improve the survival rate of this body at that time, so he naturally didn't spend energy to sort out the memory.

Now after going deep into the memory again, Uchiha Feiyu soon discovered the truth of the world he came to:

"Do you want my treasure? If you want, I can give it all to you. Go find it! I put all the treasures there."

Well, this is the most exciting story that this young man encountered when he was eight years old-the young man was born in Roger Town, where the Pirate King was executed, and witnessed Roger's execution with his own eyes.

Then the young man, who was still an eight-year-old boy at the time, was excited by the declaration and went home to open a fishing boat to go out to sea as a pirate.

——Finally, after being beaten by his parents with sticks, he gave up this goal. More than ten years later, he inherited his parents' chamber of commerce and became a young master of the chamber of commerce with several merchant ships.

"Isn't this the Pirate King? I didn't expect this guy to have some family background! It's a pity that he was robbed by pirates!"

Since he knew the world he was in, Uchiha Feiyu didn't care about his strange recovery ability.

In the Pirate World, everyone has an enhanced recovery buff. Usopp, who has the worst physique in the protagonist group, can recover after sleeping after his skull was broken. Compared with this, his recovery speed is already slow enough.

And now the young man he occupies is already 24 years old. It has been 16 years since the execution of the Pirate King and the beginning of the Age of Discovery.

"It's the day when the protagonist Luffy sets sail! Forget it, it has nothing to do with me... It's just a bit depressing. Isn't there not many pirates in this damn place of East China Sea? And it's a brutal pirate who killed all the people on the ship!"

Shaking his head, Uchiha Feiyu stopped thinking about these questions. After getting up from the bed, he took out some bread from the cabinet next to him and ate it.

The fast recovery of injuries also means a large energy consumption. The human beings in the pirate world are much better than normal people in terms of food consumption.

After eating and drinking, Uchiha Feiyu could feel that his injuries had recovered further.

Especially after he knew what world he was in, he could further control his body, transport nutrients to divide cells to speed up the recovery of injuries. According to his feeling, even this kind of fatal serious injury is estimated to be fully recovered by tomorrow.

Walking out of the room, looking at a pile of messy corpses on the deck of the ship, after a day of exposure to the sun, some unpleasant smells had fermented. Finally, he sighed and resigned himself to his fate and cleaned up.

After all, it was obvious to the naked eye that he would have to stay on this ship for a long time. Yesterday, he was too injured to clean up. If he didn't clean up now, would he leave these corpses to cultivate biological weapons?

He didn't do anything special. Uchiha Feiyu threw all the corpses into the sea. There were about a dozen people on the merchant ship. With his current poor physical condition, it took him an hour or two to completely clean up all the corpses.

After clearing the corpses, he didn't care about the blood on the deck and the damage on the ship. He didn't know how to sail anyway, and the mast of the ship was broken, so it must be impossible to repair it.

Not to mention that Uchiha Feiyu had never learned any navigation skills. Even if this was the calm East China Sea, he couldn't tell the directions. Even if he could drive the ship, he didn't know where to go.

So now Uchiha Feiyu went back to the cabin to recuperate. As for the ship, it would go wherever the ship drifted to, as long as it could encounter land. The highlight was that it was a matter of fate.

On the second day, Uchiha Feiyu untied the bandage and found that except for a huge scar on his body, his injuries had completely healed, and he finally smiled.

"Very good - now I can start practicing! The food on the ship is enough for two months. Two months is enough for me to practice blood nerves."

The traditional immortal cultivation method, even the magic skills, may not be much stronger than those strong men in the One Piece world at the initial stage, but they are far superior in terms of survival.

Even for beginners, eating wind and drinking dew, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and greatly reducing food consumption are also standard. With a little progress, they can practice fasting, and almost everyone does not eat worldly fireworks.

The magic skills that Uchiha Feiyu practiced did not advocate fasting, but preferred to use blood food to speed up cultivation - but this does not mean that fasting cannot be practiced, it just depends on personal choice.

As long as he gets started, at least Uchiha Feiyu does not have to worry about being starved to death in the sea because of food problems.

Sitting cross-legged, calming down, although the magic skills such as Blood Nerve and the use of "human resources" to practice is the "right way", it is not that normal methods cannot be used to practice, but if you simply refine your own blood and qi, the speed of practice will become extremely slow.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu already had some experience in practice, and he was only pursuing entry, so he didn't ask for so much in this case.

Because it was just a clone, the Heavenly Demon Secret could definitely not be practiced. If this kind of practice method related to the soul can be practiced even by clones, then it would be difficult to say who is the clone.

So there are only two types that can be practiced, Blood Nerve and Yuan Mo Gong. In comparison, the physical fitness of humans in the pirate world is stronger, and the blood is more abundant. It is much easier to practice Blood Nerve, which is naturally the best choice.

With Uchiha Feiyu's original experience, it took more than ten hours to condense his own blood and qi, and then he extracted a trace of essence of blood and qi.

Then, at the moment when the blood and qi energy just appeared, it was shattered.

It was like a snowflake appeared in boiling water, and the energy melted so fast that Uchiha Feiyu suspected that he had seen an illusion!

"What is going on?"

Uchiha Feiyu was caught off guard, with a look of doubt on his face, and his eyes widened.

The next morning, Uchiha Feiyu walked out of the cabin door with a pair of dark circles under his eyes and sighed:

"Damn... what is the world's rules not allowed? Doesn't this mean that I can't practice the skills of the Book of Demonic Heritage in this world?"

After trying to practice many times, Uchiha Feiyu found that the laws he practiced would eventually dissipate for no reason. With no other options, his body simply went to the space of the Book of Demonic Heritage and began to ask what was going on.

The answer he got was that many of the inheritances that Uchiha Feiyu obtained in the Book of Demonic Heritage were unique to the rules of other worlds. Unless he practiced to the realm of Golden Immortal, he could resist certain rules pressure in other worlds, or simply practiced to the realm of Taiyi level, so that he could practice in other worlds.

Before that, all cultivation methods must be modified according to the rules of other worlds.

As for why Uchiha Feiyu can practice? That's because the Book of Demonic Inheritance is at least a treasure of Daluo status, which can automatically adapt to or even change the rules of the heavens and the worlds, which allows Uchiha Feiyu to practice.

In fact, theoretically speaking, in other worlds, Uchiha Feiyu can't cultivate mana at all. It's only because the clone also has a trace of the breath of the Book of Demonic Inheritance that he can barely cultivate it, and then it is crushed by the rules of the world.

It seems meaningless, but in fact there is still a little benefit - although the cultivated mana cannot be stored in the body, it can be directly transferred back to the main body. In other words, the energy obtained by killing and arson in this world will be fed back to the main body to increase strength in the end.

But the key problem is... If my clone is not strong enough, I don't have the ability to kill and arson!

The potential of the young man's body that I occupy is very mediocre. The only advantage is that he was born in a wealthy family and has been trained to a certain extent - if converted into a navy soldier, it is probably the type that can barely beat ten.

After all, he is a merchant. Everyone knows the sea in the world of One Piece. Who dares to run around on the sea without some skills!

But this skill is just so. If he runs to be a pirate, the bounty is estimated to be no more than 1 million Baileys. Otherwise, he would not be killed by pirates in a peaceful sea like the East China Sea.

Even if he works hard from now on, with the physical potential of this young man, he can only be a colonel of the headquarters after practicing to the top - that is, the kind of person who looks pretty good, whether in the navy or in the top pirate group, can be a cadre, but in the truly decisive battlefield, he can only be a spectator.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu has some methods that do not involve energy and specialize in controlling the body and spirit, which can slightly improve his upper limit, his combat power can only be a supporting role from the audience.

In short, with this potential, if Uchiha Feiyu just wants to live a good life, there is no problem. If he wants to harvest the world like Naruto, he should go to bed as soon as possible.

Of course, we can't harvest a big one for now, but at least we can harvest a small one. Compared with the ninja world, which is more lawful and evil, but actually order-neutral, One Piece belongs to the chaotic evil camp. If they go to some small countries to massacre soldiers, the strength of the colonel of the headquarters is really enough. If it is a small country that has not joined the World Government, they will not even be wanted.

And... didn't I say it? It's not that it is completely impossible to practice, but it is necessary to carry out magic changes in the corresponding world. Although it sounds very difficult and troublesome, it is much easier to carry out magic changes of degraded nature, just like the secret art of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Art.

But now is not the time to consider these things - the biggest problem is that there is no way to practice and enter the door. When the food is finished, I won't starve to death!

For the first time in his life, Uchiha Feiyu began to pray to the sky, hoping that he would not die so tragically.

The first day and the second day passed like this day by day. Uchiha Feiyu was exercising while waiting for the ship to float to the shore or other ships to appear.

A month passed quickly, and Uchiha Feiyu discovered sadly that he had almost eaten up all the food on the ship.

The preparation of food and grass, which was originally expected to take two months, was shortened by half due to Uchiha Feiyu's appetite after training.

Of course, the food was not in vain. In one month, Uchiha Feiyu relied on his ability to control his body, coupled with some superficial body control methods in the magic inheritance, Uchiha Feiyu's physical quality at least improved. Three or four times, at least it is not considered cannon fodder level in the East China Sea.

The reason why Uchiha Feiha worked so hard despite the consumption of food was that he had already planned it in his mind - the early days of the One Piece comics didn't seem very cruel, but it might be different in the real world.

With the level of security in this world and the pirates running around, Uchiha Feiyu really didn't want to gamble on the possibility of meeting good people at sea.

And after you have strength, no matter whether the people you meet are good or bad, you will naturally become a good person when facing yourself.

"But now it seems... I have lost the bet. People in the pirate world have stronger vitality. I don't know how long I can last?"

Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing on the deck, sighed and prepared to turn back, but at this moment, his good eyes saw a small black dot faintly appearing in the distance.

"Is that... a boat?!!! It seems to be a small sailboat?"

"Anyone who can ride a small boat alone on the sea is not that simple. Let me take a closer look at who it is!"

As Uchiha Feiyu concentrated his energy, controlled his body, and injected more energy and blood into his eyes, his vision soon improved further.

So he clearly saw a small sailboat sailing on the sea in the distance. On the sailboat, a girl with orange hair was rocking the oars and humming a song.

At the rear of the ship, two huge treasure chests clearly showed the source of the orange-haired girl's happiness.

"It seems that fate is still very kind to me. This is really... the pillow comes to me when I am sleepy!"

Looking at the sailboat and the girl in the distance, Uchiha Feiyu regained his energy and blood, rubbed his dry eyes, and showed a happy smile on his face.

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