When Toneri Otsutsuki woke up again, he was no longer the original Otsutsuki, but the clone of Uchiha Touha.

Clenching his fists, the new clone of Toneri Otsutsuki sensed his own strength and shook his head:

"The talent is not bad... but that's it, probably close to the talent level of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara."

"Just considering that this guy is blind, to some extent, his bloodline power may be stronger than the reincarnation of the two sons of the Six Paths Sage."

After Toneri Otsutsuki installed the Byakugan, he directly awakened the Samsara Eye. Although the large Samsara Eye may also have contributed to the chakra provided by the large Samsara Eye, his own bloodline is undoubtedly close to the real Otsutsuki.

Otherwise, if it were an ordinary Hyuga ninja, he would definitely show what it means to be beaten dry, or be directly blown up by the chakra of the large Samsara Eye.

Of course, this strength and talent are meaningless to Uchiha Feiyu. He stood up and left a Flying Thunder God mark on the ground. Then, with his own chakra as resonance, he summoned his original body with a bang.

After being refined into an avatar, Otsutsuki Toneri can use most of Uchiha Feiyu's abilities. When both sides use the Flying Thunder God Technique at the same time, even if the moon is far away from the ninja world, Uchiha Feiyu can be summoned in an instant.

Otherwise, relying on Uchiha Feiyu alone, one person cannot be directly teleported to the moon.

Uchiha Feiyu, who appeared in the different space inside the moon, raised his head slightly, glanced at the fake sun in the sky, that is, the huge reincarnation eye, and then gently stretched out his hand.

The strange blood-red light lit up in his hand, and turned into a blood cloud in an instant. At first, it was just a cloud, but as it flew higher and higher, it became bigger and bigger. Finally, it was like a blood-red sky curtain, sweeping the "sun" in the sky directly.

After a moment, the light in the moon space completely disappeared, and the sun in the sky fell into Uchiha Feiyu's hands, turning into a huge white eye with a radius of five meters.

The soft light enveloped the huge white eye, making it look like a white jade plate, but if you get closer and observe carefully, you will find that this huge white eye is actually made up of densely packed white eyes.

Just based on the shape that looks like a giant bunch of grapes, people with intensive disorder would probably feel numb all over, especially the pale eyeballs, even Uchiha Feiyu would feel a little sane when he saw it.

"Go back and practice a thousand pupils glass bead, that thing is much better than this giant reincarnation eye at least in appearance."

In the magic inheritance that Uchiha Feiyu obtained, the magic weapons he practiced are basically two extremes. One is that it looks like a skull, a human skin drum, and a white bone banner, full of horror style, and the other is that it looks colorful, gorgeous and mysterious, as if it is some extraordinary treasure.

Thousand pupils of glass beads belong to the latter. The beads refined are glass-colored, as big as fists, and colorful. If only ordinary eyeballs are used for refining, at least thousands of eyeballs are needed to refine a thousand pupils of glass beads.

Thousand pupils of glass beads made with ordinary eyeballs have two abilities: clairvoyance and visual illusion. The more eyes refined, the better the effect.

And the white eyes, such as the alien eyeballs, are naturally more powerful. Apart from anything else, the thousand pupils of glass beads made with the white eyes can easily scan the entire ninja world, and it is estimated that it is not a big problem to use them as an astronomical telescope.

After putting the eyeballs that killed the intensive patients in his hand into the different space, Uchiha Feiyu's consciousness scanned the entire moon, and soon felt the huge but dead chakra hidden in the center of the moon.

"There's a little problem..."

Sensing the completely dead and closed mind, Uchiha Feiyu had a headache. The effect of the Heavenly Demon Secret was not omnipotent, or at least Uchiha Feiyu's current cultivation was far from the real outer demon, and he could not really taint everything with magic.

The Otsutsuki Kaguya, who was sealed in the center of the moon, was not like Sun Wukong, who was pressed in the seal and finished. In the innermost part of the seal, there was a space that was almost completely dead, where not only chakra could not flow, but even personal consciousness no longer existed.

It may be a bit too much to say that it no longer existed, but it is obvious that the self-consciousness of the Otsutsuki Kaguya in the seal was also frozen - in fact, if you think about it carefully, this is also a very normal thing.

Otherwise, if Otsutsuki Kaguya maintained her self-consciousness and was trapped alive in the moon for 1,000 years, the final result would not be like a certain ultimate creature drifting in outer space, stopping thinking, that is, directly turning crazy and turning into a complete chakra beast.

Normal people trapped in a small dark room without any means of communication will have a mental illness in three days. As intelligent beings, Uchiha Feiyu does not think that the resistance of the Otsutsuki clan is much higher than that of normal people in this regard.

And this completely frozen mind will not have any fluctuations, so Uchiha Feiyu's transformed inner demon thoughts will naturally have no way to start.

If he has really cultivated the secret of the demon to perfection and transformed himself into the form of the demon, then Uchiha Feiyu has the confidence to force the demon to infect Otsutsuki Kaguya directly, but now this half-baked "Nascent Soul" cultivation is still a long way off.

"Forget it. It seems that we can't turn Kaguya into a ninja weapon in a short time. If we release her now, it will be a bit troublesome to find a way to subdue her."

Uchiha Feiyu is still a little confident in himself now. He dare not say that he can easily crush Kaguya, but he can definitely gain a greater advantage.

However, when it comes to Kaguya's level, he has reached the so-called surface-cleaning strength, which is the kind of absolute natural disaster that can completely destroy modern civilization. If he fights Kaguya for a little longer, not too much, just one day and one night, the current population of the ninja world can be reduced by 90%.

The current population of the ninja world is all Uchiha Feiyu's leeks. Instead of taking the risk of fighting Kaguya, it is better to go directly to other planes to explore the way. At worst, it will take ten years for the leeks to mature again. By then, Uchiha Feiyu's strength will be much better than now, and it will be much easier to suppress Otsutsuki Kaguya.

He separated a pure-blooded Otsutsuki clone and asked him to sit on the moon to protect him. Uchiha Feiyu also added several more seals to the outside world of this artificial planet to ensure that the difficulty of Otsutsuki Kaguya's escape would increase tenfold.

Then, he closed the communication channel of the moon, let the Otsutsuki clone open the divine space, hid in the space, and then activated the ability of the Night God.

In the ethereal void, Uchiha Feiyu slowly opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, the original void was like a curtain slowly fading, and the sound of waves came from the surroundings.

"This time... I don't know where I ran to?"

"I hope I can dream of people! Otherwise, I have to waste some time again."

The Night God is simply a skill of traveling through the world in a dream, but Uchiha Feiyu's luck was not very good in the previous few times. He appeared in some uninhabited worlds, or simply in the cold and dead universe void. Even if he appeared in some habitable worlds, he didn't meet anyone.

As long as he didn't meet anyone, Uchiha Feiyu's skills in invading demons were meaningless, and the time in the Night God Plain could not be too long. Every time he dreamed, Uchiha Feiyu often only had five to ten minutes to look around.

The world or the planet is very large, and a planet suitable for human beings, or carbon-based life, must have at least 50% of its area covered by oceans. In addition, there are many wildernesses on land without human footprints. This means that even on a planet with humans, the possibility of Uchiha Feiyu meeting people is only one in ten or two.

In this case, although Uchiha Feiyu had dreamed hundreds of times, he still didn't locate any world in the end.

"Ocean again... I hate this damn ocean!"

Looking around, Uchiha Feiyu's face immediately showed a frustrated expression. The ocean is vast and uninhabited. Basically, if he appeared here, it can be said that this sleepwalking journey is GG.

Although there are many creatures in the sea, these creatures are not very intelligent and have no self-awareness. Naturally, they cannot produce any inner demons. At least with Uchiha Feiyu's current secret cultivation of the Heavenly Demon, he has not yet reached the level of being able to possess the bodies of fish in the sea.

"It seems that this time we will return empty-handed again... huh!?"

Just when Uchiha Feiyu was still a little depressed, the intense mental fluctuations in the distance made him raise his head and look into the distance.

"Someone, is it a sea ship... Great!!"

After feeling the emotional fluctuations in the distance, Uchiha Feiyu immediately began to fly there, but unfortunately his movement speed in the dream was not fast, which was about the same as the running speed of an ordinary ninja.

"Faster, faster..."

Finally, after spending seven or eight minutes, Uchiha Feiyu arrived at the scene, and then his eyebrows frowned.

What appeared in front of him was a merchant ship drifting on the sea, but from the bloodstains and smoke on the ship, as well as the tiny black shadow of the pirate ship in the distance, it can be seen that the merchant ship was obviously attacked by the enemy.

Should I go find the pirate ship over there? Uchiha Feiyu thought about it for a while, and then gave up the idea. Every time he dreamed of another world, the longest time would not exceed ten minutes. If it was short, it would end in five minutes. Now it has been seven or eight minutes, and the connection with this world may be disconnected at any time. He has no time to waste now.

Sensing the spiritual fluctuations that were gradually disappearing in the merchant ship, Uchiha Feiyu did not hesitate at all and sneaked in directly. He soon found a young man who was stabbed in the abdomen and was about to bleed to death.

Everyone else on the merchant ship had died. In this case, Uchiha Feiyu had no room for nitpicking and immediately entered the mind of this young man who was almost dissipating.

When people are dying, negative emotions are often very strong, which is also the best breeding ground for the growth of inner demons. Even if Uchiha Feiyu's spiritual power in this world is very weak, it only took more than ten seconds to devour this young man.

Completely taking over everything of this young man, Uchiha Feiyu immediately felt cold all over, black eyes, and even a strong sense of sleepiness.

"It's a bit bad...this physical condition..."

After taking over the body, the feeling of being outside the world immediately disappeared, but now this body is on the verge of death, and it will directly hit GG if no measures are taken.

Fortunately, even if Uchiha Feiyu has no way to get support from his body, at least some ordinary physical control techniques that do not involve energy can still be used to a little extent.

The muscles that controlled his body closed together to suppress the bleeding from the wound, and then he reluctantly dragged his body that was about to collapse and sat up cross-legged, taking a long breath.

This is not a kind of practice. Even if it is the so-called magic skill, if you practice it forcefully when your body is overworked and injured, and you have no foundation at all, it will only accelerate your collapse. So this is just a way to use breathing to calm the body. A way to accumulate strength.

After taking deep breaths for more than ten minutes, Uchiha Feiyu opened his eyes and felt that his body had accumulated some strength.

Looking up at the other dead people in the cabin, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Is there no one alive on the entire ship? It's really troublesome. It seems I have to get through it by myself."

You must know that his current body has suffered serious injuries that are enough to cause death. Although the important organs are not damaged, if the body is disembowelled, the bleeding alone can kill a person alive.

Thanks to Uchiha Feiyu who once cultivated blood nerves, even without a trace of mana, he could simply rely on the muscle power of the body to simply control the blood flow, otherwise he would have died by now.

Although he can barely control his injuries now, he has been wandering between life and death. With no one alive on the ship, he has to take care of his own food, clothing, and daily life. In this case, can he recover? , or it just hangs up halfway, it’s really an unknown number.

"Forget it, let's not think about it for now... At least I did find another world this time. It's a lot better than before."

"I'd better go find something to eat first to replenish my body's energy, otherwise I might really die."

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