Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 196: The captured salamander Hanzo

Almost at the same time when Uchiha Feiyu started to speak, Hanzo of the Salamander also formed seals with both hands and performed his own ninjutsu at the same time.

"Poison escape - poison dragon technique!"

The venom spit out from Hanzo of the Salamander instantly swelled in the wind and turned into a huge purple poison dragon, wrapping Hanzo of the Salamander completely, and then stretched out its claws and grabbed Uchiha Feiyu.

Uchiha Feiyu was also interested, and a huge amount of chakra was injected into the earth. With a series of loud rumbling noises, a forest grew on the ground, and countless trees twisted and grew, condensing into a huge wooden dragon.

In terms of size, the wooden dragon was more than three times larger than the poisonous dragon, and the same claw also grabbed the poisonous dragon.

The two claws, one large and one small, collided with each other, and a crackling sound suddenly sounded. The dragon claws stretched out by the wooden dragon quickly turned black, and at the same time, the claws of the poisonous dragon were directly squeezed into a pool of venom, which was continuously absorbed by the power of the wood escape.

No matter how terrible the poison of Hanzo's poison escape is, it still belongs to the chakra system, and therefore the venom can still be absorbed as chakra, but at the same time, before the venom is decomposed into chakra, the damage to the wood dragon is also quite terrible.

Although the poison dragon is small, its power is not much inferior to that of the wood dragon. With this skill, Hanzo can walk sideways in the current ninja world, except for himself.

However, even if Hanzo's life level has evolved, he is still far behind Hashirama Senju in pure chakra, and even Uchiha Madara may not be able to compare, not to mention Uchiha Feiyu, who is now considered the best in the Otsutsuki clan.

The difference in chakra energy quickly made the poisonous dragon of the Salamander Hanzo suppressed by the wood dragon. No matter how the poisonous dragon melted the wood dragon's body, under the huge chakra injected by Uchiha Feiyu, the wood dragon would be fully restored in the next second, while the poisonous dragon became smaller and smaller under the attack of the wood dragon, and the chakra was almost absorbed.

Seeing the situation take a sharp turn, the Salamander Hanzo gritted his teeth, no longer stingy with the chakra in his body, and bit his finger directly.

The blood flowing from the finger was mixed with seven or eight kinds of venom that stimulated vitality and increased chakra in a short period of time. As long as an ordinary ninja drank a drop of any of these venoms, it would burn his life directly as if he had awakened the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Method.

Only a monster like the Salamander Hanzo who evolved into a poisonous man could not die under the stimulation of so many different kinds of life-promoting venoms, but would be excited, the body activated, and the chakra surged.

In just a few seconds, purple patterns appeared on Hanzo's face, and his eyes turned blood red. Under the stimulation of the venom, the chakra that had been depleted not only recovered, but also increased several times.

"Poison escape-Poison man technique!"

The purple venom gushed out and condensed on the ground, gradually forming a huge poison giant nearly 200 meters high. After the giant was completely formed, the outermost part of the originally liquid venom gradually solidified into a crystal-like solid.

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the huge poison giant in front of him and nodded gently:

"It's confirmed-this guy must have seen the battle between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara!"

What poison dragon technique, poison man technique, no matter how you look at it, it's a variant of the wood dragon technique, the wood man technique, Susanoo, etc., is it true that all ninjutsu relies on plagiarism?

Considering that the Sharingan awakens to the level of Mangekyō and can automatically drive Gundam, maybe the Wooden Man Technique is also Susanoo imitated by Hashirama Senju...

Uchiha Feiyu is still thinking about it here, and at this moment, Hanzo of the Salamander has already controlled the Poison Giant without hesitation, clenched his fist, and punched down.

Uchiha Feiyu, standing on the wooden dragon, felt the strong wind blowing in his face, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"It's almost over. It seems that Hanzo of the Salamander can't come up with anything new. Let's just end the battle!"

As Uchiha Feiyu's voice fell, he also clenched his fist, facing the poison fist that fell from the sky, which seemed to be the size of a locomotive, and also punched it.

The two fists, one big and one small, collided "gently" in the fierce whistling sound, and then accompanied by a bang, the air exploded with circles of air waves, and the whistling wind swept across a range of hundreds of meters, lifting a large amount of soil and trees born by the wood escape.

However, the result of the collision of these two fists, which seemed to have a huge visual difference, was completely unexpected. There was almost no stalemate time of 0.01 seconds, and the huge poisonous giant's arm was directly blown into powder!

The monstrous fist force was still there, rising into the sky, and in the wailing sound of the air, it blasted into the sky, directly punching a big hole in the clouds in the sky, revealing the rare sunshine of the Rain Country.

"How is it possible..."

The Salamander Hanzo, who was at the center of the poisonous giant, showed an incredible expression on his face. Although this huge poisonous giant was not as good as Susanoo and the Woodman Technique in terms of physical damage and firmness, it was beyond the imagination of Salamander Hanzo to smash it directly with a fist!

After all, the size of this thing is here. Even if the most powerful toxin does not work, the physical attack ability of the Poison Man Technique is much stronger than ordinary ninjutsu. What the hell is it to smash it directly with a fist?

However, Uchiha Feiyu obviously would not give Sanshouyu Hanzo any more time to think. After the first punch was fired, he punched continuously and blasted out huge air cannonballs.

Thunderous explosions came one after another, causing the ground to shake. Amidst the roars, the air bomb caused by Uchiha Feiyu's fist had directly smashed the entire huge poisonous man into pieces.

The unlucky Sanshouyu Hanzo was swept by the wind of the air fist, and was crushed so hard that he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. His whole body crackled, and he didn't know how many bones were broken before he fell to the ground with a crackle.

If it weren't for the fact that after breaking out of his cocoon, his life form has evolved, and his physical body's vitality and defense have greatly increased. If it were an ordinary ninja, it would be difficult for an ordinary ninja to receive such a punch, even a corpse the size of a fingernail. turn up.

"It's over, easy to do!"

Uchiha Feiyu clapped his hands, jumped off Wood Dragon's head, and landed directly next to Sanshouyu Hanzo who fell to the ground.

At this moment, Sanshouyu Hanzo has lost a good piece of flesh all over his body, and his injuries are extremely heavy. Although he did not die due to his tenacious vitality, and there are even signs of recovery, but at this moment, his eyes are completely gray, and his face is lying Looks flat and in bad shape.

Even though Sansho Hanzo was defeated by him with just a few punches, Sansho Hanzo, who had actually raised his life level once, was able to fight even if he faced off against Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara in the Battle of the Valley of the End. for a period of time.

Considering his special poison escape, there is even a slight possibility that Uchiha Madara will capsize in the gutter - Senju Hashirama basically has no possibility of being killed by the poison escape at first sight. The fault tolerance rate of the immortal human body is higher than that of the immortal eye. too much.

It's just that even though Sanshou Hanzo is the strongest non-Otsutsuki bloodline in the ninja world for thousands of years, he is still powerless to fight back against Uchiha Feiha.

At this moment, Sanshouyu Hanzo, who had already thrown himself into the street, was lying flat on the ground. When he saw Uchiha Feiyu approaching, he just shook his head slightly and said:

"I didn't expect to be defeated so easily... I originally thought that with my strength increased to this level, I could fight you..."

Fight against me? Uchiha Feiyu curled up his lips and didn't say much to Sansho Hanzo. He just snapped his fingers. A space-time vortex immediately appeared behind Sansho Hanzo and swallowed him up.

As the only ninja in the entire ninja world who has broken through the level of life due to his cultivation of skills, this guy's preciousness is self-evident. Of course, Uchiha Feiyu cannot let him go.

After capturing Sansho Hanzo, Uchiha Feiyu turned around and looked around again. This was originally the center of the Rain Ninja Village. However, after a melee between Uchiha Feiyu and Sansho Fish Hanzo, the entire Ame Ninja Village was now It's all chaos.

Uchiha Feiyu's Wood Release Ninjutsu is okay. Although the attack range is huge, it is not very lethal under his own control. However, Sanshouyu Hanzo's Poison Release is uncontrollable in its power and can cause damage. The scope is even more outrageous.

For those ordinary ninjas, there is no need for the venom used by Sanshouyu Hanzo. Just a trace of gas after the venom evaporates is enough for those ordinary ninjas to drink a pot. If the treatment speed is a little slower, then there is The end of death and no life.

And in the chaotic battlefield just now, and all the ninjas were still under the control of Uchiha Feiyu's illusion, how many people would think of saving others?

In this case, the poisonous gas spread by the venom of Sanshouyu Hanzo almost directly knocked down half of the rain ninja village.

"Really, if we fight a few more rounds, the Rain Ninja Village will not be destroyed in my hands, but will be destroyed by Sanshouyu Hanzo's own ninjutsu... The key is that the ninjas killed by this guy, It doesn’t count as my sacrifice.”

Seeing the appearance of all the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village being poisoned, Uchiha Feiyu was slightly embarrassed for a moment, and then decided to relieve the pain of these ninjas - directly use the wooden escape move to pack up the entire Rain Ninja Village ninjas, and train them. Turn into elixir.

There is no way, it is impossible to save people. Although the Yang Release Chakra in Uchiha Feiyu's body is powerful and his own level of medical ninjutsu is extremely high, it takes a lot of effort to save these thousands of people. And the time was really too much, so I simply harvested it.

"The windfall has been obtained, now it's time to bring this war to an end!"

Although all the ninjas in the Land of Rain are under the control of illusions at the moment, it can be said that he can directly harvest these sacrifices at any time, but Uchiha Feiyu is not prepared to do such a rough job.

In any case, the battle of millions of people will definitely leave many traces in the Kingdom of Rain. This is something that illusion cannot do. Uchiha Feiyu must at least create those forged traces.

"It's a pity that I don't have a sacred tree in my hand... Otherwise, if I activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi directly, I can sink the entire ninja world into a realm where reality and illusion alternate, and I can get a lot of sacrifices casually,"

"However... even the Infinite Tsukuyomi requires the Divine Tree Realm to absorb the chakra in the ninja's own body in order to maintain the generation of the illusion..."

Infinite Tsukuyomi is a super powerful illusion that can cover the entire planet. Just looking at the range that covers the entire planet, you can imagine how much this illusion consumes.

Even for the Otsutsuki who have merged with the power of the Ten-Tails, this consumption is not something that can be easily borne. Generally speaking, when launching the Infinite Tsukuyomi, the Otsutsuki clan only provides a chakra for the initial illusion, and the illusion is maintained by the life forms controlled by the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Although Uchiha Feiyu already has a pure-blooded Otsutsuki clone, and with the blessing of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art and the Divine Sect Demon Sect Art, the talent of the Otsutsuki clone is definitely the best among the best, even if it is looking at the entire Otsutsuki.

But after all, he has never eaten any chakra fruit. In terms of pure chakra, he has no advantage over ordinary Otsutsuki. Even if he casts the Infinite Tsukuyomi that covers the entire world, he can't bear it for a long time.

After imagining the scene after he had the ability of unlimited moon reading, Uchiha Feiyu quickly returned to reality. You know, in the current Rain Village, there are nearly two or three million ninjas and chakra soldiers. If he could swallow these sacrifices in one gulp, the amount of chakra that Uchiha Feiyu got would be almost equivalent to more than ten or twenty ordinary tailed beasts.

Although the chakra of the Ten-Tails is actually more than the sum of the nine tailed beasts, and the energy possessed by the Chakra Fruit is stronger than the Ten-Tails, which is a sacred tree, to a certain extent.

So even if these chakras are added together, the improvement to Uchiha Feiyu is not as good as eating a chakra fruit, but think about it. Only one chakra fruit is produced in a thousand years. Uchiha Feiyu feels that he has made a lot of money.

This has not yet counted the soul energy and blood of these ninjas and chakra soldiers. For Uchiha Feiyu, this is the real big deal.

"Unconsciously... I gradually became cold-blooded. The lives of millions of people seemed like a few hundred candy beans..."

Thinking about it, Uchiha Feiyu felt that he was not a good person. Even from the beginning, he didn't seem to care about other people's lives. It was just that he was not strong enough to make such a large-scale sacrifice.

If he had just traveled to the ninja world and was given such a chance to consume millions of lives and ascend to heaven in one step, he would have done it without hesitation and would not have the slightest regret.

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