Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 197 The battle is over

After reviewing his non-existent conscience, Uchiha Feiyu returned to the battlefield.

Although it was called a battlefield, in fact, in this situation where everyone was under illusion, there were not many casualties so far.

But now it was different. After Uchiha Feiyu came to the ground, he put his hands together without hesitation and activated the summoning technique. Several huge coffin-sized Hunyuan treasure boxes quickly appeared around Uchiha Feiyu.

"You can divide these things, and then design some memories, and forge a battlefield at the same time..."

Seven or eight days passed quickly. Even with Uchiha Feiyu's mental power and chakra, maintaining a nationwide illusion for such a long time also made him feel exhausted.

But in the same way, the four Hunyuan treasure boxes were running at full capacity, just like a huge meat grinder devouring machine. The number of two or three million ninjas and chakra soldiers is now only one-tenth of them.

Whether it is the four major ninja villages or the soldiers of the four countries, their numbers have been sharply reduced at this moment, and after the four Hunyuan treasure boxes have extracted such a huge amount of energy, the soul energy inside has also reached its limit.

The original body of the Hunyuan treasure box is the Bliss Box, which is considered a good treasure in the ninja world, but if it is placed in the book of the inheritance of the magic way, it can only be regarded as the most ordinary kind of refining material.

Even if the Hunyuan treasure box can be improved to a certain extent by constantly refining the flesh and blood soul, the improvement that can be brought to the magic weapon in just a dozen years is also very little.

The souls that the Bliss Box can accommodate at the beginning are only about one million. Now it has been transformed into four Hunyuan treasure boxes. Although the upper limit of the capacity has increased a little, it is not much larger. Two or three million souls are enough to make the Hunyuan treasure box completely full.

"Then next, it's time for the final battle with Uzumaki Nagato... Thank you for your hard work. Now you can find a safe place to hide."

The "you" mentioned by Uchiha Feiyu are the shadows of the other four major ninja villages and their shadow guards, namely Tsunade, Mei Terumi, Ye Cang, the four women of Bokuto and his harem Dinglu.

It is with these people who help deal with the ninjas that the four Hunyuan treasure boxes can operate uninterruptedly, but now, these people's mental state is not very good.

Uchiha Feiyu is full of alienation from the Naruto world, and almost regards most ninjas and ordinary people as NPCs and wild monsters. Naturally, he has no rejection of killing monsters and exploding gold coins. No matter whether it is Konoha Ninja Village or any other ninja village, as long as Uchiha Feiyu is not familiar with them, they are all leeks.

Even if he is familiar with Uchiha Feiyu, once it really affects his interests, Uchiha Feiyu will definitely kill him at the first time, without even a second of hesitation. It can be said that he is a natural seed of magic cultivation.

However, the shadows of the four major ninja villages and the Anbu Dinglu of Uchiha Feiyu did not have the same mentality as Uchiha Feiyu. Even though they had been mentally controlled by Uchiha Feiyu to some extent, it did not mean that they had really become emotionless puppets.

On the contrary, in addition to their submission to Uchiha Feiyu, these women also had deep feelings for their own ninja villages, and they were very concerned about the ninjas in their own ninja villages.

Seeing the ninjas of their own ninja villages turned into consumables directly, and they did it themselves, it is conceivable that the mental state of these people was greatly affected. In the past few days, even if these women were only responsible for throwing people into the Hunyuan Treasure Box, they had already made them nervous and almost mentally collapsed.

At this moment, hearing Uchiha Feiyu asking them to leave, these women were relieved and left here in a hurry.

Uchiha Feiyu directly split into four clones, which were transformed into Tsunade, Bokuto, Ye Cang, and Terumi Mei. At the same time, he also took back the four Hunyuan treasure boxes and released some illusions.

At least now, ordinary ninjas can see the four shadows of the ninja villages confronting Uzumaki Nagato.

The ordinary ninjas who woke up from the illusion were flawlessly connected to the real battlefield in a second, as if these people really experienced a tragic century war. Everyone looked nervously at the four ninja village leaders and Uzumaki Nagato who were confronting each other.

Then the faces of these ordinary ninjas changed. In the illusion, Nagato's destructive power once again surged into their hearts, making them pale and their legs trembling.

"Run away! Don't get in the way here! With our strength, we can't intervene in this war!"

"So many people have consumed a lot of Nagato's chakra. This time... we should be able to win, right?"

"Don't say so much. I really thought that Akatsuki was an organization that pursued peace... This Uzumaki Nagato killed people without blinking an eye. Killing the ninjas in our village is fine, but this guy killed all the soldiers from the other four major countries, which is close to 2 million people!"

When these "surviving" ninjas said this, they all shuddered. Killing people is a common thing for most ninjas, but killing people in units of tens of thousands makes even these ninjas feel terrified.

If it weren't for the fact that Uzumaki Nagato seemed to be short of chakra after the massacre, the remaining ninjas felt that they might as well surrender directly!

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, Tsunade, the Hokage, rushed up at the first moment and collided with the Shinra Tensei performed by Uzumaki Nagato, which once again set off a huge wave of air, blowing away many ninjas close to the battlefield.

The ninja who was speaking was horrified and no longer cared to speak. He turned his head and used all his strength. When the ninjutsu such as the instant body technique was opened, one by one, they ran faster than the other.

The "battles" in the past few days have told them that in the face of big moves, ordinary ninjas like themselves should run faster!

In this way, the shadows of the four major ninja villages and Uzumaki Nagato fought with a rumble, and the aftermath of the battle almost spread to hundreds of meters away. Ordinary ninjas could only see flames, lightning, storms, giant trees, and invisible repulsive fields flashing on the battlefield, and could not see their figures at all.

Although the shadows of the four ninja villages were just clones created by Uchiha Feiyu, through dual cultivation, Uchiha Feiyu was able to fully master all the ninjutsu of the four of them, and even showed more power than them.

Moreover, even as clones, the chakra was close to the level of the tailed beasts. This level of chakra can be said to be a standard ninjutsu turret. At least the battle scene can be made magnificent, and it seems that it is not much weaker than Uzumaki Nagato.

And as long as it looks similar, it is enough.

The "thrilling" battle lasted for about a few hours, and the small half of the Rain Country near the east was almost destroyed. The huge chakra aura that permeated the entire battlefield disappeared.

At this time, the tens of thousands of ninjas remaining on the battlefield had already collapsed. Because both sides of the "battle" were moving quickly, these ninjas could only try their best to escape to the periphery in order not to be involved in the aftermath of the battle. Some of the fast runners have already escaped from the Rain Country.

The battle lasted for several hours, but it took more than ten days to gather these defeated soldiers back. However, this saved a lot of trouble. Originally, the entire battlefield of the Rain Country might have some inconsistencies with the illusion, but after more than half a month, no problems could be seen.

But what really surprised the ninjas of the four major ninja villages was that they actually won! The terrifying Uzumaki Nagato was finally sealed by the shadows of the four major ninja villages.

Although they didn't kill people directly, generally speaking, the strong people who were sealed in the ninja world basically had no chance to start over again - Kaguya Otsutsuki had an immortal body, so she could survive the long thousand-year seal. Once ordinary ninjas fell into the seal, even if the speed of life loss slowed down, they would die in at most a few decades.

Yes, Uchiha Feiyu planned this drama. In the final ending of the drama, Uzumaki Nagato was not a person who needed to be killed, but a sealed ending - it was convenient for the second harvest in the future, and then pull out this sealed big devil.

The Fourth Ninja World War ended just like that, but the casualties caused by this Ninja World War shocked the five major countries and all the ninja villages.

The armies of the five major countries were almost wiped out, and only two or three out of ten ninjas survived the war. After the battle, Akatsuki and Iwagakure were also liquidated. The members of Akatsuki were almost wiped out, and Iwagakure was also broken by the four ninja villages and directly divided.

Anyway, the number of four ninja villages is enough. Uchiha Feiyu doesn't think there is any difference between five villages and four villages in the whole ninja world. As long as the whole ninja world is not unified, he has an excuse if he wants to harvest.

The base where the roots were originally located under Konoha.

At this moment, this original base is not completely abandoned, but has become a real training base for the Anbu, but the "roots of Konoha" seemed to be a bit too hard to dig at the beginning, and there are some secret places that have not been used until now.

The person who knows the most about the Root of Konoha is not even Orochimaru, who was once the deputy of the Root, but Uchiha Feiyu, who used illusion to trick almost all the ninjas of the Root. So when he was ready to find a secret place to digest his harvest, he immediately thought of this place where he had stayed for a long time.

After notifying Tsunade, Uchiha Feiyu took his four "big coffins" and hid underground as a rat - there was no other way. After absorbing some leeks from the Rock Village and the Akatsuki Organization, the four Hunyuan Treasure Boxes had really reached their limit. Without Uchiha Feiyu's suppression, they would explode in a minute.

As for what the result of this thing exploding would be, even Uchiha Feiyu himself was not very clear. If he was lucky, it would just be a big explosion. If he was unlucky, the huge soul energy, blood energy and chakra might condense into some tricky monsters.

In fact, Uchiha Feiyu could also absorb it directly now, but now Uchiha Feiyu has already prepared for the transfer. Now that he has absorbed a lot of energy, a large part of it will definitely be wasted when he transfers.

If the time for transformation is still very long, there is no need to say more, but now Uchiha Feiyu has gathered a huge amount of sacrifices, and he can definitely get some advanced inheritance from the book of magic inheritance. The transformation can be said to be imminent. Naturally, he will not be idle and waste energy.

In the basement filled with seal arrays, Uchiha Feiyu placed four "big coffins" in the center of the four seal arrays, thereby suppressing the energy inside the Hunyuan treasure box, and then sat cross-legged in the center, concentrating his mental power on the dark space where the book of the inheritance of the magic way was.

In the dark space, endless black air entangled and gathered together, condensing into a terrifying black snake with horns on its head, winding and flowing, and making a frantic scream that seemed to be a mixture of thousands of sounds.

On the body of the black giant python, through each scale, you can see a human face. The human faces on the scales are constantly changing. Each face is a dead person who died at the hands of Uchiha Feiyu. The whole snake seems to be condensed from millions of human faces. It looks both terrifying and eerie, enough to make a normal person's sanity value go crazy.

"Tsk... I didn't expect that with more sacrifices, there would be such a change. Has it become Cthulhu style this time?"

"Speaking of it, that thing can also be considered a kind of demon! But I don't want to go down this path where I might go crazy at any time."

The Cthulhu-style cultivation is also a new school that has only recently emerged. The advantage is that the speed of progress is much faster than that of ordinary cultivation. The disadvantage is that the possibility of becoming a madman or a monster is also much greater.

The cultivation of the magic path itself is dangerous enough. If a Cthulhu-style is added, it is estimated that it will become an indescribable monster in a minute.

With a little worry, Uchiha Feiyu directly started the sacrifice. The Book of Magic Inheritance in the sky trembled slightly, and this time a new abnormality appeared.

A fine chain grew out of the book and directly wrapped around the giant python that was constantly wandering and roaring on the altar. After the giant python, which looked huge and weird, was wrapped around the fine chain, it immediately turned into a dead snake and was directly pulled up by the Book of Magic Inheritance.

The sound of crackling and creaking continued to sound, accompanied by the struggling body and silent roar of the black giant python. After a moment, the entire black giant python was sucked clean by the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance.

At this time, the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance opened the book very slowly. Compared with the past when it only transmitted some information or shed some blood, this time, the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance dropped a whole page and landed in front of Uchiha Feiyu.

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