Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 195 Salamander Hanzo

After spinning around twice, Sanshouyu Hanzo already knew the seriousness of the situation, but he was helpless in the face of the illusion that enveloped the entire Rain Country.

He himself was able to get rid of the illusion only after his original shadow-level strength was reborn and his entire life form was sublimated. Only then could he barely withstand the power of the wide-area illusion.

But if he wants to wake up his subordinates by himself, then he is beyond his power - not to mention all the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village, even Nanami and Sanshouyu Hanzo, who are the easiest to be rescued. There is no way to save people.

If Sanshouyu Hanzo were to encounter such a strange situation, he would turn around and run away without saying a word. He is no longer the stubborn "ninja demigod" he was when he was young, and he is very aware of the limits of his own strength.

Even after breaking out of his cocoon and being reborn, his strength has greatly improved, and there has been a huge gap between him and the shadow-level powerhouses. Facing this powerful illusion, he is still helpless. In comparison, if If he was willing to let go and kill people, it would be easier to kill all the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village.

Now Hanzo Hanzo, after improving his life essence, has entered the same realm as Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. Perhaps his poison ability is inferior to that of Wooden Senshi Human Body and Eternal Kaleidoscope, but In terms of life level, the two sides are indeed completely equal.

Otherwise, he would not be immune to the illusion cast by Uchiha Feiyu. You must know that his level of illusion is not very good, and he does not have the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Unfortunately, the problem is the Land of Rain and the Rain Ninja Village. No matter how ruthless Hanzo is, he cannot abandon his country and the Ninja Village.

At this moment, a huge chakra aura suddenly appeared from a distance. Sanshouyu Hanzo's body trembled slightly and he looked at the place where the chakra aura appeared:

"This it that guy? Uchiha Feiyu..."

For Uchiha Feiyu, Sanshouyu Hanzo was extremely impressed. After all, it was from Uchiha Feiyu that Sanshoyu Hanzo got the poisonous skill training scroll, and this was how he almost completely changed his body and changed his destiny.

However, Uchiha Feiyu's incomparable strength and the terrifying and unbelievable sense of oppression also frightened Sansho Hanzo at that time, and he was almost in panic all day long.

It wasn't until later that Uzumaki Nagato came out of nowhere, blatantly contacted the five major countries, and issued a wanted order to hunt down Uchiha Feiyu, but Uchiha Feiyu never showed up, Sanshouyu Hanzo's heartache was slightly better.

In the flash of lightning, many thoughts passed through Sansho Hanzo's mind: Suddenly, a major change occurred, and even the fundamental purpose of the Akatsuki organization and Uzumaki Nagato was changed. The genjutsu that shrouded the entire Land of Rain was once again revealed. Uchiha Feiyu...

He could feel that these three things were significantly related to each other, but even with Sanshouyu Hanzo's rich life experience, he couldn't figure out what exactly happened.

But before Sansho Hanzo could think too much, the figure of Uchiha Fei appeared in front of him. The huge chakra almost distorted Sansho Hanzo's senses, leaving a look of horror on his face.

"Sanshouyu Hanzo... I really didn't expect that you could give me such a big surprise just by giving you such a scroll of poison skills!"

"Tsk, it's obviously the kind of poisonous technique that is eager for quick success and will wear down your vitality, but you have taken such a path to Nirvana and rebirth, and even improved the essence of life... Through self-cultivation and improvement of the essence of life, you are probably The best person in the entire ninja world!"

As a person who can improve the essence of life without relying on the potential of blood, Uchiha Feiyu only knows one Orochimaru. Over the years, Orochimaru has made rapid progress in scientific research. Through various scientific transformations, his own essence of life has almost reached a very high level. high level.

In addition, in Uchiha Feiyu's harem, there are women whose life essence has improved to a certain limit, but there is no one else.

It's just that Orochimaru relied on science, and Uchiha Feiyu's harem was led by him. What they relied on was not training.

This more traditional thing of relying on cultivation to improve the essence of life, so far only Sansho Hanzo can do it.

Uchiha Feiha didn't know whether Sansho Hanzo was lucky or if his talent was really that amazing. It was probably a combination of both!

To be precise, Sanshouyu Hanzo is very suitable for the Poison Technique configuration. In addition, this guy can become a ninja demigod as a ninja of the Rain Ninja Village, and his own talent is beyond doubt.

The combination of the two, plus a little bit of crucial luck, allowed this Sanshouyu Hanzo to undergo such a transformation.

"You...what do you want to do? Uchiha Hiba!? Don't forget that there is still a war going on here in the Country of Rain! Uzumaki Nagato is in the Country of Rain. Aren't you afraid that he will find your traces by then? "

Hanzo Hanzo clenched the scythe in his hand. Although he felt that his current strength was more than ten times stronger than at the peak of his youth, looking at the Uchiha with a smile on his face and no defense at all, he felt fear in his heart. , but it came in waves like a tidal wave.

So much so that this hero, who once fought against several great powers alone and earned the title of Demigod with his powerful skills and outstanding courage, only dared to pretend to be powerful and use the name of Nagato to intimidate the opponents in front of him.

"Haha, do you really think so?"

Uchiha Feiyu crossed his arms and chuckled, saying:

"As a veteran Kage-level ninja who has experienced the Second and Third Ninja World Wars, I don't believe you don't have any doubts at all - why did I dare to launch such a huge illusion in the Land of Rain, Nagato's territory, why did Uzumaki Nagato suddenly become like a different person, leading the Akatsuki organization to launch a war to unify the world... If I really had no preparation, would I come here to die?"

Hanzo Salamander held the sickle in his hand, and his joints were almost white from being pinched. He spoke in a low voice:

"You and Uzumaki Nagato teamed up? How did you convince him? You actually let Nagato's family Guy betrayed his ideals? "

"You can think more boldly..."

Uchiha Feiyu said something meaningful, which made Hanzo's face change greatly:

"You, you mean... did you really completely control Uzumaki Nagato? Impossible, with the resistance of the Samsara Eye to illusions, it is impossible to control his illusions at all."

Uchiha Feiyu did not answer again, but carefully looked at Hanzo, who was now full of vitality. After breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn, this old man, who is now almost 70 years old, returned to his youth and returned to his peak state of 30 years old, and both his blood and spirit were many times stronger than his peak state.

'It feels like the whole person has been reborn... This practice method may be directly renamed the Hundred Poisons Silkworm Skill... But if Hanzo did not have the special physique of Hanzo, it would not be a life or death to practice it, but a hundred deaths. '

'But no matter what, this guy is a very good and precious sample... After all, even I rely on a large amount of resources to improve my life essence. From this point of view, I am not as good as Hanzo. '

The Hanzo on the opposite side was still muttering something like impossible, but Uchiha Feiyu had already taken action without hesitation. He flashed and punched out. With a bang, the Hanzo in front of him exploded into a pool of purple liquid.

This pool of purple liquid has a very strong corrosive power. It made a sizzling sound just by falling on the ground, corroding the ground into a big hole, and the liquid splashed on Uchiha Feiyu instantly corroded most of him.

Uchiha Feiyu opened his mouth like a melting, and couldn't even speak. It was like a ball of ice cream slowly melting under the scorching sun. It was only half melted, and the original flesh and blood body revealed the essence of wood. Obviously, this was just a wooden clone.

"Hmm... Is this your new bloodline limit? The nature of the chakra has completely changed. This should be called a poison clone!"

Not far away, Uchiha Feiyu showed his figure and said a few words while looking at the pool of venom. However, Hanzo, who also appeared, obviously had no more thoughts, but without saying anything, he made a seal with his hands:

"Poison escape-Poison flow river technique!"

The rich purple venom turned into a terrifying river and gushed out. Just by looking at the ground being melted, Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that the earth escape defense ninjutsu would definitely be eroded away in the first place.

"Wood escape-Ranking technique!"

The chain of wooden shields rising from the ground formed a huge wall, blocking the gushing poisonous river. However, even this powerful defense ninjutsu that could defend against Susanoo and the tailed beasts was eroded by the poisonous river, and thick white smoke and a hissing sound came out.

The giant wooden wall gradually showed tiny black spots, which expanded rapidly and eventually turned the entire wall into a black carbon slag-like substance, completely collapsing.

"Only blocked for half a minute? I have to say that the lethality is really strong."

Looking at the poison that broke through the defense of the wooden wall and rushed over, Uchiha Feiyu said calmly, and a layer of light chakra armor appeared on his body surface, and then he was submerged by the entire poison river.

"Did he die?"

Looking at Uchiha Feiyu submerged in the poisonous river, Hanzo said in disbelief, and a chuckle came from the pool of venom:

"When ordinary people have this doubt, the opponent must not have been killed!"

In the surging pool, Uchiha Feiyu, wearing a Susanoo armor, slowly rose from the poisonous pool, and the purple venom flowed down from the chakra armor on his body, making a stinging sound and emitting light purple smoke.

Gently opening a crack in the arm armor, the purple venom flowed down and stuck to Uchiha Feiyu's clothes, instantly soaking a large area of ​​his sleeves. However, when it fell on Uchiha Feiyu's skin, it was like aqua regia falling on glass, sliding down.

"It's a very strong poison... a corrosive toxin of physical nature, a neurotoxin with the fastest onset, and the most common hemolytic toxin..."

"It's simply a mixture of multiple venoms, and not just the liquid on the surface, but even the smoke that comes out after corroding the object is also highly toxic... To a certain extent, your entire life system and chakra have completely turned into a toxin production factory. Is this the direction of evolution you chose?"

Breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn is the last step of poison training. The training goal before that has actually determined the direction of evolution. In this regard, Hanzo's choice is quite standard and does not exceed Uchiha Feiyu's imagination.

However, when he saw Uchiha Feiyu catching the venom with his bare hands, Hanzo felt his scalp tingling and his teeth trembling. Others don't know, but Hanzo doesn't know how terrible his venom is?

Don't think it's just a little bit of venom, in fact, this venom is actually contagious!

The poison scroll obtained by Hanzo was originally from the book of magic inheritance, but it was also modified by Orochimaru. In terms of refining poisons, in addition to the local knowledge of the ninja world, Orochimaru also obtained the cultivation method of the silver-scaled venomous snake.

This venomous snake from The Legend of the Condor Heroes has a very terrifying characteristic, that is, it can use organisms as culture dishes to continuously spread its own toxicity.

When Ouyang Feng, the Western Poison, made a bet with Zhou Botong, the old naughty boy, he fed a shark a trace of silver-scaled venomous snake venom. As a result, the poisoned shark fell into the sea and was eaten by other sharks. It immediately poisoned other sharks and turned them into poisonous fish. These poisonous fish were then eaten by other sharks, spreading the poison...

The result was that in a very short period of time, hundreds of sharks in that sea area were infected by that trace of venom. All sharks were poisoned and turned into poisonous fish. Its toxicity and infectiousness can be imagined.

When Orochimaru was studying poison skills, he also recorded some methods of cultivating venomous snake venom. After breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn, Hanzo of the Salamander can be called the king of all poisons. After knowing the principle, he can immediately give the characteristics of this venom to his own escape technique.

So facing Hanzo of the Salamander venom, whether it is directly submerged or just touched by a trace, the effect is the same!

Uchiha Feiyu is immune to this bit of venom, which means he is also immune to all of Hanzo's toxins. This is a hopeless situation for Hanzo.

"Well, since you have already made a move, it's my turn next!"

Looking at Hanzo's livid face, Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, revealing his white teeth.

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