Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 194: The Illusion that Shrouds the Entire Rain Country

In the end, Nagato agreed to Deidara's request to go to the battlefield with him to fight head-on.

Anyway, it's a matter that can be solved by illusion. Deidara likes explosions, so let him explode to his heart's content in the illusion!

The surrender of the Rock Village did not cause any major trouble to the other four major countries and the four major ninja villages. The only one who cursed was probably the Daimyo of the Land of Earth. He asked the Rock Village to suppress the rebellious Akatsuki Organization, but the Rock Village bowed down and now has become the branch of the Akatsuki Organization stationed in the Land of Earth.

What should I do as the Daimyo? According to the political proposition proposed by the Akatsuki Organization, the five major countries and the five major ninja villages should be merged. The rank of ninja depends more on strength, so even if the Kage-level ninja in a unified country cannot become the Kage of a village as before, at least he can get a high position.

But the Daimyo of the Land of Earth completely relies on blood inheritance. Although he has always declared that his bloodline is noble, he does not think that he is really much better than ordinary people. When the time comes, the phoenix with feathers is worse than a chicken, and he may be directly snapped!

But soon, the Daimyo of the Land of Earth didn't need to think so much. Uchiha Feiyu directly descended on the capital of the Land of Earth, and then a set of illusions swept away all the high-ranking officials and nobles of the Land of Earth, including the Daimyo of the Land of Earth.

Then the Daimyo of the Land of Earth remained silent, but supported the policy of the Rock Village, and directly announced the plan of the Land of Earth to join the Akatsuki organization.

What happened during this period of time made ordinary ninjas and civilians in the ninja world feel overwhelmed. There were too many strange things happening.

The Akatsuki organization, which had always insisted on the so-called dialogue, communication and peace, was ready to unify the world. The four major ninja villages and the four major countries were ready to join forces to fight against the Akatsuki organization. The 300,000 troops of the Land of Earth were completely wiped out when facing the leader of the Akatsuki organization. No one was seen alive or dead. The Rock Village surrendered without even fighting...

So many messy things happened together. Compared with these things, the surrender of the Land of Earth was not a big deal.

The shadow of war soon enveloped the entire ninja world, but the alliance of the armies of the four major countries and the four ninja villages also took a long time. Even though Nagato had been delayed in the Land of Earth for more than a month, the four major countries had not completely gathered their troops.

During this period, Uchiha Feiyu's Otsutsuki pure-blood clone was constantly absorbing the "nutrients" brought by the 300,000 troops, and his strength once again leaped forward.

The chakra in the bodies of 300,000 troops was not too strong. The gap between the number of chakras in the ninja world may be so large that the difference between the number of chakras in the ninja world may be so great that the amount of chakra of Uzumaki Naruto alone can exceed that of thousands of jonin, tens of thousands of genin, and more than 100,000 chakra soldiers.

Even more perverted than him, such as the Nine-Tails and Senju Hashirama, the chakra in their bodies is no less than that of the 300,000 troops, so these chakras added together can only be regarded as a small supplement for Uchiha Feiyu's Otsutsuki clone at most.

However, the soul power and blood power in these soldiers are definitely not a small number. As soldiers selected from ordinary people, their chakra talents are very poor, but after rigorous military training, the will and physique of these chakra soldiers are far beyond ordinary people.

Even if the soul power and blood power are mostly taken by the main body, only a small part of the remaining is enough to make the physique of the Otsutsuki clone even more terrifying.

When the four major countries were preparing, Uchiha Feiyu was improving himself. When the four major countries were ready, Uchiha Feiyu's strength was also upgraded.

And this ninja world war finally kicked off completely. The armies and ninjas of the four countries have all entered the Rain Country.

However, even though the Rain Country has developed vigorously in the past few years with the help of the Akatsuki Organization and the National Chakra Plan, in the final analysis, due to environmental factors and the small land area, the entire Rain Country has only a few million people.

In this breath, another one or two million troops came. The number of troops alone was almost one-third of the entire country. The destructiveness to the Rain Country can be imagined.

These one or two million troops all need to eat, drink, defecate and urinate!

Especially those ordinary soldiers who are not ninjas, not only do they need more resources, but the transportation of materials is far less fast than that of ninjas, so it is naturally the easiest for them to be eaten by the enemy.

In just a few days, the entire Rain Country was in chaos. Many citizens of the Rain Country left the garrison with their families to avoid being robbed.

The Akatsuki Organization, the Rock Village, and even the Rain Village of the Rain Country also formed a defense line outside the Four Nations Coalition. Although it had no effect, it could at least comfort their hearts and prevent some ordinary chakra soldiers of the Four Nations Coalition from wreaking havoc everywhere and destroying the entire Rain Country.

"Finally, they've all gathered... The speed of these armies' actions is too slow!"

At the top of the Four-Nation Alliance, Uzumaki Nagato stood thousands of meters in the air with his arms folded across his chest. The air around him was refracted and distorted by him, covering his figure.

During this period, the reason why he didn't take action in the first time was because the Four-Nation Alliance's actions were dragging on. Until today, all the armies have gathered together.

"Then, it's time to serve the real big dish!"

Took out a Sharingan crystal ball from his hand. The Land of Rain had long been transformed by Uchiha Feiyu himself. The entire country had turned into a huge illusion array. It only needed this array eye. The entire illusion array would be activated instantly, pulling all the ninjas in this land into the illusion array.

Unless one has the mental power to resist the illusion-type Mangekyo, even a Kage-level ninja would definitely not be able to withstand this small infinite moon reading illusion. According to Uchiha Feiyu's calculations, although there are many ninjas and chakra soldiers who came to the Land of Rain, there are no real strong ones.

The few ninjas who can resist Uchiha Feiyu's illusion are all his own people, so there is no need to worry.

The light red light spread rapidly, covering the entire Land of Rain. All the ninjas, chakra soldiers, and even ordinary people in the Land of Feathers had three magatama signs in their eyes.

Standing in the sky, Uzumaki Nagato put his own chakra into the Sharingan crystal ball in his hand, sensing all the ninjas controlled by chakra. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows slightly and hummed softly:

"Hmm!? I didn't expect that there are still fish that slipped through the net?"

Now, Uzumaki Nagato, as a puppet of the Six Paths controlled by Uchiha Feiyu, has a slightly inferior perception ability than Uchiha Feiyu himself. Through the Sharingan crystal ball, he clearly felt that in addition to several ninjas who originally belonged to Uchiha Feiyu, there was actually a ninja in the direction of the Rain Village who escaped the control of the illusion.

Uchiha Feiyu, who felt something interesting, immediately focused his attention on the Rain Country through the Uzumaki Nagato relay.

The Rain Country, the Rain Village.

A reddish light flowed from the sky, and the ninjas who stayed in the Rain Village were almost all controlled in an instant. Only in the central tower, in a dark cocoon, a white-haired ninja with closed eyes suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh!? What's going on? Such a strong spiritual power... Is someone using illusion?"

"Well... Fortunately, this spiritual fluctuation woke me up... Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have died of exhaustion without knowing it..."

With a tearing sound, the black cocoon outside was torn apart by a big hand extending from the inside, and a middle-aged ninja with a naked upper body and a strong look walked out.

This middle-aged ninja is the current leader of the Rain Village, Hanzo!

As for why he looks much younger than his age, and the scene of the black cocoon just now, breaking out of the cocoon and being reborn, it is naturally because of the butterfly effect brought by Uchiha Feiyu.

Uchiha Feiyu had once found the Rain Village to inquire about the information of the Akatsuki Organization. Before leaving, he suddenly had an idea and gave Hanzo a part of the poisonous skills inheritance from the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance.

In addition to the original inheritance, there were also some improved ideas of Orochimaru. One of them was to use the habit of some poisonous insects to cocoon and regenerate, so that they could also transform themselves into this cocooning ability, so as to completely reconstruct their own body structure and transform the poison in the body into spiritual medicine.

There is no doubt that Orochimaru must have been inspired by Uchiha Feiyu to have this idea. After all, there are many kinds of Tiancan Gong in martial arts novels, and many of them are related to medicine.

However, from the fact that even Orochimaru himself did not adopt this training idea, it can be seen how small the possibility of its success is, not to mention that it is just an inspiration and framework of Orochimaru, and there are still many problems to be solved.

However, for Hanzo, no matter how many problems need to be solved on this poisonous road, he has no choice.

As a poisonous person who had been transplanted with the poison glands of the salamander since childhood, the strength of the salamander Hanzo at that time began to decline due to his age and the long-term presence of the poison glands. The poison skill scroll left by Uchiha Feiyu can be said to be his only way out.

Relying on his own knowledge of the Kage-level ninja, his understanding of various poisons, and the shallow accumulation of the Rain Village, the salamander Hanzo stumbled on the road of practicing poison skills.

Fortunately, his natural physique is very different from that of ordinary people, and it can be said that he is a perfect match for poison skills. Coupled with a few coincidences and luck, he did not die suddenly in the middle of the journey, but reached the final step.

At the stage of breaking out of the cocoon and rebirth, the life form of the salamander Hanzo has surpassed that of ordinary ninjas. In addition, he was originally a Kage-level strength. After Nirvana once, he had the ability to resist this wide-area illusion.

However, if it weren't for the mental interference of this small Tsukuyomi illusion, Hanzo might not be able to break out of the cocoon and be reborn in his life, but died silently in the cocoon shell. From this point of view, his luck is really good.

And because of this, his performance also attracted the attention of Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu sent the four Hunyuan treasure boxes to Uzumaki Nagato, controlling the puppet to manipulate the illusion formation and harvest in the Rain Country. After a space fluctuation, he came directly to the Rain Village.

At this moment, Hanzo of the Salamander took a circle in the Rain Village, and he was more and more surprised. Although there was nothing strange about the actions of the ninjas of the Rain Village, Hanzo of the Salamander had already discovered that these ninjas had already fallen into the illusion, but the illusion and the reality were completely consistent with each other, so it seemed normal.

"What a terrible controls the entire Rain Ninja, maybe the entire Rain Kingdom..."

Sanshouyu Hanzo's face became more and more serious. At this moment, he turned his eyes and saw a ninja coming out of the tower.

The high tower in the Rain Ninja Village is where Sanhoyu Hanzo lives. A ninja who can enter and exit the tower cannot have a low status. And the ninja who walked out at this moment is one of Sanhoyu Hanzo's deputies. Ume Ninja A rare elite jounin in the village, and the kind of elite jounin who is proficient in illusions.

"This guy Nanami has also been controlled? Let's try to see if we can help him remove the illusion first!"

Sanshouyu Hanzo stretched out his hand, and a wisp of purple smoke stabbed directly at his deputy like a flying arrow, entering his body in an instant.

This is a poison that Sanshouyu Hanzo concocted through toxin chakra, which damages his own energy and blood and greatly stimulates his mental power.

The so-called medicine is divided into three parts poison, which can also be explained as all poisons can be used as medicine. As long as the proportion of poisons is controlled well, the so-called highly poisonous drugs can also be turned into useful medicines.


The strange toxin penetrated into the body, and the ninja named Nanami widened his eyes, covered his throat, and hummed, his eyes widened, and the skin all over his body began to turn red. , after trembling for a moment, it turned pale again.

At the same time, his eyes, which were a little dull at first, shone brightly, and the blood vessels on his forehead protruded. He covered his head, as if he was about to break through the illusion.

However, at this moment, three magatama suddenly appeared in his eyes. The magatama rotated for a moment and then disappeared. However, Nanami, who was almost about to break through the illusion, was stunned for a moment, and then recovered. original state.

The only thing that was slightly different from the situation just now was that the current Nanami ninja was feeling weak all over his body and even trembling slightly when walking.

"Can't even Nanami break through the illusion? With the mental power inspired by the poison just now, the explosive state of Nanami is already equivalent to a shadow-level expert who specializes in illusion, and the poison chakra entering the body is equivalent to the intervention of external forces to disrupt Chakra... There is no way to wake up in this situation... Is there anyone who is awake in the entire Rain Country?"

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