Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 193 Rock Ninja Surrenders

The 300,000-strong army of the Land of Earth was naturally wiped out, and not many people even knew how it was wiped out.

The people who cleaned up the battlefield later only found some weapons, tents, baggage and food left by these people, but the soldiers had no idea where they disappeared.

It is said that after hearing the news, the daimyo of the Land of Earth fainted in the hall on the spot and was almost not rescued.

Even if he was rescued, the daimyo looked like a walking corpse. He did not have the spirit of "the army is in hand, the world is mine" at the beginning. Instead, he immediately sent several letters for help to the Rock Village without saying a word.

Since the Rock Village was hit by Uchiha Feiyu and Uzumaki Nagato in succession, it has almost fallen into a situation where the high-level forces have been completely lost. Fortunately, after eight years of development, the Rock Village finally has its own Kage-level ninja.

It's just that this Kage-level ninja is not very reliable...

"Brother Deidara, have you figured out how to solve the problem of Akatsuki?"

Looking at Deidara who was sitting in the position of Tsuchikage with a bitter face, Kurotsuchi turned his chair, looked at his childhood sweetheart, and asked.

Deidara looked weak and said unhappily:

"How to deal with it? Well, we can't beat them in a fight. Alliance with other ninja villages... Well, it doesn't seem to be very reliable. I always feel that other countries and ninja villages don't like to take us Land of Earth and Rock Ninja to act together. Every time there is a big event, our Rock Ninja always seems to be half a beat slower than the whole world..."

Kurotsuchi blinked and said:

"Really? Are you a little too sensitive, Brother Deidara? I think our Rock Ninja Village is okay!"

Deidara rolled his eyes. It was because the Rock Ninja Village was full of such a group of idiots that he couldn't leave this village to pursue his own art!

With Deidara's personality, he actually didn't really want to stay in the Iwagakure. In the original book, he was just a disciple of the Tsuchikage, so it was easy for him to leave the Iwagakure. Anyway, the Iwagakure at that time was supported by a group of people like Ohnoki, Huangtu, and Han.

However, in this world line, almost all of these people died, leaving only Deidara, who was still weak at the time.

The Iwagakure had no successors, and now the elderly and middle-aged generations who took the lead have all died. The remaining Iwagakure high-level people are not fools, and almost all of them pin their hopes on Deidara.

This explosive master was the last disciple accepted by the two great masters when Ohnoki was still there. It is also recognized that the young generation will definitely become a Kage-level ninja. At that time, Deidara was regarded as the only seedling in the entire village by the Iwagakure high-level people, and he was the focus of everyone's attention. The treatment was completely different from the original book.

In this situation, even if Deidara wanted to sneak out of the Iwagakure, he couldn't do it. In addition, there was no successor to the Iwagakure, and Deidara still had some feelings for the village. It was impossible for him to let go under such circumstances, and thus he eventually became the fourth Tsuchikage.

However, even if he became the fourth Tsuchikage, this guy was still an explosion-crazy art control. When the Iwagakure and Akatsuki cooperated, he once showed his "art" to Nagato. As for the result... Anyway, since then, Deidara has been quite honest in front of Nagato.

It is precisely because Deidara knows Nagato's strength that he doesn't think his Iwagakure can fight against Akatsuki.

Other ninjas can only estimate his threat from the damage caused by Nagato, and occasionally have some fantasies in their hearts that they can kill Nagato through sneak attacks or weird ninjutsu. Deidara knows very well that Nagato has almost completely gotten rid of the defects of ordinary ninjas.

Or it cannot be said that he has completely gotten rid of the defects of the glass cannon of ninjas, but at least there is a dimensional gap between him and ordinary ninjas. It can be said that no matter how many ordinary ninjas there are, they can never be Nagato's opponent.

Apart from other things, just a set of hungry ghost ability is enough to make Nagato immune to all ninjutsu. In this case, assassination is useless.

"In this situation, our daimyo sent out his proud 300,000 troops. I heard that they have been completely wiped out. Well, I really don't know how to say this daimyo."

"When he was blocking our Iwagakure funding, he talked about his ninja army every day, saying that the ninja village was no longer useful. Now, after the army was wiped out, he started to urge our Iwagakure to protect him, huh!"

"Doesn't our daimyo know what shame is? Hmm!"

"Then Deidara, what should we do? Reject the daimyo's request?"

Kurotsuchi frowned and asked. Deidara nodded first and then opened his mouth. He said:

"We, the Iwagakure, may not be able to deal with Uzumaki Nagato, so why should we protect him now? Just let him protect himself! Doesn't he still have 100,000 troops?"

"Besides, I think if our Iwagakure is not Nagato's opponent, this daimyo will have to flee from the Land of the Earth immediately, or simply surrender to the Akatsuki organization! Hmm!"

"Uh... the daimyo is not that cowardly... right?"

"Who knows? Anyway, judging from the daimyo's usual performance, I don't think he will resist to the end. It is more likely that he will escape or surrender... Hmm, I have a way to deal with the Akatsuki organization!"

A hint of joy appeared on Kurotsuchi's face as he saw his childhood sweetheart:

"Really? How are you going to deal with that Rinnegan Ninja? I have seen the ruins of that guy's battle. Not to mention other things, if he had not been merciful and used the gravity ninjutsu directly in our Iwa Ninja Village, Our Iwa Ninja Village has long since disappeared!”

The original Uzumaki Nagato once used the Shinra Tensei on a hill near Iwa Ninja Village. It was that Shinra Tensei move that made the Iwa Ninja Village completely understand the power of the Rinnegan. The huge gravity not only leveled the hilltops The lack of flat land even caused the foundation of the Iwa Ninja Village to be unstable, and the only choice was to build the village based on the base area.

If this happened to his own village, then the entire Iwa Ninja Village would be able to play GG. The sad thing is that Uzumaki Nagato's Super Shinra Tensei is really not his current super secret, it can only be regarded as a little stronger. It's just a flat A, it's one of those moves that you can just whip out in a few seconds.

In other words, if Uzumaki Nagato wanted to, he could wipe out the entire Iwa Ninja Village ten times in one minute!

Under this situation, Kurotsuchi racked his brains and could only come up with some sneak attacks, assassinations, etc. to deal with Uzumaki Nagato. Try his luck. As for frontal combat, don't even think about it. Iwa Ninja Village definitely has it. Defeat without victory.

"Huh huh huh, huh! Since we can't win, then we might as well join! Let's surrender to the Akatsuki organization! Hmm!"

Deidara stood directly on the table, stretched out his arms, and posed in the shape of a cross saint, with a proud face. Kurotsuchi, who had just heard the "explosion" declaration, was also stunned, with his mouth slightly open. , seemed to be shocked by Deidara's plan.

After quite a while, Kurotsuchi finally came to his senses under Deidara's "Look, I'm smart!" look in his eyes, and then without saying a word, he jumped on the table angrily and grabbed Deidara's collar. :

"Deidara, what are you thinking? How can you surrender without fighting a war! Have you forgotten the will of stone in our Iwa Ninja Village?!"

Deidara was dazed by Kurotsuchi. He quickly reached out and grabbed Kurotsuchi's hands and said loudly:

"What is the will of stone! Well! Even if we have a will as hard as stone, it can't change that our strength is just like an egg against the Akatsuki organization. Kurotsuchi, please be reasonable. When we start a war with the Akatsuki organization, it's just an egg against a stone!"

"And even if I want to start a war to test before surrendering... With the strength of Uzumaki Nagato, I am afraid that all the ninjas in our Iwa Ninja Village can be wiped out in a few minutes. The so-called test is completely seeking death! Hmm!"


Kurotsuchi let go of her hands, gritted her teeth, and showed an expression of unwillingness on her face. What made her most unwilling was that everything Deidara said was actually the truth.

Lies don't hurt, the truth is the sharpest knife!

To Deidara's surprise, it took him a long time to barely convince his childhood sweetheart in the Tsuchikage office. He thought it would take more time to convince the old stubborn senior officials of other Iwa Ninja Villages. and energy.

But he didn't expect that the old guys who were usually like turtles, smelly and hard, would actually support his idea of ​​surrender with both hands and feet. To be honest, Deidara was a little nervous. I can't help it anymore, I feel like the characters of these old guys have completely collapsed!

So when Nagato appeared at the gate of Iwa Ninja Village, what he saw was not the army of Iwa Ninja Village waiting in full formation, but Deidara waving his hands like a golden retriever to greet him.

Behind Deidara, the fourth-generation Tsuchikage, stood a group of senior Iwa ninjas and Kurotsuchi. Some of these people had expressionless faces, some forced smiles on their faces, and some simply kept their heads down. Head, speechless.

Seeing this situation, Uchiha Feiha, who controlled Uzumaki Nagato, was also confused. He walked over slowly and asked:

"The Fourth Tsuchikage, what is the Iwa Ninja Village trying to do? You should have received the declaration of war from our Akatsuki organization, right?"

"Ah, the declaration of war has been received a long time ago. After careful consideration by our Iwa Ninja Village, we finally decided to surrender!"

"For the sake of world peace, ninjas indeed need to be unified. If this is the case, our Iwa Ninja Village is willing to be the first to make sacrifices and join the Akatsuki organization!"

After these words were spoken, Nagato, who was controlled by Uchiha Feiyu, had a dull look on his face, showing a speechless expression. He really didn't expect that the hard and smelly Iwa Ninja Village would now become physically fit. So soft.

However, Uchiha Feiyu had a change of thought in his mind. Since Iwa Ninja Village had surrendered, he could take the ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village directly to fight with the other four major ninja villages, which could be considered as integrated into his plan.

Thinking of this, the expression on Nagato's face, which was controlled by Uchiha Feiyu, relaxed a lot, and he nodded lightly:

"If that's the case, then Iwa Ninja Village should act with me!"

"As far as I know, the other four ninja villages and the Four Kingdoms of Wind, Thunder, Water, and Fire are also forming a coalition. After all the enemies are gathered together, I will directly defeat them. This is also the most convenient way to unify the entire ninja world. The solution with the least casualties.”

"You are really confident, Boss Nagato. But if it is you, it is indeed not difficult to deal with those ninja coalition forces."

Deidara muttered a few times and agreed to Nagato's request. In his opinion, with Nagato's strength, he could deal with all the other ninja armies by himself, and there was no need for other ninjas to take action.

Even if his own Iwagakure sent out a large ninja army, they would probably only have the opportunity to shout a few times on the battlefield, and it would not be easy to touch the enemy.

Probably only when cleaning the battlefield and maintaining order, the Iwagakure ninjas would have the opportunity to appear - there was no need to fight, and there was a chance to get the spoils, so Deidara would naturally not resist such a good thing.

The surrender of Iwagakure was not a pleasant surprise for Uchiha Feiyu, but it finally saved a lot of trouble, and he didn't have to massacre 90% of the ninjas in Iwagakure now.

Of course... this only slightly delayed the time for the Iwagakure ninjas to become sacrifices. When the decisive battle started, Uchiha Feiyu would naturally slaughter all the ninjas and armies.

Some of the ninja seeds will definitely stay, about 20% to 30%, and the rest will naturally be Uchiha Feiyu's sacrifices.

Even if it is the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Feiyu has no intention of letting it go. After all, he can't really control Nagato to rule the entire ninja world. In order to better harvest in the future, the ninja world can be controlled by him in secret, but it is more convenient to divide it into several major countries in name.

According to Uchiha Feiyu's arrangement, the "ambitious" Samsara Eye ninja will be defeated by the joint efforts of many ninja villages. When the ninjas suffer heavy losses, they will naturally eradicate the Akatsuki organization and become Uchiha Feiyu's new sacrifice.

"Very good, since you, the Iwagakure, have agreed, then let's make a plan! I will be responsible for the other ninja villages and the army, and you can help me gather intelligence and determine the final battlefield. As long as you complete the mission, this place can be set as the Earth Country branch of the Akatsuki organization in the future, and the missions related to the Earth Country can still be handed over to you to complete."

Deidara nodded. If it really goes according to Nagato's words, the Iwagakure will just change its name and recognize the Akatsuki organization as the boss, which will not have a big impact on the actual interests.

"Yes, I understand, Boss Nagato! Can I go to the battlefield at that time? It is the best platform to promote my explosive art!"

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