Nagato's words undoubtedly affirmed the views of the radicals. For a time, the radicals who already accounted for the majority in the Akatsuki organization had excited smiles on their faces.

As for those moderates who believed in peaceful dialogue, all of them suddenly looked depressed, and even some ninjas looked at Nagato with a bit of disappointment and resentment in their eyes.

However, in addition to the radicals and moderates, there are also a few mature and prudent centrists, or prudent factions, in the Akatsuki organization. An old ninja frowned and said:

"Nagato-sama, it's okay for us high-level people, but it's hard for ordinary ninjas to accept your point of view... After all, this is too different from the original purpose of our Akatsuki organization!"

This is true. Jonin who can get to the top are, to some extent, vested interests themselves. Most of them are more realistic and naturally don't care much about the Akatsuki organization's concept of dialogue for peace.

Most of the Jonin of the Akatsuki organization worship Uzumaki Nagato's power far more than they care about the so-called concept of peaceful dialogue. They obey Uzumaki Nagato, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, rather than the entire Akatsuki organization.

However, for ordinary ninjas, the Akatsuki Organization's concept of pursuing peace is not only deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but it is also very marketable. Many Akatsuki Organization ninjas are true idealists, the kind who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the Akatsuki Organization's concept of peaceful dialogue.

If the ratio of idealists to realists among the upper-level ninjas is about three to seven, then among the lower-level ninjas, this ratio is basically reversed. Almost 70% of the lower-level ninjas belong to the idealists!

"It doesn't matter... Those ninjas who can't accept my point of view are all at the bottom level in terms of strength. I don't need them to play any role in my plan. As long as they quietly guard the base camp, that's it."

Nagato said coldly, and this was true. The weaker the ninja, the more they pursued the so-called peaceful dialogue. On the contrary, the stronger ninja preferred to use violence to make others surrender.

Therefore, in the Akatsuki organization, the number of moderates accounts for about 60% of the entire organization, but in terms of strength, they only account for 10 to 20% at most.

After hearing this, the old ninja nodded slightly, and then said:

"Be careful, some ninjas may do some extreme things in the conflict between ideals and reality..."

"I will be optimistic about them. As long as they win several consecutive victories, even those members of the Akatsuki organization who were originally more conservative will change their attitudes."

"With my strength, it is completely impossible for those ordinary ninjas to hinder my plan. If the gap is too large, the casualties caused will be smaller."

"Nagato-sama, you just need to know what you have in mind. I hope you know that whether you are pursuing peace through dialogue or wanting to rule the entire ninja world, the only thing you can rely on in the end is your strength... In this regard... , our Xiao organization can’t give you much help. At most, we can help you clean up the mess after the war, clean up the battlefield, and maintain order.”

What the old ninja said was very unambitious. After hearing this, many young ninjas glared at him, but some older and more stable ninjas nodded slightly after hearing his words.

Although the Akatsuki organization is now known as the sixth largest organization in the ninja world, it actually still has an insurmountable gap compared to the five major ninja villages. That is because Nagato's own strength makes up for this shortcoming. Otherwise, the combined strength of these people, It can't compare to one-fifth of any large ninja village!

Although there are tens of thousands of ninjas, the number is almost half of the great ninja villages with 100,000 ninjas. In comparison, almost every great ninja village has thousands of jounin, and the Akatsuki organization There are only more than 100 jonin in the village, and their average strength is still weaker than that of the jonin in the great ninja village.

It can be said that the Xiao Organization is now a big ravioli with thin skin and big fillings, relying entirely on the surface. In fact, it seriously does not live up to its name.

However, because there is a leader like Uzumaki Nagato, other great ninja villages would also let the Akatsuki organize three points in the past. But if you don't know what to do and really regard Uzumaki Nagato's strength as your own, then those of you here The Jonin must have been taught a hard lesson.

"I know this very well. Don't worry. You, my direct descendants, don't really need to fight directly with other ninja villages - these are all my jobs. To put it harshly, if I really lose, everyone here Everyone can surrender directly."

"Nagato-sama, why would you say such a thing! We can't do such a thing as surrender..."

"I am telling the truth. If I am really defeated, in order to reduce losses, surrender is your best choice."

Seeing that his ninja seemed to want to say something else, Nagato waved his hand directly:

"Okay, that's it. Let's make a battle plan first!"

"There is no need to pursue any raid efficiency. You can openly declare war on other ninja villages - this time I will use my own strength to completely conquer other great ninja villages and let them understand that times have changed!"

No matter how many thoughts the Jonin present had in their minds, after Nagato personally announced the order, they had only one choice:

"Yes, understand!"

It was as if a thunderbolt sounded in the clear sky, shaking the entire ninja world.

Akatsuki declared war on the five major ninja villages! And announced that it would unify all ninjas and establish an unprecedented huge country!

As soon as this news came out, almost all ninjas in the ninja world, even ordinary civilians, were confused. In addition to being shocked by the news, they also felt that Akatsuki's actions were unreal.

Over the years, Akatsuki has indeed accumulated great reputation in the ninja world, but only half of this reputation comes from Nagato's strength, and the other half comes from Akatsuki's ideal of peaceful dialogue and resolving all disputes through communication.

Although people with lofty ideals think that this pursuit is too idealistic, they have to admit that the more idealistic the pursuit, the more it can attract the grassroots civilians.

Akatsuki's ability to grow and develop in such a short period of time depends largely on this idealistic propaganda. As a result, Akatsuki suddenly declared war on all five major ninja villages and announced that it would unify the ninja world. To be honest, it is really a shattered glasses.

Apart from other things, Akatsuki had just declared war when hundreds of ninjas defected. They were all ninjas who could not accept such a huge change in Akatsuki. In this regard, Nagato did not send his men to hunt them down, but only deleted their names from Akatsuki, indicating that they were no longer members of Akatsuki.

The other five ninja villages and five major countries in the entire ninja world criticized Akatsuki's change, and even began to connect to form a ninja coalition to jointly attack Akatsuki.

This time, it was not just the ninja villages that were connected, but the five major countries also summoned their own armies. Eight years have passed, and the armies of the five major countries have all become chakra-based. Every soldier can extract chakra, and even now joining the army still has certain requirements for chakra.

However, because they have ninja villages as their main military force, the armies of the five major countries are more like police forces for internal stability than external combat forces, and their strength is far inferior to those ninjas in the ninja villages.

The amount of chakra of an ordinary soldier is roughly equivalent to that of an 11- or 12-year-old ninja student. Those who have a chakra level of Genin can become a team leader commanding more than a dozen people.

However, in terms of numbers, the number of these armies is about two or three times that of ninja villages. For example, the most populous country, the Fire Country, has as many as 500,000 troops.

Considering that the Fire Country has a population of about 300 million, this so-called army can only play the role of a police force.

However, no matter how you say these armies are police forces, the number of people is here, and the total number is about 2 million. Just by the number of people, they can crush the ninja villages before the implementation of the National Chakra Plan.

In the Akatsuki meeting room, Nagato looked at the information in his hand, then put it on the table and said lightly:

"It seems that this group of people has been greatly stimulated. Not to mention the five major ninja villages, even the five major countries have joined forces!"

"That group of self-esteem daimyos actually attach so much importance to our Akatsuki organization. I am really a little surprised."

"After all, Lord Nagato, you have already announced that you will unify the five major countries. No matter how short-sighted those daimyos are, they can see the threat of Akatsuki."

A senior member of Akatsuki said, but then another member of Akatsuki shook his head:

"That group of Daimyo and ninja are from two different circles. They don't know how powerful Nagato is. Maybe in their eyes, in the so-called Ninja World War, as long as you have the most ninjas, you will have the greatest advantage! "

"For example, the Daimyo of the Land of Earth has no intention of joining forces with other ninja villages and countries. It is said that he has already summoned troops to attack the Land of Rain!"

Nagato knew very well that the Daimyo of the Land of Earth was the only Daimyo who was not controlled, so his behavior was very normal. On the contrary, the Daimyo of the Wind, Fire, Water and Thunder, who were joining forces, were actually abnormal.

After all, as the senior executive of the Akatsuki organization said, how powerful the Akatsuki organization - or Nagato is, is something that only some senior ninja executives can understand. For those Daimyo, they always feel that the so-called powerful ninjas can be completely flattened by numbers.

In the case of the other four major countries starting to join forces as soon as the Akatsuki organization declared war, to put it bluntly, Uchiha Feiyu concentrated all the heads for the convenience of harvesting.

"Since the Land of Earth is so enthusiastic, we in the Akatsuki organization cannot lose our manners. I will personally send the Land of Earth army on their way, and then take over the entire Rock Village!"

After Uzumaki Nagato finished speaking with a relaxed look on his face, he did not discuss with others any more. After a wave of space fluctuations, he disappeared without a trace.

"Did Lord Nagato learn the space-time ninjutsu again? You are worthy of being the prophecy son who has awakened the Samsara Eye."

"Great, with the space-time ninjutsu, Lord Nagato can be said to be able to attack and defend. Even if there are traps in the Land of Earth or Rock Village, Lord Nagato will definitely not be trapped!"

Seeing Nagato disappearing very abruptly using the space-time ninjutsu, many Akatsuki ninjas suddenly became excited. With the space-time ninjutsu, Nagato has countless opportunities to start over. With his strength, isn't this time Akatsuki stable? !

Nagato went very quickly, and then found that he came too early, and the Land of Earth army had not yet assembled.

The speed of the Earth Country army's assembly is far slower than that of the ninjas, but after all, they are all super soldiers with chakra, and the technology of the ninja world has developed to a level close to that of modern society. It didn't take several months to gather the troops, as in the cold weapon era, but only took more than ten days.

After waiting for almost half a month, Nagato was relieved to see that the army had finally assembled, and then began to wait for the army to set off.

This time, the Earth Country assembled a full 300,000 troops, accounting for about 80% of all the troops in the Earth Country, and was obviously ready to show off its power.

After all, the Earth Country is the only country that is not controlled by Uchiha Feiyu, and the top leaders of this country still maintain a stereotype of ninjas. The daimyo of the Earth Country feels that with 300,000 troops in hand, the advantage is in my hands. Isn't it just a matter of having hands to flatten an Akatsuki organization?

But the same 300,000 troops are also a very troublesome thing to set off, at least the speed of action is much slower than that of ninjas. Uzumaki Nagato waited for another seven or eight days on the prepared battlefield before he saw the shadow of the 300,000-man army.

Looking at the army camping in the distance, Uzumaki Nagato, holding a Sharingan crystal ball in his hand, sighed deeply:

"These ninja armies are really inefficient! I don't know where the name of the Land of Earth got such courage to think that with these troops, he could take action against the Akatsuki organization."

Not to mention combat capabilities, just talking about flexibility and mobility, soldiers can't compare with ninjas at all, otherwise I don't need to be here, waiting for so many days!

He casually threw the Sharingan crystal ball in his hand into the sky, and saw that the Sharingan crystal ball that flew into the sky burst into red light in an instant.

The powerful illusion wave swept across and quickly controlled all the soldiers of the Land of Earth. The whole process was very smooth, and almost no resistance was felt.

There was no way. Among the 300,000-strong army of the Land of Earth, there were not even seven or eight senior ninjas. Their resistance to illusions was close to zero, so it was natural that they were easily controlled.

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