Rain Country, Akatsuki headquarters.

After eight years of development, Rain Country has almost completely become Akatsuki's world. Even the Rain Village established by the Salamander Hanzo has to avoid its edge now.

Fortunately, Akatsuki's business is actually carried out in the five major countries, which allows the Rain Village to survive and not be forced into bankruptcy by Akatsuki.

At this moment, the Akatsuki headquarters has far exceeded the scale of eight years ago, and has even been built into a small city, which is even larger than the original five major ninja villages.

Of course, it is definitely not as good as the five major ninja villages today - the five major ninja villages today only have one village in name, and in fact, each ninja village is equivalent to a large city, which has developed into a warlord model.

Even the Akatsuki organization, which is nominally closer to a public welfare organization, now has signs of warlordization. This is not even transferred by Nagato's will, but the effect of spontaneous clustering from the bottom up.

When there were dozens or hundreds of people, Akatsuki could rely on ideal self-generation to operate, and it has become a large organization of tens of thousands of people, so it is impossible to rely entirely on the so-called ideal.

The void trembled, and Nagato walked out with a cold look in his eyes. Looking at the ninja village in front of him, which was as big as a city, a smile appeared on his face.

"It's time to let the world feel the pain... Since I am now playing Nagato, I naturally have to find a ninja village to fight for rice!"

When this Nagato puppet walked into the city where the Akatsuki organization was located, the eyes of the Akatsuki ninjas looked at him in different ways. Some were excited, some were in awe, and some were in admiration. Just a glance, Uchiha Feiyu knew Nagato's position in the Akatsuki organization.

"Nagato, you are back."

A few pieces of paper fell from the sky, and Konan, with white paper wings, fell from the sky, looked at Nagato, gently wiped the corners of his eyes, and looked at Nagato with a very complicated look.

"Yes, I'm back, Xiaonan, help me gather all the jonin of Akatsuki, I have something very important to tell them."

Nagato looked at Xiaonan with a smile on his face, which made Xiaonan slightly dazed, and then she came back to her senses and nodded very seriously:

"I know, Nagato, I will gather them right away."

The conference hall in the center of Akatsuki has a large round table. Perhaps in order to reflect more fairness, this round table is used as a prop for conference discussion.

At this moment, the round table is full of ninjas, and it looks a bit crowded. Although the round table is very large, there are too many jonins in Akatsuki now. There are at least more than 50 jonins around the table.

When Nagato and Yahiko arranged the round table, Akatsuki was not poor, but it was clean. The entire organization had only more than a hundred people, and there were only three jonins, Nagato. At that time, they could never have imagined that Akatsuki would develop to this extent, and they thought the table was too big.

In fact, as an organization of tens of thousands of people, the number of senior ninjas in Akatsuki is close to 100 now, but Akatsuki has a large scale, and nearly half of its ninjas are operating in other countries.

Generally speaking, the number of senior ninjas in a ninja village is about 100 to 1. Even though all ninja villages have undergone large-scale expansion in recent years, this data has not changed much because they accept geniuses among civilians.

However, compared with other ninja villages, Akatsuki has weaker ordinary ninjas because of its own needs. From this point of view, the number of senior ninjas in Akatsuki is far from enough. If it is in the same proportion as normal ninja villages, even if the big round table is blown up, it is estimated that it will not be enough.

After a while, Nagato and Konan walked into the meeting room one after another. A group of senior ninjas looked at the two of them, especially at Nagato, with awe.

These senior ninjas knew very well that Akatsuki, a purely idealistic organization, could develop to its current level not by relying on anything else, but by Nagato's own incomparable strength.

Many Akatsuki ninjas have regarded Nagato as the modern Hashirama Senju, and think that he can completely change this era. The only thing that makes them a little dissatisfied is that Nagato's character is even more naive than Hashirama Senju.

Unlike those ordinary ninjas, the jonins have more experience. In addition to ideals, they will also consider reality more.

The jonins who joined Akatsuki were partly because of Nagato's purpose of yearning for peace, but more of them admired Nagato's powerful power.

Nagato walked into the room and glanced at everyone's eyes, stood on one side of the round table, and said lightly:

"A few days ago, according to the intelligence received, I finally found the Uchiha who would bring disaster to the world in the fable, and I have killed him."

A group of Akatsuki seniors looked at each other. Most of these people joined Akatsuki later. They knew that Nagato had been chasing a certain Uchiha, but they had never found the other party's trace, but they knew nothing about what kind of person Uchiha Feiyu was and what kind of strength he had.

As for Uchiha Feiyu's battle achievements, most of them were carried out in secret. Even though he plundered all the human sacrifices of the five major ninja villages, the five major ninja villages did not publicize it openly. So although these people knew that Uchiha Feiyu was very strong, they did not have a clear idea of ​​how strong he was.

However, there are also two old people from the Akatsuki organization who know what happened when Uchiha Feiyu arrived at the Akatsuki organization base. Although Uchiha Feiyu did not attack them at that time, it was just the aftermath of the battle with Nagato. It has already caused the Akatsuki organization to suffer the most serious losses in its history.

Based on this alone, these two members of the Akatsuki organization also knew how powerful Uchiha Feiyu was, at least a powerful ninja who could fight Nagato.

"That's great, Nagato-sama! The revenge of the Akatsuki organization was finally avenged today!"

"Without Uchiha Hiba, Nagato-sama, you are now the legitimate and strongest person in the ninja world!"

"By the way, Nagato-sama, where is the tailed beast that Uchiha Feiha robbed? Are the tailed beasts from the nine great ninja villages also here with you now, Nagato-sama?"

Tailed beast! ? Hearing this, the Jonin of the Akatsuki organization, who were initially a little disapproving and thought it was making a fuss, suddenly became serious.

Although some of the most confidential information was not clear to the Jōnin who later joined the Akatsuki organization, all the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki in the five great ninja villages were snatched away by one person. They had heard about this, but they couldn't. Just make sure it's true or false.

Now it sounds like that Uchiha is not an ordinary person, and it is impossible for ordinary ninjas to kill all the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki in the five great ninja villages!

"Uchiha...is he actually so powerful?"

"Although those guys with Sharingan eyes that grow to the sky are indeed quite strong, but they're not that powerful, right?"

"That's not an ordinary Uchiha. Our Akatsuki organization was attacked by him back then... No, it wasn't even an attack. It was just the aftermath of the battle with Nagato-sama, which already caused us heavy losses!"

"What!? Can anyone actually fight Nagato-sama?"

"Yes...the ruins of our Akatsuki organization were actually the products of that war."

Following a series of discussions, the Jonin present also knew the strength of Uchiha Feiyu and the hatred between him and the Akatsuki organization. They knew that this time Nagato had truly eliminated a serious problem.

"Okay, don't talk anymore, the matter has passed."

Nagato waved his hand, and the ninjas below immediately stopped talking and looked at Nagato. After a moment of silence, Nagato said:

"Now that Uchiha Feiyu's big enemy has been eliminated, the next step should be the development period of the Akatsuki organization... If you have any ideas, you might as well speak up."

What is the development period of Akatsuki organization? ! Several Jonin with relatively simple personalities were a little strange and said:

"We will continue to develop according to our previous development model. There are no major wars in the ninja world today. Even the original national chakra plan caused some sequelae, but we have completely suppressed it. Even if we don't do anything next What, the entire ninja world will develop better and better!"

However, more ninjas were silent, and some rather ambitious jounin were gesturing to each other with their eyes, feeling a little hot in their hearts.

In the past, these jounin had also made insinuations, hoping that Nagato could "go further", but in the end they were firmly rejected by Nagato, but now, it seems a little different.

Some ninjas who are more familiar with the history of the ninja world are reminded by Uzumaki Nagato and Uchiha Hiba of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. The formation of the five major ninja villages and the first ninja war were all It has a great relationship with the union and division of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Now it seems that Uzumaki Nagato, the contemporary Senju Hashirama, directly killed Uchiha Hiba, Uchiha Madara, doesn't it mean that the entire ninja world belongs to him alone?

Thinking further, he had just killed the only opponent who could compete with him, and he began to ask about the development strategy of the Akatsuki organization... The boss of the Akatsuki organization seemed to be unwilling to be lonely.

However, although they had a lot on their minds, these ninjas did not speak. Instead, they finally focused their eyes on Nagato. There were vague emotions in those eyes such as excitement, expectation, fear, etc.

And Uzumaki Nagato lived up to expectations and said something completely different from before:

"What you said is very good. The ninja world is indeed peaceful now, but the key is, how long can this peace last?"

"As we all know, when the first Hokage was alive, the entire ninja world was very peaceful. But as soon as he died, the five major ninja villages immediately launched the first ninja war, and in just thirty or forty years, it continued. Three ninja wars!"

"If one day, I am no longer here...will the current peaceful form of the ninja world suddenly collapse?"

As soon as these words came out, the simple jounin at first were stunned and speechless.

The average lifespan of these ninjas in the ninja world is only thirty or forty years old. In addition, several ninja wars have occurred continuously. In the past few hundred years, the entire ninja world has not had more than 30 years of peace. This has also made all ninjas Rather short-sighted - because these people simply cannot imagine what hundreds of years of peace are like!

Nagato said that I can maintain peace when I am alive, but what will happen after I die? For these simple ninjas, maintaining peace while alive is good enough, but after death? Then it can only be served cold.

However, there are very few simple people among the jonin. Most of them are not ambitious, but they are extremely eager to make progress. At this moment, a jonin who was blind in one eye had a bit of excitement on his face and said:

"Lord Nagato, I have a way to make the ninja world enjoy long-term peace!"

"As long as the five major countries in the ninja world are combined into one country, and the five major ninja villages and our Akatsuki organization become one ninja village, then everyone will not need to fight each other, and permanent peace will come, right?"

As soon as these words were spoken, it was like dropping a bomb in the muddy water. All the ninjas began to discuss:

"This plan is good. As long as the ninja world is unified, there should be no war in this world for at least a hundred years!"

"How can this be? Isn't our Akatsuki organization a peaceful organization? Annexing other ninja villages and countries, This is completely contrary to the purpose of our Akatsuki organization! "

"For long-term peace, there will always be some sacrifices. The sacrifices now will become the cornerstone of future peace!"

"Hehe, the five major ninja villages said the same thing when they launched the Ninja World War!"

"Do you think that Lord Nagato will be the same as those ninjas from the five major ninja villages? With Lord Nagato's power, it would be easy to conquer the five major ninja villages."

"The purpose of our Akatsuki organization is to communicate through dialogue, not to achieve peace through violence!"

"The times are different now! No one can fight against our Akatsuki organization anymore!"

The ninjas under the eyes were arguing louder and louder, and Nagato's reincarnation eyes burst out with strong pressure without hesitation. The terrifying pressure made all the jonin tremble, and they all shut up one by one.

Staring with a pair of purple six-magatama reincarnation eyes, Nagato's eyes swept over all the jonin, and every jonin who looked at him felt trembling with fear and lowered their heads one by one.

All the ninjas under his eyes fell silent, and Nagato nodded:

"What you said makes sense. If you want permanent peace, unification is indeed a good way."

"As for violating the purpose of Akatsuki...you must understand that the most essential goal of Akatsuki is peace. As for whether this peace is achieved through dialogue or violence, it makes no difference."

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