Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 190: Nagato is crushed

"According to the intelligence, it should be here!"

The dusty wind blew over the black-bottomed red cloud cloak. Under the cloak was a young man with red hair. He looked up and looked into the distance, frowning slightly:

"How is this map drawn? Isn't this a flat land? Why does the map show a mountain range?"

The young man wearing a hood now is naturally Uzumaki Nagato. Looking at the environment in front of him that is completely inconsistent with the map, Uzumaki Nagato can't help but feel a little confused.

I dare not say other aspects of the ninja world, but in terms of war missions, they are definitely completed meticulously. After all, all ninjas are born top scouts, and drawing maps is definitely their old business, even better than the maps of modern society.

Theoretically, even the difference of a mountain top is a major error on the map. For things like the whole mountain range becoming a plain, even a Genin who has just graduated from school will generally not make such a mistake on the map.

What made Uzumaki Nagato a little uneasy was... He looked carefully and saw that the shape of some ruins on this plain seemed to be a little wrong... It was like, it was like a fist mark left by a fist!

A fist mark covers a radius of several hundred meters? Is this a skyscraper giant?

"Could it be Susanoo... But how tall would the Susanoo summoned by a fist mark of several hundred meters be? A giant of tens of thousands of meters?"

Shaking his head, Uzumaki Nagato didn't think that anyone could summon a Susanoo of tens of thousands of meters. That level of chakra would have to be so abnormally strong?

Susanoo is a pure chakra condensation, unlike the ninjutsu of Wood Release. The chakra content of a wooden man and a Susanoo of the same size is at least ten times different.

Not to mention that even if Hashirama Senju summoned a thousand-meter-high Thousand-armed Buddha, he would have to consume most of his own chakra. The difference between Susanoo of tens of thousands of meters and the Thousand-armed Buddha of thousands of meters sounds ten times, but the actual difference in size is a thousand times.

In other words, a Susanoo of tens of thousands of meters is almost equivalent to performing 10,000 times of the real thousand-armed Buddha! This level of chakra consumption, if you pull out Kaguya Otsutsuki and let her try, her legs will tremble.

However, the scene in front of him also made Nagato a little wary. No matter how this fist mark came from and what ability it relied on, an obvious fact is that the mountains here were originally flattened by Uchiha Feiyu.

However, Nagato is still full of confidence in himself. With a higher level of Samsara Eye and a pupil technique called Takama-hara, a mere Uchiha Feiyu is definitely not his opponent!

The chakra perception ability spread, and a moment later, Nagato felt a huge amount of chakra in the ruins of this mountain range.

"Such a powerful chakra, it's already very close to my level..."

With a fighting spirit in his eyes, Nagato stretched out his hand and pulled off the robe on his body, and flew directly into the sky.

"It's time to end it, Uchiha Feiyu!"

At the same time, in the ruins of the mountains, there was a relatively flat open space, and Uchiha Feiyu sat cross-legged there.

If you look closely, you will find that Uchiha Feiyu's butt is still a finger away from the ground, so he is not sitting cross-legged on the ground, but floating above the ground.

"Nagato... this guy is finally here."

Uchiha Feiyu stood up slowly, looking at the tiny black spots in the sky, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he bent his knees little by little, maintained a posture of sprinting towards the sky, kicked his feet back, and soared into the sky with a sound!

As he soared into the sky, Uchiha Feiyu stepped on the air with his feet, making a thunderous explosion. His speed was getting faster and faster, and even the air in front of him turned into a hard wall like steel, which was finally broken by him, making an explosion that broke the sound barrier.

Facing Uchiha Feiyu's meteor-like impact, Nagato sneered, and the six magatama in his purple pupils rotated. The space around him was compressed in an instant, and even the density of the air increased several times.

"Uchiha Feiyu! This is the eye technique I prepared for you, Takamagahara!"

With a terrifying explosion, Uchiha Feiyu directly crashed into the Takamagahara area. The dense air collided with his body, just like a bomb exploding in the sky, and even a dazzling flame like a meteor.

However-Uchiha Feiyu's speed did not slow down at all, but became faster, stronger and more fierce, and in an instant he crashed into Uzumaki Nagato like a stream of light!

Uzumaki Nagato was caught off guard, with a look of shock in his eyes. He hurriedly summoned a Dao-Seeking Jade to block in front of him, but was shattered by Uchiha Feiyu, who also had Dao-Seeking Jade on his fist. The aftermath alone sent him flying, spurting blood, and smashing the ground, creating a 100-meter-wide pit.

"How is it possible? Why aren't you restrained by Takamagahara!"

Nagato climbed up from the pit in a panic. If it weren't for the fact that his life essence had changed to a certain extent, an ordinary person would have been blown into a blood mist after being hit by such a punch. Even so, Nagato was now covered in blood and his bones were broken.

Fortunately, Nagato is not a normal human being to some extent, and his body has even shown signs of energy. Therefore, even if he suffers such an injury, as long as his chakra is running, he can still recover quickly.

"Hehe... Who said I was not affected by Takama-ga-hara? Your Takama-ga-hara still eliminated about 40% of my speed."

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, and the faint lightning flashed on his body. At this moment, the lightning slowly flowed on his body. It was no longer the original armor, but more like the Nine-tailed Golden Body Mode of Uzumaki Naruto.

This is proof that Uchiha Feiyu has developed this ninjutsu to the level of Six Paths Senjutsu or even Bloodline Net. It can be said that Uchiha Feiyu's lightning chakra mode has far surpassed Uzumaki Naruto's fairy fox mode in the original work, and it can be called the strongest bonus ninjutsu.

However, Uchiha Feiyu's lightning chakra mode bonus is different from the fairy fox mode. It does not have much enhancement for ninjutsu. All the enhancements are almost all on physical skills, that is, the defense, attack power and speed of the physical body.

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Nagato's face changed, revealing an expression of disbelief:

"What did you say? Your speed has been reduced?! How is this possible?!"

Just now, Uchiha Feiyu's speed was almost five times faster than the speed of sound. Even with Uzumaki Nagato's six-magatama Samsara eyes, he could see a faint figure, and even after being knocked away, he could hear the rumbling sound of the explosion!

Always saying that this speed has exceeded Nagato's imagination. It can be said that except for some laser-type ninjutsu in Nagato's hands, the speed of other ninjutsu is not even half the speed of Uchiha Feiyu's physical body.

After entering the realm of the Six Paths Sage, Nagato can also feel the changes in his physique, but most of the changes come from chakra. In terms of pure physical strength, although he is far beyond ordinary ninjas, it is impossible to be so terrifying. It can even be said that there is a world of difference.

Even Nagato dare not imagine that the physical body can be so fast purely by relying on ninjutsu to stimulate potential.

"Haha, don't believe it? That doesn't matter. After all, the quality gap between the two of us is too big."

Cold sweat dripped down Nagato's forehead. When his pupil technique completely restrained the opponent, the opponent's strength still had an absolute advantage. This can only mean that the basic quality between him and Uchiha Feiyu is too big.

This basic value gap is also the most unsolvable thing. At least no matter how hard Nagato thinks, he can't think of a way to defeat Uchiha Feiyu.

It can be said that before Uchiha Feiyu decided to lure Nagato over, the victory and life and death of both sides had been determined. Now Uchiha Feiyu is just heading for victory as a matter of course.

And Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing in the sky, did not give Nagato more time to think. He fell from the sky like a lightning, and his fist with a terrifying aura filled the world and smashed straight down!

Even with Takama-ga-hara, Nagato could only barely see the trajectory of the lightning. His body slightly turned aside to let go a few points, and at the same time condensed the Tao-seeking Jade to block himself.

With a loud bang, the Seeking the Way Jade was punched away again, and Nagato screamed again. His right shoulder was hit by Uchiha Feiyu, almost completely exploding, and the whole person was smashed into the pit again by the powerful impact.

Before Nagato could react, Uchiha Feiyu's fists, like a nail, fell on his head like a meteor shower.

Along with Uchiha Feiyu's fists, the earth continued to tremble and tear, and the ground trembled. First, there were crisscrossing cracks, and then with more roars, the cracks became larger and larger, and finally collapsed into a rift valley.

Nagato resisted twice at the beginning. Shinra Tensei, Seeking the Way Jade, Shura Dao... All kinds of abilities seemed fancy, but they were all crushed by Uchiha Feiyu's punches.

After two consecutive punches, the terrifying heavy punch almost destroyed Nagato's internal organs, and his brain turned into paste. There was no room for him to fight back. Then there was a series of terrible beatings.

When Uchiha Feiyu took a long breath and retracted his fist, what was left on the ground was a mass of squirming flesh and blood.

"Tsk, what a tenacious vitality, but it's true. Senju Hashirama already has a pseudo-immortal body that recovers quickly. Even if the Six Paths Sage's life comes to an end, he can still survive in the world as a soul. Otsutsuki Kaguya is even more amazing. She has almost no concept of death. She can only be sealed on the moon..."

"The closer you are to the Otsutsuki clan, the more tenacious your vitality is. The energy state of the body is much harder to kill than the pure flesh and blood body."

The energy state of the body has no vital points at all, so it is naturally much harder to kill than ordinary life. For example, the complete energy life of the nine tailed beasts can even be resurrected after being destroyed.

However, Nagato only had the tendency to become energy. In fact, he was at most a pseudo-immortal body of a higher level than Hashirama Senju. After being beaten into a pulp, he had no chance of survival.

Although the flesh and blood on the ground were still wriggling, Uchiha Fei, who was proficient in the art of summoning spirits, had already seen that the soul of Uzumaki Nagato was floating out from the mass of flesh and blood on the ground.

As soon as Nagato's soul appeared, Uchiha Feiyu felt the breath of the Pure Land, and it seemed that a direct passage to the Pure Land was formed behind Nagato's soul.

However, Uchiha Feiyu waited for a long time this time, but the soul passage did not appear behind Nagato. In the end, even the wisp of breath completely dissipated, which made Uchiha Feiyu slightly disappointed.

"It seems that this guy Nagato has also been abandoned? The Sage of Six Paths is really a qualified turtle!"

After saying that, Uchiha Feiyu also reached out and activated his ability to summon Nagato's spirit, directly pulling out Nagato's soul.

As for the pool of flesh and blood on the ground, Uchiha Feiyu did not waste it and also put it away.

Just like after the death of Senju Hashirama, his body cells are still very active and even provide enough nutrients. A piece of meat can regenerate a Senju Hashirama's physical body. Uzumaki Nagato's physical body still has huge Even though Uzumaki Nagato has already hiccupped his vitality, this physical body can be fully restored as long as sufficient nutrition is provided.

As for what the use of this body is... Uchiha Feiyu is now preparing to harvest the entire ninja world, so he naturally has to find a reason to come out.

Otherwise, if we still launch a ninja war as before, it would be too rough, and multiple battlefields would not be conducive to Uchiha Feiyu's harvesting.

"I remember in the original work, Nagato once created the Six Paths of Pain. Well, I don't need to create the Six Paths of Pain. I just need to leave this body and make it into Pain!"

The huge Yang Release Chakra was input into Nagato's body. The flesh and blood that was originally just squirming quickly returned to Nagato's posture. However, this body's eyes were lifeless and it could only maintain the lowest level of breathing and heartbeat. .

Uchiha Feiyu used the Yin Yang Escape Technique to create several small black nails and pierced Nagato's nostrils. From this point of view, there was nothing abnormal about Nagato's body.

Then Uchiha Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and powerful thought waves emanated from the black nails made by Yin Yang Dun. Nagato, who originally looked like a vegetative state, quickly regained his sluggish eyes and turned. One lap, blinking, and then slowly getting up.

After getting up, he moved his wrists and ankles again and checked the body and the chakra in it, with a smile on his face:

"It's very good. There are no problems. Even the original pupil technique, Gao Tianyuan, can still be used."

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