Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 189 The beginning of the battle

When Uchiha Feiyu left Konoha Prison, his original pure-blooded Otsutsuki clone had grown from seven or eight years old to ten years old.

Then he went to the three ninja villages of Sand Village, Mist Village, and Cloud Village, and absorbed the chakra and various energies in the four mixed treasure boxes, which stabilized his pure-blooded Otsutsuki clone to the state of fifteen or sixteen years old.

In fact, after being tempered by the cultivation method of the Divine Sect Demon Sect, Uchiha Feiyu's pure-blooded Otsutsuki clone, if it is about talent, is definitely the top among the Otsutsuki clan.

In the Immortal Gourd World, those innate gods and demons that have been cultivated, if they have not reached the last step and evolved by mixing multiple innate gods and demons, can probably only be regarded as individuals with poor original innate gods and demons.

However, not to mention that the potential of innate gods and demons is higher than that of the Otsutsuki clan, the innate gods and demons in the Immortal Gourd World have also been well cultivated, which is much better than the guys like Otsutsuki who only know how to eat fruits.

The technique used to refine the innate blood of gods and demons, when converted to the Otsutsuki clan, actually increased the purity of the blood of the Otsutsuki clan, and it can be said that it is a purer and more powerful existence than the real Otsutsuki.

However, Uchiha Feiyu also had some feelings because of this. The method of cultivating blood with the essence of the Shenzong Demon Sect is estimated to have a certain upper limit. For weak blood, it can not only cultivate it to a complete degree, but also add certain optimization. However, if it is for some powerful blood that exceeds the power of the innate demon gods in the fairy gourd world, I am afraid the effect will be much weaker.

You can't just find a witch from the prehistoric world and let him practice, and you can cultivate him into Pangu! If you really have that ability, the Shenzong Demon Sect would have unified the world in the fairy gourd world long ago, and it would not be ranked below those Qi Refiners and Buddhist masters.

Of course, no matter what the upper limit of the Shenzong Demon Sect's cultivation method is, it is meaningless to Uchiha Feiyu now, because the Otsutsuki blood obviously cannot reach the upper limit of the Shenzong Demon Sect, and it is even a little far away.

After completely integrating all the chakra, blood, and soul power collected over the years, Uchiha Feiyu could also feel that his chakra volume had almost skyrocketed tenfold, and his physical fitness and soul power might have increased even more.

In the outer periphery of the ninja world, in a completely desolate mountain range made of stone, Uchiha Feiyu casually waved his fist, and the terrifying fist set off a storm, directly razing the more than 100-meter-high mountain in front of him to the ground.

Retracting his fist, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the surrounding mountains that were flattened by him. Almost half of the original stone mountains were now turned into plains by his fist.

Even the so-called pure-blooded Otsutsuki, whose strength lies in the huge chakra and various incredible ninjutsu, but in terms of basic physical fitness, the members of the Otsutsuki clan are certainly far superior to ordinary ninjas, but they are definitely not as good as Uchiha Feiyu's current performance.

From Uchiha Madara's performance in the battle against Akai who opened the Eight Gates of Ninja, it can be seen that the pure strength, speed, and physique of most members of the Otsutsuki clan are far inferior to their various abilities.

To some extent, Otsutsuki are like most ninjas, they are glass cannons with high attack and low defense, and their defense is far less than their attack.

It's just that because their own authority is highly immune to chakra, the ninjutsu of ordinary ninjas is ineffective against them, which allows these Otsutsuki to completely ignore the attacks of the soldiers and look so superior.

If the authority of these Otsutsuki is blocked and they are not immune to ordinary chakra ninjutsu, those weaker Otsutsuki may be surrounded and killed by ordinary ninjas.

And if it were Uchiha Feiyu...

"Wood Clone Technique!"

"Lightning Release-Chidori!"

The cloned Chidori hit Uchiha Feiyu's chest with a move of Chidori, but it only left a scorch mark on Uchiha Feiyu's clothes. This time, Uchiha Feiyu did not use the ability to absorb ninjutsu at all, nor did he use any lightning release chakra mode. He simply used his body to withstand the A-level ninjutsu.

"Among the A-level ninjutsu, Chidori is already the most powerful in cutting. There is no way to hurt me? Then change to another one..."

"Lightning Chakra Mode - Hell Thrust, One-Handed Hand!"

With a snap, the broken wood flew everywhere and directly pierced through the nearby rocks. The Hell Thrust, which was originally like a meteor spear and flashing with lightning, hit Uchiha Feiyu's chest, just like holding a glass sword and slashing on a steel mountain.

The steel mountain was fine, but the unlucky one was naturally the clone who used the Lightning Chakra Mode. The violent reaction force instantly broke the hand that used the One-Handed Hand, and it shattered into pieces. In mid-air, flesh and blood turned into wood. Those fragments were just like the shrapnel of a grenade, hitting the surrounding rocky land with potholes.

Hell Thrust was known as the strongest spear before the ninja world became a chaotic dance of demons and the Otsutsuki gods fought each other. In terms of pure physical damage, it was the best in the ninja world at that time. Even ordinary S-level ninjutsu was inferior to it.

However, even if Uchiha Feiyu did not use any abilities, he could still defend against this level of S-level ninjutsu with his physical body, which shows how strong his physical body is.

"Very good... If I add the Senjutsu Lightning Chakra Mode and the defense of the Susanoo... Except for things like the Seeking Truth Jade, even ordinary Six Paths-level ninjutsu can't hurt me!"

The Seeking Truth Jade can decompose everything. Of course, this thing must have a limit. However, although Uchiha Feiyu's current physical fitness is very high, he didn't dare to use such a terrifying thing to test himself rashly.

Of course, the power of the Seeking Truth Jade is strong, but the attack speed is not fast, and Uchiha Feiyu himself can also create the Seeking Truth Jade, which can completely offset the opponent's Seeking Truth Jade.

Without the Seeking Truth Jade, the ninjutsu that Nagato knows basically can't break Uchiha Feiyu's defense. The only powerful ninjutsu, Takama-ga-hara, is still a restricted ninjutsu.

This ninjutsu will indeed greatly reduce Uchiha Feiyu's speed, and once the speed slows down, the strength will also decrease year-on-year - but the problem is that even if Uchiha Feiyu's speed and strength are reduced, he can still beat Might Guy who has opened the Eight Gates Ninja Formation to death. It is absolutely easy to kill Nagato who has no close combat skills.

"It seems that this time... I can really fight to the death with Nagato!"

After making the decision, Uchiha Feiyu did not hesitate much and started to prepare for the battlefield to kill Nagato here.


Eight years have passed, and the Akatsuki organization has gradually grown and become a platform between the five major countries. It even has the title of the sixth largest ninja village in the ninja world.

All this is naturally inseparable from Nagato who worked hard for his ideals. Relying on his own powerful strength and the support of the Rock Ninja Village, Nagato not only established a platform for the five major countries to coexist peacefully, but also led the members of the Akatsuki organization to quell the chaos of the five major countries without stopping.

Ordinary people in the five major countries have now fully awakened their chakras, and most of them are at a level that is slightly inferior to that of ninja students. However, among the base of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, there must be many geniuses among the civilians.

After these people gained power, some of them were still quiet, while others wanted to fight for a place in the world. Most of these civilian geniuses were taken in by the ninja village, but some of them relied on their own strength to make trouble and took a fancy to the kind of thing that could be gained without any effort.

Under the huge base, even if the number of civilian geniuses with ill intentions is small, there are at least tens of thousands of them assigned to each country, and they are all making trouble in different places. Even if the major ninja villages try to suppress them, sometimes they are too busy to do anything, and this is when the Akatsuki organization comes on the scene.

After several shots, Nagato's unparalleled power has shocked all ninjas, and made all ordinary civilian geniuses think twice before doing anything - first go and see the terrain destroyed by the leader of the Akatsuki organization with one move of Shinra Tensei! If you don't have that ability, then don't go against the five major countries.

The most important thing is that Akatsuki is not a mercenary organization like the five major ninja villages, but is closer to a half-mercenary and half-voluntary charity organization. The five major ninja villages will not care about many things before they are hired, but Akatsuki will truly organize justice.

This is also the reason why Nagato became famous among the five major countries. At the same time, the number of Akatsuki has grown from more than a hundred people at the beginning to almost tens of thousands now.

Although most of them are just making up the numbers, and their strength is far inferior to the elite in the ninja village, even if they only rely on numbers to strengthen their momentum, the current Akatsuki is indeed second only to the five major ninja villages.

In the past eight years, Uzumaki Nagato has been busy back and forth. At first, he was busy putting out fires everywhere. As his strength and prestige increased, he became stronger and stronger to those civilians who awakened chakra. Although there were fewer fires to put out, the number of people joining Akatsuki increased, and he began to be busy dealing with the internal affairs of Akatsuki.

Compared to the five major ninja villages that have long been developed and stable, the Akatsuki organization is a completely new force. Without any experience, leading an organization of tens of thousands of superpowers naturally made him feel overwhelmed at the beginning.

In the past few years, Nagato was so busy that he even put aside the matter of hunting and searching for Uchiha Feiyu. He just said this to the members of the Akatsuki organization and the five major ninja villages below, and didn't care about this matter at all - there were really too many things to deal with, so he couldn't split himself.

The shadow clone trick is not something that ordinary people can use. Only a thick nerve like Uzumaki Naruto can split so many clones without mental weakness. Nagato looks arrogant, but in fact he is delicate, sensitive and persistent. If he really learns to play the shadow clone like Uzumaki Naruto, he will definitely have schizophrenia.

On this day, Nagato was still dealing with the endless files of the Akatsuki organization as usual. At this time, Konan opened the door and walked in.

"Nagato, there's news!"

Nagato, who was processing documents, raised his head, with a bit of confusion on his face:

"There's news? What news? Is the Akatsuki organization's prison allowed to be built? Or is the result of the treatment of those earth country rebels?"

"Not these news, Nagato, I think you're almost stupid!"

Konan shook his head with a wry smile, and then said:

"When I said there's news, I meant there's news about Uchiha Feiyu!"

"Uchiha Feiyu? He finally showed up! Where is he!?"

After hearing the news about Uchiha Feiyu, Nagato could not sit still and stood up directly, with a serious look in his eyes.

Although Nagato himself did not look for Uchiha Feiyu too much because of his busy schedule, he always kept the matter of looking for Uchiha Feiyu in his heart as the top priority of everything.

After all, his good friend, Yahiko, who had always been his guiding light, died at the hands of Uchiha Feiyu. In addition, the whole clan of the Great Toad Sage who taught him the skills was destroyed at the hands of Uchiha Feiyu. His teacher Jiraiya was also killed by Uchiha Feiyu. The Akatsuki organization, which had just developed, was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle in the sudden attack of Uchiha Feiyu...

All these things added up, for Nagato, the hatred between him and Uchiha Feiyu had long been irreconcilable. In addition, the prophecy of the Great Toad Sage and the entrustment of the Six Paths Sage almost doomed only one of them to survive.

"According to the intelligence, the place where Uchiha Feiyu is now is beyond the Ninja Realm, and is almost a few hundred kilometers away from the Kingdom of Wind!"

After listening to Konan's words, Nagato nodded:

"As expected, the five major ninja villages plus the Akatsuki organization can't find his trace. The only possibility is that he is hiding outside the Ninja Realm."

Konan lowered her eyes slightly. She knew very well that Nagato's guess was ridiculously wrong. The reason why he didn't find Uchiha Feiyu was because four of the five major ninja villages were secretly controlled by Uchiha Feiyu, and even in the Akatsuki organization, there was a high-level traitor like himself who was second only to Nagato.

In this case, if Nagato could find Uchiha Feiyu, it would be a complete weird thing. The five major ninja villages plus the Akatsuki organization only had one Iwagakure working hard.

Thinking of this, a trace of pity flashed in Konan's eyes. She knew very well that Uchiha Feiyu already knew all the information about Nagato. Since he had exposed his position openly this time, he must be able to defeat or even kill Nagato.

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