Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 186: The Divine Sect Demon Sect

With the Shenzong Demon Cultivation Method, Uchiha Feiyu does not need a new practice method.

As long as he cultivates his Otsutsuki clone, he will naturally be able to deal with Nagato. Although Nagato's strength is also a solid sixth level, it is still somewhat different from the genuine pure-blood Otsutsuki.

After practicing the Shenzong Demon Sect technique to the fifth level, the pure-blood clone that is separated is actually no different from that species. In other words, that clone can be regarded as the genuine pure-blood Otsutsuki.

Although the clones that are separated at the beginning are often in the initial stage of birth, with the characteristics of the Otsutsuki clan, as long as there is enough chakra support, I believe they can grow up quickly.

When Uchiha Feiyu has mastered the secret technique of the Shenzong Demon Sect to the point where he can create a clone, he will naturally be able to attach the chakra system to the Otsutsuki clone and retain his original body to practice other systems.

"The early cultivation method of Shenzong Demon Sect is not that difficult. In addition, the blood of Otsutsuki in my body is strong enough. I am only one step away from embarking on the path of energy-forming life like Otsutsuki. It is estimated that it will take a long time. In the last three to five years, I should be able to cultivate to the fifth level and create a clone of Otsutsuki."

"However, in the past few years, I have been unable to compete head-on with that guy Nagato... It seems I have to avoid him!"

Fortunately, compared to the chakra detection methods in the ninja world, Uchiha Feiyu can completely modify his own aura and cover up his chakra amount through the secret techniques obtained from the book of demon inheritance. If he really wants to hide, , Nagato could not find any trace of him.

As for the physical body being easier to handle, Uchiha Feiyu has many ways to change his appearance, and he can even do this even with medical ninjutsu alone.

"Well...but the best way to hide a leaf is undoubtedly to enter a forest..."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu already had an idea of ​​where he would stay in the next few years.

So not long after, Konoha's Uchiha clan added a new member.

Not many people in the Uchiha clan have an impression of this new Uchiha member. However, the wife of the former clan leader of the Uchiha clan, now Uchiha Mikoto, introduced him as a secret back-up man left by the previous clan leader. , coupled with the most orthodox three-magatama Sharingan, the Uchiha clan has no doubts.

As the leader of the largest clan in Konoha and even the ninja world, it is only natural to leave some secretive tribesmen outside the ninja village who have no connection with the Uchiha clan as back-ups. What is there to doubt?

It's normal for the ordinary Uchiha clan not to recognize him... If he was recognized so easily, how could he be a secret back-up?

As for why he came back at this time... Uchiha Fugaku died in the battle half a year ago. No matter what mission he was tasked with, it has lost its meaning now. It is better to return to the Uchiha clan directly.

In the room of the former leader of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Feiyu, who had just finished a two-person exercise, was now in the sage time, half leaning against the bedside, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Uchiha Mikoto, who recovered from her semi-conscious state, lay on Uchiha Feiyu's chest, breathing greedily. After a while, she said in a hoarse voice:

"Master Feiyu, now the ninjas of the Uchiha clan have accepted your identity. They believe that you are an exiled Uchiha and the back-up man left behind by Uchiha Fugaku."

"Does Master Feiyu want to seize the position of clan leader now? As long as you can show your strength, I believe that the Uchiha clan will easily fall into your hands."

As he spoke, Uchiha Mikoto's thin white fingers were drawing circles on Uchiha Feiyu's chest, and her eyes seemed to be filled with honey.

"No need...I don't want to be the leader of the Uchiha clan."

The corner of Uchiha Feiyu's mouth twitched slightly, not to mention that Uchiha Feiyu didn't look down on the power of the Uchiha clan at all. At the same time, Feiyu controlled the entire Konoha, and he also understood the nature of the Uchiha clan very well.

Let's put it this way, although all Uchihas who have opened the Mangekyō have mental problems, in fact, there are definitely a lot of psychopaths among the Uchiha who have awakened the Sharingan. Some Sanmagatama Uchiha are no more crazy than the Mangekyō Uchiha. Bo was inferior, but because he didn't have the strength of Mangekyo Uchiha, he didn't cause any big trouble.

In just the past few decades since joining Konoha, this group of Uchiha with bad minds has caused a lot of problems. Even after the death of the first Hokage, there was an elder named Setsuna Uchiha who wanted to lead Uchiha attempted a coup, but was thrown directly into prison by the Second Hokage.

To be honest, you really can’t blame the second-generation Hokage for digging a hole for the Uchiha clan and replacing it with another ninja village. If any ninja family fails to launch a coup, their ashes will be raised for you!

Senju Tobirama only wanted to restrict and divide the Uchiha clan, and did not directly kill the Uchiha clan, which can be said to be merciful enough.

"By the way, hasn't the Uchiha clan elected a clan leader yet? I remember that there are quite a few strong people in the Uchiha clan today."

"Master Feiyu is talking about Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Shisui! They are the two strongest Uchiha in the Uchiha clan today, but neither of them has any idea about the position of clan leader..."

"As for the other Uchiha, their strength is far different from these two Uchiha, and there is no way to convince the public."

Hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu nodded, and finally understood why the Uchiha clan could not choose a clan leader.

Just like the Hokage of Konoha may not be the strongest ninja in Konoha, but at least he must be one of the strongest ninjas, the leader of the Uchiha clan may not be the strongest Uchiha, but he must not compete with other Uchiha Create a clear gap.

If Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Obito were not at the forefront, then the Uchiha clan could still choose a more mediocre clan leader.

But now Shisui and Obito are two Kage-level Uchiha, even if they are unwilling to take over the position of Uchiha Clan Leader, they will have a huge impact on the renewed Uchiha Clan Leader - just like Senju Hashirama and Uchiha When Madara was alive, Konoha chose an ordinary Kage-level ninja to be the Hokage. Can the Hokage really be safe?

"I see... So the Uchiha clan still doesn't have a clan leader?"

Uchiha Mikoto nodded and sighed:

"Tsunade-sama doesn't care about these things. In other words, the higher-ups in Konoha probably prefer that the Uchiha clan doesn't have a clan leader!"

After nagging for a while, Uchiha Mikoto no longer cared about the clan leader. Although Uchiha Mikoto was still the clan leader's wife in the past and her status was sensitive, the Uchiha clan is a bloodstained family after all. No matter who becomes the clan leader in the future, it is impossible for her to treat her. The former patriarch's wife took action.

Moreover, Uchiha Mikoto's two children, Uchiha Sasuke, is only four years old, and the other Uchiha Itachi is just ten years old. There is no possibility of becoming the clan leader. In this case, she will naturally not be involved in this. In the maelstrom.

"Let's not talk about these questions about the clan leader. By the way, Mikoto, I heard that Itachi is very active recently. Many people compare him to Kakashi back then!"

Hearing her son's name, Uchiha Mikoto's body trembled slightly, and she hugged Uchiha Feiyu tightly:

"Master Feiyu, are you dissatisfied with Itachi? If...if...Itachi did something wrong, please forgive him. I can take Itachi's place..."

Seeing Uchiha Mikoto's nervous look, Feiyu couldn't help but chuckle, stretched out his hand and patted her:

"Don't worry, I won't even kill your child. It's just that although the child is young, he is very careful. I'm afraid that our relationship will not be hidden from him by then."

Mikoto's face suddenly changed, she bit her lower lip gently, her eyes showed panic, and even her pretty face, which was originally full of rosy and satisfying luster, gradually turned pale:

"Then...what should we do?"

In Uchiha Mikoto's heart, the exposure of her relationship with Uchiha Feiyu is still a small matter. If Uchiha Itachi is allowed to follow the clues and discover some secrets of Uchiha Feiyu, I am afraid that in the end... she will have no choice but to bear the pain of losing this child. !

"Well... I'm going to contact Tsunade and ask Uchiha Itachi to join the ANBU pursuit team first. In this case, he basically won't have much time to return to the village."

Although Anbu is a good place to hone your skills, and in that kind of place, you can also come into contact with a large amount of confidential information and powerful ninjutsu, but the same rules are very strict. Unless you become a Jonin, Chunin basically has no free time in Anbu. .

No matter how talented Uchiha Itachi is, he is only a ten-year-old boy now. If he wants to become a Jonin, it will take him two or three years. Before that, he doesn't need to worry too much.

Even if Uchiha Itachi becomes a Jonin, with Uchiha Feiha's ability to control Konoha, he can be casually given a mission to stay away from the village for a long time, leaving him without much time to come back.

In addition, Uchiha Feiyu is also very aware of Uchiha Itachi's talent. As long as there is enough external stimulation, he can definitely awaken the Mangekyo. His talent is the strongest among the entire Uchiha clan.

The current Uchiha Feiha no longer needs the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, and Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyō is only average. Otherwise, he might still have the idea of ​​​​this pair of Mangekyō.

Every Uchiha who has awakened the kaleidoscope has something wrong with his mind. Uchiha Itachi is still a focused type in this regard. Uchiha Feiyu believes that this guy will definitely become a good sword in Konoha in the future.

And the power of Konoha, to a certain extent, is also the power of Uchiha Feiyu, which is why Uchiha Feiyu is not prepared to attack him.

After hearing Feiyu's decision, a relaxed smile appeared on Uchiha Mikoto's face. Although she had been eroded by the power of the Acacia Book for a long time, the gentle Yamato Nadeshiko was still full of affection for her two children. .

If Uchiha Feiyu's order really conflicts with her maternal instinct, even Uchiha Mikoto herself doesn't know what choice she will make.

Excited, Uchiha Mikoto slowly slid her body, leaned down, and lowered her head. Wrapped in the warm feeling, Uchiha Feiyu let out a long sigh.

The cultivation techniques of the Shenzong Demon Sect are, to a certain extent, a process of cultivating and strengthening the bloodline within one's body.

Almost every kind of innate gods and demons in the Xianhu world has a corresponding Shenzong Demon Cultivation Method, and what Uchiha Feiyu got is more like the original manuscript of the Shenzong Demon Cultivation Method, which can theoretically be purified and improved. Any bloodline, but in terms of effect, is naturally much worse than the corresponding cultivation method.

If it were an ordinary person in the Immortal Gourd World, even if he practiced until death, he could only practice to the third or fourth level at most. Fortunately, the Otsutsuki bloodline in Uchiha Feiyu's body had already reached the standard, and he was only one step away from transforming into an Otsutsuki. Even if the practice method was very primitive, it was not difficult to practice to the fifth level.

In fact, this is also because the bloodline potential of the Otsutsuki is still inferior to those innate demon gods. As we all know, the stronger the potential of the bloodline, the more difficult it is to develop and purify it.

The pure destructive power shown by the Otsutsuki clan has caught up with the tail of the innate demon gods in the Immortal Gourd World, but in fact most of them rely on the power obtained by eating fruits. Compared with the innate demon gods who rely more on themselves, some of them naturally have insufficient bloodline potential, and it is easier to develop bloodline.

It can be said that the biggest problem Uchiha Feiyu faced was only the difficulty of changing his cultivation. However, in terms of the realm of these bloodline cultivation, he had already reached the level of the fifth level of the magic sect of the Divine Sect. Rather than saying that he was practicing from the beginning, it would be better to say that he was changing his cultivation.

In addition, when he really started practicing the magic sect of the Divine Sect, Uchiha Feiyu also discovered some problems hidden in his body.

Uchiha Feiyu's strength has always improved beyond imagination. In just less than ten years, he has improved from an ordinary Genin to a level comparable to the Six Paths, and is one step away from entering the realm of Otsutsuki.

The reason why he can improve so quickly has nothing to do with Uchiha Feiyu's own talent. It is completely the strength accumulated by refining a large amount of chakra, absorbing external bloodline power, soul power, and blood energy, and relying on thousands of "human resources".

In fact, even if it is the so-called magic skills, when it is cultivated to a high level, it is impossible to say that it can be invincible in the world by simply accumulating without thinking.

The reason why Uchiha Feiyu had no problems in practicing to this level was because the chakra system itself was a system that only looked at energy accumulation and did not pay attention to the spiritual realm. But even so, he had not really developed his bloodline potential to the extreme.

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