Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 185 New inheritance

"Nagato, this guy, actually has such a troublesome ability!"

In the Hokage's office in Konoha, Uchiha Feiyu frowned and said with some distress.

With the six magatama Samsara eyes and the round of seeking truth behind him, Nagato is now more powerful than Uchiha Feiyu in terms of basic combat power. In addition, there is a Takama-ga-hara that restrains his own abilities, so Uchiha Feiyu dared not show his head for a while.

"What if his ability is a little troublesome? Isn't he always being played around by you?"

Tsunade rolled her eyes and said. Just now, the fifth generation Hokage had just received Nagato and had a bilateral exchange with the savior of the ninja world, and decided to hunt down the famous terrorist Uchiha Feiyu together.

It can be said that Nagato himself was kept in the dark by Uchiha Feiyu. He could not imagine that four of the five major ninja villages belonged to Uchiha Feiyu's men.

"And... isn't that girl named Konan also yours! With spies all over his body, no matter how strong Nagato Uzumaki is, he will eventually be killed by you!"

Uchiha Feiyu's face was calm, and he didn't feel proud:

"In fact, this is not that easy. The main reason is that Nagato trusts the power of his own Samsara Eye too much, and he can't think that four of the five major ninja villages are my subordinates, and Konan has become my own person in three days."

The upper limit of the Hehuan Book is limited. The strongest woman who can be controlled is only the peak of the Kage level. Unless she is upgraded under the control of Uchiha Feiyu, he will definitely not be able to control a super-Kage-level woman.

Of course, there are probably no other super-Kage-level women in the entire ninja world except Kaguya Otsutsuki, so this restriction is actually meaningless.

However, the most important auxiliary training function of the Hehuan Book is also useless to Uchiha Feiyu. Instead, it has been developed into a controllable ability by Uchiha Feiyu.

The most important thing is that the Hehuan Book itself does not belong to the chakra system. This kind of hidden control of the yin and yang dual cultivation is simply a change in the mind and body, and does not involve the operation of chakra. Even if Nagato has the Samsara Eye, he can't see any abnormality.

As for the Du Shen Jue and the Kotoamatsukami, in the end, they still need the power of chakra. Nagato may not be able to solve this illusion, but he can definitely see the problem.

"By the way, I remember Nagato said that the next ninja village he would go to should be the Rock Village... Hehe, I wonder if he will destroy the entire Rock Village after he goes there?"

Tsunade said with a smile as if she had thought of something, and Uchiha Feiyu just shrugged:

"It's hard to say... But the current Rock Village is too weak to pose a threat to Nagato. In this case, even if Nagato is offended, Nagato might be more lenient."

Whether it is the Sand Village of the Wind Country or the Konoha Village of the Fire Country, the reason why they behaved neither humble nor arrogant to Nagato and did not have the slightest greed for the Samsara Eye was because of Uchiha Feiyu's instructions. They already knew Nagato's strength.

But as for the Rock Village, they didn't know how strong Nagato was!

Moreover, because of Uchiha Feiyu's action of collecting tailed beasts, this ninja village has suffered heavy losses. Two of the two Chuuriki, the third generation Tsuchikage Ohnoki and his son Huangtu, have all died at the hands of Uchiha Feiyu. The entire Iwagakure ninja has been cut off from the Kage-level ninjas!

In terms of the character of the Iwagakure ninjas, the more they are in a precarious situation, the more they will show their tough side to the outside world. When they meet Nagato, the self-esteemed "son of destiny", it is conceivable what kind of conflict will occur.

In fact, Uchiha Feiyu got the information very quickly. The unlucky Iwagakure was once again singled out by Nagato. The hills next to the entire village were all hit by a move of Shinra Tensei and were completely flattened.

——This is Nagato's mercy. Otherwise, if this move was not used on the hills next to the Iwagakure, but directly used in the Iwagakure, there would probably be no survivors in the entire Iwagakure.

Even so, due to the influence of the Shinra Tensei, the high mountain community where the Rock Village is located also suffered a large-scale landslide, which damaged the foundation and forced the entire village to move out. In addition, the ninjas killed by Nagato at the beginning of the provocation were extremely heavy losses.

However, after Nagato showed such a strong strength, the Rock Village surrendered without hesitation, and surrendered more thoroughly than other ninja villages, and even sent a team of ninjas to join the Akatsuki organization under Nagato.

The Akatsuki organization was affected by the aftermath of the battle between Uchiha Feiyu and Nagato, and lost most of its ninjas. Now with the help of the Rock Village, it has recovered a lot of strength.

Even Nagato's proposal to resolve the disputes in the ninja world through peaceful coexistence and communication was also very firmly supported, and he almost let Nagato become the fourth generation Tsuchikage.

——In fact, it is not possible not to support a peace policy. The Rock Village now has the largest number of ninja troops among the five major ninja villages, but none of the top leaders can fight, and they can't even find a Kage-level strongman. If a fight really breaks out, any of the four ninja villages can beat them to a pulp.

At this weak time, they certainly can't implement any aggressive policies. On the contrary, the Rock Village hopes that the entire ninja world will coexist peacefully now, giving them time to slowly recover their strength.

"Tsk... The performance of the Rock Ninja is really ugly. Are they trying to cling to Nagato's thigh?"

After seeing the Rock Ninja's choice, Uchiha Feiyu immediately understood their thoughts. They wanted to rely on the Akatsuki organization to establish a connection with Nagato so that Nagato could protect them through this dangerous period.

As for what choice they will make after the strength of the Rock Ninja Village is restored in the future, it is not clear. Considering Nagato's strength, maybe these ninjas really regard Nagato as Senju Hashirama and are ready to wait him out until he dies.

Looking at the entire ninja world, any relatively long period of peace usually means that there is a powerful person who completely suppresses the entire ninja world, such as the early period of Kaguya Otsutsuki's rule, the period when the Six Paths Sage founded the Ninja Sect, the stage when Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara joined forces, or the period after the Fourth Ninja World War when Indra and Ashura reconciled.

Now Nagato also has this kind of deterrent power...if Uchiha Feiyu is not counted

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's evaluation of the Rock Village, Tsunade said with a somewhat cautious look:

"Given the current situation of the Rock Village, it is not surprising to make such a choice. The key is Feiyu, what are you going to do?"

"That guy should be difficult to deal with now. Just from Xiaonan's description, you can imagine the restraint that Takama-ga-hara has on you."

"What's more, there is the Six Paths Sage hiding in the Pure Land. Who knows what else he will do?"

"Six Paths Sage..., it would be great if the Pure Land could be found, but it's a pity that the big toad sage died before I went to Mount Myoboku!"

In Uchiha Feiyu's speculation, the big toad sage of Mount Myoboku is probably the most likely person to know how to go to the Pure Land. After his death, no one in the entire ninja world knows how to go to the Pure Land.

Even if the big toad didn't know how to go to the Pure Land, it at least had a certain connection with the Six Paths Sage. If the Six Paths Sage could be led out through the big toad, and he could directly control the other party's soul, there would be no such thing as Nagato.

Uchiha Feiyu was very suspicious that the big toad sage actually died on purpose, and even passing on the power to Nagato was just a by-product, just because he didn't want the soul to fall into his hands.

During this period of time, he thought more clearly. Why didn't the Six Paths Sage dare to appear in front of him? Even to save Nagato, he directly pulled him into the Pure Land?

It is very likely that the souls of the weak ninjas that he had abandoned fell into the Pure Land, and the Six Paths Sage discovered the clues. The Six Paths Sage told the big toad sage this information, so the big toad sage made this decision.

It is meaningless to consider the mistakes made at the time. Besides, Uchiha Feiyu at the time would not have thought that the souls he abandoned would also bring so many problems, and he had no ability to predict the future.

However...if no one in the Ninja World knows how to get to the Pure Land, then what about outside the Ninja World?

Uchiha Feiyu looked up. Although it was daytime, his extraordinary eyesight still allowed him to see the vague outline of the moon in the Ninja World.

"I remember that there is the soul of Otsutsuki Hamura on the moon, or the residual soul? Will the younger brother of the Six Paths Sage know about the Pure Land?"

"But it is not easy to go to the moon, and the younger brother of the Six Paths Sage is probably not a weak character."

In the original work, the younger brother of the Six Paths Sage is naturally not as strong as the Six Paths Sage, but he can be regarded as a strong man of the same level. Although he did not give people plug-ins like the Six Paths Sage in the later period and showed any power, Uchiha Feiyu would not believe that he was really just a residual soul without any power.

What's more, his information has long been known by the Six Paths Sage. With the character of the Six Paths Sage, he is afraid that he has already informed his younger brother. It is more likely that he will not find the soul if he runs to the moon.

After thinking about it, unless he is willing to continue to develop along the power of the Otsutsuki clan and devour the pills he has accumulated now, he may be able to kill Nagato.

Otherwise... the only way is to start to improve!

Completely stripping out the power of the chakra system and converting it into another more powerful and more potential cultivation system is the best choice for Uchiha Feiyu.

"First, think of a way to strip or devour the power of the chakra system..."

As the night slowly fell, Uchiha Feiyu, who stayed in the Senju clan where Tsunade was, slowly closed his eyes and concentrated his mind on the space of the Book of Demonic Inheritance.

In the dark space, Uchiha Feiyu calculated the black air of the sacrifice he had obtained now, which was almost close to 60,000 black air, which made his face show a painful look.

If he was given a few more years, he could increase the sacrifices in the space by ten times, and then he would definitely be able to change to a more powerful cultivation system.

But now, he can only try first to see if he can get the cultivation system that can be used now.

"Perhaps we can break down those cultivation systems and just lay a foundation at the beginning. In this way, even if there are not many sacrifices at the beginning, we can still obtain the prerequisites of some powerful cultivation systems."

"Let's try it first and see if there is a way to deal with chakra without affecting potential and combat effectiveness!"

As Uchiha Feiyu's mind moved, tens of thousands of black gas evaporated instantly, and the entire book of the inheritance of the magic way shook a few times. The page was opened again, and the black flames flowed and turned into a message passed on to Uchiha Feiyu.

In fact, the scale of Uchiha Feiyu's sacrifice this time was no less than the last time he killed 50,000 ninja soldiers from the Wind Country. Although there were only tens of thousands of black gas, the quality of these black gas was much stronger than those soldiers who had just cultivated chakra. The super high quality also made up for the difference in quantity.

So this time, the quality of the response to Uchiha Feiyu's inheritance was no less than that of the secretary of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art!

"This is... the cultivation method of the Divine Sect Demon Sect?!"

Slowly coming back to his senses from the information, Uchiha Feiyu's face showed surprise.

The Divine Sect Demon Sect, which came from the Immortal Gourd World, is a cultivation method specifically for cultivating blood.

The humans in the Immortal Gourd World were carefully created by the Seven Phoenixes of Creation. They were born with the blood of innate gods and demons. Through the cultivation of the Divine Sect Demon Sect, those ordinary humans can even return to the body of innate gods and demons, and transform into real dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and rocs.

Not only that, after practicing the Divine Sect Demon Sect's cultivation method to a high level, you can even mix the original different innate gods and demons into one, and transform into a more powerful fusion innate gods and demons.

To be precise, it should not be called transforming into a more powerful innate god and demon, but it should be said that it is evolving into a stronger innate god and demon!

The Divine Sect Demon Sect's cultivation method can be called a first-class bloodline cultivation method. Even if you look at the heavens and the worlds, there are not many that can compare with it.

However... of course, with just over 10,000 black air, you can't get the complete Divine Sect Demon Sect's cultivation method. Just like what Uchiha Feiyu got at the beginning, it was just some secrets of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art. This time, Uchiha Feiyu got only the first five levels of the Divine Sect Demon Sect's cultivation method.

As long as one practices to the fifth level of the Divine Sect Demon Sect's cultivation method, one can purify and condense the blood in one's body and transform it into a pure-blood clone.

In other words, through the Divine Sect Demon Sect's cultivation method, Uchiha Feiyu can completely condense a large Otsutsuki clone and attach the chakra system to it.

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