When Uchiha Feiyu really started to practice the magic sect of the divine sect, he realized how chaotic the blood power accumulated in his body was, and he had not even used half of its internal potential.

Let alone other things, theoretically, Uchiha Feiyu's blood had already developed to the stage of the Samsara Eye, but the external manifestation was still three magatama. However, although he already had the public ability unique to the Samsara Eye, he had never awakened the pupil technique unique to the Samsara Eye.

Such as Kaguya Otsutsuki's Ame no Michu, Sasuke Uchiha's Senju Rinjuku, and Madara Uchiha's Rinnegan, they were all the unique powers of the Samsara Eye that truly belonged to them.

In comparison, ninjutsu such as Shinra Tensei, Tensei Tenin, Chibaku Tensei, and Tensei Shocking Star are actually just the application of gravity by the Samsara Eye. As long as they are willing to study, in theory, any Samsara Eye can do this.

In the past, Uchiha Feiyu could only use the common power of the Samsara Eye, which is why Uchiha Feiyu rarely used the power of the Samsara Eye on weekdays.

There is no other reason. Instead of using this Samsara Eye power that is not very proficient and has very ordinary effects, it is better to use the Thunder Release Power Susanoo Chakra Mode when fighting alone, and use Wood Release directly when mowing the grass.

The cultivation of blood by the Divine Sect Demon Sect, for Uchiha Feiyu, not only allows him to separate the chakra system Otsutsuki clone, but also allows him to dredge the blood power accumulated in his body and trigger the true power in his blood.

In the past, Uchiha Feiyu thought that unless he transformed into the Otsutsuki clan, his basic qualities would not be improved.

But after practicing the Divine Sect Demon Sect, he realized his mistake.

Even if he is still in the state of evolving into an Otsutsuki, with the cultivation of blood power, his basic qualities such as strength, physique, reaction, speed, and the most critical chakra quality will still be slightly improved after each practice.

That is not the improvement of the essence of blood, but the chaotic potential in the blood has been re-explored.

Just like humans, humans like Shaquille O'Neal and Tyson are naturally stronger than ordinary people. Even if they don't do any exercise, they have exceeded the ceiling of many ordinary people by their own talents.

The original Uchiha Feiyu, although the blood concentration has reached the critical point of Otsutsuki, in fact, even if he becomes an Otsutsuki, he is probably the type of malnutrition.

Converted to humans, he is the type of small man of 1.6 meters, with a total weight of less than 100 kilograms, and when fighting, two people can't beat one person.

After going through the cultivation method of the Divine Sect and the Demon Sect, after some training and combing the potential of the bloodline, he can't say that he can have the potential like boxing champion Tyson and Bruce Lee, but at least he has reached the level of ordinary athletes and is also an excellent individual in the Otsutsuki clan.

One day, after Uchiha Feiyu finished his training, he felt that a strange power emanated from his eyes, as if he entered a magical space.

There were endless stars flashing in the space, some of which were bright, some were dim, some were far away, and some were right in front of him.

Uchiha Feiyu, who was inexplicable, looked at the endless stars and knew what it was. It was the innate pupil technique awakened by his Samsara Eye.

To be precise, it was the endless talent attached to the Otsutsuki bloodline. The brighter ones were the more powerful ones, such as Kaguya's Ame no Michu, and the dimmer ones were the weaker ones, such as Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan.

The starlight talent that is close to him means that Uchiha Feiyu's own attributes are more suitable and easier to awaken. The starlight talent that is far away means that it is not easy for Uchiha Feiyu to awaken this talent.

In this starlight space, Uchiha Feiyu also has the ability to move, but the speed of movement is about the same as that of ordinary people. At the same time, he also has a feeling that the time he stays in this starlight space has begun to count down. If he does not catch a starlight within a certain period of time, then his awakening of the Samsara Eye talent will fail again.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand and grabbed a group of the closest and brighter starlight without saying a word, and then frowned.

"Heavenly hand power... It's useless when fighting Nagato! Change it!"

Soon Uchiha Feiyu selected all the nearby starlight. These starlights are not the brighter the farther away, and the dimmer the closer, but the nearby starlight is less than one thousandth of the total starlight. If you want to choose more and better talents, you can only run farther away.

Uchiha Feiyu quickly selected the dozen nearby stars, and then basically gave up. It's not that they are not good, but most of the powerful abilities are related to space. Facing Nagato's Takama-ga-hara, there is really no chance of winning.

With no other choice, Uchiha Feiyu could only move deeper into the starlight space. After selecting dozens of unsatisfactory talent stars, he could already feel his body gradually becoming weaker.

"There is no other way. Go pick a few more. If they are still not used, go pick the one I just saw, Amanomichi!"

But then, Uchiha Feiyu picked up two more bright stars, still not satisfied, and then he picked up the third bright starlight, felt it a little, and suddenly a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

"Night Food Source?! What a strange pupil technique, without any attack and defense power, but the ability to sleepwalk through the three thousand worlds?"

For a moment, Uchiha Feiyu's mind flashed a moment of hesitation, mainly because some of these starlights were just some simple introductions, which were probably left by the previous Otsutsuki, and felt relatively rough.

Just like this so-called sleepwalking through the three thousand worlds, God knows what this so-called three thousand worlds means? Is it another different world, or simply other planets, or other spaces on some planets?

If it is the first one, it is naturally the best effect. For the second and third ones, this ability is not completely useless, but it is not very helpful to Uchiha Feiyu.

However, Uchiha Feiyu still decided to take a gamble - mainly because this starlight is so bright, no less than the superior ability of Tianzhiminchu, but it has no combat power, which gives Uchiha Feiyu unlimited imagination.

A person who has no combat ability or even auxiliary ability, but only sleepwalking observation ability, can have such a high evaluation, which can only mean that the space it observes and the range of sleepwalking are absolutely beyond imagination, and maybe it can really observe the other world.

For ordinary Otsutsuki, an observation ability is naturally of no great use. Even if you really sleepwalk in the three thousand worlds, what can you do? It does not affect your real world and you are still a weak chicken.

But for Uchiha Feiyu, relying on the various inheritances in the book of magic inheritance, he can observe the other world, and maybe he can go to that world.

Time is running out. Uchiha Feiyu just got this group of starlight, and the whole person has disappeared without a trace. In reality, he also opened his eyes, and saw that his eyes were pitch black. In the darkness, three red jade-shaped pupils appeared, giving people a weird feeling.

But after a moment, all these abnormalities disappeared, and Uchiha Feiyu's eyes returned to their normal three-magatama state, and then returned to their original appearance.

"I hope this Night Food Source can do what I want!"

Shaking his head, Uchiha Feiyu did not directly use the ability of Night God Source. He is now in the critical period of practicing the God Sect Demon Sect. Every time he uses the pupil technique of the Samsara Eye, his practice will stagnate for a period of time. Anyway, it's still early for things in the other world, so of course he chooses to practice the Otsutsuki clone first.

Time flies, and soon, eight years have passed since Uchiha Feiyu began to practice the God Sect Demon Sect.

In eight years, the entire Naruto world is peaceful and peaceful... That's impossible.

If it is the original Naruto world, as long as the five major ninja villages don't make trouble, the entire ninja world is basically peaceful. Unfortunately, now because of the widespread spread of chakra practice, there are too many people who gain power.

Although there are no major disputes in this world under the suppression of the five major ninja villages, ordinary people who have gained power and think highly of themselves have also made the ninja world a mess.

There are no large-scale massacres, but there are countless small-scale cases of killing more than a dozen people at a time, or forming various small groups and turning from good citizens into bandits.

In the past eight years, thanks to the Akatsuki organization established by Nagato, conflicts have been quelled everywhere in the ninja world, punishing evil and promoting good, and finally passing this period of running-in pain.

However, although there have been many small chaos in various countries in the past eight years, the development of their national strength cannot be underestimated.

After the real implementation of the universal chakra, almost everyone in the ninja world has the extraordinary power of chakra. For ordinary civilians, the little chakra in their bodies cannot even use two D-level ninjutsu, but at least it can strengthen the body. One person before can now be used as seven or eight people.

It goes without saying that civilians with some talent, even if they do not choose to join the army, or join the subordinate expansion organization of the ninja village, can get better jobs with the stronger physical strength brought by more chakra.

Not to mention that among the five major countries now, the daimyo and high-level officials of four countries have been controlled by Uchiha Feiyu. Under the control of Uchiha Feiyu, these people are all impartial and fair. Under this situation, it would be strange if the national strength does not develop quickly.

In the past few years, even if the entire ninja world is in chaos, the population has not decreased but increased, and the development of technology is almost reaching the level of Boruto. At least trains, airplanes, skyscrapers and other things have been created.

The strength of the five major ninja villages has skyrocketed several times. Not to mention others, any of the five major ninja villages now has nearly 100,000 ninjas, and has gradually transformed from the form of semi-mercenaries to national armies.

Among the five major countries, even the Wind Country and Water Country, which have the smallest populations, actually have a population of no less than tens of millions. Although the technological development in the ninja world is somewhat distorted, the major countries actually already possess at least the technology of modern society. Only in terms of war technology, they are still in the era of cold weapons.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that it is easy and more than enough for a population of at least tens of millions to support a cold weapon army of more than 100,000 people. Not to mention that although the ninja village itself has gradually transformed into a national army, the people who originally performed the mission The old bank did not give up, and actually created a lot of income.

Therefore, the five major ninja villages are now developing like flowers. In addition, if chakra is compared to technology, the most profound chakra technology will always be in the ninja villages. In the era of universal chakra, these ninja villages have also enjoyed a lot. With small dividends, the increase in population is a trivial matter, and the original ninja village has developed into a big city.

Konoha Ninja Village, once the land of the Uchiha tribe, seems to have not changed at all under the development wave of the times. The high-rise buildings outside seem to have nothing to do with the one-family house here. It still maintains its original environment. If it were not for the Uchiha The newly added signal base stations and wires in the clan land make people think that this place was still a few years ago.

In this day and age, only these big clan ninjas can ensure that the original residence does not change. For example, some ninjas from the small ninja clan have already bulldozed one-family buildings and built high-rise buildings - the demolition these days Fei, the smaller ninja simply couldn't resist.

But today, the Uchiha who stayed in the clan always felt a little uneasy, and their hearts were on edge, as if there was an invisible pressure suppressing their hearts.

In fact, not only Uchiha, but also some ninjas close to the Uchiha clan can feel the momentum that is almost coming, but it is not as obvious as those Uchiha.

Itachi Uchiha, who is now 18 years old, may not only be able to feel the momentum, but also vaguely feel the source of the momentum, perhaps due to his talent.

He walked out of his home, with the three magatama spinning in his eyes, and walked along the Nanga River towards the Nanga River Shrine at the source of the river.

In Uchiha Itachi's perception, that was the source of everything. There seemed to be an ancient and huge aura flowing out from Nanga River Shrine, making all Uchiha frightened and restless.

Uchiha Itachi was naturally affected by this momentum, but the sense of responsibility in his heart drove him to walk there. Halfway there, he saw Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Shisui, with equally surprised and suspicious faces. He walked towards Minagawa Shrine uncertainly.

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