Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 178 The Great Toad Immortal who passed on his power and the evolving Nagato

After hearing this, Nagato opened his mouth, and in the end he could only nod helplessly:

"Yes... I can say that I have reached my personal limit now, but compared with that Uchiha Feiyu, there is still a big gap."

"It doesn't matter, the gap will be evened out soon..."

The Great Toad Sage looked at Nagato in front of him and said softly.

"Big Toad Sage, is there any more powerful ninjutsu in Miaomu Mountain that I can learn?"

Nagato asked with a look of surprise on his face. The Great Toad Sage chuckled lightly and took out a small box from the armrest of the stool next to him.

The box looked very small, but that was actually because of the huge claws of the Great Toad Immortal. It was actually the size of a human head. The Great Toad Immortal looked at the box with a look of nostalgia, and then opened the box.

Inside the box was an ordinary-looking talisman. However, almost everyone present was a person or toad who had successfully practiced immortality. They could all clearly feel that the huge natural energy was flowing on the talisman.

"This is the talisman of the Immortal. Thousands of years ago, the Immortal of Six Paths used the power of this talisman to defeat the goddess Yan who wanted to destroy the world."

"After the victory of the war, I spent a lot of effort to create a new talisman paper, and thanks to the help of the Immortal of Six Paths..."

"This talisman paper has absorbed natural energy for thousands of years in Miaomu Mountain. Compared with the original talisman paper, the effect may be more powerful... This was originally to deal with some extraterrestrial visitors and the demons in the seal, so The backup plan..."

"But now, maybe it's time to use this talisman."

The Great Toad Immortal stretched out two fingers, reluctantly pinched the corner of the Immortal Talisman, took it out, and then looked at Nagato:

"Nagato, after you gain the power of the Sage Talisman, you will completely possess the perfect immortal body, and you will even be able to use the power of the Samsara Eye for your own use!"

"At that time, your battle with that Uchiha Feiyu will truly begin. Everything you get before that time can be regarded as a training for yourself."

As he spoke, the eyes of the Great Toad Sage were also a little confused, as if he saw the former Asura and Indra again - as if it was fate reappearing, Uzumaki Nagato's opponent happened to be an Uchiha.

Uzumaki Nagato seemed to be his ancestor Asura. In the beginning of the battle with Indra, he was completely at a disadvantage, and then received help from everyone.

‘I just don’t know if he can defeat the descendant of Indra like his ancestors? ’

After hearing the words of the Great Toad Sage, Nagato, who was still a little depressed, quickly cheered up, his eyes sparkling - speaking of it, Nagato is such a simple and innocent person, and because he once had the Samsara Eye Because of this, I believe very much in the so-called destiny.

Now the words of the Great Toad Immortal really appealed to this former "Son of Destiny", and he couldn't wait to ask:

"Big Toad Immortal, what should I do?"

"It's very simple. You don't need to do anything. Just wait until I pass on the power of the Immortal Talisman to you."

The Great Toad Sage spoke, and pointed the Sage Talisman at Uzumaki Nagato, and then the vast and endless Senjutsu Chakra in his body instantly rioted.

Jiraiya and Nagato were horrified. The senjutsu chakra in the body of the Great Toad Sage was so vast that it was so huge that it was almost unbelievable. Even though he was only transporting chakra without using any form of ninjutsu, he was still It gave Jiraiya and Nagato the feeling of being plunged into a deep sea of ​​natural energy.

Jiraiya is okay. The amount of chakra in Nagato's body is no less than that of some tailed beasts, but he still has this feeling of being trapped in the deep sea. The chakra of the Great Toad Sage may have exceeded the sum of the nine tailed beasts. Got it!

Of course, the sum of the nine tailed beasts is not the same thing as the ten tails. The combined chakra of the nine tailed beasts may not even be a few tenths of that of the ten tails. That is the result of a qualitative change to a quantitative change.

But even so, the strength of the Great Toad Sage really shocked Jiraiya and Nagato.

However, the Great Toad Sage burst out with such powerful celestial chakra, but he did not do any unnecessary actions, but input all the chakra into the celestial talisman.

At this moment, the Immortal Talisman burst out with bright light, like a black hole, constantly swallowing the Chakra of the Great Toad Immortal. The powerful chakra flow even set off a rotating storm, directly broke through the roof, and even caused There were continuous clouds, thunder and lightning.

The Great Toad Sage input the chakra in his body into the Sage's Talisman and spoke calmly:

"I'm old. Apart from this chakra, I don't have much fighting power anymore..."

When speaking of this, the Great Toad Immortal sighed with emotion:

"I think that when I was young, I was also a brave toad who could join forces with the Immortal of Six Paths to deal with enemies from outside the world... It's a pity that toads have to grow old!"

Of course...this is actually just what the old toad said. It can be understood that Zhao Yun and Adou teamed up to enter and exit the Changban slope, killing indiscriminately. Zhao Yun was responsible for the killing of the Six Paths Immortal brothers, and Adou, the young old toad, was responsible. quack.

The fact is that although the chakra of the Toad Sage is strong, he has never been a strong character. From the perspective of chakra, his operation level may not be as good as Kaguya-after all, Kaguya is at a lower level, but she has many skills!

Not to mention that the current Big Toad Sage has become so old. Although his chakra amount is far more than Nagato, if they really fight, the Big Toad Sage may not be Nagato's opponent now!

Just like the tailed beasts in this world, the chakra in the tailed beasts is at least dozens or even hundreds of times more than that of ordinary Kage-level ninjas, but if it comes to combat power, most Kage-level ninjas are not inferior to those tailed beasts at all. This is the difference in combat methods.

In nature, toads have neither sharp teeth and claws, nor tough fur and shells, and they are not even fast. The only characteristic is that as a sacrificial animal, they are very adaptable. They can jump into the water to avoid enemies on land, and they can also jump to the shore to avoid enemies in the water. Coupled with their strong reproductive power, they have occupied a place in nature.

The toads of Myoboku Mountain are certainly much stronger than ordinary toads, but compared with the summoned beasts of the same level, they are still far behind. The large toad summoned beasts in their prime can still make up for it with weapons and other things, but the actual combat power of these old toads who have become immortals is far from being comparable to chakra.

After talking for a while, the voice of the big toad immortal became softer and softer, and more and more wrinkles appeared on his body. On the contrary, the immortal symbol that originally floated in the air has now completely turned into a pure energy rune, flashing a dazzling light in the air.

Feeling that the life breath of the Great Toad Sage was getting weaker and weaker, Jiraiya could not sit still:

"Great Toad Sage, what are you doing? You are now..."

"Don't worry, little Jiraiya, I should go to the Pure Land at my age. Although the Sage Talisman is powerful, it is actually more inclined to healing and resurrection. It only has an auxiliary function, and the ability to develop the body's potential is just a by-product."

"If you want Nagato to truly make a breakthrough, you can only use my celestial chakra to lay a good foundation for him!"


"Okay, Jiraiya, you can wander in the ninja world for decades for the sake of the son of prophecy, spending half of your life. Why can't I sacrifice the remaining decades of my life?"

The Great Toad Sage spoke calmly, making Jiraiya couldn't help but shed tears. Even Nagato, who had little contact with the Great Toad Sage, had an excited and guilty expression on his face.

He lowered his head slightly, and his half-closed eyelids covered the eyes of the Great Toad Sage, and also covered his thoughtful expression.

‘There is one more thing. Otsutsuki Hagoromo has told me that the strange Uchiha named Uchiha Feiyu has the strange ability to control souls. In the hands of that guy, death is really just the beginning. ’

Just like the Six Paths Sage, who is still alive and can jump back and forth in the Pure Land, death is a very vague thing when the strength exceeds a certain limit. Even if the Great Toad Sage becomes a soul after death, he can still maintain his existence and consciousness.

Not to mention that the Pure Land itself is the territory of the Six Paths Sage. Given the relationship between the two, if the Great Toad Sage goes to the Pure Land, the Six Paths Sage will have to give him an official position such as Judge Mengpo, which is actually no different from him in Myoboku Mountain.

This old toad is already old and has no so-called worldly desires, so he doesn’t care much about his physical body. The reason why he is willing to help Nagato this time is that he has the idea of ​​dealing with Uchiha Feiyu, but the main reason is that he is afraid that Uchiha Feiyu will come to him and kill him and enslave his soul.

When the Immortal Fukasaku brought the body of the Immortal Shima in, the Immortal Toad felt something was wrong. After contacting the Six Paths Immortal in the Pure Land and knowing that the soul of the Immortal Shima had not fallen into the Pure Land, he knew that Uchiha Feiyu might come to kill him soon, so he hurried to pass on his skills.

This toad has lived for thousands of years, and the natural energy in his body is extremely strong. It took him half an hour to integrate all the energy in his body into the Immortal Talisman.

At this point, the old toad looked dying, and his energy was exhausted. Even his originally tall body began to shrink. The originally white toad skin on his body became wrinkled and covered with wrinkles, and it seemed that he was about to die.

"Nagato... give me your hand... give me your hand... come over..."

The old toad said with a dying breath, stretched out his hand and slowly pushed it, floating in the air, and the original rune could no longer be seen. It completely turned into a shining crystal Immortal Talisman, and immediately floated towards Nagato.

Nagato reached out his hand and gently caught the Sage Talisman that floated in front of him. The crystal-like rune instantly sank into his wrist.

The incredibly huge Sage Chakra exploded in Nagato's body. The Chakra that was enough to burst an ordinary Kage-level ninja alive was extremely docile in Nagato's body, flowing through every chakra meridian, constantly stimulating the potential of Nagato's body.

Theoretically, all members of the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan have a sage body, but it is hard to say how perfect this sage body is. Many people call Senju Hashirama's sage body a perfect sage body, but in fact, above Senju Hashirama, isn't the sage body of the Six Paths Sage stronger than Senju Hashirama?

And above the Six Paths Sage, there are pure-blooded Ōtsutsuki's sage bodies, and even among these Ōtsutsuki, their physiques are still different.

Uzumaki Nagato's sage body level is definitely not low, not just any Senju clan or Uzumaki clan can support the Samsara Eye.

Uzumaki Nagato was chosen by Uchiha Madara as a culture dish for the Samsara Eye. Just from the level of the sage body, I am afraid that only the reincarnations of Asuras such as Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Naruto can truly surpass him.

But this can't be said to be low. It can only be said that compared with the ordinary Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan, his sage body is only inferior to Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Naruto. It doesn't mean that his sage body is only a little bit behind these two Ashura reincarnations, but it is a cliff-like gap!

This is equivalent to Senju Hashirama, the boss, 100 points, Uzumaki Naruto, the second, 90 points, and when it comes to Uzumaki Nagato, the third, it directly drops to 60 points.

But now, with the nourishment of the huge sage chakra, Nagato's sage body has also undergone an almost earth-shaking, reborn evolution. Every strand of skin is glowing, and the flesh that originally looked a little skinny has instantly become full and full.

The red hair behind Nagato is also nourished by the huge sage chakra, red like blood, bright like flames, and full of the breath of life.

However, the biggest change was Nagato's pair of Samsara eyes. Originally, Nagato's pair of Samsara eyes could not be controlled at all, and they were always in an open state, constantly consuming his vitality and chakra.

However, now, the pair of purple Samsara eyes suddenly trembled a few times, degenerated into the Mangekyō Sharingan, and then degenerated into the three-magatama Sharingan, and finally completely changed into ordinary black eyes.

The huge sage chakra not only allowed Uzumaki Nagato's body to evolve into a perfect sage body, but also allowed him to completely refine the pair of eyes that originally belonged to Uchiha Madara!

The pupil power condensed in the Samsara eyes instantly dissipated, allowing Uzumaki Nagato's sage body, which had already reached its limit, to make subtle progress.

The most important thing is that all the power contained in this pair of eyes is completely open to Uzumaki Nagato from now on. Even if Uchiha Madara comes, the power he can exert with this pair of eyes is almost the same as that of Uzumaki Nagato.

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