Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 177 The Fake Son of Destiny Defeated

Feeling that the dark sword light was coming, Uzumaki Nagato's entire spirit was concentrated to the limit at this moment, and two dark chakra sticks appeared in his hands again, which were directly supported on the top of his head.

With a click, the chakra rod was pressed so hard that cracks appeared. Nagato felt as if a huge mountain was being pressed on his hands, and the bones of his hands made a creaking sound. His legs went soft, and he was half-kneeling. The ground directly made a huge depression. The cracks spread from his knees to a distance of more than ten meters.

"So strong...too strong! This is pure strength, speed, nerve reaction, and physical fitness!"

This was the first time that Nagato and Uchiha Feiyu collided head-on. Unlike just now, most of them were dodging, and even attacking was just to get a chance to breathe.

But it was such a collision that directly made Nagato understand the gap between himself and Uchiha Feiyu. Even if there is no problem in the sage mode, he and Uchiha Feiyu will not be able to fight head-on. enemy.

As for now...if you still dare to attack him head-on, you will probably die ugly after two moves!

Thinking of this, Uzumaki Nagato once again condensed chakra, opened his mouth, and the laser from the Shura Path spurted out of his mouth in an instant.

A violent bright light instantly hit Uchiha Feiyu's head, but the laser did not stop at all and rushed out from Uchiha Feiyu's head. At the same time, Nagato felt his hands light up. It turned out that it was Uchiha Feiyu's whole body turned into reality.

not good!

With a tremor in his heart, Nagato wanted to pull back again without any hesitation. However, at this time, Uchiha Feiyu had already turned into reality. He also opened his mouth gently and spit out a thin beam of light.

Immortal method - Lan Dunguangya!

The small beam of light passed by Nagato's ear. Nagato's body trembled slightly. He turned his head and saw Shima Sennin sitting on his shoulder, with a round hole between his eyebrows.


Another toad sage, Fukasaku, shouted, with a sad look on his face, as if he had made up his mind, and a pair of toad hands formed a seal again.

There was a bang of white smoke. Before that, Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand and quickly used his ability to arrest spirits and grab a small toad soul ball.

When the white smoke dissipated, whether it was Toad Sage, Nagato or Black and White Zetsu, they had all disappeared without a trace.

"Have you been reverse-channeled to Miaomu Mountain? But it doesn't matter. With the soul of this toad, I will soon be able to find the location of Miaomu Mountain!"

Looking at the soul ball in his hand, Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, and without caring about anything else, he directly put it against his forehead and began to read the toad's memory.

With a bang, Nagato felt the scene in front of him change, and then he appeared in Mt. Miaomu.

Fukasaku Sennin sighed deeply, ended the Two Life Technique, jumped from Nagato's shoulders, and hugged Shima Sennin's body.

"Sorry... Nagato, there is really no hope of victory in that situation. We can only retreat first to preserve our strength."

Nagato opened his mouth and looked at the sad Fukasaku Sage, unable to express any complaints. Although he abandoned the Akatsuki organization base, what Fukasaku Sage said did make sense. He was no match for Uchiha Feiyu.

"By the way, Fukasaku Sennin... we are back, but where are Jiraiya-sensei and Yahiko Konan?"

Fukasaku nodded slightly and said:

"That's right. It's pointless to explore the information now. I'll reverse channel them now!"

After finishing speaking, Fukasaku Sennin clasped his hands together, and with a popping sound, the three of Jiraiya appeared in Mt. Myoboku in a burst of white smoke.

One moment, Jiraiya and the other three were inquiring about information in the Suna Ninja Village. The next second, the three of them appeared together at Mt. Myoboku, which immediately put a look of confusion on their faces.

But soon, Jiraiya saw the body of Shima Sennin, and his eyes widened:

" is that possible!"

After hearing Jiraiya's cry, Fukasaku Sennin's tears finally couldn't help but flow down. He choked and said:

"It was that damn Uchiha who did it. His strength is far beyond our imagination! Even Nagato who has developed the sage mode is far from his opponent!"

"Shima... died because of that guy!"


Jiraiya's expression changed drastically, and he was stunned:

"That Uchiha... actually defeated Nagato... Nagato has the Rinnegan and Senjutsu!"

"No, how did that guy find the Akatsuki organization! Where did his information come from?"

"Maybe there is a traitor in the Akatsuki organization... However, his strength is indeed far greater than mine. Even with the help of Fei and the two immortals, I am not his opponent at all... Now that Shima Sennin has died, I'm afraid It’s more difficult to fight.”

Nagato said with a low expression. Ever since he studied with Jiraiya and developed a little power of the Samsara Eye, Nagato has never lost so miserably as he did today. He looked very shaken.

After all, although the current Nagato has not developed to the point where he regards himself as a god like in the original work, he still felt that he had destiny in the beginning, and even thought that he was the legendary child of prophecy.

As a result, it was first revealed that the Rinnegan Eye was not his at all, and that he was just a conspiracy product. Later, he was beaten up by Uchiha Feiyu and taught him how to behave. For a while, he naturally became confused about the collapse of his self-positioning.

"I'm going to see the Great Toad Sage. Shima's funeral affairs still need to be dealt with. Nagato-chan, you don't need to be too anxious. Let's rest at Mt. Myoboku first!"

Fukasaku Sennin was grieved in his heart, and after barely comforting Nagato, he took Shima Sennin's body to the palace where Toad Sennin was.

"It seems that that Uchiha knows us very well, but we know nothing about that Uchiha Feiyu. Until now, I don't know how he plans to destroy the world?"

Jiraiya let out a long sigh. The information they gathered in Suna Ninja Village could not be said to be useless, but it could only be said to be of little significance.

In addition to knowing that Uchiha Hiba is indeed an ANBU, operating behind the scenes in the Sand Ninja Village, he also knows that the opponent does have the art of reincarnation in the dirty soil, and also knows that the opponent has used wood escape ninjutsu to bury tens of thousands of people from the country of wind. Outside of the daimyo's army, there was very little information available.

This information is not useless, but the two most important points, Uchiha Feiyu's strength and his purpose, have never been discovered clearly. For Jiraiya, this can only be regarded as a failed intelligence exploration.

After Jiraiya, Nagato and others were depressed for a moment, they quickly adjusted their mood and began to exchange information.

Needless to say, Jiraiya's information went without saying, but after hearing about the battle with Nagato, the Myoboku Toad Sage fell into surprise again.

"Time and space ninjutsu...sage mode...reincarnation this guy really an Uchiha?"

"And he relies entirely on physical skills when always feels like it's completely inconsistent with his abilities!"

Time and space ninjutsu, sage mode, and samsara eye, aren't these all moves his apprentice is good at? It feels like they are sublimated versions of his two apprentices!

It was the taijutsu, or ninjutsu, that was used in the end, which made the Toad Sage a little difficult to bear. Although Jiraiya did not despise taijutsu like ordinary ninjas and respected ninjutsu, no matter it was the sage mode, The reincarnation eye or the time and space ninjutsu are undoubtedly incompatible with the style of taijutsu.

"Perhaps I am simply not qualified to force out his stronger power! But his ninjutsu is indeed very terrifying. After his pure speed and strength reach a certain level, he is almost indestructible and invulnerable!"

"That's it... that's right. When Uchiha Feiha was in Konoha, he was not famous for the power of Sharingan. Instead, he inherited Hatake Sakumo's White Fang sword technique. He was good at that kind of swordsmanship. Simple and direct, yet impeccable ninjutsu and sword skills.”

In the battle of ninjas, this type of opponent who relies on basic qualities to crush them can be said to be the rarest and most difficult opponent to deal with. Just like the Raikage of all generations, so what if the information is completely leaked? Unlike ordinary ninjas, they have no so-called weaknesses at all!

Just when Jiraiya, Nagato and the others were racking their brains to think about how to deal with Uchiha Feiyu, a messenger toad jumped over and ran over:

"Jiraiya-sama, Nagato-sama, and the Great Toad Immortal have something to discuss with you!"

"Oh? Does the Great Toad Immortal have any predictions?"

Jiraiya was slightly startled and asked. The messenger toad shook his head:

"I don't know either, Jiraiya-sama, you'd better ask the Great Toad Sage yourself!"

Jiraiya nodded slightly, led Nagato to the palace of the Great Toad Sage, and saw the Great Toad Sage sitting on the throne in the center of the palace.

Different from the Great Toad Sage who usually looked like he was awake and sitting on the throne with half-closed eyes, this time the Great Toad Sage opened his eyes and was full of energy. When Nagato and Jiraiya just walked into the door , and looked at the two of them.

"It's Nagato-chan and Jiraiya-chan! You're finally here."

The Great Toad Immortal spoke clearly, which surprised both Jiraiya and Nagato. You must know that the Great Toad Immortal's daily behavior, whether it is unpredictable or Alzheimer's disease, is never so direct. , without repeated reminders, they could not recognize the two of them at all.

The current state of clear mind and clear vision is a very rare situation.

However, Nagato and Jiraiya didn't have any doubts. Jiraiya was the first to speak:

"Toad Immortal, did you see any fragments of the future again, so you came to summon us again?"

The Great Toad Immortal shook his head and said calmly:

"I'm sorry, Jiraiya. Predicting the future through dreams is a matter of luck. As for now, I haven't had any dreams about the future... I probably won't have such precognitive dreams again in the future."

"Ah?! Why is this? Big Toad Immortal?"

"Haha, after all, dead toads can't dream... maybe I can have new dreams when I get to the Pure Land?"

"What! Has your lifespan...come to an end, Great Toad Immortal?"

"Ah... it's almost over. Even though I'm called an immortal, I only live a little longer than an ordinary toad. I can't really live forever."

The Great Toad Immortal nodded slightly and said nonchalantly:

"Speaking of lifespan, I'm still a little envious of that snake and that slug... Immortal Slug's lifespan is almost endless. Immortal White Snake's old woman's racial talent is constant reincarnation. Although she can't live forever, she can't live forever. The lifespan is still much longer than mine..."

Jiraiya looked at the chattering Big Toad Sage, thinking that he had now entered the stage of returning to the light, and couldn't help but feel sad:

"Toad Sage, don't worry, even if you die, I will inherit your legacy, and I will never let that guy Uchiha Feiha destroy the ninja world!"

"Immortal, you can go with peace of mind!"

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Toad Sage was slightly stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face:

"There's no need to be in such a hurry. Let's wait until I finish explaining. Anyway, I can live for another thirty or forty years, so I won't go to the Pure Land so soon."

Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, and looked up to see the Great Toad Sage, with a dull face and a rigid voice:

"Three...thirty or forty years? Great Toad Immortal, aren't you going to die?"

"Yes, there are only thirty or forty years left... I am an old toad who has lived for thousands of years. To me, thirty or forty years is no different from one or two months. I am not about to die. ?"

"Ah...hehe... Well, Immortal, I may not be able to inherit your legacy... I think I will probably die in front of Immortal!"

Nowadays, Jiraiya is in his 40s. The life span of a ninja has never been long, even shorter than that of ordinary people.

Uchiha Madara was so clinging to life in the later period, he actually only lived eighty or ninety years old. If there was no heretic demon to extend his life, he might die at the age of 70.

In thirty or forty years, Jiraiya will be seventy or eighty years old. He doesn't think he can really live to that age.

"Don't worry, you won't die in front of me."

The Great Toad Sage chuckled and turned to look at Nagato:

"Little Nagato... you are also Jiraiya's disciple, and you were once part of the Children of Prophecy... but now the prophecy has become very confusing, and I can't guarantee that you can defeat that Uchiha."

"Now, you have explored the power of the Samsara Eye to its limit. You have even used the immortal body of the Uzumaki clan, senjutsu and the external force created by Hashirama cells... To put it harshly, you have now reached or even exceeded I have reached the limit of my potential.”

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