Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 179 Arriving at Myoboku Mountain

Nagato was completely reborn, and at this moment, the big toad sage looked at the evolved Nagato with a smile on his lips, and then the whole toad completely shrank into a ball and lost its breath.

"Toad Sage! I swear that I will inherit your legacy and save the ninja world!"

Nagato looked at the sacrificed Toad Sage, clenched his fists, and spoke with confidence.

"Well, as long as you have confidence, Nagato-chan, the future of the ninja world will be left to you."

A light and ethereal voice came from the body of the great toad sage, and then a light blue transparent toad spirit flew out, with a look of great comfort on his face, and said to Nagato .

Nagato, Jiraiya: Σ(°△°|||)︴

"Toad Immortal... aren't you dead?!"

Jiraiya, who originally looked sad, now felt that his emotions were no longer coherent, so he stammered.

"That's right, I'm dead. Can't you see that my soul is floating out now? Little Jiraiya, what's that look in your eyes?"

"'s immortal, you have become a soul and can also speak!"

"That's what I'm saying. I remember that our Konoha Ninja Village also has the ninjutsu of Earth Reincarnation. In that case, my soul can speak, why are you making such a fuss?"

Well, that’s really no big deal – it’s weird! ! After any ninja dies, he can speak with his soul!

If you add Kato Dan, who practices the art of spiritual transformation, and the second generation Hokage, who developed the Reincarnation Ninjutsu, to come here in person, and show them what you look like now, they will be stunned!

But considering that the other party was the big toad sage after all, Jiraiya was not surprised. Compared with being able to live for thousands of years, it is not difficult to become a soul after death and still float around. Something to accept.

"Okay, now that everything has been explained, it's almost time for me to go to the Pure Land. From now on, I'll leave Mt. Miaomu to Fukasaku to take care of."

"And you should be careful. If my estimate is correct, that Uchiha Feiyu will probably discover the location of Mt. Myoboku, and there will definitely be a big battle waiting for you."

"But with Nagato's current strength, I should be able to compete with him. Ah... it's almost time. My old friend has started urging me to go to the Pure Land. Let's stop here!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for any reply from Jiraiya and Nagato, a black hole appeared behind the soul of the Great Toad Sage, and it was directly attracted into it.

"Wait a minute, Great Toad Immortal..."

Jiraiya wanted to ask a few more questions, but the soul of Toad Immortal had already entered the Pure Land, so he had no choice but to shut his mouth.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiraiya, I can feel my current strength. Even if I encounter that Uchiha Feiyu, I have an absolute chance of winning!"

Uzumaki Nagato spoke with confidence. Jiraiya glanced at Nagato and felt relieved when he felt the chakra emanating from his body that was comparable to the Nine-Tails.

Originally, Nagato's chakra was comparable to that of tailed beasts. Now after the ultimate evolution, Nagato's chakra level is comparable to that of Nine-Tails, the strongest of the tailed beasts. Coupled with the power of the Samsara Eye and senjutsu, he can completely do it on his own. His power flattened the ninja world.

"This battle will probably determine the future of the entire ninja world. It is like reenacting the battle between the first Hokage, the god of ninja world, and Shura Uchiha Madara, the ninja world!"

Involuntarily, Jiraiya also felt like he was witnessing history.

Not knowing what happened to Mount Myoboku, Uchiha Feiyu had already embarked on the road to find Mount Myoboku after obtaining the specific coordinates of Mount Myoboku from the soul of Sage Shima.

In fact, Myoboku Mountain has gone beyond the scope of the ninja world and entered a wilderness area. It was also said in the original work that it would take a month for Miaomu Mountain to just walk - this is the time for ninjas to travel. You know From the Kingdom of Fire to the Kingdom of Wind, even a fast ninja can make it there in three days!

In fact, although the ninja world is vast, it is not the entire planet. On the contrary, the entire ninja world only occupies less than 1/10 of the size of the planet. Even if the ocean area is not counted, the ninja world on land is only 1/10 of the size of the planet. Only about one-third is occupied.

Outside of that third, there are all kinds of wild terrains, most of which are deserts and wilderness with few resources and few animals and plants. Their barrenness even exceeds that of the Kingdom of Wind. Only in certain places will an oasis like a cave-like paradise be formed.

There are some ordinary residents living there, but due to environmental reasons, most of them are tribes of several thousand people, and they are isolated from each other by hundreds of kilometers of wild desert. Therefore, they have not developed into a country, and ninjas have not developed into a country. Rarely.

Miaomu Mountain is almost at the end of this desolate land. According to Uchiha Feiyu's guess, this desolate area is probably where the sacred tree grew. It is precisely because the sacred tree drained the energy of the planet. , this place will become such a harsh environment.

Facing this desolate area, Uchiha Feiyu had no choice but to search slowly according to the coordinates.

Although he has the memory of Shima Sage, in fact, this Toad Sage has no experience of walking from Mt. Myoboku to the ninja world - with the art of channeling, these toads are not idle, so naturally they will not waste their energy. .

So even with Uchiha Feiyu's ability, it took him almost ten days to finally find the maze mountain where Myoboku Mountain is located.

The periphery of Myoboku Mountain is also arranged with a barrier, and in the past thousands of years, the barrier has been modified several times and has been completely integrated into the mountain terrain. It can be said to be a masterpiece of nature, and its defense ability is far superior to that of ordinary ninja villages.

This is a complete crushing of the time foundation between the spiritual holy land and the ninja village. After all, the rise of the ninja village has only been a few decades, and the three spiritual holy lands have stood in the entire ninja world for thousands of years. Under the continuous reinforcement and improvement over the years, the three spiritual holy lands have almost completely become a different world.

Through normal methods, even if all the ninjas in the entire ninja world are called over, there is no way to attack any spiritual holy land. Fortunately, Uchiha Feiyu has the memory of Shima Sennin, and his own strength also crushes the ninja world. He easily found a node where the power of the barrier flows, and then destroyed it, and took advantage of this gap to enter Myoboku Mountain.

"The natural energy here... seems to have been transformed by these toads."

After entering the Myoboku Mountain Spiritual Holy Land, Uchiha Feiyu's first feeling was the extremely rich natural energy, but this natural energy seemed to be mixed with some impurities, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"Gua! Who are you! Are you a ninja from outside? Why did you suddenly come to Myoboku Mountain?"

A toad the size of a millstone swallowed the half-meter-long insect in its mouth, jumped in front of Uchiha Feiyu, and asked curiously.

Looking at the toad in front of him, this toad not only wore clothes, but also made some makeup on his face. Obviously, these toads in Myoboku Mountain have been assimilated by humans.

Among the three major spiritual holy places, it seems that only the toads in Myoboku Mountain like to wear clothes and dress up, and even use human weapons. On the one hand, these toads are really not good at fighting with bare hands, and on the other hand, it is also a manifestation of these toads being friendly with humans and assimilated by humans.

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the toad that jumped in front of him, chuckled, and did not explain much, but flicked his fingers.

The electric light condensed into a sharp needle gushed out from Uchiha Feiyu's finger and directly pierced the toad's forehead in front of him. With a bang, it pierced a big hole in its forehead.

The toad opened its mouth, as if it wanted to say something, but finally fell to the ground powerlessly, blood and light yellow brain matter flowed out.

The faint smell of blood and burnt smell spread, but Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much. He just stretched out a hand and gently scooped it, and a toad's soul appeared in his hand.

"Let me see, where are Jiraiya and Nagato now... Hmm?! The big toad sage is dead!"

"Did he die by passing on his skills? It feels a bit bad!"

Uchiha Feiyu narrowed his eyes and showed a bit of caution on his face. The big toad sage never took action in the original comics. Uchiha Feiyu didn't know his strength, but even if he only calculated from his age and the chakra he possessed, it was definitely beyond the existence of ordinary tailed beasts.

Moreover, this old toad has many cards in his hand. He even tried to seal Kaguya-hime back then. Although it was the Six Paths Sage brothers who took action, it is clear that Gamaru also took at least three layers of credit in the sealing of Kaguya-hime.

Such a toad used his old life to help Nagato upgrade. Uchiha Feiyu would not think that this was useless. Now Nagato might really pose a threat to him.

"And... the matter of power transmission is not just the exclusive skill of that old toad..."

Thinking about the original work, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, who were obviously already dead, were not only resurrected but also strengthened by the Six Paths Sage's power transmission. Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that if he really pushed Uzumaki Nagato to the limit, it was really hard to say whether the Six Paths Sage would come to transmit power through the air.

Now Asura and Indra are finished, and the only one in the whole ninja world who can be related to the Six Paths Sage is Nagato who has the Samsara Eye.

After all, the Samsara Eye itself is the fusion of the chakras of Asura and Indra, and it is a miracle that has attracted the power of the Six Paths Sage. It would be a real strange thing to say that the Six Paths Sage cannot pass on the connection.

Just when Uchiha Feiyu was thinking, a huge chakra fluctuation instantly burst out from the palace in the center of Myoboku Mountain, causing Uchiha Feiyu's face to change slightly.

"Tsk... I've really become a lot stronger..."

Feeling the chakra burst out by Nagato, although there is still a certain gap with his own, it can barely be regarded as the same level, and Uchiha Feiyu suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

Don't look at the past few years of hard work. Uchiha Feiyu secretly controlled the four major ninja villages and acted very arrogantly. That's because Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that his strength was a dimensionality reduction attack on the current ninja world. Even if it was exposed, the worst case scenario was that he would push forward all the way, from a long-term stream to a one-time harvest.

But if it is facing a strong enemy of the same level as himself... Don't forget how Uchiha Feiyu acted in the ninja world war, how shady and cowardly!

The palace where the Great Toad Sage originally lived was the center of the entire Myoboku Mountain barrier. Almost as soon as problems occurred in the barrier, this control center sounded the alarm.

The toad in charge of Myoboku Mountain at this moment is Fukasaku Sage. As soon as he received the alarm, he reported the news to Nagato, who also burst out his whole body chakra without hesitation, sweeping across the entire Myoboku Mountain.

"I feel it, it's right there! Uchiha Feiyu, that guy, finally appeared!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nagato flew into the sky and flew towards the direction he sensed at a high speed.

Uchiha Feiyu frowned slightly and looked at Nagato who was flying towards him. Susanoo, a powerful weapon flashing with lightning, burst out from his body again, and a black knife slowly formed from his hand.

As soon as the black knife was formed, the energy of Susanoo had already climbed up, and the knife immediately turned into a divine weapon flashing with lightning. Obviously, Uchiha Feiyu is now fully prepared for battle.

"Uchiha Hiha!!"

As Nagato shouted, a huge amount of chakra burst out from his body, forming energy ribs around him, evolving into an energy skeleton, and then covered with chakra muscles to form external armor...

"Is this Susanoo?! This guy can actually use the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Looking at Nagato's performance, Uchiha Hiha was immediately surprised. You know, Nagato is not the original owner of the Samsara Eye. In theory, the power of Susanoo is also hidden in the Samsara Eye, but Nagato, who can't control the Samsara Eye, is definitely unable to use this Mangekyō stage ability.

"Unless this guy can completely control the power of the Samsara Eye, in other words, this pair of Samsara Eyes has been completely used by Nagato!"

Just when Uchiha Hiha was still thinking, the huge Susanoo had already flown nearby, and the long sword formed by chakra energy directly chopped down on his head!

Facing the huge chakra long sword, Uchiha Feiyu just raised his weapon in the same way, and the two long swords, one large and one small, which looked very contrasting, collided with each other instantly.

However, the result of the collision was not consistent with the visual effect. The black sword, which was less than two meters long, easily blocked the chakra long sword that was dozens of meters long. Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing on the ground, did not retreat at all even though countless cracks appeared on the ground under his feet.

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