Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 176: Nagato is crushed

After continuously maxing out his own buffs and at least entering a state where the basic panel would not be crushed by Uchiha Feiyu, Uzumaki Nagato, who was floating in the sky, breathed a sigh of relief.

Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing on the ground, looked at Uzumaki Nagato in the sky, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He was originally planning to kill Nagato and then go find trouble with Jiraiya and others, but he didn't expect that Uzumaki Nagato would directly summon the two toad sages from Myoboku Mountain, which saved him a lot of trouble.

"Sage mode... You don't think you are the only one who can do it!"

Although Uchiha Feiyu's appearance did not change at all, the natural energy surrounding him seemed to be swallowed by some invisible things and poured into his body crazily.

Even the sun in the sky burst into dazzling brilliance in an instant, and then became dim. The endless light was absorbed by him. In Nagato's perception, Uchiha Feiyu seemed to have turned into an endless black hole.

"Little Nagato, be careful... The opponent's Sage Mode is so scary! It can absorb so much natural energy!"

"I know... It seems that we all underestimated him!"

However, this state did not last too long. The original Uchiha Feiyu could be in Sage Mode all the time, constantly devouring the natural energy produced by the planet, but since he found that he was about to enter the energy state, he cut off his way to absorb natural energy.

So now he needs to increase the Sage Mode Buff before the battle, and he dare not enter the Sage State for too long, otherwise he may directly slide towards the evolution direction of Otsutsuki and become an energy-state life.

"Get ready, don't blink!"

Looking at Nagato standing in the sky, Uchiha Feiyu said slowly, and the Susano armor with flashing lightning instantly appeared on his body, and he appeared in front of Nagato in an instant.

Nagato's purple Samsara Eye showed a look of horror, and a terrifying repulsive force erupted from his body again:

"Shinra Tensei!"

"Shinra Tensei!"

With a loud bang, the two same repulsive forces collided with each other. After a stalemate, Nagato was directly bounced out.

"How is it possible... That guy... How can that guy have the ability of Samsara Eye?!"

Nagato fell to the ground after flying out, rolled for a while, and then stood up. He just looked at the horror in the eyes of Uchiha Feiyu standing in the sky, and could no longer hide it.

"In theory, Samsara Eye is indeed the manifestation of the Sharingan evolving to the final form... But... This guy is just an ordinary Uchiha, how is it possible... It's really puzzling."

The Black Zetsu attached to Nagato was also puzzled, muttering a few words. On the surface, it seems that the cells of Hashirama Senju plus the Eternal Mangekyō can awaken the Samsara Eye, but in fact, Black Zetsu knows very well that without the chakra of Ashura and Indra, awakening the Samsara Eye is completely a dream!

You should know that Uchiha Madara's strength is one of the best among all the Indras of all generations - not every Indra has brothers and sisters, and not every Indra's brothers and sisters can awaken the Mangekyō!

Without brothers and sisters, even if Indra's reincarnation has a higher talent, it is impossible to enter the level of Eternal Mangekyō. It can be said that Uchiha Madara's strength can at least rank in the top three among the thousand-year-old Indras!

And Senju Hashirama is even more perverted. Indra has always had the upper hand in the battle between Indra and Ashura's reincarnation. Even in the initial battle between Indra and Ashura, Ashura had to bring the Nine-Tails to compete with him.

However, as the Ashura of this generation, Senju Hashirama completely killed Uchiha Madara, the Indra, and even forced Uchiha Madara to find the Nine-Tails as a summoned beast, but was still beaten up by Senju Hashirama!

When he was in the Three Magatama state, Uchiha Madara was beaten by Hashirama Senju. When he was in the Mangekyō, Uchiha Madara was beaten by Hashirama Senju who had awakened his Sage Body and Wood Release. When he was in the Eternal Mangekyō, Uchiha Madara was beaten by Hashirama Senju who had learned the Sage Mode!

It can be said that Uchiha Madara, the reincarnation of Indra, had a tragic life of being beaten by Hashirama Senju. Until his resurrection, he had never defeated Hashirama Senju once.

Uchiha Feiyu even suspected that Hashirama Senju's strength was probably even better than that of the first generation Ashura.

After all, there was an obvious reference point between the two sides. The strength of Kurama would only become stronger than that of a thousand years ago, not weaker. Since the original Kurama could participate in the war a thousand years ago instead of being regarded as a burden by Indra Ashura, it was obvious that even if his strength was slightly worse than that of Indra Ashura, it was by no means a world of difference.

In the battle between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, although Kurama was able to intervene, the strength he showed was just that. In fact, in a one-on-one fight, even without counting the Sharingan illusion and wood escape technique to restrain the tailed beasts, it would be very easy for Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama to defeat the Nine-Tails.

From this, we can also see that the strength of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama is not much worse than their ancestors, and Senju Hashirama may even be stronger than Ashura!

These two reincarnations of Indra and Ashura are already the most talented combination in the past thousand years. Even so, after Uchiha Madara merged with Senju Hashirama's cells, it took him several decades, almost until he was old and weak, to awaken the Samsara Eye.

Ordinary eternal kaleidoscope, want to awaken the samsara eye by merging a few cells of Senju Hashirama? How is that possible?

However, the pupil power shown by Uchiha Feiha made Black Zetsu and Nagato very sure that although the opponent's eyes only had three magatama, he had indeed awakened the samsara eye, and his use of the samsara eye was definitely better than Nagato's.

This is also nonsense. After all, Nagato's eyes were transplanted. In any case, in terms of use, they are definitely not as good as Uchiha Feiyu who has awakened in his original state.

Uchiha Feiyu, who was floating in the sky, stretched slightly, and his joints made a snapping sound. It seemed that he had not fought with all his strength for a long time.

Even in the battle with the Eight-Tailed Jinchūriki Kirabi, Uchiha Feiyu actually suppressed a lot of power. At least he didn't use the Sage mode or the Rinnegan, but only used the White Fang Sword Technique and the Thunder Release Chakra mode.

Now feeling the endless power in his body, and looking at the opponent in front of him who was barely worth fighting, Uchiha Feiyu also lifted his spirits a little.

When Uchiha Feiyu looked at Uzumaki Nagato, Uzumaki Nagato felt vaguely like being locked by a natural enemy, and his body was trembling slightly.

"Be careful, Nagato! That guy is going to attack again!"

The Toad Sage lying on his shoulder warned loudly, and at the same time, Uchiha Feiyu turned into a bolt of lightning, and the long knife in his hand struck down again!

The rumbling sound exploded in the air, and at the same time, a white umbrella-shaped air wave was set off around Uchiha Feiyu. It was just the aftermath of the movement, which was no less than the average C-level or even B-level. The wind escape ninjutsu!

Since possessing the Rinnegan, Nagato has never been in a situation where he can't clearly see his opponent. However, facing Uchiha Feiyu, who directly broke through the sound barrier and reached a speed of five times the speed of sound, he only felt that his eyes were blurred and the sword was flashing. It's already coming.

Fortunately, in sage mode, Nagato's perception ability has also increased significantly. Even if his eyes can't see clearly, he can still feel that the opponent's attack is coming. In an instant, two more arms grew on his shoulders, crossing them to block the attack. In front of the black long knife.

With a click, the two arms instantly exploded into parts, but Nagato also took this opportunity to escape from Uchiha Feiyu's attack range and took a big breath.

"Is it the ability of Shura Dao? It's so pretty!"

Without giving Nagato time to breathe, as if teleporting, Uchiha Feiyu appeared in front of Nagato again with a terrifying sonic boom, and he slashed down with the same simple knife.

"Senjutsu - Frog Kumite!"

The two toads standing on Nagato's shoulders stretched out their tiny frog fists, condensing the invisible energy arms formed by natural energy, and blasted Uchiha Feiyu who was rushing over, and the long sword that Uchiha Feiyu chopped down. There was a slight stalemate for a moment, and then they were shaken away.

However, this little stalemate allowed Nagato to regain his composure, his eyes widened, and he used the Shinra Tensei again.

Only this time, Shinra Tenzheng was not to attack Uchiha Feiyu, but to directly eject Nagato himself!

"Tsk, does that make sense? If you keep dodging like this, you are no match for me!"

Uchiha Feiyu slowly rose from the ground and stood in the sky. He looked at the somewhat embarrassed Nagato below and said calmly.

"Look around you! If you continue to dodge like this, the Akatsuki organization will probably be destroyed directly."

After hearing this, Nagato's eyes contracted and he glanced around. Although the battle between the two was only a few rounds, and he was still in a passive state of being beaten, but for their level For a strong person, just moving at full speed is enough to be called a natural disaster, let alone performing ninjutsu.

Movements at several times the speed of sound are enough to bring out the aftermath of air that is close to B-level ninjutsu. The few Shinra Tensei moves he casts at will are enough to destroy a city block. Every knife struck by Uchiha Fei sets off a shock wave strong enough to split the city. The sword energy that opened the mountains...

In just ten seconds, half of the Akatsuki organization base has been destroyed. There are already hundreds of Akatsuki organization ninjas who died in the aftermath!

Seeing this scene, Nagato's face was very ugly. You must know that the current Nagato is not the cold-blooded Payne in the original work. These members of the Akatsuki organization are not those rebellious ninjas who commit heinous crimes and do not hesitate to die. Akatsuki members are still very emotional.

"Don't waver! Nagato! Facing this kind of opponent, we don't have the leisure to control the scale of the battle!"

The two Toad Immortals sitting on Nagato's shoulders immediately reminded him. After hearing this, Nagato's face straightened and he nodded slightly:

"I understand, Shima-sennin, Fukasaku-sennin!"

Although I feel very sorry for this worthless sacrifice of members of the Akatsuki organization, after all, the people who died were ordinary members of the Akatsuki organization, not Nagato's life-and-death friends like Konan and Yahiko, so Nagato would not lose his mind.

However, Uchiha Feiyu just said this casually. Seeing that Nagato did not waver, he didn't care and just slashed down with his sword again.

From the beginning to the present, apart from occasionally using the Shinra Tensei and the Ten Thousand Transformations Holy Technique, Uchiha Feiyu relied on his extremely powerful physical fitness to crush Nagato and put him in danger.

Although Uchiha Feiyu has now firmly stepped into the threshold of the Six Paths level and possesses a variety of powerful ninjutsu, when facing opponents of the same level, he found that the simplest taijutsu is the most useful.

Ninjutsu and the like, unless it is some unique secret technique, conventional ninjutsu reaches the level of Six Paths. In combat at the same level, it can only be used as an auxiliary ability. It can be used to push back the enemy and regroup, but it has no lethality.

As for illusions, even if Uchiha Feiyu possesses secret techniques such as the God-Saving Technique, he is limited by the limitations of the chakra energy itself and cannot use it on opponents who also have the Samsara Eye.

Only taijutsu will never go out of style. As long as the strength is strong enough, the speed is fast enough, and the physique is strong enough, whether it is Otsutsuki Kaguya or Otsutsuki One Style, it can be done with one punch.

Just like now, Uchiha Feiyu didn't use any powerful offensive ninjutsu, nor did he use any unique reincarnation eye technique. He just relied on the powerful physique and thunder escape armor added by chakra to combine his own strength and The speed increased to an incredible level, and Nagato had to do his best to resist any random attack.

Seeing that Uchiha Feiyu was about to strike again, just after the five-minute cooldown period of the Shinra Tensei, Nagato launched the Shinra Tensei again and ejected himself.

"No, this guy is too fast and powerful... He can't even take a breath. There's nothing we can do..."

Uzumaki Nagato had no time to think about the rest of his thoughts, because Uchiha Feiyu appeared in front of him again, and the same knife cut off his head again.

But this time, while drawing the sword, Uchiha Feiyu's eyes also flashed with a faint light, and he glanced at a toad sitting on Uzumaki Nagato's shoulder.

In an instant, three magatama appeared in the toad's eyes. In just a moment, Nagato felt the trinity of flawless Senjutsu chakra in his body tremble.

Shima Sennin on one of his shoulders was now controlled by Uchiha Feiyu's illusion and completely stopped absorbing natural energy.

Although as far as Nagato is concerned, he can completely use the power of yin-yang escape and samsara eye to help Shima Sage unlock the illusion in one second, but at this moment he loses the balance of the senjutsu chakra, even if he does not exit the sage mode, Undoubtedly, his strength was instantly weakened by a small amount.

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