Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 100 Illusion, five senses control

As the saying goes, if you have a sharp weapon in your heart, you will have the will to kill. Now Uchiha Feiyu feels that his strength has improved, and he has already thought about leaving Konoha Ninja Village and even biting back.

"But don't worry now. I still have two blood limit abilities that I haven't obtained. Although the blood limit abilities are not very useful, the synthesis of blood limit can further improve my basic quality."

Nowadays, it is his basic quality that limits Uchiha Feiyu's power improvement.

Once Uchiha Feiyu's basic quality is further improved, his lightning chakra mode can also be improved synchronously. Maybe he can really integrate the third and fourth generations of Raikage and have the strongest spear, the strongest shield and the fastest speed.

This is the fastest way for him to improve his strength in a short period of time. He has already synthesized a blood limit, and it won't take too long to synthesize it again. It will only take seven or eight days.

When Uchiha returned to Konoha's camp, the battlefield had been cleaned up. Except for some ninjas who stayed to guard the country of thunder, other ninjas have begun to return to Konoha one after another.

Only Minato Namikaze led some ninjas to the battlefields of the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire to support Jiraiya.

Orochimaru did not think much about it. After all, Minato Namikaze was Jiraiya's apprentice and had the Flying Thunder God Technique. It was reasonable for him to go to support, but Uchiha Feiyu had some feelings in his heart.

Was this to prepare Minato Namikaze to make more contributions?

However, after the battle with the Cloud Ninja, the difference between Orochimaru and Minato Namikaze was clear. No matter how many coincidences and external factors there were, Orochimaru defeated the Cloud Ninja and Minato Namikaze was completely wiped out.

So... unless Orochimaru revealed some explosive information, Minato Namikaze would not be able to catch up no matter how hard he chased, but the Konoha high-level officials still wanted to boost Minato Namikaze's reputation. The meaning in this was a little profound.

Orochimaru didn't know whether he didn't see it or didn't care, but Uchiha Feiyu had already started to prepare.

In the black spiritual space, Uchiha Feiyu casually sacrificed a wave. This time he chased the cloud ninja all the way and obtained almost 400 black airs, which was enough to exchange for some things.

Almost in an instant, 400 black airs disappeared without a trace, and the black book vibrated slightly, and a message flowed out.

"The five senses control of the Kurama clan? It turned out to be a blood limit ninjutsu from the ninja world? Does this thing also belong to the magic way?"

The request that Uchiha Feiyu just put forward is the most suitable and easiest ability to learn nowadays. Unexpectedly, this magic way inheritance book actually gave him such a move.

Think about it carefully, isn't the easiest ninjutsu to learn the ninjutsu from the Konoha world? Uchiha Feiyu still has to transform the various abilities of other worlds a little before he can use them immediately.

As for the most suitable... the illusion of five senses control can be regarded as extremely high among all illusions, especially suitable for all aspects. Maybe it is not as strong as Uchiha's Izanagi, Izanami, Tsukuyomi, and Kotoamatsukami, but it is definitely more comprehensive.

Although this five senses control belongs to the blood limit ninjutsu of the Kurama clan, the essence of all ninjutsu is to perform chakra. In other words, even blood limit ninjutsu can be performed through chakra.

It's just that if you want to reverse the blood limit ability and turn it into ninjutsu, there are many technical problems that need to be solved.

"But after the ninjutsu has been reversed, it is not difficult to learn it, probably because my Uchiha bloodline has returned to its ancestral origin."

Uchiha Feiyu has learned the five senses control easily, but he can only control one or two targets just after learning it.

Uchiha Feiyu estimated his limit. After completely mastering the five senses control, he can control about ten ordinary ninjas.

However, as the strength of the controlled target increases, the number of people controlled by himself will also decrease significantly.

For example, for an ordinary Kage-level ninja, even the worst one, controlling one will probably take up seven or eight places. Against a powerful Kage-level ninja, he may not be able to control it perfectly.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be easy to control 70 or 80 people. It seems to have no effect on ordinary people, but in fact, if it is used in the war of public opinion, it is absolutely effective.

It happened that I had to go back to Konoha Ninja Village this time, so I could take the opportunity to try the power of this ninjutsu.

After using up 400 black qi, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the remaining 80 black qi, but was ready to sacrifice without asking for anything, just to try his luck.

This was also the rule he set for himself, the big part was used for accurate sacrifice, and the remaining small part was used directly to try his luck.

More than 80 black qi disappeared in an instant, and there was also a very thick and long black qi belonging to the third generation Raikage, which also disappeared completely.

After a moment, the black inheritance book vibrated. Uchiha Feiyu took a look at the information and his eyes widened:

"Hehuan Collection?"

Just by hearing the name, you know that this is not a serious thing. Whether it is in the martial arts, fairy tales, or fantasy worlds, a book with this name must be related to Yin replenishing Yang, Yang replenishing Yin, and Yin and Yang dual cultivation.

However, no matter what kind of world it is, those who practice this kind of kung fu are basically high-level extras. It is definitely impossible to rely on this thing to be invincible.

"Really, why did you give me such a useless thing!"

Uchiha Feiyu complained while browsing the entire Hehuan Book carefully, showing a righteous look.

In fact, the Hehuan Book, which cost more than 80 black qi to exchange, is certainly not useless except for pleasure.

Uchiha Feiyu read it briefly and determined that this skill was definitely not from the martial arts world, but probably from some fairy or fantasy world. If it is really cultivated to the highest level, it may be able to fight a few moves with the six-path-level strongman.

But this is naturally impossible. Different environments will naturally lead to different achievements. Because the ninja world has a different cultivation system, where can there be so many high-quality tripods?

With this thing, at most, you can practice to the level of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara in the past, and it is only achieved in terms of energy level, and the actual combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

After Uchiha Feiyu wrote down the entire Hehuan Book word by word, he left the spiritual space directly.

They were in a hurry to support the front line, but they didn't need to be so hurried on the way back. Three days later, the ninjas on the front line returned to Konoha Village.

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