Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 99 Bloodline Evolution

In a tent in a remote part of the Konoha camp, Uchiha Feiyu pushed the door open and looked at the scrolls piled up into a small mountain, with a smile on his face.

"Look at the number, there are more than a thousand... This time the blood pool is really going to be opened!"

"Speaking of which, Orochimaru is really generous this time. Logically, this guy should also need a lot of general teachers... Is it because he is in a good mood?"

As for the reason for his good mood, after the big victory over the Cloud Village, theoretically, Orochimaru's position as Hokage should be fixed.

"Do you think that if nothing unexpected happens, your position as Hokage is stable? Unfortunately..."

"I think the thing that Konoha Ninja Village lacks the least is accidents, right?"

Although Uchiha Feiyu has never killed Konoha ninjas, he has picked up many Konoha ninja souls on the battlefield. Relying on the knowledge and experience of these Konoha ninja souls, he actually has a deep understanding of the current Konoha Ninja Village.

Konoha is still the largest ninja village, but in fact, the hidden dangers have been buried long ago. The top management is not corrupt, but they are also conservative. It is difficult for them to tolerate a leader like Orochimaru who has a strong personality.

Of course, this kind of thing only flashed through Uchiha Feiyu's mind. Whether Orochimaru can become Hokage has little to do with his cheap apprentice.

With the book of the inheritance of magic, Uchiha Feiyu believes that he will one day reach the level of Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, and even Otsutsuki Kaguya, and this level is not the limit of his strength.

When he is truly invincible, the so-called power will naturally come to him, just like the first generation of Hokage, even if he behaves like a fool, he still does not prevent him from being the most powerful person in the entire ninja world at that time.

"But in the eyes of the top management of Konoha Ninja Village, I should also be considered as Orochimaru's man, and I am also an Uchiha... If something really goes wrong, it is hard to say whether some people will take the opportunity to attack me..."

The person who took the opportunity to attack him in Uchiha Feiyu's mind is naturally his boss in theory, Shimura Danzo of the Root.

Although he had helped the Root to complete many tasks and seemed to have a tacit understanding, Uchiha Feiyu had never let down his guard against Danzo, especially when he had searched for the souls of Root ninjas.

After staying in the Root for a few months, Uchiha Feiyu was not only carrying out tasks. Through his secret investigation in the Root, although he did not find any direct evidence, he also felt that the death of his parents was probably related to the Root.

It was not that he found any Root ninjas who directly carried out the task, but that Uchiha Feiyu found that the Root had not conducted any investigation into the death of his parents.

Not investigating was also a flaw in some ways. With his current position in the Root, if Shimura Danzo did not know the cause of his parents' death, how could he not investigate more about it?

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed across Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Now that he has grown up, if he really wants to part ways with Konoha, it will be Konoha that loses, not himself. Considering his hatred, he is eager to try.

"The idiots of Konoha's high-level officials, I hope you will do more things as I expected!"

Cleaning up the battlefield, advancing the front line to the Frost Kingdom to defend the Cloud Ninja... There is nothing much to say about the rest.

After the Cloud Ninja returned to the Land of Lightning, Konoha would not pursue them anymore. It is estimated that there will be no more battles in the future. Uchiha Feiyu went to Orochimaru to ask for leave and prepared to go to the blood pool for a baptism.

This time, Uchiha Feiyu not only sent all the bodies of the Cloud Ninja to the Ryuchi Cave, but also found a lot of bodies of Konoha ninjas - anyway, only Orochimaru, who made the final statistics, knew how many bodies were left on the battlefield. It would not be a problem for Uchiha Feiyu to take half.

Let's not talk about other things. For example, the corpses of the Hyuga clan, because they have the blood of the Otsutsuki clan, are dozens of times more effective than the corpses of ordinary ninjas. How could Uchiha Feiyu let them go?

Ninjas have swift feet, and Uchiha Feiyu is the top speed ninja. It took him half a day to reach the blood pool.

Then, Uchiha Feiyu summoned the big snake of Longdi Cave and moved the corpses one by one. In order to prevent the corpses from being eaten by the big snake of Longdi Cave, he also deliberately sprinkled some snake repellent powder on the corpses. Now it seems that the effect is not bad, and the number of corpses has not changed.

After counting, the corpses, which are as many as two thousand, were all integrated into the blood pool. The red blood water of the blood pool almost filled half of it in an instant.

"It's seven or eight times more than last time. It's probably because the quality of the corpses last time was not enough. In addition, making the blood pool itself consumed a lot of energy."

After a slight estimate, Uchiha Feiyu jumped into the blood pool, closed his eyes, and operated the Soul Devouring Blood Refining Technique.

The blood inside the entire blood pool quickly spun, forming a small blood-colored vortex. In the center of the vortex, a flesh cocoon like a heart began to beat again.

After a few hours, the flesh cocoon that was originally full of vitality gradually turned into dry dead skin. With a crackling sound, Uchiha Feiyu walked out of the flesh cocoon again.

"It didn't evolve into a Mangekyo... but it seems to be a little different from the ordinary three-magatama."

Uchiha Feiyu felt the pupil power in his eyes was full to the limit, and was slightly surprised. As the three magatama in his eyes rotated, a light black chakra skull appeared on his body surface.

"Susanoo... can only be opened to the half-skeleton state, which can be called the initial form of the initial form..."

"But the pupil power does not decrease at all when using it. Is it because my eyes are not Mangekyō?"

"I remember that the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, Indra, had the three-magatama Sharingan, but he could use the power of the Mangekyō. Is my current situation regressing in that direction?"

"The Sharingan's observation ability, copying ability, illusion ability, dynamic vision, reflex nerves and other aspects have been improved by a percentage that is almost equivalent to the evolution of two-magatama to three-magatama, directly raising it to a higher level."

"In addition, my chakra quality and physical strength have also increased by two or three times. Now when I use the Lightning Chakra mode, I can at least use it to the level of the Fourth Raikage."

"The Fourth Raikage's Lightning Chakra mode, plus the White Fang Sword Skill, now I can be called a strong man among the Kage-level!"

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