Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 101: Susano's Lightning Chakra Mode

In the Hokage's office, Konoha F4 all gathered here at the moment.

At this moment, the office no longer had the anxious atmosphere when the Kumogakure invaded Konoha and failed miserably, but there was also no celebration after the victory, but it was a bit dull.

"Orochimaru has done a great thing, Sarutobi, you should have decided on the candidate for the Fourth Hokage, right?"

Shimura Danzo sat in his seat calmly and spoke to his old classmate, but the expression on his face was faintly unpredictable.

After hearing what Danzo said, the Third Hokage's hand holding the pipe trembled slightly, and his eyelids drooped:

"Orochimaru's personality is not suitable for being a Hokage. I need to think about it."

Shimura Danzo sneered and said lightly:

"But with his current achievements, is it possible for other candidates to compete with him? If you don't make him the Hokage, who else are you going to find?"

"Sarutobi, do you... have any choice?!"

The Third Hokage didn't show his expression on the surface, but the veins on his hand holding the pipe showed his true feelings.

The higher the status, the more stubborn, and the older the person, the more stubborn.

When he was young, the Third Hokage admired Orochimaru the most, whose personality and talent were similar to those of the Second Hokage.

However, when he was old, the talented but arrogant Orochimaru always made the Third Hokage feel cautious.

The stubborn old man will always instinctively reject those tough young people who have different opinions from himself.

Orochimaru is the kind of young man who has his own ideas and his original intention is completely different from the will of fire of the Third Hokage!

This also made the Third Hokage always feel uneasy and unwilling to hand over the position of Hokage to him.

It must be said that Danzo is still good at grasping the dark side of human nature, not to mention that the Third Hokage and Danzo have such a close relationship, which makes it easy for Danzo to grasp the weakness of the Third Hokage.

His words "Do you have a choice?" immediately made the Third Hokage, who has been in a high position for a lifetime, feel disgusted with Orochimaru.

After being a Hokage for 30 years, Sarutobi Hiruzen has never had no choice!

Tapping the pipe in his hand, the Third Hokage stared at Danzo and said coldly:

"If you have something to say, just say it! I don't believe that you came to me just to say these things. No matter who the Fourth Hokage is, it seems to have nothing to do with you!"

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen said this, the smile on Shimura Danzo's mouth froze, and he roared angrily in his heart:

What do you mean it has nothing to do with me? ! ! Does that mean I will never be a Hokage in my life? ! Hiruzen, what do you think of me? A rag that you throw away after you use it? !

The two old classmates hurt each other here, and the other two who were slacking off in Konoha F4 looked at each other and said:

"Okay, Hiruzen, Danzo is also considering the future of Konoha. If we don't do something, Orochimaru will be the only candidate for Konoha Hokage!"

Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En didn't want Orochimaru to become Hokage. After all, with Orochimaru's personality, he definitely wouldn't need any Hokage advisor after becoming Hokage.

Advisor? What the hell, I just want you to listen to me, I don't need you to talk nonsense!

Well, in terms of personality, Orochimaru does have many similarities with the second generation Hokage, and as we all know, among the several Hokage of Konoha, only the second generation Hokage is a leader who makes decisions and doesn't need any think tank.

Moreover, Koharu Utatane and En Mitokado were indeed incapable of teaching Orochimaru. The reason why they could become Hokage advisors was because of their relationship with Sarutobi Hiruzen. Otherwise, they would be just ordinary jonin.

Having tasted the power, they certainly did not want to give it up, so they were firmly opposed to Orochimaru becoming Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then looked at Danzo. Danzo snorted coldly and said:

"Some time ago, probably at the front line, Orochimaru suddenly became interested in the Uchiha clan's Sharingan..."

"Maybe it was because of his apprentice. It is said that the kid now has a three-magatama Sharingan, and his strength is also terrifying."

Uchiha Feiyu's strength is naturally needless to say. Just the fact that he seriously injured the Fourth Raikage and killed the Third Raikage is enough to make the current Konoha high-level officials feel terrified.

Such a powerful ninja, but he is an Uchiha and a disciple of Orochimaru. This is also one of the reasons why the Konoha high-level officials cannot allow Orochimaru to become Hokage.

"Let Orochimaru study the Uchiha clan's Sharingan? In this way, not only can we catch the problem of his human experiment, but also alienate the relationship between him and his apprentice!"

Utatane Koharu's eyes lit up, showing an expectant look, looking at Shimura Danzo, Danzo nodded slightly with a calm face.

The third generation Hokage frowned after hearing this. Compared with the black-hearted Danzo and his two drunkard classmates, the third generation Hokage was more smooth and paid more attention to Konoha. He looked at Danzo and said:

"No, it's a war time now, Konoha needs stability, and you will only force Orochimaru and Uchiha Feiyu to rebel!"

"Then wait until the war is over. Konoha has gained the upper hand now. At most, in one or two years, the Ninja World War will be over."

"In addition, I will not directly force the two of them to rebel. At most, I will destroy Orochimaru's reputation and alienate the relationship between their master and disciple. If the two of them are against each other, it will be easier to control them."

After hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression softened slightly and he nodded slowly.

Shimura Danzo lowered his head slightly, a cold look flashed in his eyes. He wanted to stab Orochimaru in the back, not just because he didn't want Orochimaru to become Hokage.

"More... it's to control that Uchiha brat!"

Uchiha Feiyu's strength really gave Danzo a surprise. He really didn't expect that this Uchiha, who was only 15 years old, would be so strong without opening the Mangekyo.

In theory, Uchiha Feiyu did join the roots with Orochimaru, which gave Danzo the idea of ​​controlling Uchiha Feiyu.

Although Uchiha Feiyu is unsophisticated and only cares about himself, he seems to be very difficult to control. Coupled with the past events and his personality, it is easy to cause backlash...

But similarly, Shimura Danzo felt that as long as he could control Uchiha Feiyu, his plan to ascend to the position of Hokage would be half successful!

"The current Uchiha Feiyu is only fifteen or sixteen years old. In a few years, who knows he won't be the next Uchiha Madara?"

"If you can really control a god of ninja, a shura-level ninja in the ninja world, not to mention becoming Hokage, even if you can unify Konoha and unify the world, it will be a piece of cake!"

Danzo and the Third Hokage each had their own thoughts, but in a short period of time, they were not prepared to do anything to Orochimaru.

So after Uchiha Feiyu returned to Konoha Ninja Village, he found that Konoha Ninja Village had not changed much. Even the tension of the Ninja World War had subsided a lot because of this victory.

But now, Uchiha Feiyu feels that he has not fully digested all his abilities, so naturally he has no intention of looking for trouble, but has started practicing again.

Two kinds of blood-stained limit magnetic escape and Lan escape, the illusion of controlling the five senses, the fusion of the thunder escape chakra mode of the two Raikages and the White Fang sword technique, the study of cultivation techniques (Acacia Book of Joy), and the further exploration of one's own ancestral bloodline The potential, proliferation and absorption of intercolumn cells...

Uchiha Feiyu now wants to break one day into two days, and has no intention of causing trouble in a short period of time.

However, what surprised Uchiha Feiyu was that Danzo's attitude towards him seemed to have changed somewhat. He was originally just a businessman, but now he was somewhat trying to win over him.

The specific manifestation is that occasionally this old ghost will come over to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. In addition, some of the secret ninja inheritance at the root is all open to him. As long as he completes enough tasks, he can obtain it.

On the other hand, Uchiha Feiyu also discovered that the tasks that Genbu asked him to perform gradually changed from half external and half internal, to at least 70% of them being internal, that is, targeting Konoha ninjas.

Especially when it comes to arresting the so-called traitors of Konoha at the root, it is not to arrest them after obtaining the evidence, but to arrest them directly as long as there is suspicion. The unjust, false and wrongful convictions, or even the false accusations of public benefit for personal gain, are too serious. too much.

"Duanzo is trying to win me over as his own? Isn't his head broken?"

Regarding Danzo's various practices, Uchiha Feiyu only gave this evaluation. Anyway, it was just sugar-coating the cannonball and hitting it back. It was just a matter of hypocrisy. This kind of thing does not need to be taught by others.

In Uchiha Feiyu's hard training, time passed quickly for nearly a year.

Konoha's ninjas have taken turns on the Iwa Ninja battlefield twice. In addition, during this period, although the Mist Ninja Village did not declare war on Konoha, there were often many Mist Ninja ninjas harassing the coastline, causing Konoha to They had to detach some of their troops and go to the coastline to suppress the mist ninja.

The war has reached this point. Although Konoha's cutting-edge power has not been lost, the grassroots ninjas have suffered heavy casualties. Today's ninja schools have begun to encourage early graduation, and then pull them out to train for half a year after graduation, and then throw them directly into the battlefield. Cannon fodder.

To be honest, every time Uchiha Feiyu sees those young ninjas who are rushing to graduate early and become cannon fodder, he always feels that there is something wrong with these ninjas' heads.

The Will of Fire used for brainwashing in Konoha is crude and crude. In modern society, even old men and women in rural areas would not be fooled.

It's a pity that such a big, empty Will of Fire has deceived countless ninjas. Uchiha Feiyu can only suspect that it is the ninja's IQ problem.

Or maybe it's because of the culture and customs of this world that people in this world are more spiritually empty and need more so-called will, which makes them more likely to go to extremes.

On a training ground three kilometers away from Konoha Ninja Village, Uchiha Feiyu sat cross-legged on a large stone. In the dazzling white light, his body was covered with a layer of armor condensed by lightning.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the three magatama kept rotating, controlling the lightning Susanoo armor on his body, and let out a long breath.

Combining the Thunder Release Chakra Mode with Susanoo was the focus of Uchiha Feiyu's training during this period, and after almost a year of hard training, he did accomplish this.

The strongest shield and spear of the Third Raikage, after being integrated into Susanoo, are even more powerful. The fastest speed of the Fourth Raikage has also eliminated Susanoo's original lack of flexibility. Completely made up for it.

Originally, Susanoo's strength in Stage 1 did not actually improve much for Uchiha Hiba, but after being completely integrated into the Thunder Release Chakra Mode, Uchiha Hiba truly improved by leaps and bounds.

He raised his hand slightly, and in Uchiha Feiyu's hand, there was a faint electric light converted into laser light that was constantly flowing. Now he also transformed the other two blood stain limits, and the body's limit was once again raised.

It is precisely because of this that he can integrate all the soul's learning within a year and transform it into his own fighting power.

Now that Uchiha Madara is aging and Uzumaki Nagato has not yet matured, Uchiha Feiha is already confident that he is the strongest in the ninja world!

He stood up slightly, with a smile on his face, and turned to look at the edge of the training ground.

There were several ANBU ninjas standing there. Now that Uchiha Feiyu's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, even if he does not control any power and has few subordinates, his powerful power alone has made Konoha's senior officials uneasy.

Naturally, covert monitoring is also essential. Even because of Uchiha Feiyu's own origin, almost all ninjas who can monitor him have strong illusion resistance.

However, faced with the complete control of the five senses, these so-called elites in the root and dark parts can only stare in confusion, unaware of anything.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu was practicing in front of them, these people would not be able to detect anything unusual.

Therefore, in the eyes of Konoha's senior officials, Uchiha Feiyu has always been honest during this period. Although he has been improving in practice, he is only stronger than before, rather than advancing by leaps and bounds to the point of being invincible in the world.

Not to mention various information such as Susanoo, multiple blood inheritance limits, thunder escape chakra mode, etc.

In addition, Uchiha Feiyu also gained a lot from the study of the unexpectedly obtained Acacia Book. After all, it took so many sacrifices to obtain the inheritance. Even if it is a bit crooked, it is definitely not possible for cultivation. like water off a duck's back.

"This Book of Albizia should have come from a certain world of cultivating immortals. Unfortunately, the environment has changed a lot. Otherwise, I would have cultivated the immortal mode by now, and even transformed directly into an immortal like those animal immortals."

However, Uchiha Feiyu is not in a hurry. Through the study of the Albizia Book, he has been able to sense natural energy and can even use it a little, but he is stuck in the process of absorbing and digesting it.

As long as you give him enough time, he will always succeed in cultivating thoroughly.

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