Don't be afraid, Qin Ge is just a novice. Even if he built the scene so carefully, he probably didn't have much time to conceive the scares and plot.

At most, it's a clichéd scary method of startling. You can do it. Qin Ge and Li Zi are watching now, and you can't be laughed at by them.

Bai Lu stood there doing chest expansion exercises, constantly giving herself psychological hints to strengthen her defense barriers, and then waved her fist vigorously, "Let's go, Bai Lu!"

Pushing open the door, a musty smell mixed with dampness came over, and the corners were covered with unknown black mold. The bright sunshine outside did not seem to enter the house, and it was extremely dark.

The house is not small, but I don't know if it's because of the lighting or the layout, it always gives people a sense of crampedness. There is a photo of a woman hanging on the wall of the living room. She looks very kind, but the photo is black and white. At first glance, it seems like a posthumous photo.

And it seems that no one has been here for a long time. The floor and walls are covered with thick dust, and there are marks made by small meat pads on them, which are cat footprints.

Small dreams shouldn't be too complicated, and under various restrictions, it's impossible to create complex gameplay and task systems. I think it should be enough to find a cat, right?

Bai Lu resisted the pressure and walked in reluctantly. She meowed like a meow, but her eyes kept looking at the surrounding environment, as if something scary would pop out at any time.

"The scene is well done, I wonder how the scare point is? Lulu looks prepared." Jiang Li looked at the scene on TV and smiled with interest, "Will a pale ghost suddenly appear?"

"This kind of startling technique is the lowest level. Although it can bring a momentary scare to people, it can't leave a deep impression. I want players to experience the fear from the inside out, the kind that makes them cry in nightmares at night." Qin Ge disdained this. Compared with paying attention to Bai Lu's play, he has been paying attention to more and more barrages.

So far, the evaluation is not bad, but the price has made the audience quite complained, and the scare point has not appeared yet, so they are still waiting and watching.

In fact, basically all players tend to be mentally prepared when they see that the dream game is a horror game, and how to catch the weakest moment of their psychological defense is the most challenging part for the creator.

Bang! There was a loud noise from the TV, and then Bai Lu screamed. Looking over, she was found squatting on the ground like a quail, holding her head, crying: "Don't show up, don't show up."

"Didn't Bai Lu often play horror games before? Why does she look so timid?" Qin Ge couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He naturally knew what happened. In his opinion, this was not even a small rhythm of scaring.

Jiang Li stretched out her index finger and pointed at her chin to think about it, and said: "If the jigsaw puzzle game that makes a ghost face is considered a horror game, she has indeed played it."

"Then why not call her out, I'm worried that she may collapse later." Although horror dreams are used to scare people, after all, everyone lives under the same roof, and Qin Ge doesn't want to be beaten every day.

"It's okay. Xinghai has a safety system. If it senses that someone's mental state is not right, they will be forced to log off." Jiang Li smiled wickedly, "And children need to experience more to grow up."

"Why do you say this like her mother?" Qin Ge looked at the reaction of the barrage and gave up the idea of ​​asking Bai Lu to log off.

Because the barrage effect seems to be very good now, and the number of viewers has increased from a few hundred at the beginning to more than a thousand.

"Here I come, here Screaming Princess!"

"Did the photo behind the anchor move just now? Did you notice it?"

"I was eating and was scared by the anchor's scream and sprayed all over the bed."

"Upstairs, are you sure you are eating?"


Bai Lu waited for a long time without any response, then quietly raised her eyes to observe the surroundings. She really overestimated herself. She quickly turned on the barrage and explained: "I'm not scared, I just think it's not good to leave you guys alone when I'm having fun. I still need more interaction."

"The sound just now came from the innermost room of the living room. It seems that something has fallen down. Let's go and have a look."

Looking at the rapidly rolling barrage, Bai Lu felt much more at ease. She dragged her steps and walked in. She saw that the vase in the corner was broken into pieces and lying on the ground, and a black videotape hidden inside also fell out.

"The vase wouldn't be hanging on the ground for no reason. I think this should be the first frightening point. There couldn't be a videotape inside for no reason. There must be a key clue in it." Bai Lu rubbed her face hard. She was ready to be frightened.

But in order to minimize the fright, or to die less painfully, she closed her eyes tightly, bent down and took the videotape in her hand, and then squatted on the ground with it. After about a minute, nothing happened, and then she opened her eyes nervously.

Did I guess wrong again? This is not a frightening point either.

But at this moment, she saw a pair of green eyes staring at her from the gap in the closet in front of her, and the cat's shrill cry sounded along with her scream.

A black cat broke open the closet door and rushed out from inside, with its hair standing up, bending over to attack her.

"It turned out to be a cat." Bai Lu sighed and fell to the ground. She patted her chest in shock and waved, "Little darling, come here, we are leaving here."

The only response to her was the increasingly manic cry of the black cat, and as she approached, the black cat kept moving back, and finally ran out of the room and disappeared.

"It runs so fast, how can I catch it?" After the initial shock, Bai Lu's psychological defense line dropped, and her spirit was not so tense. She began to check the situation of the videotape in her hand. It was very simple, with only a yellowed note with five words written on it, Sadako's life.

"It's the same as the name of the dream, it is indeed an important clue."

"What's wrong? What's behind? When did so many people appear?" Bai Lu glanced at the barrage and found that thousands of people had poured into the live broadcast room at some point, all brushing behind.

She turned back in confusion, but this turn almost made her heart stop. The reflection of the floor-to-ceiling glass window showed a woman with disheveled hair, wearing a white dress, and scarred all over her body sitting in the closet, staring at her.

So there was another scream and she closed her eyes and hugged her head.

"Another closing eyes and waiting to die!"

"Watching other anchors is to learn a thousand ways to pass the level, watching this anchor is to learn a thousand ways to close your eyes and wait to die."

"So cute, Lulu, come to my arms."


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