"No." Bai Lu stuck out her tongue and explained, "The last dream game was too scary. It was made by a LV2 dream maker. Qin Ge is just a newcomer, so it won't be too scary."

"Can you stop saying hurtful things so naturally?" Qin Ge muttered, covering his heart.

"Okay, it's time for me to start broadcasting. You can watch the effect of the live broadcast on TV and make some adjustments later." Bai Lu ran upstairs, leaving the two of them staring at each other in the living room.

"Aren't you looking forward to it? Lulu is going to recommend works for you." Jiang Li hugged her legs and curled up on the sofa. She opened Bai Lu's live broadcast room. Because it hasn't started yet, there are only a few small interfaces recommending other live broadcast rooms.

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Her fans probably won't have a very good effect." Qin Ge's actions were much more rough than Jiang Li's. He just lay down on another sofa with his legs crossed.

The three of them were all under the same roof, so they naturally knew each other's situation. Bai Lu usually made some extra money by doing live broadcast part-time, and her fans were only a few thousand. It was a bit of a stretch to call her a small anchor. She should be called a playful anchor.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm back."

The TV finally had a picture. Bai Lu stood in a starry sky. Before she could wait for long, a translucent light screen popped up in front of her, with scattered bullet comments floating on it.

"The King of Pigeons finally started broadcasting. I almost unfollowed him."

"What dream is broadcasting today? Continue with "Breakup Kitchen"? Or "Summer Girlfriend"? "

"Finally I waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up~"


"Dear friends, I'm back. I've been busy studying school projects these days, so I haven't started broadcasting." Bai Lu smiled with a righteous smile, and didn't feel guilty for missing a few days of live broadcasting.

"What project?" Obviously, the perfunctory answer could not satisfy the curiosity of the bullet comments, and they planned to get to the bottom of it.

"It's very profound. It's a topic that explores the limits of the human body. It's called "The maximum time the human body can last when in a natural dormant state." I can usually last eight hours, but in order to explore the limits of science, I constantly challenged myself and finally broke through to fourteen hours."

"Why do you make sleeping in so profound? Unfollow me!"

"Don't slander people out of thin air. How can scientific research be called sleeping?" Bai Lu's aggrieved look softened the barrage, and she quickly changed the subject and said, "Today I found a very good horror dream, let's experience it together."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and opened another translucent light curtain, which had various games she had purchased. She pointed her finger at one of the names, and a star lit up in the distance, quickly pulled in front of her eyes, and a bloody font appeared, "Urban Tales - Sadako".

"Screaming Queen is here again?"

"No, no, no, every time I see you playing horror dreams, I'm not scared by the dreams, but you scare me half to death."

"This game is 108!? It's so easy for anchors to make money."


"You get what you pay for. There must be a reason why it's expensive." Although Bai Lu hasn't played it yet, she racked her brains to find a way to help Qin Ge explain: "Let's go in and see if this dream game is worth the price."

As she said that, she opened the game. The screen went black first, and then there was a faint whisper, as if someone was lying in her ear and talking, which brought an immersive experience to the audience wearing headphones.

"Big... Everyone heard it, the creator still put in a lot of effort, adding a scare point at the beginning." Bai Lu is now standing in front of a dilapidated wooden house, her face is a little pale, but she can barely control herself from screaming.

She let out a long breath, patted her bulging chest, and then calmed down to watch the current situation, and her eyes lit up.

There are blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and every white cloud is constantly expanding and contracting, without a moment of stillness, and the sunlight also changes in brightness and darkness with the floating white clouds.

The flowers and plants in the courtyard are in full bloom, and the leaves fall down with the breeze, as if it is a living world.

But the vitality outside forms a sharp contrast with the wooden house itself. The decayed wooden house gives people a sense of dead silence, and it feels like a cold breath is constantly escaping from the house.

Really attentive.

Bai Lu praised sincerely in her heart. She was originally worried that Qin Ge would produce a substandard work in a short time. In order not to let him be hit, she specially introduced it in the live broadcast. She was still thinking that even if it was done poorly, she would find a way to make it up. Unexpectedly, it would be unexpectedly excellent.

As a dream anchor, there are at least hundreds of dream games that have been exposed to. Even some high-level dream builders will not take so many details into consideration, but just visualize a static scene as a filler.

"Look at these bricks and leaves. Even the textures are visualized." If the scene is unexpectedly excellent, then these small details are enough to be called a surprise, Bai Lu said while holding a four-leaf clover.

The barrage of comments, which originally only had a dozen, also started to roll.


"This dream is going to be popular!"

"I'm a step late. Can you tell me what this dream is called? I'll go see it too."

"The scene is perfectly built, but it depends on how it performs later, especially in terms of plot and gameplay."


"I'll block the bullet screen first and concentrate on playing the dream. See you later." Bai Lu smiled and waved to the bullet screen. The meticulous scene made her eager to start playing.

She believed that with such careful construction of the scene, other aspects would definitely not be bad. She didn't need to worry about how to praise this dream anymore and could devote herself to the game wholeheartedly.

Bai Lu tried to call the game system, but found that neither the task system nor the character system, the basic systems commonly used in various dream games, were available here.

She then realized that her clothes had been automatically replaced with a set of sportswear that was easy to move. She searched her whole body and found a folded letter in her pocket.

"Dear Detective Bai Lu, my cat has become extremely manic since it mistakenly entered that house. It screamed at the head of the bed all night, as if it saw something particularly scary. I have never seen it like this.

It disappeared again two days ago. I suspect it may have run into that house again. Please help bring it back.

It is quite naughty. If you can't catch it, you can try to pretend to sleep, and then it will come to make trouble.

Also, please be careful, there is a ..."

The letter stopped here, and the back part was torn off, leaving only incomplete cracks.

Is this an immersive dream that removes the system and pursues realism?

I guess finding the cat is the main task?

Although Bai Lu had prepared herself mentally, she couldn't help but feel nervous when she saw this half-sentenced letter.


At this time, a black cat appeared on the windowsill on the second floor and was shouting at her, but was immediately grabbed by the neck by a pale hand and pulled back, and the house was silent again.

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