"Not bad, this design." Jiang Li watched the live broadcast, and there was no fear on her pretty face, but she was very excited.

Qin Ge just smiled indifferently. If he didn't even have this trick, he wouldn't have been able to get an ordinary million-dollar annual salary in his previous life.

Several designs seem to be simply scary, but there are deep considerations in them.

The first step is to use the vase to break to arouse the players' vigilance. Because there has been no scare point before, their vigilance and spirit will remain in the most tense state after this little movement.

The second step is to use the appearance of the black cat to relax the players' tense state. They will think that the first step of the scare is over here, and they are in the most relaxed state since entering the game.

Finally, let Sadako appear, just like you bought a bottle of Coke, just about to open it to have a good refreshment, but was sprayed directly in the face.

The most important thing about horror games is to control the players' hearts.

Qin Ge looked at the dozen or so order information that popped up on his phone and licked his lips. This was not the climax, but just an appetizer. What follows will surely satisfy the horror dream game enthusiasts.

"Is she gone? Is that woman gone?" Bai Lu asked sharply while squatting on the ground. She didn't know who she was asking. She waited for a long time before looking up. She looked at the empty closet in front of her and the reflection of the glass behind her, and there was no woman there either. She stood up tremblingly.

She then discovered that the walls around the closet were covered with various marks, including scratches from nails and black, hard-to-detect bloodstains, indicating that something very bad had happened in this closet.

[Ding, Xinghai system reminds you that your heart rate is too fast, your blood pressure is high, and your spirit is tense. For your health, please exit the dream as soon as possible. If you continue to play, your heart rate may exceed the safe value, and you will be forced to log off. 】

"Why don't we stop here today? We'll continue next time?" Bai Lu looked at the barrage with a pale face, and couldn't help but regret in her heart, why did she recommend this dream to Qin Ge?

Compared with the puzzle game she played before, the horror of this dream is simply the difference between sugar-coke and sugar-free cola.

"Awesome, you actually played the safety warning of Xinghai."

"No, continue, I want to see what the plot is like later. I just bought it, but now I think it's more fun to watch others get scared than to be scared myself."

"I feel that the traces in the closet are scarier than that female ghost. What on earth did this creator go through? He can visualize such a chilling scene."

[People in the underworld don't speak the language of the living world, so I send a super rocket. 】

"Super rocket is sent, come on, anchor, this is the first time I feel terrified when I see others playing horror dreams."


Bai Lu took a breath of cold air. This was the first time she received a super rocket worth two thousand yuan in more than a year of live broadcasting. Because she was playing a horror dream, it would have an advertising effect for all horror dream lovers.

More and more people have been pouring in, and the popularity has soared again. Bai Lu didn't want to give up this good opportunity in vain, so she could only bite the bullet and say: "Then let's see what clues are in the videotape. Although the main task is to find the cat, this dream seems to require investigation and decryption of some things. It is impossible for us to find the cat without checking it out."

Bai Lu walked out of the room nervously. When she put the videotape into the projector, she looked around. Since the woman in white appeared, she always felt that a pair of eyes were staring at her.

Fortunately, she didn't find anything she shouldn't see. She immediately shrank to the corner and sat on the ground with her legs hugged. It was always safer to have something to lean on behind her, at least she didn't worry about something coming out from behind.

Anyway, her legs are soft now, and she doesn't have to think about escaping anymore. She can die comfortably then.


Accompanied by electrical noise, a black and white snow screen appeared on the TV, and then the picture flashed.

It was just a daily life video. The heroine in the picture was the one hanging on the wall. I think it should be Sadako.

She seemed to have just got married. She showed off her ring to the camera with a happy smile on her face. The person who took the photo seemed to be her husband.

"This camera will record our happy time." The husband, whose face was not shown, smiled and showed a black camera.

Then the picture jumped and the style became dark. Sadako was pulled out from the closet and thrown to the ground. Then there was a beating. In the end, only Sadako, who was covered with scars, was left lying on the ground with a dead heart.

The violent behavior intensified, from fists and feet to sticks and then to tables, chairs and glass. Fortunately, Sadako found a place to hide, which was the closet on the second floor.

The picture shook violently, and the photographer was banging on the closet, but it was useless. In the end, he could only leave in anger. Sadako always hid in the closet until her husband's anger subsided and she crawled out exhausted.

One day, her husband came home drunk because he had been angry outside. Sadako looked at the camera with horror on her face, and then ran upstairs. She wanted to hide in her small safe house again.

But this time, her husband obviously didn't want to let her go so easily. He dragged the axe upstairs slowly. The banging sound of the axe blade hitting the stairs seemed to hit his heart, making his heart beat involuntarily with the banging sound.

In addition, the first-person perspective makes people automatically put themselves into the role of the husband.

The closet was shattered by the chops, and Sadako was dragged out. She didn't resist, and let the ax hit her body. The final scene was fixed on Sadako's mangled body.

"This is saying that after Sadako got married, she discovered that her husband had domestic violence tendencies, and then he was killed and turned into..." Bai Lu paused, her red eyes looked around before continuing: "Changed It’s so pathetic.”

The TV rustled again, but this time it was the photographer's husband's turn to flee in panic. He held up the camera and moved around, and a figure in a white dress appeared on the screen, slowly approaching from the front.

"No! Don't come over!" There was a click, the flash came on, the white figure disappeared, the camera shook and ran to the second floor, hiding in the closet where Sadako had hidden before, "Damn it, there is no film left!"

The stagnation in the picture showed that the person filming was hesitating, and finally opened the closet and walked out. The camera was placed on the table. A man whose face could not be seen was holding the camera and playing with it, but then a pair of bruises appeared. Qing's pale arms dropped from his shoulders.

"Behind! Behind!" Bai Lu exclaimed uncontrollably.

A shrill scream was heard, the man fell to the ground, and the camera fell into the open drawer.

When the scream came out, Bai Lu had already covered her eyes with her hands. She waited until the TV rustled again and then quietly opened it a crack.

The picture has not disappeared yet, Sadako's white figure is walking towards the camera, getting closer and closer...

What else does she want to do?

There was a faint uneasiness in Bai Lu's heart. As Sadako approached, the temperature in the room seemed to begin to drop. The TV began to flash frequently, and a face that was too distorted to look like a human was thrust in front of the camera.

No, it can't be...

Bai Lu's petite body began to tremble, and she crawled into the wall with all her strength. She could predict what would happen next.

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