Different from the first card for mixing dyes, which was dispensable to Liang En, the second non-consumable card that Liang En obtained during this excavation and search process was obviously much more valuable than this one. .

[Map of the Overland Silk Road (R): According to the most popular theory now, the Overland Silk Road originated in the Western Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian as an envoy to the Western Regions. It started from the capital Chang'an and passed through the Hexi Corridor to the Western Regions to Central Asia. , West Asia, and land passages connecting Mediterranean countries.

This statement first originated in 1877. In his book Chinese, the German geological geographer Richthofen described from 114 BC to 127 AD, the relationship between China and Central Asia, China and India This transportation road in the Western Regions using silk trade as the medium was named Silk Road.

This term was quickly accepted and formally used by academics and the public, but in fact this road was much earlier than the recognized Western Han Dynasty, and the earliest products circulating on this road were some jade from Central Asia. .

But no matter from any angle, this road was one of the most important international trade routes in the world at that time. Countless cultures, wealth, animals, plants, etc. all communicated with each other through this road.

Skill card (permanent), the user can open this map in the soul at any time. The map records the entire overland Silk Road route and important trade locations along the route. 】

If you have a chance, you can take this route to see it. After checking the card, Liang En immediately thought of it. After all, this is a very important road in history, and it deserves a special trip for it.

After checking the cards in his hand, Liang En had completed his work, so after resting for a few minutes, he activated the cards to change the overall terrain around him.

The purpose of this was to ensure that this place looked as if no one had ever entered it. After completing these tasks, he stood there and stretched, and then sighed with satisfaction.

Although he knew that these things could definitely be regarded as treasures among treasures, it was not an easy task to take these things out completely and stuff them into the space.

After all, these cultural relics are not murals or reliefs with clay walls. The clay sculptures are all heavy things, so it is not easy to transport these things safely.

Especially after a long period of storage, these cultural relics themselves had become somewhat bonded to those used for shock absorption. Therefore, considering the safety of the cultural relics, Liang En had to choose to move them together with those large iron boxes.

Some of these boxes are okay, but some are obviously too big. At least judging from the four handles, these boxes should be carried by four people. Fortunately, Liang En and the others are not in normal physical condition, so they can barely carry it. Walk.

At least after finishing their work in the past few days, both Liang En and Jeanne felt that their backs were sore and they really wanted to find a place to take a good rest.

Yeah, it's really tiring after being busy for so many days. After watching Liang En clean up the surroundings, Joan of Arc said while checking whether the actions Liang En had just done were broken. What should we do next?

Ah, it's very simple. I have already contacted the Chinese side using my Tiantong satellite phone. We can hand over the things to them in Greece then. Liang En smiled and said his arrangement.

He now carries several satellite phones with him, including the British Maritime Satellite, the American Iridium Satellite and the Chinese Tianlu No. 1. As a person who often runs outdoors, he is only seen with so many satellite phones. Just a quirk.

But no one knew that he brought three satellite phones purely to cover the Chinese satellite phone among them, so that he could safely contact the Chinese side in this situation.

After learning that these cultural relics were intended to be donated to China by Liang En, the Chinese side immediately expressed their willingness to cooperate with him in taking away the cultural relics at any time. After a brief discussion, they decided to conduct the handover at the port of Crete.

So early the next morning, Liang En and the others packed up their luggage and drove back to Prague. After inspecting their own museum, they took a plane straight to Heraklion, the largest city on Crete.

Because the agreed time was within these two days, Liang En and the others quickly took their luggage and the things packed into the space to their olive plantation after getting off the plane.

Because they had used cards here before, when they came to the manor this time, they found that compared to the previous situation, the olive trees now were obviously much more vibrant.

Your previous arrival did bring us absolute good luck. Angelos, who had become a plantation, greeted Liang En and the others and said to them on the way.

Since you left last time, the overall situation of this plantation has improved a lot, especially the trees that were silent before have suddenly entered the fruiting period, and the quality of the olive oil produced after oil extraction has also improved. very good.

As they chatted along the way, Liang En learned about the changes taking place here. As he had guessed before, the situation in the entire plantation quickly improved after using a card to create a spring here.

Even the effect of the spring water was much better than expected, greatly improving the quality of the fruits produced on the olive trees in the entire plantation, which naturally also improved the quality of the final finished product, the olive oil.

According to Angelos, the entire plantation has now become one of the best-quality olive oil plantations on the island. Compared with those top plantations, it only lacks some history.

However, the existence of the Minoan labyrinth ruins located in the center of the plantation can make up for this problem to the greatest extent. After all, the most historic plantation on the entire island cannot have been maintained from BC to today.

The island's olive oil evaluation agency has said that if we can produce this level of olive oil stably for three consecutive years, then we should be able to be rated as the highest level of olive oil.

As he finished his last sentence, Angelos also parked the battery car he had just used to receive guests next to the guest room in the plantation. Different from the previous row of simple houses, now a beautiful three-story building was built here. .

This building is a hotel built according to your orders. Normally, 60% to 75% of the rooms can be filled with guests, but during holidays, you even have to wait in line.

According to the previous agreement signed with the Greek side, starting from the edge of the ruins, only Liang En was allowed to build commercial institutions within 350m without affecting the ruins and obtaining approval.

For example, this hotel is like this now. In addition to this hotel, a parking lot and a small shop were also approved, and now these commercial institutions are obviously much busier than the surrounding ones.

In short, the entire area has undergone a big change from the last time I came here. It looks far more vibrant than last time, and all of this has something to do with Liang En.

And this is why Liang En wants to live in his own plantation, because he hopes to take this opportunity to take a good look at his achievements.

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