Obviously, this group of people should have used cultural relics as an excuse to find a way to escape from Berlin. After confirming the story behind the document, Liang En told Joan of Arc his inference.

The reason why this batch of cultural relics was selected is because this batch of cultural relics are relatively marginalized cultural relics, so they made fake documents to take these cultural relics out of the museum without attracting attention, and they will not come into contact with the people who actually moved the cultural relics. Together.

During the Battle of Berlin, the desperate Germans went crazy. They searched for anyone who could afford a gun, whether it was women, children or even disabled people, as cannon fodder.

According to the records of some Soviet officers and soldiers, when they invaded Berlin, they saw a large number of civilians being hanged in various places in Berlin, with various so-called crimes written on their chests.

So in this case, many people wanted to escape Berlin and find a way out for themselves or even their entire family after realizing that something was wrong.

The easiest way is of course to run directly, but the danger is very high at this time. Not to mention the chaos outside, crossing the battlefield is basically a narrow escape, and the guards alone are an insurmountable obstacle.

At least during the Battle of Berlin, this group of SS soldiers executed thousands of people like mad dogs for various reasons, some of which were even incomprehensible to normal people.

So in this case, if you want to run away, it is a good way to get some military permission to prove that you can go out openly, and this pile of Chinese cultural relics is an excellent cover.

As Liang En said before, Chinese cultural relics are not always of high value, especially during World War II, so it is very normal for this group of people to choose Chinese cultural relics as their target.

After all, if you choose those famous cultural relics, it is unlikely that you can rely on a note. If you make a phone call to verify, this group of people will be dead.

Chinese cultural relics are another situation. With the value of Chinese cultural relics at that time, it was very possible for a group of troops to come to get something with documents during the chaos of war and to give it directly.

It is not clear why the other party came here, but judging from the current situation, they most likely encountered other troops and were dragged along all the way.

In the next few days, Liang En and the others thoroughly cleaned up the cellar. As they had guessed before, the cellar should contain Chinese cultural relics from the museum back then.

However, these cultural relics are basically murals and sculptures. There are no things like gold, silver, jewelry or porcelain. The overall look is a bit gray.

This situation obviously further reduced the risk of secretly moving these things out of the museum. Judging from the forms in the forged documents and the sets of cultural relics, there should be professionals in this action team.

After all, the internal numbers of those cultural relics are not public to this day, and only professionals can write the correct numbers for a set of cultural relics.

After realizing this, Liang En carefully recalled the scenes he had seen through these cultural relics, and found more clues.

For example, he saw the man writing in the notebook of the First Class SS Commando Squadron of the SS, that is, an officer equivalent to the rank of captain. Although there were calluses on the index finger of his right hand, they were concentrated on the belly of the index finger and not the second knuckle. .

This shows that he is not a professional soldier, but has been engaged in civilian work for a long time. If you include his overall temperament, he looks more like a scholar.

This is actually a small flaw. Although during the critical period of 1945, the German army was basically ruthless in recruiting soldiers, and almost anyone would be recruited into the army, this was limited to soldiers and not officers.

In particular, core officers such as captains, even if they are not as elite as in their heyday, are definitely professional soldiers, and it is unlikely that an ordinary person will be directly hired to serve.

This also reflects the level of chaos in Berlin, Germany at the end of World War II. At least with this group of half-baked disguises, they would not even be able to escape Berlin at any other time, let alone escape with a lot of stuff.

After the final inventory, they found that they had found more than ten tons of cultural relics and stuffed them into the space formed by the cards. In order to accommodate these boxes, Liang En even had to throw out some of the weapons and ammunition that had been placed in the space before.

Fortunately, these weapons were also dug up from another World War II treasure cache, so it wouldn't seem strange to throw them here.

After finishing the work, Liang En asked Jeanne to help him look outside, and then checked the cards he obtained this time. In fact, the cards appeared in his mind when he found this kind of treasure cellar before.

However, Liang En did not have time to look at his cards at that time, mainly because their transfer work this time was secretive, so in order to avoid being discovered, they had to speed up the excavation work to reduce the chance of being discovered by others.

There are only five cards this time, mainly because although these things have a history and a story, the stories are not widely spread because they have been lost for a long time, so the information gathered above is naturally not enough.

Fortunately, after a round of inspection, Liang En found that the overall configuration of the cards this time was very good, at least from a practical point of view, they were relatively practical things.

The two lowest-level cards are [Appraisal (N)], and these two cards can just help Liang En replenish some of the cards he has consumed before, while the other two are [Natural Pigment Mixing (N) ] and one [Silk Road (R)].

[Natural dye blending (N), humankind’s pursuit of color has existed since the origin of civilization. For example, pictures drawn with hematite can be seen in Spanish caves and the Sahara desert.

Although these pictures are encyclopedic in nature, they also have important artistic value. In addition, they also used hematite to dye the necklaces made of animal teeth and bones they carried with them red.

This pursuit of beautiful colors continues to this day, but before those chemically synthesized pigments were put into use in recent times, various natural dyes were mainly used to achieve this goal.

Although these natural dyes are completely outdated in terms of performance compared with today's chemically synthesized dyes, no one will forget their contribution to human art for thousands of years.

Enhancement card (one-time use), consuming this card will allow you to master the methods of synthesizing various natural dyes. (You can use alchemy skills to strengthen)]

A card that doesn't seem to have much effect. Liang En muttered after taking a look at the card. After all, the application range of this skill is too narrow.

But no matter what, this is one of the cards that was obtained with great difficulty, so naturally it cannot be wasted. So Liang En just complained, put the card aside, and then looked at another card.

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