I thought we had to wait until all the scientific expedition work is over before we can start operations here. Joan of Arc said subconsciously while standing in front of the building and looking at the group of international joint scientific expedition team members who were busy near the ruins.

In her impression, all scenic spots should be built before they can open to welcome visitors, especially as she had followed Liang En to dig out various historical relics before, so she knew that there was nothing to see in those construction sites.

You are right, but sometimes it is not the case. Liang En said with a smile, pointing to the archaeological site and the museum under construction under the mountain where the construction site is located.

As far as I know, after everyone discussed it, it was decided to use this ruins as a new pilot to create a living museum. In other words, the ruins under scientific investigation themselves are also part of the exhibition.

When everyone comes to this museum, not only can they see the legendary relics, but they can also see how these relics were excavated, and they can organically combine cultural relics and archeology for publicity.

And just the partial cultural relics that have been excavated are enough to set up a museum, not to mention that there are still new discoveries in the ruins.

Although the ruins in another world have been excavated for hundreds of years, this was mainly because the excavation was too intermittent due to the chaos in the middle. At the same time, the early excavations could not proceed normally due to technical limitations.

Now these problems have been successfully solved, especially since the joint archaeological team's number, funding, and technology are far beyond what the other world can match, so the current excavation speed is naturally very fast.

While discussing various matters about the museum, Liang En and the others walked into the hotel and followed the service staff's guidance to a suite on the third floor.

The room was much simpler than Liang En imagined, full of Aegean Islands country style, but if you look carefully, you will find that the design of the entire room is very harmonious, making people feel at home.

The designer of this hotel is the designer under Mr. Du Lisi. As a real top hotel and tourism industry tycoon, the hotel designers under him are naturally extraordinary.

According to the designer's concept, the core part of the entire building is the integration of the surrounding rural style, so this warm country style was designed.

It must be said that although this design looks inconspicuous, it is very comfortable to live in and can really make people feel at home.

This should be regarded as a top-notch design, because unlike ordinary designers, these designers can convey a kind of emotion to those who use the room, which is indeed extraordinary.

The only pity is that we are not far from the sea, but we can't see the sea because of the surrounding mountains. Standing on the balcony and looking at the ruins not far away, Jeanne felt a little regretful.

There is no way. Since you choose to build a hotel here, you must bear this shortcoming. And compared to the large number of sea view rooms on the island, this hotel that focuses on ruins is truly unique.

Liang En said and walked out, then gently put his hand on Jeanne's hand that was placed on the railing and looked into the distance. As far as they could see, many workers were cleaning the ruins of a palace located high up. .

Liang En and the others roughly circled the location of the entire palace during their first excavation. From the perspective of these archaeological team members, they were excavating the famous throne hall.

This throne hall was first discovered by Liang En and the others, and it was named after the two ornate high-backed chairs carved from stone found inside.

It's just that determining the condition of this hall is completely different from the difficulty of conducting a comprehensive excavation. Especially during the overall excavation process, archaeologists will need a lot of time to conduct large-scale cleanup of this obviously very important relic.

That night, Liang En and the others left the manor on the pretext of going to the city for a walk, and then drove the van used by the manor for purchasing straight to Heraklion.

The people in the manor didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, Heraklion is the largest city in Greece on the island of Crete. It is also the capital of the Crete Region and the state of Heraklion. It is definitely a city worth visiting.

However, when Liang En and the others drove into the city, they did not go to the bustling city center. Instead, they chose to take a detour to a warehouse near the port area, and came to a warehouse they had rented before.

After taking out a few electronic instruments, checking them and confirming their safety, Liang En quickly took out the box he had put in before, then closed the rolling shutter door and locked it.

This is the handover method previously discussed with China. As a port city, Heraklion has a large number of warehouse facilities that can temporarily store these items.

In order to ensure the safety of the handover, Liang En will put these things in a randomly found warehouse, and then randomly call them to contact them and tell them the location of these warehouses.

A few minutes later, Liang En came to a supermarket and threw the warehouse key into a safe. Then five minutes after leaving the supermarket, he sent the password of the safe and the location and number of the warehouse to China via email.

After completing all this and receiving a reply, Liang En and Joan of Arc drove to a bar in the city center to spend time. They did not return to the manor until they received the information that the Chinese side had successfully received this batch of cultural relics.

By daylight the next day, after finishing an important matter, Liang En and the others went directly to the archaeological site. As the discoverers of this ruins, they naturally had the right to enter the core area of ​​the archeology and communicate with the archaeologists.

In another world, the ruins known as the Palace of Knossos underwent a restoration so wrong that it caused irreversible damage to the entire ruins.

It was a long, large-scale excavation that lasted more than 30 years. Based on the unearthed cultural relics, Evans, the discoverer at the time, had always wanted to recreate the palace's former grandeur——

Unfortunately, there were obvious problems with his reconstruction work, so much so that the restoration work he called reconstruction was criticized by many descendants because he even used many modern materials to fill it, including concrete and steel bars.

Therefore, in another world, the ruins that everyone sees are actually things reconstructed using modern technology, and there are also a lot of fallacies in it.

Judging from the restoration of the throne hall in another world, when they first started digging, they actually only saw the two chairs that Liang En and the others found.

But after seeing the chair, Evans made a large-scale guess and put it into practice: using reinforced concrete to build a building that not only has strong door frames and columns and beams, but also is a multi-story building with neat steps on the side.

But these are just conjectures. At least from the excavation data of Liang En and others, the palace built by the Minoans should be a little larger than everyone thought before, and it will definitely not be restored like that of reinforced concrete. architecture.

From a certain perspective, the fake cultural relics left by Evans can be regarded as part of history, constantly reminding people of the mistakes that have been made in the history of archaeology.

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