Finally we're here. As a white off-road vehicle stopped, Liang En immediately jumped out of the passenger seat and complained softly.

Although cars could barely pass in those places, the roads in many places were so bad that they needed to get out of their cars from time to time to clear obstacles on the road.

What's worse is that even the roads that can be walked are generally in very bad condition. Walking there feels like being in a blender for an hour.

There's no way, that's the situation here. Joan of Arc encouraged him to get out of the passenger seat of a car, and then said with a smile. “It’s better than carrying a bag through the rainforest.”

The last part of the journey was only their feet. Fortunately, for Liang En and the others, it only took less than ten minutes to walk, so everyone arrived at the destination quickly.

The destination is a hillside covered with tropical vegetation. The feet of the plants are covered with large and small gravels, which are very common in tropical areas. After all, year-round precipitation and tenacious plants are extremely corrosive to local stones.

If they hadn't seen the difference in the vegetation here from a distance, they might have walked directly in front of the hill as usual, and no one would have noticed this inconspicuous hillside.

Because Liang En had told the results of his observations in the car before, the security instructor named Ivanov walked directly to the hillside and started checking.

After checking for more than ten minutes, Ivanov came down from the mountain and said to Liang En. Your previous guess was correct, boss. These rocks were formed by explosive blasting, not natural landslides.

Can you tell how much explosives were used in this blast? Liang En asked, looking at the landslide area the size of a basketball court.

The explosives used should be modified from chemical fertilizers, with an equivalent equivalent of 50~70kgtnt. Ivanov said after thinking for a few minutes while looking at the landslide area in front of him. The marks don't look like they were caused by a military bomb.

This news is good news for Liang En, because carrying out blasting work in such a place that obviously has little strategic value can only show one thing, that is, there are indeed some secrets hidden on this hillside.

It is very reasonable for the other party not to use military explosives. After all, during World War II, especially in the latter part of World War II, the Japanese military was severely lacking in supplies, so they did not have many choices in terms of explosives. room.

However, the blasting traces at the scene also gave Liang En greater confidence in finding the treasure, because if this place had really been discovered, the hillside would not be what it is now.

I have a little question. Jeanne walked beside Liang En and asked quietly. You said before that both the Japanese and the Americans were looking for that gold. So why would they put it in this place?

Because this place is too remote, Americans prefer to carry out excavation work on Luzon Island, which they are familiar with. Liang En said with a smile.

And this place was obviously destroyed by blasting, just like countless tunnels dug by the Japanese in World War II, so they would not be willing to risk unexploded bombs without clear evidence. Dig here.”

Anyone who knows something about the history of World War II knows that during World War II, after losing control of the sea and air, the Japanese favorite thing to do was to dig various tunnels and fortifications.

From a series of border fortresses of the Puppet Manchukuo in Northeast China to Saipan, Iwo Jima and even Guadalcanal in the Pacific Islands, the Japanese have dug countless underground tunnels.

Neither the Americans nor the later Filipinos had much interest in these tunnel fortifications during the war. After all, there was a high probability that they contained some weapons and ammunition, or even more deadly things.

Thanks to the advancement of science and technology, Liang En and the others were able to use artificial seismic instruments to confirm the cavity without the need for large-scale excavations like those in the past.

The principle of this approach is simple, that is, a small amount of explosives is exploded to generate seismic waves, and then instruments are used to capture the echoes to determine possible cavities.

After three explosions, they successfully found the location of the underground cavity. The good news was that the space was only seven or eight meters away from the surface, so the space required to be excavated would not be too large.

As for the bad news, the other party was blasting and stuffing explosives into the passage. At least half of the passage was blown down, so the only way now is to dig in directly.

Fortunately, we rented the plantation, and there is a small excavator for digging ditches in the plantation. After seeing the results of the current investigation, Liang En felt a little lucky.

Although they could use explosives when peeling off the surface soil of the cube, in order to avoid destroying the space inside the mountain, especially the space that may have become fragile after a blast, they are unlikely to blast all the way in.

So everyone quickly arranged their tasks. The demolition team was left to prepare explosives for the first blast, while others cleared the road and prepared to drive in the excavator.

It is not easy to drive an excavator into this area. After all, there are basically no roads in this area, or even if the road was built by the devils before, it has been basically abandoned after so many years.

Fortunately, so many of us worked together, and some of them had learned how to use an excavator, so we moved the small excavator to the excavation site in two days.

After two days of blasting, they also successfully removed the nearly 3m thick soil and rock layer on the hillside, and the remaining 1m or so could only rely on physical excavation.

How is the situation now? While waiting for the excavator to start digging, Liang En asked Ivanov, who was previously responsible for the blasting.

The blasting work went well. Ivanov nodded and replied. And we also found part of the concrete structure, which shows that this place should have been a Japanese stronghold in the past.

However, the standard of this stronghold is not high. At least there are only a few key parts of the concrete reinforced with steel bars. As for other parts, bamboo bars are used. Moreover, the entire concrete layer is very thin, and it does not look like it was built according to military standards.

We can't make this kind of judgment now. Liang En shook his head gently. At the end of World War II, the Japanese were at their wits' end. The locals even planned to use bamboo guns to resist the American army, so it was normal to build military fortresses without cement in the later period.

Excavators are much more powerful than manual excavation, so after just six hours, they successfully dug out all the broken stones and even reinforced concrete, and then exposed a broken entrance.

The entrance was not big, and it seemed that it could only accommodate three people entering and exiting side by side. At the entrance, they saw several wine bottles and bones on the ground.

These people don't have any scars on their bodies. A security guard who had done some research on this matter stepped forward and said, They most likely died of poisoning or suffocation.

In other words, this is most likely a laborer who was killed. Liang En nodded, It seems that this place does look like a warehouse that once held important supplies, but what is contained depends on us. It’s luck this time.”

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