Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 700 Passage and Corpse

The passage that appeared in front of Liang En and the others was obviously reinforced by cement. However, due to the previous blasting, a large number of cracks appeared on the cement layer, which was not strong in itself. At the same time, the stone above the head was also crumbling.

Because the soil outside has been excavated, the sunlight is now able to penetrate the broken passage and illuminate the inside of the passage. Relying on this sunlight, Liang En and the others found a door at the end of the passage.

But unlike the door with heavy armor as imagined, this door looks like an ordinary iron door. It doesn't look like the door of an important warehouse.

Soon, a security officer responsible for handling explosives put on anti-gas equipment and walked towards the iron door while wearing an observation system with fiber optics on his hand.

In fact, Liang En and the others had previously proposed whether the security guard should wear the explosion-proof suit he carried, but the security guard directly refused.

He told Liang En that the explosives placed in treasure hiding places arranged by the army often exceeded 10kg. Once they exploded, it was not something that the kind of protective clothing people wore could handle. Place

In his opinion, it is better to take off these protective clothing in exchange for greater flexibility than to put on heavy protective clothing for a little comfort at this time.

Soon, he came to the iron door, then put the fiber optic probe in through a rusted hole in the iron door, and then observed the situation inside.

There is a cluster grenade tied inside this door. After observing for a few minutes, the security guard said to Liang En and the others through the walkie-talkie he carried.

There is an unidentified artillery shell attached to the back, so it will take a little time to disarm these explosives. Fortunately, this job is not difficult, so I should be able to solve these problems in half an hour. ”

Ok, you'd better be careful. Liang En said into the communicator. As far as I know, those Japs didn't just use ordinary artillery shells in World War II.

Don't worry, this is a very simple mechanism, and it won't be too difficult to deal with. The security guard said as he manipulated his tools. The other party seemed to have left in a hurry and had no time to design a complex defense system.

The facts were just as the bomb disposal expert had judged before. It only took them ten minutes to successfully disarm the explosion trap on the door and open the door.

In fact, this trap was originally a very stealthy and powerful trap. Unfortunately, time has changed everything: the large holes corroded by rust on the door made it easy for Liang En and the others to see the structure of the trap and deal with it.

While the explosives were being detonated ahead, Liang En and the others also began to study the remains found in the previous passage, and found that their previous guesses were wrong. These people did not look like forced laborers.

This judgment is made because on the one hand, these people's teeth are very well maintained and they do not look like laborers who suffered abuse.

On the other hand, gold teeth, rings, and a piece of Thousand Person Needle with less than 30% of the original content were found on these remains, and these things are absolutely impossible to appear on the bodies of workers.

This may be an armed Japanese national, or it may be directly a Japanese soldier. Liang En said in a low voice while looking at the examination results of the body. I prefer the latter, because fragments of the Thousand People's Needle were found here.

The thousand-person needle is a kind of amulet in Japanese culture, about one meter long, with one thousand women sewing one stitch each. Thousand-person needles are gifts given by Japanese women at home to soldiers before they leave, to bless the soldiers' long military fortunes.

This habit began at the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, and Japanese officials began to consider it a superstition. However, after World War II, Japanese militarists came to power and began to encourage the production of such items.

In addition to the Japanese army, the 442nd Regiment of the US Army, which is composed of Japanese, also has this kind of habit. After the war, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces were given these gadgets when they went to Iraq to perform all peacekeeping missions.

In other words, as long as you see this thing, it is basically related to the Japanese army, so it is confirmed from the side that the treasure hidden in this place should be very important, even to the point where the Japanese need to kill their own people to silence them.

After the brief explanation, the bomb disposal work was successfully completed. After confirming that there were no other traps, Liang En let most people disperse, while he, Joan of Arc and two other security personnel walked into the room wearing fully enclosed protective suits.

This thing is a mustard gas shell, it should be used by the Type 99 81mm mortar. Liang En said after briefly checking the shell, and then turned his attention to a corpse on the side.

Unlike the outside world, the environmental impact faced by this body is much smaller, so the overall preservation condition is good, and it can roughly be seen who the deceased was and what he did during his lifetime.

No wonder I said this explosion trap is strange. Now it seems that the Japanese officer set the bomb directly in the warehouse and then committed suicide. The previous EOD personnel said while looking at the remains.

Although only the clothes on top are left in tatters, it can be seen from the remaining parts that the lieutenant committed suicide. After all, the bullet holes in the temple and the pistol in his hand can explain some problems.

This guy should have snatched this pistol. Unfortunately, we will never know who the original owner of this gun was. After briefly checking the deceased's belongings, he immediately realized that this was not the other person. of a gun.

This judgment is because the saber carried by the other party is a cheap machine-made weapon, which proves that the conditions of the other party's family are very average, and they are not rich people with family inheritance.

During World War II, a low-level officer in the Japanese army did not have a lot of salary. He could barely afford to buy a private gun, but he definitely did not have enough money to buy this carved nickel-plated Browning with an ivory grip. m1910 pistol.

The most important thing is that after carefully inspecting this well-preserved pistol, Liang En saw the word Zhang on the sleeve of the pistol, which was probably stolen from a Chinese.

After checking the pile of bones at the entrance, the four people continued walking along the passage. At this time, small rooms appeared one after another on both sides of the road.

There were no signs on the doors of these rooms, but after entering the rooms, they could see that there were bunk beds, tables, chairs, and things similar to shelves.

Other than that, these rooms were empty. There was no garbage inside, and there were no materials that seemed to be of use value. There was not even a bit of metal left except for the nails on the furniture.

It can be inferred from this that the Japanese who left here must have evacuated here in a planned way, and it was most likely an era of scarcity of supplies at the end of World War II, so this place is as clean as a dog licking it.

This passage is not long, only about fifteen or six meters in length, and there are not many houses on both sides, so after checking the six houses on both sides of the passage, they quickly came to the door at the end. forward.

Why is it a wooden door? Jeanne frowned after looking at the wooden door nailed together in the corridor camera. This base feels really weird.

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