It is not difficult to apply for a license from the Philippines. Although Liang En feels that the scale of his business in the Philippines is not large, it is completely noteworthy to Philippine officials.

After all, a company that can solve the work of thousands of people at once is definitely worthy of attention in an agricultural region like the southern Philippines, so when he went through these procedures, it was obviously simpler and faster than normal.

In fact, the regulations in this regard in the Philippines are very simple. You only need to pay a handling fee of 10,000 pesos (approximately RMB 1,400) and obtain a permit from the National Museum of the Philippines before you can excavate.

As for the things excavated, only part of the tax needs to be paid. The wealth can be owned by the individual and does not need to be handed over in most cases.

As for Liang En's need to hand it over last time, it was purely because he dug up controlled psychotropic substances and weapons, so he needed to hand it over. This would not be necessary if he really found the treasure.

But just because the officials have it done doesn't mean that the next thing will be easy. For example, organizing the treasure hunting team is a big problem. Fortunately, there is a White Knight training base here, so there is no need to transfer people from Europe.

As we all know, the local security in the Philippines is not very good. Except for a few areas, the overall security can basically be relied on by ourselves.

Therefore, Liang En and the others had established such a large industry in this area and naturally had corresponding security measures. At first, they hired security personnel, but as the scale of the industry expanded, the white knights also became involved.

Currently, the security work at Liang En Plantation is handled by two groups of people. One is the security team, or militia, that they were allowed to form after applying, which is staffed by farm workers part-time.

As for the other part, they are professional armed personnel from White Knight Security. After Liang En and the others expanded their industries here, White Knight Security Company also built its own base here.

Compared with Guatemala, this area is obviously much safer. The most important thing is that the various costs are much lower than in places like Guatemala.

So after considering the mission cost and a series of reasons, they simply established a training base for the security company not far from Liang En's plantation.

Of course, in addition to building a training base here, the White Knights also recruit some local security personnel in the Philippines to take charge of security work, and some will even be dispatched to Guatemala.

Although the overall combat effectiveness of Filipinos is relatively average, it is much stronger than that of Central Americans anyway, especially since the White Knight Company emphasizes equal pay for equal work.

Therefore, in the face of high income, Filipinos are remarkable in terms of combat effectiveness and loyalty. At least according to feedback from various places, they need more Filipino security personnel to be responsible for general security work.

So after Liang En and the others issued the order, the training base here quickly dispatched an entire security team, consisting of five instructors from the headquarters and ten local security personnel.

Along with these professionals, a series of protective and laboratory materials were shipped from Europe. After all, considering the morality of the devils, it would be troublesome if there were biological and chemical weapons.

After making all preparations, more than a dozen people drove several off-road vehicles to the previous area. They all carried items needed for excavation and camping as well as their own weapons in their vehicles.

Taking into account everyone's previous training and the problem of replenishing local weapons and ammunition, the weapons they used were all European and American weapons:

Most people used HK416 assault rifles, while others used SR-25 sniper rifles and M240 general-purpose machine guns, forming echelon firepower.

To be honest, these weapons are very sophisticated weapons. The only problem is that the price is relatively high. But for White Knight Security Company, price is the least concerning issue.

After all, the White Knight Security Company follows an elite route and has no plans to expand on a large scale in the short term. Therefore, if you want to use the limited manpower to exert sufficient strength at this time, you must let everyone exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

Sophisticated equipment is a very direct way to improve everyone's overall combat level, especially for people like Liang En and others who have sufficient funds, this improvement is easier.

Soon, they came to a small plantation that they had rented in advance. The owner of the plantation took a sum of money and left quickly. The plantation was theirs for the next month.

After entering the manor, they first repaired it, and then began to analyze where the Japs had hidden the things if they really hid them.

After taking out a small-scale map for comparison, Liang En quickly identified several suspicious locations.

This location is located in a small valley and looks inconspicuous. However, according to the oral accounts of several people in different locations, if they are telling the truth, this is the most likely location to hide the treasure.

You are right, this place is indeed more suitable. Joan of Arc said after carefully looking at the terrain map.

If I remember correctly, the entire process of hiding the treasure took a very short time, which means they would most likely drive their car near the treasure hiding place and then hide the items directly into the treasure house.

Yes, so we will go in directly by car. If our off-road vehicle can go in, then it is possible that the group of devils could drive into this area.

After completing the repairs, they quickly drove towards the target. They left the original road and headed towards the valley closer inland.

Stop. Just as they turned a corner and came to the edge of a hill, Liang En suddenly called out. Then he and Jeanne got off the car and walked towards the top of the mountain not far away.

From the map, this hill was a high point from which the valley could be seen in detail, and that was indeed the case.

Soon the two people reached the top of the mountain and looked towards the valley. After a while, they both nodded at the same time with understanding expressions.

Is this here? Joan turned her head and looked at Liang En and asked.

No problem, it should be here. Liang En nodded seriously. Although as a tropical rainforest, vegetation grows very quickly, you can still see some abnormal places here.

Although the vegetation in the entire area looks lush and lush after more than half a century of ups and downs, some things can still be seen, such as the color and height of the trees.

The different colors are due to deviations in plant height caused by surface plant species and soil fertility problems, which will produce visual differences under the sun. For example, the darker and lighter colors on the football field lawn are created in this way.

And right in that valley, on the westward slope of the mountain range to the east, there is a piece of vegetation whose color is quite different from the surroundings. It looks as if it has been suddenly painted over by a painter.

After identifying the suspicious location, they quickly drove down the mountain to continue their journey. However, the next journey was obviously much more difficult, so it took them more than an hour to reach the final distance of less than 5km.

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