Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 697 Treasure Hidden in the Philippines

Many times important clues are not hidden, but are laid out in plain sight, but it is definitely not an easy task to get what you want from these scattered information.

Especially when this kind of big data analysis work cannot use AI and can only rely on manual inspection, the problem is even more prominent. After all, humans are not machines, and it is difficult to maintain the best condition all the time.

Fortunately, as a historical follower, Joan of Arc's mental stability is much higher than that of normal humans. In addition, she has learned a lot of knowledge in this area while studying with Liang En, so she can check these contents stably.

Look, these documents can be verified by each other. On the second day of the inspection, Joan of Arc gathered the three documents in front of Liang En and said.

These information all point to a mountainous area in the Caraga region in eastern Mindanao. According to the information, people from different areas around this place have talked about some heavily guarded vehicles passing there during World War II.

There is also a document stating that a convoy in the same area was wiped out by US air strikes at almost the same time, which in turn confirms the existence of this team.

If this is the case, the possibility that there are some treasures hidden in that place is not small. Liang En said after carefully checking these documents. This is also very possible from the perspective of known history.

During World War II, each Axis power had records of plundering wealth from the occupied territories in a systematic and large-scale manner. For example, the German Guards had an organization called the Foreign Exchange Protection Department responsible for plundering wealth.

Of course, the Japanese were no exception. While invading Asian countries with force, they also secretly launched a wealth-plundering plan called the Golden Lily Plan. The important participants in organizing this operation were all members of the Japanese royal family.

In fact, since the beginning of World War II, the upper echelons of Japan have already made plans to defeat the war. Therefore, the Golden Lily Plan actually left a way out for a war that Japan was not sure of, and could ensure the long-term prosperity of the Japanese chaebol and royal family.

At the beginning of the Pacific War, the headquarters of the Golden Lily Society was placed in Singapore. In 1943, it was moved to Luzon Island in the Philippines.

The reason for making this choice was that by 1943, the Japanese's decline had been revealed, but it had not yet been fully revealed. They had always hoped to reach a conditional armistice with the United States.

These armistices included the retention of the Philippines, or at least the most valuable northern part of the Philippines, so the Golden Lily would naturally keep its gold in this area until the end of the war.

No one knows how much this wealth is. What is known is that the wealth accumulated by Chinese families in Southeast Asia over hundreds of years has basically been robbed.

As for the whereabouts of these treasures, there is no definite answer. It can only be confirmed that they have basically not been returned to their original owners.

According to the analysis of various clues, this wealth is mainly divided into four parts, one and the most important part of which flowed into Japan, prompting Japan's rapid recovery in just seven years after the war.

The second part was plundered by the Americans. As for the specific whereabouts, no one knows, or it can be said that everyone who is long in this area is basically lying in the grave.

The third part is that after the independence of the Philippines, the Marcos family, the then president's family, took a lot of money for themselves. After all, their family property exceeded 10 billion US dollars in the 1980s. People have always said that they obtained the treasures of the Japanese during World War II.

As for the last part, it still stays in the original place. After all, the Japanese retreated in a hurry at the end of World War II, so it is very normal that some secret treasures have not been discovered.

Do you think there is a hidden treasure here that has not been discovered? After listening to Liang En's simple analysis, Joan of Arc asked curiously. After all, the Japanese, Americans and Filipinos had searched these locations repeatedly.

I think there may be treasures, because this is not Luzon Island. For the Philippines, the south is a relatively remote place, so people don't pay much attention to this area.

So according to my guess, the Japanese did not actually focus on this area back then, so it is normal for this part to be missed in subsequent searches.

Of course, there may not be many things hidden here. Liang En said, pointing to the three documents that were specially found, It was mentioned in them that the other party only used three or four trucks to transport things. Also each transport only lasted half the night.”

Your analysis is very reasonable, but I have one last question here. Joan of Arc nodded, That's why these Japanese people hide gold overseas instead of bringing it back to Japan?

It was easy for her to have this question, because at least thousands of tons of gold were a huge wealth for any country. In this case, it always seemed very strange to leave it in the occupied zone like this.

Because for the Japanese at that time, their maritime transportation had been basically cut off by the US military. Liang En explained the story to Joan of Arc.

Although Joan of Arc was once a French marshal, she didn't know much about modern warfare, so she needed Liang En to explain it clearly to him sometimes.

Modern war requires a lot of various materials, and for Japan, a country that imports materials, many things come before gold during the war. 1,000 tons of gold is probably not as important as 1,000 tons of rubber or 1,000 tons of oil. .

After all, unlike Germany, which was able to trade with Spain, Sweden or Switzerland, which were said to be neutral at the time, Japan had no overseas trade at all during World War II and simply plundered the occupied areas. There is no use asking for gold.

Therefore, this has led to Japan's abnormal shortage of various materials. Taking fuel as an example, Japan's oil shortage has reached a very severe point in the late World War II. Even pine roots were collected across the country to make turpentine.

But this kind of fuel is simply useless. Taking airplanes as an example, Japanese pilots found that airplanes can only fly levelly if pineapple is added to the fuel. Any large maneuvers will cause the engine to stall in mid-air.

Even the Yamato, which was regarded as Japan's decisive weapon, only carried one-way fuel for a suicide attack in its last sortie. From this, we can see the extent of the Japanese's lack of supplies at that time.

Not to mention that the Japanese escort system during World War II could be said to be extremely bad. At least half of the supplies were sent to the bottom of the sea by the Americans during shipping. Therefore, the Japanese stopped transportation after sinking several ships.

If you put it that way, it makes sense for the gold to stay in the Philippines. Joan of Arc nodded. Then what should we do next? Go directly to the mountainous area to the east to dig?

No, we'd better make preparations in advance, such as applying for an excavation permit and finding enough security personnel. Liang En said with a smile.

The wilderness here is much more dangerous than the wilderness in Europe. There are not only animals, diseases, but also people with malicious intentions, so if we want to set off, we must be fully prepared, especially safety preparations.

After all, they are devils. The characteristic of this group of guys is that there is basically no lower limit, so there are likely to be a lot of dangerous items in this kind of treasure hiding place. Sufficient professionals and professional materials must be prepared to ensure safety.

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