Just over an hour after the call was made, Liang En and the others heard the sound of an engine in the distant sky, and then everyone saw a medium-sized helicopter flying in from a distance.

Why is it a helicopter coming over? Liang En looked up at the helicopter with a puzzled expression, because according to the prior agreement, it should be a seaplane coming over.

Soon the helicopter approached Liang En's camp. At this time, he was surprised to find that the helicopter had red and white paint on it. It should be an aircraft belonging to the Canadian police.

Soon, the plane came and circled over Liang En's camp for several times, then found a flat piece of land by the lake and landed.

Mr. Police Officer, what can I do for you? After watching a middle-aged policeman wearing a helmet and dark blue police uniform step out of the helicopter, Liang En and Jeanne stepped forward and asked.

We have something to ask you. The policeman nodded, then looked at the camp and said, Can you tell me what you have been doing in the past week?

The time we came here was mainly dealing with the Brown expedition that disappeared in 1923. Before that, we had completed all the project application and approval procedures-

After hearing the other party's question, Liang En immediately motioned to Jeanne to hand over the information she had processed before, and at the same time explained the reason for her appearance here.

After reading the information provided by Liang En and the others, the policeman spoke a few words into the walkie-talkie, and soon the people on the helicopter behind him also relaxed.

The chaos in Canada's wilderness is basically a recognized fact in Canada, so these police officers also know how dangerous the Canadian wilderness is, not to mention that except for Liang En and Joan of Arc, this team is all young and middle-aged men with weapons.

Therefore, when the policeman was negotiating with Liang En and the others, the people on the helicopter were all holding weapons and looking at Liang En and the others very nervously, for fear of any conflict.

This is why it was Liang En and Jeanne who came forward to negotiate before. After all, compared to other big and thick guys, the combination of an Asian and a girl feels safer.

Soon, another person got off the plane to check whether Liang En's discovery and the weapons they carried could match what was declared in the previous declaration. The police officer asked Liang En about the previous few incidents. That explosion in the sky.

Yes, it was night. We heard explosions and saw fire in the camp area. Liang En nodded and said, My security personnel are all soldiers who have experienced war. They told me that the explosion was caused by Caused by explosives.”

Then did you find anything wrong? For example, have you seen any unexpected people or special things. After hearing Liang En's answer, the police officer nodded and asked.

In fact, the previous explosion caused a fire that quickly attracted the attention of the police, so they launched an investigation immediately after putting out the fire.

Because no one could have imagined that a raven would complete a series of very delicate operations to detonate explosives, in the eyes of the police, this was caused by an accident.

After all, after investigating the scene, the police did not find any signs of external force. It seemed that it was an accidental explosion caused by problems with the storage of explosives.

It's just that unlike Liang En and others, this Thule Association team has not reported any weapons or explosives, and there are even some obvious violations.

More importantly, after further investigation, the police found that at least half of this group of people used fake documents, and this, combined with the previous illegal weapons, caused the entire incident to receive a much higher level of attention.

For this reason, when the police were communicating with Liang En and the others, they began to ask them if they had any previous clues related to the explosion or that group of people.

Since there is no clear evidence, Liang En will naturally not tell the police about the grievances between his side and the Thule Association. After all, doing so has no meaning other than getting himself into trouble.

Fortunately, the police didn't think there was any connection between Liang En's team and the previous group of guys who illegally carried explosives but failed to get it right and blew themselves up. After all, the two sides were too far apart.

So after having a simple exchange and confirming that the weapons and ammunition carried by Liang En and the others could correspond to the previously declared items, the two police officers said hello to Liang En and the others and got on the helicopter and left.

It seems that those damn attackers have been punished by God. After the helicopter left, Fan Meng smiled and said to Liang En, It seems that we don't need to worry about those attackers anymore.

Although the Thule Association is a large organization, an elite team like this is definitely not easy to come up with, so for Liang En and the others, the next journey suddenly became safe.

You are right, so we can focus on the next step of exploration. Liang En nodded in support. Take a day off today to deal with the next things, and you can set off early tomorrow morning.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon that day, a seaplane landed in the lake not far away, and then a kayak was put down on the plane to start supply and transfer work.

These supplies are mainly food and consumables. In addition, there is a geologist and his assistant. After all, for gold mine search work, the addition of some professionals is very important.

On the other hand, Liang En and the others also sent the found remains and relics of the Brown expedition to the plane. These items will be sent to Ottawa as quickly as possible and then transported back to the UK.

In addition to these items, Liang En also wrote a letter asking the staff on the plane to take it back to Ottawa and give it to the people sent by the Golden Dawn here, asking the Golden Dawn to help investigate the lucrative gold rush in the Yukon in 1923. or information.

That evening, everyone used the newly delivered supplies to welcome the two geological expedition team members who had arrived in a hurry in the afternoon, and then began to discuss the next search target.

Judging from the evidence found previously, the gold mine should be near this aboriginal settlement, and this is probably why the so-called gold diggers chose to completely eliminate this tribe and the Brown Adventure Team.

The gold collected by this aboriginal tribe should have been obtained from the small river a few hundred meters away. The geologist known as Joey examined the gold Liang En obtained from the aboriginal tribe and the Brown expedition The team said after finding the sample.

The gold mine is most likely in the upper reaches of this river, and it is very shallow from the surface. Otherwise, it would be impossible to find it based on the level of the expedition team a hundred years ago.

So for us, the next best option is to take a boat and carry out the search upstream along the river, so that we can search as wide a range as possible in a short time while saving effort.

This is indeed a good idea. Liang En nodded after listening to the geologist's suggestion. We will set off at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. I hope everything will go smoothly.

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