After breakfast the next morning, several people quickly packed up their equipment and left the camp by the lake. Then they came to the edge of the river more than 200 meters away to fill the inflatable boat that they had brought yesterday. After getting angry, we started the rest of our journey.

The width of this river is only about 15m, and the water depth is not even more than 1m. However, for Liang En and others who are riding a small kayak, this kind of river is just right for them.

Fortunately, yesterday's plane also brought enough marine engines, otherwise it would not be easy to go upstream. Listening to the vibration from the marine engines behind him, Liang En nodded with satisfaction .

How big do you think the gold mine can be? Looking at the trees on both sides of the river bank that were moving back, Jeanne asked a very important question.

I don't know, or no one knows this clearly. Liang En looked at the gold ore in his hand and shook his head slightly. What can only be determined is that the gold content of these ores is very high. At the same time, there is a high probability that this gold mine has not been discovered by anyone else.

But one thing I can be sure of is that if we can successfully find this gold mine, we will definitely make a fortune. After all, this area is more convenient for mining and transportation, and the mining cost will not be high.

In recent years, due to the overall international economic situation, the overall trend of gold prices in the international market has been rising, and mining gold mines is definitely a profitable thing.

Although the original scenery on both sides of the river looks extremely beautiful, and you can even take a random photo and use it as the background on your computer or mobile phone, but looking at these things all the time will soon make you bored.

Unlike previous exploration work, geological survey work requires repeated monotonous and repetitive work, so it is a test of patience for everyone present.

Every time the ship moved forward for a certain distance, the geologist named Joey asked everyone to stop the ship, and then took out the gold pan and started panning for gold.

“It feels like—there’s more and more gold.”

After collecting the last bit of gold dust on the gold pan again, Louis said in an uncertain tone.

This was the seventh hour after they set out. After nearly ten times of gold panning, they found that after each gold panning, the amount of gold under the gold pan was gradually increasing, and at the same time, the size of the particles seemed to be increasing. get bigger.

Your guess is right. After drying the gold powder with fire and weighing it, Liang En looked at the numbers displayed on the electronic scale and said, From a ratio perspective, the weight of gold filtered out per unit of sand and gravel is now It’s 20% more than when the downstream started.”

That is to say, we are getting closer and closer to the location of the gold mine. Louis showed an excited expression on his face, I hope we can find the target soon. I really want to see what the gold mine looks like.

Although everyone knew from Liang En that the gold mine looked no different from an ordinary mountain on the outside, almost everyone present wanted to see what a real gold mine looked like.

Especially after Liang En also announced that the gold found during this search would be used as bonuses for everyone, everyone seems to be in high spirits now.

However, the situation began to become complicated as they continued to move upstream, because the river began to have a large number of tributaries, which complicated their subsequent search work.

In order to find out where the gold came from, they had to go 20 to 30 meters into each tributary and then carefully conduct sampling and analysis.

Fortunately, they had five ships this time, so everyone could divide their forces into multiple groups for sampling and reconnaissance. However, even so, they still did not find the location of the target when night fell.

There are still split ends inside the split ends. This is really terrible. Fan Meng whispered after taking a sip of the freshly made thick soup made from dried vegetables, compressed biscuits and canned food.

I hope this river won't have so many forks in the future, otherwise we just can't find what we're looking for even if we're exhausted.

There should be no more forks. Liang En said while looking at the map. Next we will enter mountainous areas, where the river channels will be relatively fixed and easy to find.

Mr. Liang, I think if there are no accidents, we will find a reasonable source of this gold within three days. said geologist Joey who completed the calculation at this time.

Because judging from the samples we have collected now, the gold mine will not be too far away from the former Aboriginal settlements around the lake. Otherwise, it cannot explain why they were able to find such large particles of natural gold.

You are right, and the area where we bought the exploration rights is not particularly large. If we go further, we may find our previous exploration. If we find gold mines and want to buy them at that time, it will be better than ours. It’s much harder to imagine.”

The exploration rights to this gold mine were bought by Golden Dawn in the 1980s. At that time, excavation work in northern Canada had not yet begun, and neither gold, oil nor diamonds had been discovered.

Therefore, the land price here was very cheap at that time, and you could even buy dozens of square kilometers of exploration rights for a few million dollars. But now the land price in this area has increased dozens or hundreds of times, and it is very difficult to buy again. .

Early the next morning, Liang En and the others set out on the journey again, but just like what they had observed before, the terrain on both sides of the river gradually became steeper.

The water flow started to become faster, and the stones in the river became larger and larger. Listening to the increasingly louder sounds in the river, Louis became more and more nervous.

If this continues, we are likely to need to abandon the ship within a short period of time and move forward on foot, only to then move upriver on foot.

It's okay, it's good to be able to get here. Liang En smiled and said, At least we used the ship to go further than the Brown expedition.

Even though the external engine used by Liang En and their rubber boat was not very powerful, it was still stronger than human power anyway, so they drove the boat until they reached a canyon before stopping to move forward.

We can only move forward on foot. Fortunately, there are still roads on both sides of the river bank. After putting the boat away and hiding it nearby, Liang En took out his hiking pole and said. Hopefully we're not looking in the wrong direction this time.

What is this? After walking along the road for two or three hundred meters, Joan of Arc suddenly pointed at a pile of weeds on the roadside and said.

What? Liang En stopped and pointed towards the place where Jeanne pointed, and found that there were only some plants lingering in the corner. However, after careful inspection, he found that there seemed to be a U-shaped black thing there.

This is a horseshoe, but it's broken. Liang En picked up the horseshoe and inspected it before saying, And it's also a wrought iron product that's rare nowadays.

With the advancement of technology, the materials used in modern horseshoes have changed from wrought iron in the past to stainless steel, aluminum alloy and even titanium alloy, so traditional horseshoes like this are becoming increasingly rare.

Judging from the style, the horseshoe in Liang En's hand should be a product of the early 20th century. After all, the horseshoes produced at the industrial level at that time were obviously much rougher than modern horseshoes, which can basically be seen at a glance.

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