Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 686 Find the target

For archaeologists, the poor environment during archaeology can be said to be a very normal situation, but experiences like those excavated in Oriji still feel a bit difficult to describe.

In addition to the good remuneration given by Liang En, what was able to maintain everyone's morale now was also a very important reason why he and Joan of Arc took turns entering this small wetland to take the lead in digging.

But it must be said that the old mud in these wetlands smells so bad that even wearing a gas mask is unbearable. After all, various organic matter decays very slowly in this cold climate, so it will naturally form an unbearable smell.

However, thanks to this humid and anoxic environment, the overall preservation of the things previously hidden at the bottom of the wetland was much better than expected. In the afternoon of that day, they used probes and iron hooks to hook them up. A human remains.

The human remains are surprisingly well preserved, and the entire body has begun to mummify. From the clothing on the body, it can be seen that this person should be from the early 20th century.

As for the specific identity of the other party, it has not yet been determined. Even if the body is not rotten, the mummified body is naturally far from what this person looked like in life.

This corpse doesn't look like it died a century ago. Louis showed a curious expression as he watched the mummy being dug out of the wetland.

As a former Foreign Legion officer, he had seen corpses that died in various ways and at different times during his mission in Africa, but he had never seen such corpses that looked very fresh but were actually very old.

Yes, this is the magical thing about this thing called a swamp mummy. Liang En and Jeanne sorted out the relics on the body that could help determine the identity, and introduced it to the curious people around them.

The low-oxygen environment in the swamp and some special microorganisms can turn the human corpse into leather to prevent it from decaying. In the process, it will turn the skin of the corpse into leather.

After entering the 20th century, humans excavated many such mummies in Europe. The oldest mummies are from Denmark and are more than 6,000 years old.

While explaining the story, Liang En conducted a comprehensive search of the remains. As the testing work progressed, a large amount of information was confirmed.

The man they dug up now was a white male in his thirties, who should be a manual worker. Judging from the 4 or 5 bullet holes in his body, he should have been killed in the crossfire.

After further inspection, they determined that the money, rings on his hands and gold teeth in his mouth had all been taken away. This is quite in line with the style of those gold diggers.

The other person was wearing a set of outdoor expedition clothing common in the early 20th century, with a sweater underneath and a coat outside.

However, judging from the texture of the remaining parts of the sweater and coat, this person's status is not too high, and he is likely to be a laborer in the expedition team.

After completing the inspection, they placed the valuable items they found in a special box, then put the body into the body bag they had previously carried and zipped it up.

In the last step of the process, Joan of Arc took out a small Bible from her body, knelt on one knee beside the body, and then said the last prayer for the deceased.

As the first body was dug out, everyone was basically sure that this place was indeed one of the important targets they were looking for. With experience, their subsequent search and excavation progress was much faster.

The only one who can be directly identified is the cook, because he was the only black person in the entire expedition.

When they retrieved the sixth body the next day, they successfully retrieved their target, Mr. Brown. However, compared to the best-preserved first body, only half of this body was still intact. .

What's worse is that this half of the body is the lower body below the waist. As for the upper body, it has been completely turned into bones. It is basically impossible to tell the reason without professionals.

Fortunately, the murderer who killed these people only took away valuable items from these people before throwing the bodies into this small wetland, and did not take off their clothes, so it is not too difficult to confirm their identities. .

As for Mr. Brown, it was easy to confirm, because Mrs. Hannah told Liang En all the information about her grandfather that could be used for other purposes. In addition to his clothing, it also included various traces on his body.

The most important of these clues is about the injuries that Mr. Brown suffered back then. As a wild explorer, injuries are inevitable no matter how high his status is.

By examining the remains, Liang En found traces of broken and then healed marks on the opponent's right index finger, left arm forearm bone and three ribs, which also proved the opponent's identity.

Should we continue fishing? After confirming the identity of the deceased, Louis stepped forward and asked. After all, we have now accomplished our main goal of coming here.

Can everyone still persist? Liang En looked at each other and said, If you can persist, I think it is better to take these people back from here.

Of course everyone can insist. After hearing what Liang En said, Louis immediately gave a positive answer. As long as you give the order, we can hold on for at least more than a week.

Don't worry, it won't take so long, and the situation will be much better than imagined. Liang En said with a smile and waved his hand. This wetland is not very deep and is only the size of two basketball courts, so it is not difficult to fish out all 12 people.

Although it is said that digging is necessary to find those remains, the digging speed is not too slow when the soil is soft and the depth of less than half a meter needs to be dug.

Of course, the more important reason is that they are not doing archaeology this time, so they only need to ensure the integrity of the remains and do not need to consider the preservation of the surrounding environment. This way, the difficulty of excavation will naturally be much easier.

As the excavation work progressed, the speed of excavation also slowed down. This was not because everyone could not keep up, but because the search became more difficult.

Finally, on the fourth day after exhuming the first body, they found all the members of the Brown expedition. It seems that this wetland was completely regarded by the attackers as a good place to destroy corpses and eliminate traces.

In addition, they took advantage of their free time during the search to check it out. It was also confirmed that in addition to the dead aboriginals, there were also dead gold diggers among the ruins of that village.

This is not a surprising thing, after all, those gold diggers are not good people. So there is no need to expect them to be able to collect the remains of their companions, they can naturally dispose of them according to their convenience.

Because considering that the supplies carried have been used up, it is impossible to carry out subsequent search work with these remains. So Liang En directly contacted Golden Dawn and asked them to send a plane over to replenish supplies and take away the remains.

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